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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Fareed Zakaria advises President Obama on Foreign Policy and has been suspended several times for plagiarism. I'm not sure that I would buy his version of the economy right before an election. whistling.gif

Several times? Really? Link please. Zakaria is an important commentator. I don't think he deserves to be trashed without good grounds.


He was briefly suspended in August 2012 while Time and CNN investigated an allegation of plagiarism[7] involving an August 20 Zakaria column on gun control with similarities to a New Yorker article by Jill Lepore. In a statement issued on the CNN Global Public Square website, Zakaria apologized "unreservedly," saying that he had made "a terrible mistake," though not plagiarism.[8][9][10] Six days later, after a review of his research notes and years of prior commentary, Time and CNN reinstated Zakaria. Time described the incident as "isolated" and "unintentional"; and CNN said, “We found nothing that merited continuing the suspension."[11]
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I don't know his politics but Fareed Zakaria seems optimistic for USA.

The International Monetary Fund’s latest World Economic Outlook makes for gloomy reading. Growth projections have been revised downward almost everywhere, especially in Europe and the big emerging markets such as China. And yet, when looking out over the next four years — the next presidential term — the IMF projects that the United States will be the strongest of the world’s rich economies. U.S. growth is forecast to average 3 percent, much stronger than that of Germany or France (1.2 percent) or even Canada (2.3 percent). Increasingly, the evidence suggests that the United States has come out of the financial crisis of 2008 in better shape than its peers — because of the actions of its government.


The next president will reap the rewards of work already done. So it would be the ultimate irony if, having strongly criticized almost every measure that contributed to these positive tends, Mitt Romney ends up presiding over what he would surely call “the Romney recovery.”

Don't you wonder who Fareed Zakaria plagiarized this article from?

He made a mistake. That doesn't erase his past and present brilliance which is self evident. I am a great admirer of Mr. Zakaria.

I confess I don't know a great deal about Zakaria, but have seen him on CNN a few times and on a few discussion panels. He always seemed impressive and intelligent. I don't know if he's plagiarized anything before, but if so, I suppose he should receive an F for that specific work, but not be expelled from school?

*edit - ok, now I've read about the incident, and CNN and Time reinstated him after review, so in fact he was not guilty of plagiarism, at least according to those who brought the charges. But, let's go ahead an throw away his Harvard PhD, Yale undergrad and all the other impressive distinctions he's received because he's written something that is not good for Romney. rolleyes.gif

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I guess Sandy is coming into play

Both campaigns also canceled events in New Hampshire, which could face high winds and heavy rain.

'The last thing the president and I want to do is get in the way of anything. The most important thing is people's safety and people's health,' Vice President Joe Biden told campaign volunteers in Manchester, New Hampshire, before leaving for Ohio.

Officials in the path of the storm scrambled to ensure that extended power outages would not disrupt the early voting that appears to be critical for both candidates this year.

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He had better stay away from fundraisers in Vegas and playing golf for a few days.

Are they expecting a hurricane in Nevada too?

I think Obama has to act in such a way that the election is of secondary importance.

I'm not sure how Romney should act. unsure.png

No hurricane in Nevada so Obama would feel safe asking them for more of their hard-earned money to get him re-elected.

I agree Obama should act like the election is secondary importance, at least he must be thrilled it took his denying aid to ouir men in Benghazi out of the news - for now at least. Romney, as a candidate, probably shouldn't be expected to say or do much of anything, I'll be surprised if he says anything that helps him much though.

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I don't know his politics but Fareed Zakaria seems optimistic for USA.

U.S. growth is forecast to average 3 percent, much stronger than that of Germany or France (1.2 percent) or even Canada (2.3 percent). Increasingly, the evidence suggests that the United States has come out of the financial crisis of 2008 in better shape than its peers — because of the actions of its government.

The US had growth over 3.5% for three consecutive quarters AFTER Obama was elected and BEFORE his disastrous policies started to take effect.

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'The last thing the president and I want to do is get in the way of anything. The most important thing is people's safety and people's health,' Vice President Joe Biden told campaign volunteers in Manchester, New Hampshire, before leaving for Ohio.

Funny, Dems didn't buy that excuse from Bush when he didn't go on a tour after Katrina and they were busy rescuing people. Maybe Jon Stewart will dig up those videos of their criticism.

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Fareed Zakaria advises President Obama on Foreign Policy and has been suspended several times for plagiarism. I'm not sure that I would buy his version of the economy right before an election. whistling.gif
OK thanks for that. But is what he's saying, have any substance?
The US is better off than much of Europe, but I really doubt that it has much to do with Obama's policies.

Of course you do. As do the multitudes for whom it's a necessary truth that the dreary parts of the economy are caused by Obama and the healthy parts healthy despite him. It's a necessary truth. An article of faith if you will. Like our universe's creation 6,000 years ago and God endorsed rapes.

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This storm looks like a doozy. Bad luck for Romney, and very fortuitous for Obama. He just has to do his duty in a workmanlike manner, and he has that incumbent roll. Of course, another Katrina type response & he is toast maybe.

* I wonder if Fox News will accuse Obama of cloud seeding. cheesy.gif

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Off-topic posts have been deleted as well as replies.

I find it extremely offensive to have to wade through posts which do nothing but discredited any source not liked by a particular poster. Continue and YOU will get suspended.

It's off-topic and baits other posters into off-topic responses.

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Of course you do. As do the multitudes for whom it's a necessary truth that the dreary parts of the economy are caused by Obama and the healthy parts healthy despite him. It's a necessary truth. An article of faith if you will. Like our universe's creation 6,000 years ago and God endorsed rapes.



This is why Romney can keep chopping and changing what he says. People just take what he says that they agree with in and dismiss everything which doesn't.

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Fareed Zakaria advises President Obama on Foreign Policy and has been suspended several times for plagiarism. I'm not sure that I would buy his version of the economy right before an election. whistling.gif
OK thanks for that. But is what he's saying, have any substance?
The US is better off than much of Europe, but I really doubt that it has much to do with Obama's policies.

Of course you do. As do the multitudes for whom it's a necessary truth that the dreary parts of the economy are caused by Obama and the healthy parts healthy despite him. It's a necessary truth. An article of faith if you will. Like our universe's creation 6,000 years ago and God endorsed rapes.

Isn't the latter sentence Taliban policy? Just saying...

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This storm looks like a doozy. Bad luck for Romney, and very fortuitous for Obama. He just has to do his duty in a workmanlike manner, and he has that incumbent roll.

Obama? Do his duty? in a workmanlike manner? This is his duty, what he took an oath to do when sworn in.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I guess he can always claim that his "ability" is the reason he failed so horribly. If I'm wrong about that, why hasn't Obama run on his record of accomplishments the past 4 years?

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This storm looks like a doozy. Bad luck for Romney, and very fortuitous for Obama. He just has to do his duty in a workmanlike manner, and he has that incumbent roll.

Obama? Do his duty? in a workmanlike manner? This is his duty, what he took an oath to do when sworn in.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I guess he can always claim that his "ability" is the reason he failed so horribly. If I'm wrong about that, why hasn't Obama run on his record of accomplishments the past 4 years?

I don't disagree with you, Obama's record is flimsy. My point was that taking the helm firmly when the ship is in a storm only helps the incumbent at a time like this in the final days. It's the last impression they have when they go into the voting booth, not his performance in the first debate. wink.png

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This storm looks like a doozy. Bad luck for Romney, and very fortuitous for Obama. He just has to do his duty in a workmanlike manner, and he has that incumbent roll.

Obama? Do his duty? in a workmanlike manner? This is his duty, what he took an oath to do when sworn in.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I guess he can always claim that his "ability" is the reason he failed so horribly. If I'm wrong about that, why hasn't Obama run on his record of accomplishments the past 4 years?

I don't disagree with you, Obama's record is flimsy. My point was that taking the helm firmly when the ship is in a storm only helps the incumbent at a time like this in the final days. It's the last impression they have when they go into the voting booth, not his performance in the first debate. wink.png

True, I bet Obama has already calculated the risk he is personally taking and how it will affect his political future if the storm kills too many people.

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Obama isn't God. If the storm kills a lot of people how could anyone blame Obama? Obviously leadership is needed after natural disasters and with Bush setting the bar so low in Katrina, I like Obama's chances of performing well ...

As far as political calculations, ALL politicians make political calculations. I don't understand why Obama should be singled our for special demonization on that account.

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You know, thinking more about this, I don't see any way Romney comes off looking good if this disaster is as big as they are saying. If he campaigns, they will call him insensitive and an opportunist; if he stays quiet, Obama will steal the show; if he tries to insert himself in prescribing solutions he risks speaking from a position of an outsider, and will be roundly bashed.

This is a tough position for Romney.

*and if he criticizes the President's performance during the crisis, before all results are clear, he risks having egg on his face if proven wrong.

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The bipartisan Battleground Poll, in its “vote election model,” is projecting that Mitt Romney will defeat President Obama 52 percent to 47 percent. The poll also found that Romney has an even greater advantage among middle class voters, 52 percent to 45 percent.


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Obama isn't God. If the storm kills a lot of people how could anyone blame Obama? Obviously leadership is needed after natural disasters and with Bush setting the bar so low in Katrina, I like Obama's chances of performing well ...

As far as political calculations, ALL politicians make political calculations. I don't understand why Obama should be singled our for special demonization on that account.

Just watching Live Fox 5 in NYC press briefing with Governor Cuomo, and he has already started praising the Federal Government preparedness & help, calling it "outstanding" several times throughout the live briefing. Yup, he's a Democrat.

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Obama isn't God. If the storm kills a lot of people how could anyone blame Obama? Obviously leadership is needed after natural disasters and with Bush setting the bar so low in Katrina, I like Obama's chances of performing well ...

As far as political calculations, ALL politicians make political calculations. I don't understand why Obama should be singled our for special demonization on that account.

Just watching Live Fox 5 in NYC press briefing with Governor Cuomo, and he has already started praising the Federal Government preparedness & help, calling it "outstanding" several times throughout the live briefing. Yup, he's a Democrat.

Yes and Cuomo is definitely running for president in 2016 as well.

A storm this size impacting an estimated 60 million Americans the week leading to election day. This is unprecedented.

BTW, and this is really really rich now, Romney is on record as supporting ABOLISHING FEMA. You've got to know the Obama campaign is going to get that fact out very soon, probably in more discreet ways, but its a powerful message now. That's the severely conservative Romney. I don't think he will have a chance to Romnesia that one effectively in the middle of this crisis.

We knew this was going to be a high drama election but this really is a twist.

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Romney is on record as supporting ABOLISHING FEMA.

No he isn't. That is just spin from The Hufffington Post.

“Gov. Romney believes that states should be in charge of emergency management in responding to storms and other natural disasters in their jurisdictions,” Romney spokesman Ryan Williams said in a statement. “As the first responders, states are in the best position to aid affected individuals and communities, and to direct resources and assistance to where they are needed most. This includes help from the federal government and FEMA.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1012/83001.html#ixzz2AhZl2Qld

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See for yourself.

The Washington Post's Greg Sargent adds: "There’s another nugget here worth highlighting, though. In that appearance, Romney also suggested it would be 'even better' to send any and all responsibilities of the federal government 'to the private sector,' disaster response included. So: Romney essentially favored privatizing disaster response."
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/28/mitt-romney-fema_n_2036198.html Edited by Jingthing
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Romney is on record as supporting ABOLISHING FEMA.

No he isn't. That is just spin from The Hufffington Post.

“Gov. Romney believes that states should be in charge of emergency management in responding to storms and other natural disasters in their jurisdictions,” Romney spokesman Ryan Williams said in a statement. “As the first responders, states are in the best position to aid affected individuals and communities, and to direct resources and assistance to where they are needed most. This includes help from the federal government and FEMA.”

Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz2AhZl2Qld

He absolutely is, you know.

In June 2011, Mitt Romney said in a Republican primary debate that he “absolutely” thinks FEMA should be shut down, and disaster relief moved to the states.

Ryan Grim of the Huffington Post reported that Romney was asked by CNN’s John King if he thinks disaster relief would be better handled by the states. “Absolutely,” Romney said. “Every time you have an occasion to take something from the federal government and send it back to the states, that’s the right direction. And if you can go even further, and send it back to the private sector, that’s even better.”

“Including disaster relief, though?” King asked.

“We cannot — we cannot afford to do those things without jeopardizing the future for our kids,” Romney said. “It is simply immoral, in my view, for us to continue to rack up larger and larger debts and pass them on to our kids, knowing full well that we’ll all be dead and gone before it’s paid off. It makes no sense at all.”

I expect Romney was looking at the profit making possibilities of privatising disaster relief. You know, McDonalds and KFC can do the food, Walmart can do the blankets and sh*t.


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Maybe he can outsource disaster relief to China?

OK, "the big storm" and the election have emerged as related news events.

Check this out. The storm has already matched the low pressure readings of the Long Island Express storm of 1938 which was indeed historically severe.


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Seems like they are expecting 90 mph winds and bridges close at 60 mph. It's being described as the 'perfect storm'. Christie isn't mincing words with 'get the hell out now'. I saw Air Force 1 land in Washington and it was creating waves, it looks like night time in Washington. The HMS Bounty off the coast of Carolina has now sunk. It sounds quite grim and I hope people are sensible and try to keep safe.

As for the 'race' I can't see how any of this can possibly benefit Romney. Obama has given up visiting key states and returned to Washington to give this priority, as he should. This will be his last opportunity to actually look like a president, whilst all Romney can do is say 'our thoughts and prayers are with you'.

Maryland is bracing itself now.

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