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Poll: Obama Leading Romney 49% To 46% Ahead Of Second Debate


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Fire some clerk in the Obama campaign. Case closed. It's not a big deal to people who care about big issues that matter to the people. If you say there are no clerical errors in the Romney campaign, I'll take your word, because I don't care. That issue is beyond trivial. It's silly.

Big bird is silly. Binders of women is silly. Romnesia is silly. What the Obama campaign is doing is illegal...no ifs, ands, or buts.

The Obama campaign is willfully breaking the law in order to steal the election and there is proof to back it up. Obama will be fine, he'll do what he has always done - throw people under the bus. Maybe Axelrod will disappear from his admin if Obama wins and it will explained away as something health related (as in damp prison cells give him respiratory problems).

The best thing for the country is for Obama to lose. Otherwise, the Republican-controlled House will be the only ones in Washington DC doing their Constitutional duty by investigating the most recent crimes of Obama - from denying aid to our people in Benghazi in order to protect his selfish interests, to hundreds or thousands of counts of breaking the law against accepting foreign money to fuel his campaign. The impeachment proceedings, while generally welcomed by more Americans than the total population of most countries, will be a distraction from fixing the problems of the country. However, if it is Obama in the White House, that distraction might be the only thing saving us from four more years of his "leading from behind" and failed policies.

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About time you guys had a third party.

In the US there are actually Five Major parties

But they are not really allowed to equally take part in the actual race,

Never allowed at debates & for the most part ignored by MSM

Democratic Party Founded 1828

Republican Party Founded 1854

Libertarian Party Founded 1971

Green Party Founded 1991

Constitution Party Founded 1992

Thanks for this, but why can't they take part in the race or debates?

Why should it be just two?

Because the Obama and Romney lawyers don't want them to take part.

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Interesting watching Fox this morning. I remember a well known Fleet Street editor saying that all Eds hate big bad news stories - ad revenue disappears, because no-one wants to be puffing their products admist doom and gloom (all to do with the subliminal associations).

So there are Fox going on about the doom and gloom of Superstorm Sandy being responsible for deaths and destruction, but they had to get their "Romney doing well in Ohio" pump in as well.

Nice one, Fox.


A long time ago, I learned if I was watching something I didn't like, the "off" and/or "channel select" button worked very well.

Hence, my knowledge of MSNBC is limited by my choice. Nobody is holding a gun to my head to watch a particular channel.

Unfortunately I can't get MSNBC for another three hours, but I'll be sure to tune in. For now it's NBC News or Fox, and NBC seem to be pretty well sticking to the most important news story of the day in the US.

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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

Ya reckon?

I have no problem with there being biased media. Fox is obviously the standard bearer of the right and it's ideas. But to claim control is a bit rich for both sides.

I think fox is dumb, but I'd never say it was controlled by the GOP. Sympathetic yes. Controlled no.

Edited by samran
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Thanks for this, but why can't they take part in the race or debates?

Why should it be just two?

As much as I would like to say it is the Big $$$ that controls all

Or say there is no free press, but that they are owned & those who own support their choice

ignoring all others.

Or even to blame it on the two major parties candidates themselves for killing the competition rather than being

bold & fair and inviting them to the debates.

While all three reasons may be true,

No I am sorry to say ultimately it is not from any fault in the system itself, but from the fault of the body of citizens themselves.

It is they that have conceded defeat & accepted limitations.

Edited by mania
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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

Ya reckon?

I have no problem with there being biased media. Fox is obviously the standard bearer of the right and it's ideas. But to claim control is a bit rich for both sides.

I think fox is dumb, but I'd never say it was controlled by the GOP. Sympathetic yes. Controlled no.

You can safely say Fox's owner is a big fan of the same tax loopholes Romney likes. So it sort of explains their almost religious zeal in wanting him elected.

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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

I have no problem with there being biased media.

Fox New and MSNBC are biased and make no bones about it. It is the Networks that pretend not to be and fool a lot of voters that worry me.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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The Dems and their media lackeys are doing their utmost to paint a misleading picture of the polls. In addition rightly fearing the deaths of U.S diplomats in Libya will stick to Obama I note that Hillary has taken a bullet for the Emperor.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she takes responsibility for the failure in security at the US consulate in Benghazi, where the US ambassador to Libya was killed last month.

I suppose it's too much to hope that she actually resigns now that she has accepted responsibilitry for the murder of 4 Americans including an ambassador!

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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

Ya reckon?

I have no problem with there being biased media. Fox is obviously the standard bearer of the right and it's ideas. But to claim control is a bit rich for both sides.

I think fox is dumb, but I'd never say it was controlled by the GOP. Sympathetic yes. Controlled no.

Fox is on the side of the GOP.

ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, NPR are on the side of the Democrats.

That's about fair since one conservative can hold his own against five liberals.

Maybe Obama doesn't control the media that loves him so, maybe control isn't the right word. But no one is denying that they only do stories that support Obama - unless it is sooooo obvious like his first debate disaster. Even they couldn't pretend that didn't exist.

Even whoever posts threads to this World News forum is pro-Obama. Off the top of my head, the last three US Political threads have been "Obama leads in the polls prior to 2nd debate" (nothing about his historic poll meltdown), "Colin Powell endorses Obama" (what a minor story) and "Whack job Trump offers stupid $5 million birther bribe". That's why "the world" thinks Obama is so great, they mostly get only the pro-Obama stories.

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Interesting watching Fox this morning. I remember a well known Fleet Street editor saying that all Eds hate big bad news stories - ad revenue disappears, because no-one wants to be puffing their products admist doom and gloom (all to do with the subliminal associations).

So there are Fox going on about the doom and gloom of Superstorm Sandy being responsible for deaths and destruction, but they had to get their "Romney doing well in Ohio" pump in as well.

Nice one, Fox.


A long time ago, I learned if I was watching something I didn't like, the "off" and/or "channel select" button worked very well.

Hence, my knowledge of MSNBC is limited by my choice. Nobody is holding a gun to my head to watch a particular channel.

Unfortunately I can't get MSNBC for another three hours, but I'll be sure to tune in. For now it's NBC News or Fox, and NBC seem to be pretty well sticking to the most important news story of the day in the US.

Assuming you do mean the storm, Fox is on that constantly.

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During this storm, when the candidates and VPs have to give the appearance of non-campaigning, it's nice to have a loved former President surrogate do the heavy lifting for you. The democrats are fortunate in that their recent 2 term President does not sit in disgrace, and that they have not expunged their recent former President from the public's consciousness, rather they have embraced it. Too bad for Romney/Ryan....

DENVER (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to campaign in Denver and Aurora after President Barack Obama canceled a Colorado Springs event Tuesday due to Hurricane Sandy.

The storm has thrown the election into even greater turmoil. Obama is grounded in Washington, D.C., where he will be relying on the former president, known in political circles as "The Big Dog," to carry his message on Tuesday.

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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

Ya reckon?

I have no problem with there being biased media. Fox is obviously the standard bearer of the right and it's ideas. But to claim control is a bit rich for both sides.

I think fox is dumb, but I'd never say it was controlled by the GOP. Sympathetic yes. Controlled no.

Fox is on the side of the GOP.

ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, NPR are on the side of the Democrats.

That's about fair since one conservative can hold his own against five liberals.

Maybe Obama doesn't control the media that loves him so, maybe control isn't the right word. But no one is denying that they only do stories that support Obama - unless it is sooooo obvious like his first debate disaster. Even they couldn't pretend that didn't exist.

Even whoever posts threads to this World News forum is pro-Obama. Off the top of my head, the last three US Political threads have been "Obama leads in the polls prior to 2nd debate" (nothing about his historic poll meltdown), "Colin Powell endorses Obama" (what a minor story) and "Whack job Trump offers stupid $5 million birther bribe". That's why "the world" thinks Obama is so great, they mostly get only the pro-Obama stories.

Even the media in other countries is pro Obama.

I only get ABC ( Oz ), BBC and Al Jazeera as well as Fox, but certainly ABC and BBC seem biased to Obama, ABC rabidly so, but that's not surprising from the most PC channel I have ever seen.

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Fox New and MSNBC are biased and make no bones about it. It is the Networks that pretend not to be and fool a lot of voters that worry me.

If you have your own bias it's extremely easy to attribute such things. I don't see it myself.

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During this storm, when the candidates and VPs have to give the appearance of non-campaigning, it's nice to have a loved former President surrogate do the heavy lifting for you. The democrats are fortunate in that their recent 2 term President does not sit in disgrace, and that they have not expunged their recent former President from the public's consciousness, rather they have embraced it. Too bad for Romney/Ryan....

Yeah, too bad. While the Super Storm strikes, Obama's iPod playlist interview is playing on the radio in Ohio. While New York floods, the emperor gets down to Stevie Wonder. The man is out of touch with the suffering of his own citizens.

As Hurricane Sandy barreled toward the Mid-Atlantic this morning, and the White House scrambled to get the commander in chief back to Washington, President Obama could be heard on the radio airwaves in battleground Ohio talking about his iPod.

“I’ve got a pretty good mix. I’ve got old school. Stevie Wonder and James Brown. I’ve got Rolling Stones. Bob Dylan. And then I’ve got everything from Jay-Z to Eminem to the Fugees to you name it,” Obama told DJ E.J. Greig of Cincinnati’s 101.1 The Wiz....

Now, the key here is that this was a pre-recorded interview, but the danger is how many people hearing it are going to know that? It might or might not be an issue, but I'm sure Obama would rather they not play it now all the same.

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During this storm, when the candidates and VPs have to give the appearance of non-campaigning, it's nice to have a loved former President surrogate do the heavy lifting for you. The democrats are fortunate in that their recent 2 term President does not sit in disgrace, and that they have not expunged their recent former President from the public's consciousness, rather they have embraced it. Too bad for Romney/Ryan....

DENVER (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to campaign in Denver and Aurora after President Barack Obama canceled a Colorado Springs event Tuesday due to Hurricane Sandy.

The storm has thrown the election into even greater turmoil. Obama is grounded in Washington, D.C., where he will be relying on the former president, known in political circles as "The Big Dog," to carry his message on Tuesday.

I have to wonder just WHY Clinton is campaigning for Obama, given the appalling campaign Obama ran against Hillary.

BTW, goes to show what short memories people have, if they love Bill so much. Never mind him lying and throwing Lewinsky under the bus!

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Assuming you do mean the storm, Fox is on that constantly.

I have just switched back to Fox and in fact someone just being interviewed about the storm damage has just given Fox a bollocking live for trying to put a Presidential slant on it!

And now they've cut back to Lindsey Graham bleating on about Benghazi again.

So please don't use the word "constantly", like Romney and his policies, the only thing that's constant is that they are constantly flipping!

And I am watching it live. The only thing I don't get is their commercial breaks - they tend to show musical interludes, or health or business news fillers, on my provider.

No mention of the storm in the last ten minutes - their next segment is about the AARP and medicare. Then they're going to someone stuck on a cruise ship (oh, that must be hell!).

What are you watching?

Edited by Chicog
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During this storm, when the candidates and VPs have to give the appearance of non-campaigning, it's nice to have a loved former President surrogate do the heavy lifting for you. The democrats are fortunate in that their recent 2 term President does not sit in disgrace, and that they have not expunged their recent former President from the public's consciousness, rather they have embraced it. Too bad for Romney/Ryan....

DENVER (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton is scheduled to campaign in Denver and Aurora after President Barack Obama canceled a Colorado Springs event Tuesday due to Hurricane Sandy.

The storm has thrown the election into even greater turmoil. Obama is grounded in Washington, D.C., where he will be relying on the former president, known in political circles as "The Big Dog," to carry his message on Tuesday.

I have to wonder just WHY Clinton is campaigning for Obama, given the appalling campaign Obama ran against Hillary.

BTW, goes to show what short memories people have, if they love Bill so much. Never mind him lying and throwing Lewinsky under the bus!

I guess we just have to wait awhile longer and then the Republicans will bring Bush Jr. back in from the cold...well, maybe just a tad longer as maybe Jr.'s sins were a little more serious than Clinton's transgression of getting under desk service and lying about it.

Edited by keemapoot
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Ya reckon?

I have no problem with there being biased media. Fox is obviously the standard bearer of the right and it's ideas. But to claim control is a bit rich for both sides.

I think fox is dumb, but I'd never say it was controlled by the GOP. Sympathetic yes. Controlled no.

Fox is on the side of the GOP.

ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, NPR are on the side of the Democrats.

That's about fair since one conservative can hold his own against five liberals.

Maybe Obama doesn't control the media that loves him so, maybe control isn't the right word. But no one is denying that they only do stories that support Obama - unless it is sooooo obvious like his first debate disaster. Even they couldn't pretend that didn't exist.

Even whoever posts threads to this World News forum is pro-Obama. Off the top of my head, the last three US Political threads have been "Obama leads in the polls prior to 2nd debate" (nothing about his historic poll meltdown), "Colin Powell endorses Obama" (what a minor story) and "Whack job Trump offers stupid $5 million birther bribe". That's why "the world" thinks Obama is so great, they mostly get only the pro-Obama stories.

Even the media in other countries is pro Obama.

I only get ABC ( Oz ), BBC and Al Jazeera as well as Fox, but certainly ABC and BBC seem biased to Obama, ABC rabidly so, but that's not surprising from the most PC channel I have ever seen.

During the mid-90's I was living in Moscow. Newsweek magazine was one of my few English-language print media sources. It seemed they were always running articles about "bad" Republicans, and "good" Democrats. Then one of my roommates returned from America with a Newsweek that he had bought in the airport back home. I had bought the same issue in Moscow. In the American edition, there was a long article critical of Hillary Clinton (yeah, hard to believe), that article was missing from the international edition. No wonder non-Americans love Democrats so much.

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The Dems and their media lackeys are doing their utmost to paint a misleading picture of the polls. In addition rightly fearing the deaths of U.S diplomats in Libya will stick to Obama I note that Hillary has taken a bullet for the Emperor.


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she takes responsibility for the failure in security at the US consulate in Benghazi, where the US ambassador to Libya was killed last month.

I suppose it's too much to hope that she actually resigns now that she has accepted responsibilitry for the murder of 4 Americans including an ambassador!

Are you saying she murdered 4 Americans in Libya? That's incendiary talk and wildly off-base. Ms Clinton has wide responsibility for many people in many stations. It's a big world out there. There are hazards in many walks of life. If a coal miner gets killed are you going to say the head of the Coal Miners Union killed him? Get real.

I hope American military find and kill the killers of those diplomats on the day before the election. Incidentally, Nat'l Geographic is airing a new scecial made-for-TV movie about finding and killing O.Bin Laden. They're going to air it 2 days before the election. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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It could take 7-10 days to get power back on for hundreds of thousands of people in NYC. That could lead to lower voter turnout in a highly Democrat part of the state. It would be way too bizarre if Romney won New York because turnout was so low in New York City due to the storm aftermath. As much as I would love that, I still wouldn't blame the Obama campaign from complaining like crazy about it.

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Obama controlled media? Conspiracy theories don't become you there koheetsi.

I think what he means is a very biased media who are in the tank for Obama and are misusing their power to get him reelected.

Good golly. Usually, the version of this story is that it is the zionist controlled press behind everything, complete with some caricature of a "zionist" dangling a puppet. Quite a reversa,l as the media is presented as promoting a pro zionist stance , which translates into supporting the Romney camp because he's such a "keener" on Israel. The NYT endorsed Obama and the majority of Iowa newspapers endorsed Romney. So what?

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I guess we just have to wait awhile longer and then the Republicans will bring Bush Jr. back in from the cold...well, maybe just a tad longer as maybe Jr.'s sins were a little more serious than Clinton's transgression of getting under desk service and lying about it.

No need when you have the boss out and about. Cheney has been out actively campaigning for Romney.

And the storm is a blessing for Romney, because another GOP candidate has come out with an offensive position on abortion;

A Republican congressman has said that abortions should not be allowed even when the mother's life is at risk because of advances in "modern technology and science".Joe Walsh of Illinois told reporters on Thursday that "you can't find one instance" where it has been necessary to perform an abortion due to the risk to the mother's life, citing medical advances.

The comments have prompted criticism, with some comparing Walsh's remarks to fellow Republican Todd Akin's infamous assertion that "legitimate rape" rarely results in pregnancy. Walsh was speaking to reporters after defining himself as "pro-life without exception"Walsh was asked if he was saying it was never necessary to terminate a pregnancy to save a mother's life."Absolutely," he responded, according to WGN radio. As reported by The Guardian

With the storm news, this has been crowded off the front page.

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I have to wonder just WHY Clinton is campaigning for Obama, given the appalling campaign Obama ran against Hillary.

BTW, goes to show what short memories people have, if they love Bill so much. Never mind him lying and throwing Lewinsky under the bus!

I know you don't want a real answer, but here it is: Bill Clinton is a fine fellow and did a lot of good for America in his two terms as president. He's magninamous. Something few Republicans can relate to, as they're so busy hushing up their spokespeople, just months after they were the darlings of their party. If Romney is so great, how come he was passed over by McCain in 2008? All praise was for McCain and Palin, and not a peep was heard from or about Romney when he lost, just 4 years ago. Now, both McCain and Palin are admonished to make themselves scarce, and all praise is gushed toward Romney. When Romney loses, expect the same. The Republicans' do-no-wrong saviour of the moment - will be ushered to the dark recesses of the theatre, and another great-white-hope will be trotted out for all (Republicans) to lavish praise upon.

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It could take 7-10 days to get power back on for hundreds of thousands of people in NYC. That could lead to lower voter turnout in a highly Democrat part of the state. It would be way too bizarre if Romney won New York because turnout was so low in New York City due to the storm aftermath. As much as I would love that, I still wouldn't blame the Obama campaign from complaining like crazy about it.

I think it will go easier in NYC because the population is so dense and the polling pl;aces are usually within walking distance. The problem areas I think will be in NJ and Delaware. In any case, I think these states were so solidly voting Democrat, that the electoral college vote is secure and that's all that matters.

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I guess we just have to wait awhile longer and then the Republicans will bring Bush Jr. back in from the cold...well, maybe just a tad longer as maybe Jr.'s sins were a little more serious than Clinton's transgression of getting under desk service and lying about it.

No need when you have the boss out and about. Cheney has been out actively campaigning for Romney.

And the storm is a blessing for Romney, because another GOP candidate has come out with an offensive position on abortion;

A Republican congressman has said that abortions should not be allowed even when the mother's life is at risk because of advances in "modern technology and science".Joe Walsh of Illinois told reporters on Thursday that "you can't find one instance" where it has been necessary to perform an abortion due to the risk to the mother's life, citing medical advances.

The comments have prompted criticism, with some comparing Walsh's remarks to fellow Republican Todd Akin's infamous assertion that "legitimate rape" rarely results in pregnancy. Walsh was speaking to reporters after defining himself as "pro-life without exception"Walsh was asked if he was saying it was never necessary to terminate a pregnancy to save a mother's life."Absolutely," he responded, according to WGN radio. As reported by The Guardian

With the storm news, this has been crowded off the front page.

As much as you might wish it, Joe Walsh isn't running for president. Neither is Glenn Frey or Don Henley for that matter.

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@geriatric ^I've lost count of the number of Republican politicians saying Rape isn't rape, or a woman's body will reject the sperm of a rapist, or other such far right Christian nutcase comedy.

But, yes you are right that the storm might be a blessing for Romney, as I see he can continue his campaigning in Ohio without actually campaigning! Fox News reported he was busy as a bee attending to hurricane relief efforts at those important OHIO relief centers. cheesy.gif

and: Romney, the GOP presidential nominee, will be joined by race car driver Richard Petty and country singer Randy Owen at what is billed as a "storm relief event" in Kettering, Ohio. (Romney loves NASCAR because he is good friends with a few owners, and well, what Harvard educated lawyer doesn't love a good country music concert?)

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There is some thinking that this storm will hit Obama harder than Romney on election turnout. Could Obama try to delay the election to ensure Romney doesn't have an edge? It could be a legal mess:

A 2004 Congressional Research Service report notes that there is no constitutional instruction or federal law on postponing a federal election.

However, the report theorizes that presidential emergency power could be used to delay an election -- specifically, if "attacks, disruptions and destruction are so severe and so dangerous in certain localities, particularly in crowded urban areas, that the President under a rule of necessity may look to protect the public safety by federalizing State national guard and restricting movement and activities in such areas which would obviously affect the ability to conduct an election at those sites."


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I was actually going to ask if there is some kind of provision for delaying an election in case of natural disaster or something. But I would think it's going to be OK by election day, as the voluptuous Fox weather girl is reassuring everyone that it's a-heading north and them darned Canadians is going to get it in the neck!

I could imagine all sorts of lawsuits flying around if people felt they were denied their right to vote.

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