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Red Bull Heir Did 'coke' Before Bangkok Accident


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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where this case is going? just the word " consider " says it all! like should I consider wearing a helmet knowing it is the law?

This case smells of everyone grandstanding to look like they are doing something but in reality they are doing nothing! Clearly just another spoil rotten brat who one day will be the heir to red bull. Certainly the only bull I see is the Bullsh-t that is happening.

Whatever happen to the rich brat kid last year who drove down a Soi, with his 10 million baht car cut a 16 year girl in half? Is he picking up the soap or is he soaking in a hot tub in daddy house drinking and doing coke too, maybe these kids know each other and hangout together killing and lying?

I have a solution, give me 10 minutes with these kids!

Do you have a weapon. If not you might get hurt.tongue.png

Personally, I got mines I don't know about you? Not everyone like yourself that live here which I do take it up the butt because this is Thailand and people like you are too scared because of the so call BIB or the so call Mafia? There are more than one mafia in this world? Personally I live a low profile here and my motto is do as to others as they do to you! I also, when I have enough! I live by eye for a eye!

This is something that Thais don't seem to understand! They like to treat others like dirt but when they get treated the same way especially by a foreigner they cry foul! If this was my father on the motorbike that was killed, it would take more than 3 million baht to keep me quiet. I would expect justice by their law nothing less and if I don't get it I personally couldn't care less who the father know or who is protecting them I will be looking for payback and the first one in line will be this kid who will wish he was never borned!

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Regardless of the pertinent legal issues in connection with this needless accident I wonder how the relevant international entities feel about this. For example Red Bull in Austria now know they have a partner in Thailand who openly tries to avert the course of justice on behalf of his sons actions and this will surely have international repercusions and also Ferrari, who have a sole distributor in Thailand who by the actions of this family bring the Ferrari name into disrepute.Not to mention that their local technicians /mechanics were supposedly unable to lift the data from the vehicles black box.

It would appear that apathy is no longer a Thai perogative and it has spread globaly, at least amongst the priviledged.

It hasn't reached the tipping point yet.....if it ever will.

Red Bull (Austrian branch) is no doubt unhappy about the negative publicity regarding the "Red Bull heir" but they must be one of the most promoted products in the world. They sponsor every sport imaginable, so the publicity scales are in their favour. Ferrari likewise is a little embarrassed with the high-profile crashes in Asia but will laugh all the way to the bank.

but if it does reach that tipping point there will be repercussions for the family. All his sponsors stood by Lance Armstrong until the evidence was in, then they acted to distance themselves quickly. Human nature to do so, and good business practice also.

Most people outside Thailand have no idea that red bull us connected to a Thai family.

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Of course. But the real question is, when was the last time he did not do coke? How do you grow up as the son of one of the richest and most powerful men in the country, and become a normal, respectful, well intentioned human being? Which of course he is not. A Rockefeller, Kennedy, or Vanderbilt he is not. What kind of moral, and ethical system are the sons of billionaires taught in Thailand?

The Kennedy's were hardly bastions of moral fibre and good role models - unless you mean adultery and murder of course.

The super rich, poitical elite and aristocracy still get away with all sorts in every country. This is not just an issue for Thaialnd. The difference is here things are more blatant. It an unfortunate part of human natutre.

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Of course. But the real question is, when was the last time he did not do coke? How do you grow up as the son of one of the richest and most powerful men in the country, and become a normal, respectful, well intentioned human being? Which of course he is not. A Rockefeller, Kennedy, or Vanderbilt he is not. What kind of moral, and ethical system are the sons of billionaires taught in Thailand?

The Kennedy's were hardly bastions of moral fibre and good role models - unless you mean adultery and murder of course.

The super rich, poitical elite and aristocracy still get away with all sorts in every country. This is not just an issue for Thaialnd. The difference is here things are more blatant. It an unfortunate part of human natutre.

The only thing that changes is what the narcotic is. If you grow up poor, it's meth and crack. If you grow up middle to upper middle class, it's weed, coke, and about a dozen other amusing things tailored to your budget. The poor routinely get busted. The well to do.... well the cops rarely even venture into the neighborhood because all of the better neighborhoods have private security. You can say the same whether you're talking about the local slums or western ghetto projects vs. Nichada Thani, Navathani, Rancho Palos Verdes, or Rob Roy.

IMO a lot of people angry posting just aren't happy about living on the wrong side of the tracks here (the unconnected and less powerful side).


Edited by Heng
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Too much noise for nothing, and as usual from foreigners.

Actually this guy is certainly playing golf, enjoying his margarita.

Well he will for sure never spend one day of his life in jail.

This country is completely corrupt, remember the car accident where a teenage girl kill 9 people in a van...she walked free!

Edited by Bender
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The Police(red shirts) are actually going to do their job and stick this kid(yellow shirt) in the slammer.

This family can't keep their kid out of jail? That will be a serious loss of face.

They won't be able to show their face again at the country club.

I hope you're right and I also hope they do the same in other cases involving the rich and well connected. I just wonder if this is just personal or will they be as keen in the future if the victim or victims aren't police.

I will also remember that you've told me that either the police are red shirts or they're closely connected.

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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

well, there could always suddenly turn up evidence that at this particular time of the day, a poor beggar from Issaan was in fact driving the car!

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Lets put things into perspective.

First, yes he comes from a super hiso family, which is always a value added point when discussing the law and repercussion.

Second, 3million baht while it might not seem much to me or you the fact of the matter is the cop who was killed would probably make B144,000 a year. (12,000 a month) so 3million baht is about 22year worth of his salary all up at one time. so from the cops family point of view they must be astounded by the amount and are probably very appreciative. (I guess for a foreigner it is equivalent of saying you get 13million dollars in your account)

Third, note Buddhist are believers of reincarnation and karma, so perhaps in the cop family point of view the cop would become something better in his next life, and at the same time the KID would become a fly which would be squashed.

Yes this is a high profile case, in the end of the day perhaps a 3million budget to the family of the cop and another 10million for the police station will help “justify” what happened. Note that obviously the doing was totally wrong but time heals and money speaks.

Put yourself in the same position and think what would you prefer, the KID who killed your husband/dad being put in jail OR a big lump of money which you would have never imagined to have in your life time and will enable you to give your kids a better future than you could have imagined.

Either way time will tell.

P.S. anyone who says this is political in terms of red and yellow, sorry to say it is irrelevant ….these super hi-so have connections all the way up. Just look at the revenue the company makes here and how much tax they pay…. How much money they have brought to “Thailand” in terms of sponsoring events such as D1, grandprix, race of champions and so on… they are big spenders which in the eye of the revenue department and government this is all a big ++++

That said, obviously the redbull family will do all in its power to avoid the case going into the extremes with bad repercussions but in the end of the day it is a business and they will do the best for the business and keep the wealth generating as long as possible and will fight to the end of days to keep it that way.

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Formula 1 in 2014?

Bernie - for 1M US$ backhander.

Red Bull - against 1M US$ backhander.

I forecast Bernie doesn't need corruption.

No Formula 1 in Thailand until Bernie dies.

QED - VoopsIcrashed.... time served !! - or no gander for the profit of Formula 1 governmental geese.


And I really hope the little sheepstick get's it upp the as-k no questions..!

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Sad fact of the matter is this: If you or I were a 27yr old heir to a billion dollar fortune, we'd probably be racing around Sukumvit on a Sunday night/Monday morning in our Ferrari. And yes, we'd probably be coked up. IMO he reacted as anyone is his position would have done, he kept going, then lied to cover himself.

We are all products of our environment, and no, this kid probably won't go to jail. it's the way of the world, always has been.

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he will probably still drive in the celebrity race at the 2014 grand prix.

Is he scheduled to drive in that?

Just a bit of sacasism on my part, but don't be suprised if he does. In Australia during the grand prix car manufacturers provide vehicles (promotional campaign) and celebrities and high profile people have a novelty race. Now this guy's family is a majority shareholder in redbull a MAJOR sponser of the event and they also own the farari dealership in Thailand. I can see this guy partaking in the celebrity race as the Red Bull, Farari and Thailand poster boy with the full backing of the Red Bull family.

Not sure I would suggest it if I was marketing manager of the company.

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Would this story have been so high-hitting if he was still the heir to Red-Bull but; Red- Bull was a Citroen sponsor, and he'd been driving a 2CV?

I do wonder!


Seriously? The make of the car has nothing to do with the story . . . it's all about the actions and attitude of the driver and his family, i.e. no remorse, think they are above the law, know they can pretty much get away with murder etc etc. . . .fairly typical attitudes to be honest with respect to the "hi-so" here.


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Formula 1 in 2014?

Bernie - for 1M US$ backhander.

Red Bull - against 1M US$ backhander.

I forecast Bernie doesn't need corruption.

No Formula 1 in Thailand until Bernie dies.

QED - VoopsIcrashed.... time served !! - or no gander for the profit of Formula 1 governmental geese.


And I really hope the little sheepstick get's it upp the as-k no questions..!

Bernie only asking for $1 mil? Seems unlikely. Maybe 10million

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Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Very good question, in a word NO.

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By the looks of it we may all get a shock and he will be convicted and jailed. The more the police are saying about the case the more difficult they are making it for themselves to allow him to get off the hook.

I said weeks ago that this would be a test case, the Police v Hi-So,

I have a hunch that the police are seriously p*ssed off and this guy is gonna get it. I hope so.

You seem to put a lot of store into what the police can or will do for justice in this country. The institution that decides on justice is not the police - they can pnly collect evidence. This case has still to proceed past a court of law, involving judges, lawyers, witnesses, forensics and then the higher powers who may have a different idea of what justice is all about. There are many hurdles to cross - the police in this case are not the final arbiters.

Strike 1: Kills a motorcyclist while allegedly speeding

Strike 2: Motorcyclist is a policeman

Strike 3: Leaves scene of accident without stopping

Strike 4: Tries to put blame on family staff member

Strike 5: Over the alcohol limit

Strike 6: Cocaine in bloodstream

Strike 7: Doesn't feel like turning up to Police station again to hear charges.

But will it be enough strikes for someone from such a rich and powerful family to serve jail time?

Lucky he is not in Saudi as he would have already been beheaded.

NOT if he was a hi- so over there - they do this kind of thing and much worse all the time and it never sees the light of day - except in rumours.

or, they do it abroad, return home quickly, then claim Diplomatic Immunity ?

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They are a very wealthy family in Thailand and are therefore above the jurisdiction of the Thai law, the Red Bull story will run for a little while longer but it will soon be forgotten about and then finally brushed under the carpet forever, once the financial remunerations have been completed.

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Formula 1 in 2014?

Bernie - for 1M US$ backhander.

Red Bull - against 1M US$ backhander.

I forecast Bernie doesn't need corruption.

No Formula 1 in Thailand until Bernie dies.

QED - VoopsIcrashed.... time served !! - or no gander for the profit of Formula 1 governmental geese.


And I really hope the little sheepstick get's it upp the as-k no questions..!

Bernie is 83, so might not have to wait too long . . .

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I imagine that soon the young chap will be off to do a Masters degree, then another then a PhD in any country with no extradition treaty with Thailand. Its his only way out. I wonder where Daddy will buy him a new passport and nationality?

I hear Bolivia is nice this time of year. rolleyes.gif
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