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Lineup For Yingluck's Third Cabinet Due This Week


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Lineup for PM's third Cabinet due 'this week'

Piyanart Srivalo

The Nation


Changes seen for Kittiratt, Plodprasob, Surapong; Jatuporn seen taking post

BANGKOK: -- The Yingluck 3 Cabinet line-up will be sent for approval by Royal command later this week, a well-informed Government House source said yesterday.

The source said Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and PM's Secretary-General Suranan Vejjajiva had summoned those current ministers who are to be transferred to new positions, as well as the new faces to be appointed to the Cabinet, to a meeting at the Thai Kufah Building.

The new and reshuffled members of the Cabinet were told to submit forms stating their work records, the source said.

According to the source, those who turned up to sign the curriculum vitae forms included Science Minister Plodprasob Surassawadi; Information and Communications Technology Minister Anudith Nakornthap; Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul; Deputy Transport Minister Chatt Kuldiloke and PM's Office Minister Woravat Auapinyakul.

Defence Minister ACM Sukampol Suwannathat met Yingluck in the morning, while Sermsak Pongpanit, a former Thai Rak Thai executive, also went to Government House.

The source said the forms did not state the positions to which the officials would be appointed; the prime minister and Suranan told them simply to state their CVs.

The source said the prime minister asked the Pheu Thai Party's coalition partners to submit their lists of changes to their Cabinet-seat quotas to Suranan by 4pm yesterday so that Cabinet Secretary-General Ampon Kittiampon could check their qualifications.

The Palang Chon Party submitted Sonthaya Kunplome's working history to Suranan, according to the source, who added that Sonthaya would replace his wife, Sukumol Kunplome, as culture minister.

The Chart Thai Pattana Party would definitely replace its agriculture minister, Theera Wongasamut, who wants to step down for health reasons, the source said. Theera is expected to be replaced by Yukol Limlaemthong, former permanent secretary for agriculture.

The source said Yingluck wants to submit the list of reshuffled Cabinet seats for a Royal command before she embarks on a series of foreign trips next month.

A well-informed source said the reshuffle would mostly involve deputy ministers who have been in office for a year, with only a few members of "Team A", or former Thai Rak Thai executives, being brought into the Yingluck 3 Cabinet.

"Only a few former Thai Rak Thai executives will join the new Cabinet. The reshuffle will mostly involve deputy ministers who have been in office for a year. They will take a rest so that other senior party members can take a turn," the source said.

According to the source, former Thai Rak Thai executives who have a chance to be in the Cabinet are Pongthep Thepkanchana, Pongsak Raktapongpaisal, Warathep Ratanakorn and Chaturon Chaisaeng.

Chaturon and Pongthep are seen as likely to fill the Education and Justice portfolios, though it is not yet clear who would take which.

Certain economic ministers previously seen as vulnerable due to blunders or problems with their work are seen as likely to survive. One of these, Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Kittiratt Na-Ranong, is expected to keep the Finance portfolio, but to be replaced as deputy premier in charge of economic affairs by Pongsak, who is a key candidate to become the new energy minister. His main rival for the Energy portfolio is Prasert Boonsamphan, former chief executive of petroleum giant PTT Plc.

However, Commerce Minister Boonsong Teriyapirom may lose his seat to Warathep. Boonsong has been criticised over the rice-pledging scheme but is favoured by Yaowapha Wongsawat, a sister of former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra and the leader of a powerful faction in Pheu Thai.

The highlight of the upcoming Cabinet reshuffle is expected to be the appointment of Jatuporn Promphan, a red-shirt leader, as promised by big boss Thaksin.

Earlier, Yingluck reportedly rejected her brother's request to bring in Jatuporn on grounds that she did not want to increase the number of red-shirt leaders in the Cabinet for fear that the government's image would be affected. She reportedly feared that the red-shirt leaders would draw attacks on the Cabinet, so she tried to resist the request of her brother to give a seat to Jatuporn.

She tried to convince red-shirt leaders to make do with one seat, by having Jatuporn talk to Natthawut Saikua as to who should be a minister. Natthawut was eventually named deputy agriculture minister.

However, Thaksin has reportedly promised Jatuporn that he would be made a deputy interior minister.

Ultimately, Yingluck has had to yield to Thaksin and give the position to Jatuporn because her government cannot afford to infuriate the red-shirt movement. Yingluck realises that her government needs the support of red-shirt supporters on several issues. In particular, their backing is needed for holding public discussions over the national reconciliation bill. These will be organised by Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung. The discussions will start in Nakhon Ratchasima, which is a political base of Pheu Thai.

Red-shirt support is also needed to push for passage of the charter amendment bill, whose third reading is pending. Thaksin has reportedly engineered a consensus with other coalition partners that it is about time to resume the third reading of the bill.

Among the expected new faces in the Cabinet will be former police chief Pol General Priewpan Damapong, who is expected to become a deputy prime minister or interior minister.

The Cabinet reshuffle will also be linked to the selection of the new Pheu Thai leader. It has been speculated that the new party chief will have at least one Cabinet seat, as did the former leader, Yongyuth Wichaidit.

With support from Thaksin's ex-wife, Khunying Pojaman na Pombejra, it is expected that Transport Minister Charupong Ruangsuwan will become the next Pheu Thai leader, while retaining his portfolio. Earlier, it was speculated that he would be removed from the Cabinet.


-- The Nation 2012-10-25

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The Palang Chon Party submitted Sonthaya Kunplome's working history to Suranan, according to the source, who added that Sonthaya would replace his wife, Sukumol Kunplome, as culture minister.

So in Thaksin, Ver. 4.0 the sub-program Yingluck, Ver. 3.0, the stand-in proxy wife of a banned for electoral fraud husband is replaced by the original Thaksin, Ver. 1.0 subject.

Meanwhile, no progress in getting his father, the fugitive convicted murderer, back to face justice.

Well done, Yingluck.

Excellent choice to represent Thailand Culture.


Edited by Buchholz
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Thaksin is yet again been proved to be yet again ruining running this country The Red Shirts are of course indispensable to Thaksin in his pursuit of power at any price.

Red-shirt support is also needed to push for passage of the charter amendment bill, whose third reading is pending. Thaksin has reportedly engineered a consensus with other coalition partners that it is about time to resume the third reading of the bill.

Nice to see that the leeches in the power game have sold themselves and the country down the river for the proverbial 30 pieces of silver.

Pol General Priewpan Damapong, is expected to become a deputy prime minister or interior minister slowly but surely Thailand is being turned into a family business to be known as '' Thaksinland'' run by a bunch of robber barons ,indeed the future looks murky regarding democracy .

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Come on Yingluck/red thug supporters let's hear it from you side even if it is the same old "press the red button on the keyboard" but...but...but...the democrats. At least you should be able to defend your heros.

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

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Major cabinet reshuffle likely


BANGKOK, Oct 25 -- A major cabinet shake-up by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra is looming with 20 portfolios expected to be changed amid speculation from various media outlets.

The Secretariat of the Cabinet has reportedly submitted the list to HM the King for royal endorsement on Wednesday evening and several media report the list of new cabinet members as follows:

Jarupong Ruangsuwan is tipped to become Pheu Thai Party leader and shift from the Transport Ministry to take the helm at the Interior Ministry, while Bhokin Bhalakula name has appeared in some press reports as Interior Minister.

Chadchart Sittipunt is likely to be promoted from Deputy Transport Minister to the new head of the ministry after demonstrating outstanding performance during last years' flood crisis.

Science and Technology Plodprasop Suraswadi is likely to be appointed Deputy Prime Minister, while his ministerial post would be taken up by Minister Attached to the Prime Minister’s Office Woravat Auapinyakul.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul could take a deputy prime ministerial post concurrently, according to media reports.

Red Shirt leader Nattawut Saikua would be changed from Deputy Agriculture and Cooperatives Minister to Deputy Commerce Minister.

As for members of the so-called House No. 111 or former executives of the disbanded Thai Rak Thai party, Pongthep Thepkanchana is tipped to become Deputy Prime Minister and Education Minister concurrently. Pongsak Raktapongpaisarn would likely be Energy Minister.

Government spokeswoman Sansanee Nakpong is likely to be appointed as Minister Attached to the Prime Minister’s Office.

Yukol Limlaemthong, former Permanent Secretary for Agriculture and Cooperatives, is expected to replace Theera Wongsamut who earlier announced his resignation from the post citing health problem.

The latest cabinet shake-up could see seven ministers out of jobs, while red shirt key leader Jatuporn Prompan would not be on the list.

Pheu Thai party spokesperson Prompong Nopparit said the reshuffle was aimed at driving government policy in the second year of administration to effectively achieve their targets. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-10-25

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

For the life of me can not figure out if she is doing such a good job she has to keep changing ministers. Lets see now this will be the third set in 14 months and it includes a minister of finance who insists it is OK to lie.

Anytime you get all the nurses in the public hospitals threatening a strike and/or quit you have to say some thing is wrong here. The health of the people should be number 1 on her lost of things to do.

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

You may be correct that it is lawful. But is it normal in governments to have 3 cabinet reshuffles in just over 1 year in power?????

It suggests mistakes were made in previous selections. Surely?

sent from my ..................#

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

You may be correct that it is lawful. But is it normal in governments to have 3 cabinet reshuffles in just over 1 year in power?????

It suggests mistakes were made in previous selections. Surely?

sent from my ..................#

Or it suggests some people have made mistakes in their position and they are being moved, a good thing surely?

or would you rather she stick with people that she feels will be suited elsewhere and bring in people that may do a better job?

As far as I am aware there are no limits on the number of reshuffles one can do, but lets use it as a stick to beat her with because she is not a Democrat running the country.

I will also wager that she will be only the second prime minister in Thailands history to be re-elected. not because she is doing a sterling job (although she is doing a good job) but because there is no alternative. The dems entered through the back door, were given a glittering chance and blew it.

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

They aren't democratically elected.

They got elected with massive vote buying. Vote buying is not democratic.

I actually didn't meet one person who thinks she makes a good job and on the last few by elections the results were a disaster.

The only two things in her favor are the unlimited funds for vote buying and that the Democrats don't have some attractive team.

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PM confirms reshuffle

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra conceded on Thursday she had already submitted the Cabinet reshuffle list for royal endorsement but denied any involvement by her brother Thaksin.

Yingluck said she decided to change the Cabinet lineup after the resignations of her former deputy Yongyuth Wichaidit and agriculture minister Theera Wongsamut, who had said for a long time he wanted to quit. Moreover, coalition parties also wanted a Cabinet reshuffle.

The premier said she did not change the Cabinet lineup to escape scrutiny by the opposition.

"If you look closely, the main ministries remain the same and all are doing their jobs. The government’s duty is administration, the opposition will be scrutinising us in Parliament, so we can’t escape anyway," she said.

She said she was happy with the new reshuffle. It did not mean that the ministers who were removed were incapable. The moves depended more on timing and suitability, she said.

She said the Cabinet members deserved time to work and it would take time to make the people who were not selected understand.

Asked if the selection was ordered, Yingluck said, "No. I made the list myself."

Questioned as to whether the selection "rewarded or paid back" the people who had contributed to her party, Yingluck asked the media to wait and see the list of names. She said she would be able to clarify to the public her selection of the Cabinet members. "The people picked up are capable and experienced in the relevant fields."


-- The Nation 2012-10-25

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

For the life of me can not figure out if she is doing such a good job she has to keep changing ministers. Lets see now this will be the third set in 14 months and it includes a minister of finance who insists it is OK to lie.

Anytime you get all the nurses in the public hospitals threatening a strike and/or quit you have to say some thing is wrong here. The health of the people should be number 1 on her lost of things to do.

There are just too many big cake holes to fill and all of them have been promised something by the Boss who is a master of getting people to do things for him by promising jam tomorrow but has a nasty habit of offering the same jam jar to several different toads. The truth is there aren't enough plum jobs to go round and I guess it is like the bloated American officer corps in the late 60s and 70s who all had to rotate in and out of the Nam on short tours to get it on their resumes, providing hopelessly inexperienced and inept leadership to the poor grunts on the ground. The difference is that ministers want to stay as long as possible to fill up their bags marked swag. The threat of being axed after only 6 months encourages them to be even more aggressive in focusing only on short term projects that can generate quick pay back and ignoring any longer term projects and ignoring completely anything with no opportunity for graft at all, even if it is a pressing need for the people and the country.

It is interesting that Kittirat's name is not mentioned. He is or was fundamentally a decent character who seems to be in over his head. He doesn't seem to have the same propensity to live the same whopping great black lie that most of them live on a daily basis until they are no longer sure what is the truth and what is the fantasy they have constructed for their lackeys to pretend to believe and feed to the ignorant red shirt masses. There are also a lot of unsavory characters itching to grab his share of the massive loot that will be generated from the huge off budget emergency funds urgently approved by executive decree without going through the inconvenience of parliamentary approval, even there was plenty of time to do so.

Edited by Arkady
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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

They aren't democratically elected.

They got elected with massive vote buying. Vote buying is not democratic.

I actually didn't meet one person who thinks she makes a good job and on the last few by elections the results were a disaster.

The only two things in her favor are the unlimited funds for vote buying and that the Democrats don't have some attractive team.

ahhhhh the same old tired argument.

Please forward all this evidence to the relevant authorities, you must have lots of evidence, you have written this as fact, maybe the authorities should just employ you to deal with complaints about vote buying rather than the body that deals with his and disqualifies MPs that are found guilty, I believe MPs from all parties have been found guilty and disqualified and even the party in power has been dissolved in the past regarding vote buying, but it seems in this instance that is not the case, unless you prove me wrong of course,

i would also say the fact you have not met anyone that thinks she is doing a good job would depend what circles you move in and what conversations you have, I am sure the next election will show what the voters think.

And finally the one thing we can agree on in your post, the dems do not have an attractive team, what is to like about them?

Edited by carra
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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

For the life of me can not figure out if she is doing such a good job she has to keep changing ministers. Lets see now this will be the third set in 14 months and it includes a minister of finance who insists it is OK to lie.

Anytime you get all the nurses in the public hospitals threatening a strike and/or quit you have to say some thing is wrong here. The health of the people should be number 1 on her lost of things to do.

the mistake the minister made was admitting it, you show me a politician that does not tell white lies

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

You may be correct that it is lawful. But is it normal in governments to have 3 cabinet reshuffles in just over 1 year in power?????

It suggests mistakes were made in previous selections. Surely?

sent from my ..................#

Or it suggests some people have made mistakes in their position and they are being moved, a good thing surely?

or would you rather she stick with people that she feels will be suited elsewhere and bring in people that may do a better job?

As far as I am aware there are no limits on the number of reshuffles one can do, but lets use it as a stick to beat her with because she is not a Democrat running the country.

I will also wager that she will be only the second prime minister in Thailands history to be re-elected. not because she is doing a sterling job (although she is doing a good job) but because there is no alternative. The dems entered through the back door, were given a glittering chance and blew it.

And even if they made mistakes it still means S/he made mistakes putting them in the positions in the 1st and 2nd place .. actually I think the mistake makers are still in their positions :rolleyes:

sent from my ..................#

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I see the same old broken record posters are out in force again, yawwwwwwwn..

How dare the democratically elected legal leader of the country do legal things while legally running the country, shame on her, Thaksin blah blah blah blah blah.

In other news her rating in opinion polls are actually good I believe and the general consensus is she is doing a good job

She is not the leader of the country, you will of course be well aware of it, but like most of the fugitive aka PM in exile supporters are, remain in constant denial.

You really do seemingly believe all the fairy stories associated with the Shinwatara family including this little gem.

Re for the ratings, if you truly gleen they are a fair reflection on what Thai society as a whole think of her the you really are a believer in fairy stories.

As for doing a good job, if you mean as the stand in PM for Thaksin and creating on his instructions and orders, yet more wealth opportunites for the chosen few within this blatanly corrupt government ect. ect., I couldn,t agree more.

To be honest I reckon you are trying to extract the urine and are a one of the propogandist sheep who would have us think these sort of governmental non truths are factual and are for the good of Thailand and it,s future, just like all the brainwashed supporters of a certain colour do.

You not only think like one of his sheep you use sheep language to finish your offerings off Blah Blah Blaaaaaaaa

marshbags whistling.gif


We now await further confirmation as to her / his influence and authority via the latest party version of musical chairs and who takes care of what re his self interests and total dominance of his P.T. party... aka Pure Thaksin

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