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Thai Police Officer Admits He Was A Drug Mule


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Policeman admits he was a drug mule






Pol Snr Sgt-Major Manas Suapho confessed to police yesterday that he worked as a drug deliveryman, which he said earned him a lot of money over the past two years.

Says he sometimes earned close to Bt2.2m for driving shipment to capital

BANGKOK: -- A junior police officer yesterday confessed to having delivered illicit narcotics for drug traffickers over the past two years, saying each delivery earned him about Bt1 million.

"Sometimes, I was paid as much as Bt2.2 million," Pol Snr Sgt-Major Manas Suapho told the police yesterday.

Manas, who works as a full-time police officer at the Bangkok-based Prachachuen Police Station, was speaking after he surrendered and promised to cooperate fully with the investigation.

The rogue officer initially went on the run after one of his accomplices, Thiti Pengsuk, was arrested on Sunday for possessing 1.28 million methamphetamine tablets and 5 kilograms of "ice" or crystal methamphetamine.

"All the money I earned from delivering drugs has gone into my house and my cars," he said.

Police have confiscated Manas's house, condo, four cars, gold jewellery, two motorcycles, land-title deeds as well as cash in his bank accounts. These assets were worth about Bt20.61million. Police also seized Bt4.8 million worth of assets from Thiti.

According to police records, more than Bt77 million has been seized from the drug gang Manas was allegedly involved with, including accomplices Sathit and Buakhai Saenglah, Prathin and Suchada Tuaipa, as well as Rapin and Suthep Khamfaeng.

Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm Yoobamrung said this was the first time that a policeman has been found involved in a big drug-trafficking case.

"We will take harsh action if any policemen are found involved in the drug trade. The supervisor will also face investigation to determine if he failed to properly oversee his subordinates," Chalerm said.

Police spokesman Maj-General Piya Uthayo said national police chief General Adul Saengsingkaew had ordered that supervisors be held responsible for negligence of duty.

However, Pol Lt-Colonel Narongchai Noisri, a deputy superintendent at the Prachachuen Police Station, said Manas had not demonstrated any suspicious behaviour.

"He did not seem to lead a luxurious lifestyle and even borrowed money from his colleagues. He also sought loans from a police cooperative and the Government Savings Bank," Narongchai said, adding that Manas usually rode a motorcycle to work.

"He drove a BMW sometimes, but when we asked him he said it belonged to a relative," Narongchai said.

Separately, Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lt-General Khamronwit Toopkrajang said he had instructed his deputy, Maj-General Thitiraj Nongharnpitak, to investigate this case carefully and try to nail down all culprits including the big boss of this major drug-trafficking network.

According to Manas, his colleague Prawin Tuaipa had talked him into delivering drugs.

"We used to take delivery orders from 'Je Pen', but we don't know her real name," Manas said, adding that he usually had to pick up drugs in Chiang Rai and drive the shipment down to Bangkok.

"The drugs came from a man called Hia Jai in Myanmar," Manas said, adding that he had never taken sick leave to make these deliveries. "I only did this during my free time," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-10-25

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No doubt that of course after this character is sentenced he will be bailed and then given a financial reward for the information given regarding the supply chain like the killer police were a week or so back.

As for Chalerms comments they definitely prove without a doubt he lives in a fantasy world no doubt created by his ear medicine.. . .

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hookers both trafficked and underage,drugs, standover and other organised criminal activities, yes its the BIB.

my wife comes from a long standing police family,all know it goes on, but who wants to end up face down in the klong.

local yaba dealer was caught, threatened with jail,did not want to go, so now he works for the police moving their product with a green light.

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"The drugs came from a man called Hia Jai in Myanmar," Manas said, adding that he had never taken sick leave to make these deliveries. "I only did this during my free time," he said

"Well that makes it alright then son, heaven forbid that you did something as dishonest as taking fake sick leave".

"He did not seem to lead a luxurious lifestyle and even borrowed money from his colleagues. He also sought loans from a police cooperative and the Government Savings Bank," Narongchai said, adding that Manas usually rode a motorcycle to work.

"He drove a BMW sometimes, but when we asked him he said it belonged to a relative," Narongchai said.

He forgot to add that it was a gold motorcycle!

"Hey Manas where did the BMW come from?" "Oh it belongs to a relative" "OK carry on, keep up the good work"

Was a registered keeper/owner check done, to ascertain if it was the same name and address of relative?

Earning 1 million a run with assets totaling 20 million, 20 'runs' over two years he didn't hang about did he? My wife said that she will be very surprised if the final outcome will never be made public, adding that "they never let us know what finally happens".

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It seems that a simple assets examination would have shown up unexplainable wealth well beyond his legitimate earnings. So why not do such an examination on a random selection of BIB each year. If nothing else, they can be prosecuted, and fired, for tax avoidance when "unusual wealth" is found.

I doubt Chalerm will be in favour, having lost some B30 million that way during the coup before last. Pity they didn't check him out during the last one.

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The Heading should have read....all policemen are mules!cheesy.gif

An analogy maybe understood by some.....

If you have a problem with alcoholic drink, meaning you are an alcoholic, going to the doctor or going to meetings will never solve your problem. To solve the problem, a true, sincere determination to correct the problem, must come from the one with the problem himself.

Now relate this to the police corruption problem, or for that matter to many other difficulties, in this country. There is just a mindset here that determines if it does good for me, then its ok. The cures for most of these type of problems will not be reached until there is a much greater level of self discipline .

Edited by Gonzo the Face
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I know a local cop, just a motorcycle guy in the mornings doing his school corner duty, then the usual traffic duty for an hour to get the funds up, his wife does not work.

However they live in a large newly built house worth 5 million, landscaped garden front & rear, he has a new Mitsubishi sport cruiser, she has a new Honda Jazz, he has a Harley which comes out to play on Sunday's she has a Scoopy.

The only child of about 6yrs old has all the toy's you can imagine, a playground in the back garden resplendent with swing, slide, merry go round etc even a radio controlled helicopter which is not a toy by any stretch of the imagination.

Many times they have garden parties with friends around, all equally comfortable judging by the vehicles they arrive in, but I guess I may be judging him harshly & he too just has good luck with rich parents or relatives who (we've never seen)

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How can the Deputy PM keep a straight face when he says this is the first time a policeman has been found to be involved? Everyone knows the RTP are the major players here, everyone!!!

Even I know two policemen who are dealing in the the local station. Both have been transferred! That's it! Their only punishment.

The Ministry of inactive posts outnumbers the North Korean Army!

You couldn't make this up.

Edited by evadgib
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I know a local cop, just a motorcycle guy in the mornings doing his school corner duty, then the usual traffic duty for an hour to get the funds up, his wife does not work.

However they live in a large newly built house worth 5 million, landscaped garden front & rear, he has a new Mitsubishi sport cruiser, she has a new Honda Jazz, he has a Harley which comes out to play on Sunday's she has a Scoopy.

The only child of about 6yrs old has all the toy's you can imagine, a playground in the back garden resplendent with swing, slide, merry go round etc even a radio controlled helicopter which is not a toy by any stretch of the imagination.

Many times they have garden parties with friends around, all equally comfortable judging by the vehicles they arrive in, but I guess I may be judging him harshly & he too just has good luck with rich parents or relatives who (we've never seen)

Sounds like he has the sort of life many people would like to have. Karma?

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I know a local cop, just a motorcycle guy in the mornings doing his school corner duty, then the usual traffic duty for an hour to get the funds up, his wife does not work.

However they live in a large newly built house worth 5 million, landscaped garden front & rear, he has a new Mitsubishi sport cruiser, she has a new Honda Jazz, he has a Harley which comes out to play on Sunday's she has a Scoopy.

The only child of about 6yrs old has all the toy's you can imagine, a playground in the back garden resplendent with swing, slide, merry go round etc even a radio controlled helicopter which is not a toy by any stretch of the imagination.

Many times they have garden parties with friends around, all equally comfortable judging by the vehicles they arrive in, but I guess I may be judging him harshly & he too just has good luck with rich parents or relatives who (we've never seen)

Somehow I think this guy is a little higher up the food chain than just your average mule.

"The rogue officer initially went on the run after one of his accomplices, Thiti Pengsuk, was arrested on Sunday for possessing 1.28 million methamphetamine tablets and 5 kilograms of "ice" or crystal methamphetamine."

I would say he was the reciever on behalf of the organisation and probably sat at around number 4 on the rung. In large organisations like this the mules are not generally known to each other as it weakens the chain if one is apprehended. A few days on the run to organise a plan with number 3 (he wouldn't know number 1 or 2) it is decided that he takes a fall as a mule as he has been implicated Thiti Pengsuk. They haven't found any drugs in his possession as he has had a few days to cover that. His biggest problem was explaining his assets. Can't charge him with the possession or trafficking of drugs but can with the possesing the proceeds of crime for which he will probably get a slap on the wrist and a transfer. The 20mil in assets siezed from him would only be the tip of the iceburg and he doesn't appear stupid and didn't flaunt his wealth, I would say he has a lot hidden away somewhere.

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With luck he will get the death penalty

I believe the death sentence is for those found in possession of drugs. There is no mention of any drugs being located on him or on his properties. It is a little like someone saying they smoked a joint at university 10 years ago, do you think they will get charged with use/posses canabis. He is not admitting to murder or armed robbery. He will get charged with possessing the proceeds of crime that is all and that doesn't carry the death penalty.

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If they paid the police a decent wage then maybe there would be less corruption I know a few police officers and immigration officers who live in nice homes and drive very nice cars wish I could do the same on 300 bht per day because that is all they earn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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If they paid the police a decent wage then maybe there would be less corruption I know a few police officers and immigration officers who live in nice homes and drive very nice cars wish I could do the same on 300 bht per day because that is all they earn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thailand's Senior insider's really need to overcome their urge to be forgiving of their colleagues in order to maintain the flow of money up the ranks of Thailand's many institutions. Until the Thai can admit that the majority of insiders are corrupt they are lost. Unless Thailand can face the corrupt nature of her institutions reform them the country's entire future is lost.

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Yeah. 4 cars, several motorcycles, showoff gold jewelry. The crooks don't seem to understand that having all that stuff on a policeman's salary is kind of impossible and raises flags and it is only a matter of time before somebody reports something to somebody. Of course this guy may have enough dirt on higher level folks to keep his butt from getting too fried.

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Confession sparks hunt for 6 suspects




Police are trying to track down six suspects implicated by a junior police officer who was arrested for allegedly delivering illicit narcotics.

BANGKOK: -- Pol Snr Sgt-Major Manas Suapho, who surrendered to police on Wednesday, has provided information about the role of many key members in his drug-trafficking network.

Among them are ex-policeman Prawin Tuaipa and his wife, Suchada.

Prawin was fired in 2005 from his job at the Prachachuen Police Station in Bangkok, where Manas also worked.

According to Manas, money earned from drug deliveries was divided between himself, Suchada and another accomplice. Up to Bt77 million worth of assets belonging to Manas and his accomplices has already been confiscated.

"We believe that Prawin and his wife are key members of this network," Deputy Metropolitan Police Commissioner Maj-General Thitiraj Nongharnpitak said yesterday.

A police source said Suchada was also wanted on a murder charge.

The network was exposed when an accomplice was arrested for possessing 1.28 million methamphetamine tablets and 5 kilograms of "ice" or crystal methamphetamine in Lampang province on Sunday.

Thitiraj said the National Police Office's Narcotics Suppression Bureau would take this case over from Lampang police.


-- The Nation 2012-10-26

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He admits to being a mule.???? Compare his admited mule payments to those "real" mules who have been caught and had their possesions confiscated..

The self professed legal expert, in charge of the BIB, must be handing out "get out of jail early cards" with flash cards attached. We are up to Sgt. Major, how about going after a retired captian and then go after the real leaders of this bunch of gypsies in uniform.

To even talk about cleaning up political corruption in this country, without turning over the rocks they stepped on/ followed to get there, is indicative of the real intent of the lot of them.

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