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Which Age Of Exemption Of Overstay Fine Fot Children - Provide Some Links

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As all we know, children can do overstay without any fine. But I always see 2-3 different age ranges: some sources say, not over 7 yo, some - 12 yo, some - 14 yo. Pls, tell me, which age exactly. And is there an authority source about this rule?

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From doing some googling it appears the statement of "....children under 14 years old are not fined ..." comes up often. Like in this 2008 Issue & Answer from the Phuket Gazette...answer given by a Phuket immigration officer: Link

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There is nothing in the Immigration Act about it but I wonder if the Criminal Act or whatever it is called has a clause indicating that children up to a certain age are not punishable for some violations of laws.

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Here's a Link and partial quote from the Tourism Authority of Thailand website which says:

The penalty for overstaying your visa is typically 500B per day, with a 20,000B limit. Fines can be paid upon departure at the airport. If you've only overstayed one day, you may not have to pay any fine or you may have to pay 1,000 baht, depending on the current regulations. Children less than 14 years old who are traveling with a parent or guardian are not required to pay any fines for overstays.

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