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British Police Arrest Second Celebrity In Savile Sex Scandal


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This alleged offence happened in 1974. How an earth can you prosecute and get a firm conviction after so long. Who can remember what they were doing in 1974 ?

Absolutely. It is ridiculous isn't it.

Do you have Alzheimers then?

I would imagine teenagers of the 70's could have quite clear memories of sexual abuse if it took place.

Get over it. Stop crying about it forever. Sh*t happens to everyone in life. So what. Worse things happen at sea etc.

When I was 4 years old the wheel fell off my tricycle and caused me to cut my knee but Im not going to prosecute the cycle company half a century later.

They are all just a bunch of hypocrites. They see a chance of an opportunity and suddenly they come slithering out of the woodwork - Half a century later.

Bunch of creepy losers they are.

Life is too great and too fast to be crying about a minor event that happened 30/40/50 years ago.

Stop Crying. Stop dwelling on past silliness ... Get a grip on yourself man. Move on. Get over it. Enjoy life to the maximum biggrin.png thumbsup.gif

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It's interesting that the leftist BBC seems to have assumed the philosophical and spiritual mindset of the rightist Catholic Church. It is a perk of the job to sexually abuse impressionable young people for personal gratification and it is the duty of senior management to do everything in their power to lie and cover this up. Let's hope the BBC is more effective at dealing with this now it is out in the open, unlike the Catholic Church which insists on retaining as director-general an indivual who was actively involved in covering up sexual abuse in Boston.

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Whatever next ???

Will they be wanting to arrest the Roman general who "allegedly" raped Queen Boudiccas teenage daughters?

The 1970s were a completely different era. Different times. Different world.

If the "powers that were" of the 1970s turned a blind eye to that behaviour, why drag it up now?

Will they be arresting hundreds of thousands of ex police from the 1970s for police brutality?

Times change. Attitudes change. Why drag up history and try to bring it into the 21st century?

Will they be disallowing goals scored in football matches from the 1970s because they are now considered "not the tactics we use nowadays"?

This is all history. 30-40 years ago. A time when attitudes were completely different.

I hate Jimmy Savile but the fact that he did what he did to that girl ON LIVE TV. IN FRONT OF A LIVE CAMERA just shows how different attitudes were back then. And nobody complained back then. No police or laws punished them back then. Nobody cared back then in that time and place.

So why, after 30-40 years later, in a different century, in the future, do they want to drag it all into another time and world?

Leave it in the past - Where it came from.

Sensible comments. Social values and laws change, but its futile and stupid to try to impose them retropsectively, or prosecute the dead.

I'm sorry for anyone who has been seriously abused by some sick pervert. But the investigation against the late Jimmy Saville is quickly becoming a witch hunt with people assumed gulity even before charged let alone tried.

Some of the accusations may be proven, that's to be seen. Some of those making accusations may also prove to be false - in which case they should be charged with perjury and punished according to the law. I read yesterday that one law firm is now representing a large number of accusers and has given notice that it will be filing claims against the late Jimmy Saville's estate and the BBC "for substantial compensation". Again, this is before any charges are brought, and trial and verdict issued. This perhaps shows why so many cases are springing up and jumping on the band wagon and hoping for a big payout to sooth all that anguish that has been suppressed for 30-40 years.

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This alleged offence happened in 1974. How an earth can you prosecute and get a firm conviction after so long. Who can remember what they were doing in 1974 ?

Absolutely. It is ridiculous isn't it.

Do you have Alzheimers then?

I would imagine teenagers of the 70's could have quite clear memories of sexual abuse if it took place.

Get over it. Stop crying about it forever. Sh*t happens to everyone in life. So what. Worse things happen at sea etc.

When I was 4 years old the wheel fell off my tricycle and caused me to cut my knee but Im not going to prosecute the cycle company half a century later.

They are all just a bunch of hypocrites. They see a chance of an opportunity and suddenly they come slithering out of the woodwork - Half a century later.

Bunch of creepy losers they are.

Life is too great and too fast to be crying about a minor event that happened 30/40/50 years ago.

Stop Crying. Stop dwelling on past silliness ... Get a grip on yourself man. Move on. Get over it. Enjoy life to the maximum biggrin.png thumbsup.gif

Yes, those pesky Jews, it's time to leave the poor Nazis alone, right?

We aren't talking about shoplifting here but rape and other sexual abuse.

If you don't take it seriously, then perhaps someone raping your own child would change your ignorant perception.

Would you tell your own kid to "man up"?

Edited by Chicog
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I thought Freddie Starr was a singer not a comedian..... ah well.

No it should not be left in the past. Ask anyone who has been sexually molested by a priest (for example) when they were young & they will tell you that they never forgot it. Going as far as groping might be a bit over the top but covering up or ignoring blatant abuse by someone in a position of power should be brought to light & relevant punishment handed out.

Frivolous court cases won't get very far. But the BBC has a case to answer, not only with respect to those who knew about the abuse, but in dropping the Newsnight programme at a very convenient time.

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Yes, those pesky Jews, it's time to leave the poor Nazis alone, right?

We aren't talking about shoplifting here but rape and other sexual abuse.

If you don't take it seriously, then perhaps someone raping your own child would change your ignorant perception.

Would you tell your own kid to "man up"?

IF somebody raped my kid I would do something about it IMMEDIATELY. I wouldn't cry about it for 50 years and then come crawling out of the woodwork one day and try to jump on the band wagon, like a sheep, because everybody else is, because I can see an opportunity to make something, and because the glory seeking press are pulling strings.

If you feel strongly about something then you react to it there and then. You do something about it.

You can't put it aside for 50 years into the future and then when the world is a completely different place, go back in time and try to fix it. The world is a different place now. Times and attitudes have changed. .... Deal with it. Grow up.

Anyway you know nothing of my past.

You are clearly a bitter person with a chip on your shoulder and my advice to you/them is if you didn't have the balls to deal with (for whatever reason) your problem when it occured then that's too bad. Get over it. It's history. Stop crying about it.

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Would you tell your own kid to "man up"?

​All my children have been brought up to " man it up " as you say. if something like this had happened they could come to me and tell me and I would sort it. They certainly wouldn't stay silent for 40 years.

The fact that all these people didn't say a word for 40 years left a monster free to molest and abuse hundreds if not thousands of others makes them somewhat responsible.

As people also seem to ignore the man is dead and has escaped any justice. These people are complaining 40 years too late.

​A lot in my opinion just in the hope of some compensation from the Saville estate, the BBC or as has been talked about even the NHS.

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I thought Freddie Starr was a singer not a comedian..... ah well.

No it should not be left in the past. Ask anyone who has been sexually molested by a priest (for example) when they were young & they will tell you that they never forgot it. Going as far as groping might be a bit over the top but covering up or ignoring blatant abuse by someone in a position of power should be brought to light & relevant punishment handed out.

Frivolous court cases won't get very far. But the BBC has a case to answer, not only with respect to those who knew about the abuse, but in dropping the Newsnight programme at a very convenient time.

I agree. And yes the BBC have a case to answer for.

They did nothing about it at the time so they should be punished now, 50 years later.

And the people who knighted Jimmy Savile, they are guilty.


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The problem for many of these children is that they were in institutional type settings. They did not necessarily have loving, caring parents who were present and to whom they could talk. Some of them probably did tell those in authority, but they may have not taken action.

A lot of different scenarios to consider.

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I thought Freddie Starr was a singer not a comedian..... ah well.

No it should not be left in the past. Ask anyone who has been sexually molested by a priest (for example) when they were young & they will tell you that they never forgot it. Going as far as groping might be a bit over the top but covering up or ignoring blatant abuse by someone in a position of power should be brought to light & relevant punishment handed out.

Frivolous court cases won't get very far. But the BBC has a case to answer, not only with respect to those who knew about the abuse, but in dropping the Newsnight programme at a very convenient time.

I agree. And yes the BBC have a case to answer for.

They did nothing about it at the time so they should be punished now, 50 years later.

And the people who knighted Jimmy Savile, they are guilty.


It's not your sarcasm that's showing but your lack of knowledge of the aspects of the case.

Newsnight's programme was dropped in late 2011 (less than a year ago).

The whole investigation revolves around virtually untouchable people abusing ordinary people. If you have any knowledge of the worldwide Catholic church priests & their pedophilia, you would know that many of the victims did raise the alarm at the time but the whole thing was covered up by the church authorities.

The Savile case is similar in that the victims had no one to turn to for help. Before condemning them without knowing (or apparently caring) how it affected them, why don't you do some research on how long victims of this type of abuse have to live with it without any form of closure. That would, of course, prompt one to actually understand what other people feel - maybe too much to ask.

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I thought Freddie Starr was a singer not a comedian..... ah well.

No it should not be left in the past. Ask anyone who has been sexually molested by a priest (for example) when they were young & they will tell you that they never forgot it. Going as far as groping might be a bit over the top but covering up or ignoring blatant abuse by someone in a position of power should be brought to light & relevant punishment handed out.

Frivolous court cases won't get very far. But the BBC has a case to answer, not only with respect to those who knew about the abuse, but in dropping the Newsnight programme at a very convenient time.

I agree. And yes the BBC have a case to answer for.

They did nothing about it at the time so they should be punished now, 50 years later.

And the people who knighted Jimmy Savile, they are guilty.


It's not your sarcasm that's showing but your lack of knowledge of the aspects of the case.

Newsnight's programme was dropped in late 2011 (less than a year ago).

The whole investigation revolves around virtually untouchable people abusing ordinary people. If you have any knowledge of the worldwide Catholic church priests & their pedophilia, you would know that many of the victims did raise the alarm at the time but the whole thing was covered up by the church authorities.

The Savile case is similar in that the victims had no one to turn to for help. Before condemning them without knowing (or apparently caring) how it affected them, why don't you do some research on how long victims of this type of abuse have to live with it without any form of closure. That would, of course, prompt one to actually understand what other people feel - maybe too much to ask.

You can see that I highlighted in your previous comment about Catholic Priests and people abusing power. I am in absolute agreement with you.

I despise Catholic priests. I am an athiest (oops i nearly typed anti-christ!).

If there were such things as God and the Devil then Catholic Priests, in my opinion, would be servants of the Devil.

I also think that the media moves in despicable ways.

The human race is selfish and un-moral.

But let us remain in the present day. Why travel back in time? Concentrate on the evils which are being committed in the 21st century. The 1970s are a completely different time and space and world.

This is the future. We are not what we used to be. We don;t think as we used to think 40 years ago.

As I said before, are we to prosecute all of the 1970s police for police brutality because its less acceptable in the 21st century?

Are we to disallow 50% of all goals scored in a 1970s football match because in the year 2012 we dont play like that any more?

May I remind you and stress to you that you know nothing of my history. I am not discussing it here but I will say Don't you even think about trying to explain to me about being a victim of abuse

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I thought Freddie Starr was a singer not a comedian..... ah well.

No it should not be left in the past. Ask anyone who has been sexually molested by a priest (for example) when they were young & they will tell you that they never forgot it. Going as far as groping might be a bit over the top but covering up or ignoring blatant abuse by someone in a position of power should be brought to light & relevant punishment handed out.

Frivolous court cases won't get very far. But the BBC has a case to answer, not only with respect to those who knew about the abuse, but in dropping the Newsnight programme at a very convenient time.

I agree. And yes the BBC have a case to answer for.

They did nothing about it at the time so they should be punished now, 50 years later.

And the people who knighted Jimmy Savile, they are guilty.


It's not your sarcasm that's showing but your lack of knowledge of the aspects of the case.

Newsnight's programme was dropped in late 2011 (less than a year ago).

The whole investigation revolves around virtually untouchable people abusing ordinary people. If you have any knowledge of the worldwide Catholic church priests & their pedophilia, you would know that many of the victims did raise the alarm at the time but the whole thing was covered up by the church authorities.

The Savile case is similar in that the victims had no one to turn to for help. Before condemning them without knowing (or apparently caring) how it affected them, why don't you do some research on how long victims of this type of abuse have to live with it without any form of closure. That would, of course, prompt one to actually understand what other people feel - maybe too much to ask.

You can see that I highlighted in your previous comment about Catholic Priests and people abusing power. I am in absolute agreement with you.

I despise Catholic priests. I am an athiest (oops i nearly typed anti-christ!).

If there were such things as God and the Devil then Catholic Priests, in my opinion, would be servants of the Devil.

I also think that the media moves in despicable ways.

The human race is selfish and un-moral.

But let us remain in the present day. Why travel back in time? Concentrate on the evils which are being committed in the 21st century. The 1970s are a completely different time and space and world.

This is the future. We are not what we used to be. We don;t think as we used to think 40 years ago.

As I said before, are we to prosecute all of the 1970s police for police brutality because its less acceptable in the 21st century?

Are we to disallow 50% of all goals scored in a 1970s football match because in the year 2012 we dont play like that any more?

May I remind you and stress to you that you know nothing of my history. I am not discussing it here but I will say Don't you even think about trying to explain to me about being a victim of abuse

The only thing I'm trying to explain to you is that this case is not about re-writing history (nor about your personal situation) but about giving those victims of Savile & others some sort of closure to those that need/want it.

You are being too self-centred - try to show some feelings for others.

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You can see that I highlighted in your previous comment about Catholic Priests and people abusing power. I am in absolute agreement with you.

I despise Catholic priests. I am an athiest (oops i nearly typed anti-christ!).

If there were such things as God and the Devil then Catholic Priests, in my opinion, would be servants of the Devil.

I also think that the media moves in despicable ways.

The human race is selfish and un-moral.

But let us remain in the present day. Why travel back in time? Concentrate on the evils which are being committed in the 21st century. The 1970s are a completely different time and space and world.

This is the future. We are not what we used to be. We don;t think as we used to think 40 years ago.

As I said before, are we to prosecute all of the 1970s police for police brutality because its less acceptable in the 21st century?

Are we to disallow 50% of all goals scored in a 1970s football match because in the year 2012 we dont play like that any more?

May I remind you and stress to you that you know nothing of my history. I am not discussing it here but I will say Don't you even think about trying to explain to me about being a victim of abuse

The only thing I'm trying to explain to you is that this case is not about re-writing history (nor about your personal situation) but about giving those victims of Savile & others some sort of closure to those that need/want it.

You are being too self-centred - try to show some feelings for others.

Well I think now, in this reply here, that you are being ridiculous. I will say to you "Man up why don't you?"

"Closure" my left (soccer) ball. Tell them to go spit on or slash on his grave or something.

You wont see me even thinking about stuff that went on in my life in the past - That is until I am faced with those who cant stop crying about and going on about their troubles 40 years ago.

When I was younger I would often get my bum grabbed or squeezed or or pinched while walking through a dark disco or nightclub or busy town center. Evan getting my crutch grabbed by strangers or mysterious persons. I dont need closure lol.

And yes, it's obvious now, that I was a victim of abuse as a child by people in power.

I dont need "closure". Sh*t happens. Such is life. Worse things happen ... MUCH worse.

I suggest you stop wasting your time pitying people who dont need it and start concentrating on and feeling for the real victims of this life.

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May I remind you and stress to you that you know nothing of my history. I am not discussing it here but I will say Don't you even think about trying to explain to me about being a victim of abuse

I think I know a lot more now.

Happy Wanderer indeed.

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You can see that I highlighted in your previous comment about Catholic Priests and people abusing power. I am in absolute agreement with you.

I despise Catholic priests. I am an athiest (oops i nearly typed anti-christ!).

If there were such things as God and the Devil then Catholic Priests, in my opinion, would be servants of the Devil.

I also think that the media moves in despicable ways.

The human race is selfish and un-moral.

But let us remain in the present day. Why travel back in time? Concentrate on the evils which are being committed in the 21st century. The 1970s are a completely different time and space and world.

This is the future. We are not what we used to be. We don;t think as we used to think 40 years ago.

As I said before, are we to prosecute all of the 1970s police for police brutality because its less acceptable in the 21st century?

Are we to disallow 50% of all goals scored in a 1970s football match because in the year 2012 we dont play like that any more?

May I remind you and stress to you that you know nothing of my history. I am not discussing it here but I will say Don't you even think about trying to explain to me about being a victim of abuse

The only thing I'm trying to explain to you is that this case is not about re-writing history (nor about your personal situation) but about giving those victims of Savile & others some sort of closure to those that need/want it.

You are being too self-centred - try to show some feelings for others.

Well I think now, in this reply here, that you are being ridiculous. I will say to you "Man up why don't you?"

"Closure" my left (soccer) ball. Tell them to go spit on or slash on his grave or something.

You wont see me even thinking about stuff that went on in my life in the past - That is until I am faced with those who cant stop crying about and going on about their troubles 40 years ago.

When I was younger I would often get my bum grabbed or squeezed or or pinched while walking through a dark disco or nightclub or busy town center. Evan getting my crutch grabbed by strangers or mysterious persons. I dont need closure lol.

And yes, it's obvious now, that I was a victim of abuse as a child by people in power.

I dont need "closure". Sh*t happens. Such is life. Worse things happen ... MUCH worse.

I suggest you stop wasting your time pitying people who dont need it and start concentrating on and feeling for the real victims of this life.

I, I, I. As mentioned in my previous post, you have just proved how self-centred you are.

How do you know that the victims of this abuse don't need pity or anything else? Have you asked them?

I've given you reasons why I support this investigation - that's all. The BBC certainly needs a cover-up investigation, but not by the BBC which has a history of whitewashing itself. The victims need to see anyone involved in covering up their abuse being brought to face justice. I hope they get it.

One final point. The victims of Bloody-Sunday in Londonderry finally got justice recently against the British Army - 40 years later. Justice delayed is better than no justice at all.

That's my lot.

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Isn't there a statute of limitations in place?

How many of us have had consensual sex with an under aged partner and not realized it?

How many of these 'victims' at the time the alleged offense took place consented, but now have had a touch of the seconds and jumped on the band wagon?

It would in my opinion be very unsafe to prosecute given the time scale.

As for Freddie Starr given the lapsed time his arrest will prove totally fruitless, even if true he has so many ways out of it.

I wonder what course of action the CPS would take if for example Starr alleged that the complainant was supplying drugs to himself and Saville, would they investigate and prosecute her?

A witch hunt, the adverse publicity has forced the investigation simply because of the fame of the alleged perpetrators.

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A witch hunt, the adverse publicity has forced the investigation simply because of the fame of the alleged perpetrators.

I don't think that's true at all, I think the sheer scale of the abuse illustrates how many people must have been involved at best in turning a blind eye, or at worst assisting in a cover up.

Freddie Starr hasn't been famous since the Sun reported his alleged penchant for rodent munching.

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A witch hunt, the adverse publicity has forced the investigation simply because of the fame of the alleged perpetrators.

I don't think that's true at all, I think the sheer scale of the abuse illustrates how many people must have been involved at best in turning a blind eye, or at worst assisting in a cover up.

Freddie Starr hasn't been famous since the Sun reported his alleged penchant for rodent munching.

Throughout time, throughout history, in every culture and in every nation. Older human beings will find younger human beings attractive and interesting.

It is human nature.

Always has been and always will be.

No matter how anti this fact you choose to be, it is a fact of life.

Also, the amount of people who have over-stepped the line and gone further than simply appreciating youth and have taken advantage or lost control is massive. Throughout time and history the "sheer scale" is massive and always will be.

And lizard tongue is right. It is indeed a witch hunt. These cases have come to light because of their previous fame.

The press are preying on dead people and has beens because they are easy prey and perfect objects to make it easy for the press to glorify itself in the eyes of the gullible public.

The "sheer scale" is, was and always will be massive. But only a tiny tiny percent of it all will come to the public's attention. Because of fame and familiarity.

Older people are attracted to youth and freshness. Heck, even young people are!

Personally, I prefer Jessica Biel tongue.png

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With all this fuss I feel I am very lucky indeed.

At 16 or 18 I wanted to be a rock star so that all the girls would queue at my dressing room door, just so that they could say they had been touched, or preferably more, by me!

How many of these alleged complaints come from infatuated young girls who threw themselves at stars - and now they want to blame the star not themselves?

But equally how many vile paedos - at all levels - are escaping justice? Has UK got a "Hub-style" HiSo system to protect the monied and celebrity paedos?

Current revelations be they real, exaggerated or imagined certainly make one wonder and worry very much.

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This alleged offence happened in 1974. How an earth can you prosecute and get a firm conviction after so long. Who can remember what they were doing in 1974 ?

Absolutely. It is ridiculous isn't it.

Do you have Alzheimers then?

I would imagine teenagers of the 70's could have quite clear memories of sexual abuse if it took place.

Get over it. Stop crying about it forever. Sh*t happens to everyone in life. So what. Worse things happen at sea etc.

When I was 4 years old the wheel fell off my tricycle and caused me to cut my knee but Im not going to prosecute the cycle company half a century later.

They are all just a bunch of hypocrites. They see a chance of an opportunity and suddenly they come slithering out of the woodwork - Half a century later.

Bunch of creepy losers they are.

Life is too great and too fast to be crying about a minor event that happened 30/40/50 years ago.

Stop Crying. Stop dwelling on past silliness ... Get a grip on yourself man. Move on. Get over it. Enjoy life to the maximum biggrin.png thumbsup.gif

Abuse which can cause a lifetime of mental illness, loneliness, and suicide, is a "minor event" ? Extraordinary language.

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