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U S Sharpshooters Near Thai Govt House


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Question: Isn't the President supposed to meet the King first, and should the King be unavailable, a designated representative of the Royal Household?

The POTUS is the head of state for the USA and the PM of Thailand is not.

Where's the protocol here? Will The Prince be at the airport for the offical greeting?

What are you trying to instigate and for whom?

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I'd be looking to cancel after that amount of info hits the press. Completely compromised if true.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

No reason to cancel, the whole world knows that the Secret Service goes in advance of the POTUS visiting any country. It sure as hell wouldn't do them any good to set up on lower roofs further away. Get a clue, or don't worry about it. It's called SOP!


The whole world is generally not let in on the positions they will take. If any group of people in a certain colored shirt who have shown a proclivity for armed rebellion or certain religious groups want to take him out they now know which buildings to go to and take out the sharp shooters. Or they could plant bombs. Thailand has shown that it is a common practice with some of it's minority groups.

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The whole world is generally not let in on the positions they will take. If any group of people in a certain colored shirt who have shown a proclivity for armed rebellion or certain religious groups want to take him out they now know which buildings to go to and take out the sharp shooters. Or they could plant bombs. Thailand has shown that it is a common practice with some of it's minority groups.

I hope they don't put any snipers on any hospital roofs. Wouldn't want to see a repeat of the 2010 hospital invasion.

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I'd be looking to cancel after that amount of info hits the press. Completely compromised if true.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

No reason to cancel, the whole world knows that the Secret Service goes in advance of the POTUS visiting any country. It sure as hell wouldn't do them any good to set up on lower roofs further away. Get a clue, or don't worry about it. It's called SOP!


The whole world is generally not let in on the positions they will take. If any group of people in a certain colored shirt who have shown a proclivity for armed rebellion or certain religious groups want to take him out they now know which buildings to go to and take out the sharp shooters. Or they could plant bombs. Thailand has shown that it is a common practice with some of it's minority groups.

Yes because any armed groups devious plan to take out the US President would be reliant on receiving intel on which buildings sharp shooters are located. And i am sure the devious plan would include taking out all the sharp shooters first. I think you have been watching far to much James Bond, or playing to many computer games.

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Question: Isn't the President supposed to meet the King first, and should the King be unavailable, a designated representative of the Royal Household?

The POTUS is the head of state for the USA and the PM of Thailand is not.

Where's the protocol here? Will The Prince be at the airport for the offical greeting?

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It's good to see old, old allies (the country that defended Thailand from British repayment schemes after WWII again working with the country that angrily, as a result of treatment by the French during the colonial period, succumbed to the overwhelming force of the Japanese and officially [though without committing soldiers, financing or equipage] declared war on France and Britain) working together. It's sure starting out a chipper news day in Thailand. Gotta love the Asian 'Truman Show'-effect with the media.

I believe Thailand also tried to declare war on the USA - but their ambassador in Washington DC refused to deliver the declaration (smart move). The USA leaned on the UK to stop seeking war reparations from Thailand because it suited US foreign poilcy. The US was still keen to collect its payments from the allies for lease-lend loans though. Similarly, the US prevented trials of many Japanese war criminals, because it suited US foreign policy (see the theme?). Thailand was never a French colony. Thailand "succumbed" to the Japanese after the Jap navy shelled a Thai base and demonstrated its firepower. The provinces taken from Malaya and given to Thailand no doubt helped sweeten things.

The US is keen to keep relations with countries in the ASEAN region good, as it seeks to counter balance the rising influence of China, its biggest creditor.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

Disclosing that the presence of sharpshooters on buildings near where the president will be hardly ranks as a revelation or something anyone would regard as a closely guarded secret since similar precautions are used everywhere. And wherever he goes the secret service also guard him, with local security at a distance. Deranged underpants bombers aside, I think most people would consider this barely news worthy.

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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

I just hope that all these sharp-shooters carry valid work-permits . . . . . . . . . . or they could be in BIG trouble here ! ! !

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It's good to see old, old allies (the country that defended Thailand from British repayment schemes after WWII again working with the country that angrily, as a result of treatment by the French during the colonial period, succumbed to the overwhelming force of the Japanese and officially [though without committing soldiers, financing or equipage] declared war on France and Britain) working together. It's sure starting out a chipper news day in Thailand. Gotta love the Asian 'Truman Show'-effect with the media.

I believe Thailand also tried to declare war on the USA - but their ambassador in Washington DC refused to deliver the declaration (smart move). The USA leaned on the UK to stop seeking war reparations from Thailand because it suited US foreign poilcy. The US was still keen to collect its payments from the allies for lease-lend loans though. Similarly, the US prevented trials of many Japanese war criminals, because it suited US foreign policy (see the theme?). Thailand was never a French colony. Thailand "succumbed" to the Japanese after the Jap navy shelled a Thai base and demonstrated its firepower. The provinces taken from Malaya and given to Thailand no doubt helped sweeten things.

The US is keen to keep relations with countries in the ASEAN region good, as it seeks to counter balance the rising influence of China, its biggest creditor.

"The US was still keen to collect its payments from the allies for lease-lend [sic] loans though." ??

Against the $50 billion of lend-lease aid furnished by the United States, it received approximately $10 billion in so-called reverse lend-lease from its allies. After the war the United States negotiated settlement agreements with most of the recipients. In general, the agreements stipulated that lend-lease materials not used in the war should be returned or paid for, but the settlements were also shaped by the proviso written into the original lend-lease agreements, that final settlement terms should "be such as not to burden commerce but to promote mutually advantageous economic relations …and the betterment of worldwide economic relations." Within a decade of the war's end, settlement agreements totaling more than $1.5 billion had been negotiated, on which $477 million had been paid. The Soviet Union, which had received $11 billion, did not settle its account until 1990, in the glow of glasnost and the end of the Cold War, eager to qualify for U.S. credits.

Read more: http://www.americanf...l#ixzz2C4YI0M9m

Edited by Suradit69
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I believe Thailand also tried to declare war on the USA - but their ambassador in Washington DC refused to deliver the declaration (smart move). The USA leaned on the UK to stop seeking war reparations from Thailand because it suited US foreign poilcy. The US was still keen to collect its payments from the allies for lease-lend loans though. Similarly, the US prevented trials of many Japanese war criminals, because it suited US foreign policy (see the theme?). Thailand was never a French colony. Thailand "succumbed" to the Japanese after the Jap navy shelled a Thai base and demonstrated its firepower. The provinces taken from Malaya and given to Thailand no doubt helped sweeten things.

The US is keen to keep relations with countries in the ASEAN region good, as it seeks to counter balance the rising influence of China, its biggest creditor.

The 3 southern provinces were ceded to Thailand in the Anglo-Siamese treaty in 1909.

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Question: Isn't the President supposed to meet the King first, and should the King be unavailable, a designated representative of the Royal Household?

The POTUS is the head of state for the USA and the PM of Thailand is not.

Where's the protocol here? Will The Prince be at the airport for the offical greeting?

maybe you read the wikileaks......they are pretty clear on this issue

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Shows who's actually in charge here. (And in charge in ....UK, Mexico, Canada, all of Western Europe, most of Eastern Europe.....need I go on?)

I'd think in the UK the police would be the last to be told security arrangements.

They couldn't even manage to keep Rupert from getting a pie in the face when testifying before a Parliamentary Committee and they won't even react when called by The Palace.

Early on Friday morning, July 9, 1982, Queen Elizabeth II woke to find a strange man sitting at the end of her bed. The man, dressed in jeans and a dirty T-shirt, was cradling a broken ashtray and dripping blood onto the royal linens from a lacerated hand.

The Queen kept calm and picked up the phone from her bedside table. She asked the operator at the palace switchboard to summon the police. Though the operator did pass the message to the police, the police didn't respond.


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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

Sorry I did not read the whole thread just the 1st page so maybe this has been said already?

Anyone who thinks the USA Secret Service divulged the info & buildings on which it would stage sharpshooters is dreaming as much as this articles writer is.

If by any chance this info was given...It was given to purposely mislead.

There is a snowballs chance in He!! the SS would broadcast sharp shooters positions.

Edited by mania
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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

Yes brilliant security tell them where they will be.. TWIT.

Oh see, I'M A BIG DEAL, I got briefed by the US Secret Service.

Jeeze Louise what a twit,

No doubt they will remain there,

but many never mentioned to this talking head will be installed.

I am sure the secret service has been briefed in the reality of dealing

with face saving, and face making Thailand politicians.

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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

Sorry I did not read the whole thread just the 1st page so maybe this has been said already?

Anyone who thinks the USA Secret Service divulged the info & buildings on which it would stage sharpshooters is dreaming as much as this articles writer is.

If by any chance this info was given...It was given to purposely mislead.

There is a snowballs chance in He!! the SS would broadcast sharp shooters positions.

But a Thai politician would hear from Thai Secret service as to

where THEY would recommend them and then he blabs to the press.

Stupid is as stupid does. The guy who talked should be

sequestered for the duration of the visit.

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What next? GPS coordinates of every security detail, along with their radio frequencies? How about Obama's room number at the Hyatt? sad.png

I was stationed in Okinawa with the special forces and worked with the Thai alot, especially he border patrol and with the anti terrorist grp there. Keep in mind that not all information is what it says, and it is not unusual to diseminate bogus intel as a distraction. They have been doing this awhile and I would trust they have it down to a science. In otherwords, it's not there first dance.

Edited by Whidbeyboy
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It's good to see old, old allies (the country that defended Thailand from British repayment schemes after WWII again working with the country that angrily, as a result of treatment by the French during the colonial period, succumbed to the overwhelming force of the Japanese and officially [though without committing soldiers, financing or equipage] declared war on France and Britain) working together. It's sure starting out a chipper news day in Thailand. Gotta love the Asian 'Truman Show'-effect with the media.

Thailand would have succumbed to communism if the U.S. had not defended it and you would not be commenting on this thread now. Thai's made the best decison in a catch 22 situation. Don't go all sour grapes.
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What next? GPS coordinates of every security detail, along with their radio frequencies? How about Obama's room number at the Hyatt? sad.png

I was stationed in Okinawa with the special forces and worked with the Thai alot, especially he border patrol and with the anti terrorist grp there. Keep in mind that not all information is what it says, and it is not unusual to diseminate bogus intel as a distraction. They have been doing this awhile and I would trust they have it down to a science. In otherwords, it's not there first dance.

Yeah, I'm sure you're right. These guys are absolutely cream of the crop, former special forces, or FBI trained, etc..,best in the world for sure. Found this googling:

I've seen these guys up close many times. I live in Manchester, NH which hosts the Presidential candidates, their entourage and countless reporters every four years for months prior to the Primaries. It's a zoo. I've only seen the sharpshooters when the President is in town, though. Ordinary candidates just get guys in suits, as far as I can tell. These sharpshooters are pretty casual guys. I once saw an agent in street clothes carrying a duffel bag full of rifles. A few days before an "event", they scope out the area and select 2 or 3 rooftop sites, and work in pairs during the event, one as a spotter, one on a rifle.

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I am sure part of the point is that this well informed source isn't meant to brief the newspapers.

The Secret Service will deploy its sharpshooters on buildings around Government House, including the Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives building, the Civil Service Commission building and the National Anti-Corruption Commission building, the source said.

God almighty, if someone in the uk blagged a thai very vips security plan to the papers, they would go mad. But hey obamas only a head of state right.

I just hope that all these sharp-shooters carry valid work-permits . . . . . . . . . . or they could be in BIG trouble here ! ! !

Diplomatic passports presumably

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