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We Lost To Evil: Rally Leader

Lite Beer

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A total of 117 protesters - 94 men and 23 women - were being detained at the Border Patrol Police Region 1 headquarters in Pathum Thani yesterday, according to Pol Lt-General Nares Nanthachot, commander of Police Region 1.

Will the government provide bail for these obviously political prisoners, or just let them go to save money and show some real reconciliation spirit ?

Assaulting a police officer is not a political prisoner. More victim card stuff. Too funny.

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If Boonlert had called his rally one against corruption, left the politics out of it, he may have had more support. Unlike the reds 2010 protest, the govt way outmaneuvered the General. Thanks goodness he never had to meet an enemy at war!!! Blocked participants, had barricades in place way before they turned up and had a show of force by police the dems could never arrange. Crushed prior to birth. The reds and the Thaksin faction are in power and they will hang on to it to milk Thailand as long as they can by any means possible. The spin doctors like Chalerm pre-empting violence and then no doubt undertaking it when not called for, does not cause him any concern whatsoever. The next few days as to charges against the demonstrators, you can bet he will make examples of them to ensure people will think twice about further demonstrations. Welcome to dictatorship 'Thaksinocracy'. You wanted it, you got it.

Those in power actually have a duty to protect the public at large and based on how things have gone in 06, 08, and 2010, I would say barricades and nipping this in bud real quickly was about the mist prudent thing anyone has done in Thailand in a long time.

Looks like mob rules to overthrow PM days are over. Now you guys will have to figure out how to win at the polls like everyone else.

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If Boonlert had called his rally one against corruption, left the politics out of it, he may have had more support. Unlike the reds 2010 protest, the govt way outmaneuvered the General. Thanks goodness he never had to meet an enemy at war!!! Blocked participants, had barricades in place way before they turned up and had a show of force by police the dems could never arrange. Crushed prior to birth. The reds and the Thaksin faction are in power and they will hang on to it to milk Thailand as long as they can by any means possible. The spin doctors like Chalerm pre-empting violence and then no doubt undertaking it when not called for, does not cause him any concern whatsoever. The next few days as to charges against the demonstrators, you can bet he will make examples of them to ensure people will think twice about further demonstrations. Welcome to dictatorship 'Thaksinocracy'. You wanted it, you got it.

Those in power actually have a duty to protect the public at large and based on how things have gone in 06, 08, and 2010, I would say barricades and nipping this in bud real quickly was about the mist prudent thing anyone has done in Thailand in a long time.

Looks like mob rules to overthrow PM days are over. Now you guys will have to figure out how to win at the polls like everyone else.

Figuring out how to win is easy, ethically seems to be the challenge.
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If Boonlert had called his rally one against corruption, left the politics out of it, he may have had more support. Unlike the reds 2010 protest, the govt way outmaneuvered the General. Thanks goodness he never had to meet an enemy at war!!! Blocked participants, had barricades in place way before they turned up and had a show of force by police the dems could never arrange. Crushed prior to birth. The reds and the Thaksin faction are in power and they will hang on to it to milk Thailand as long as they can by any means possible. The spin doctors like Chalerm pre-empting violence and then no doubt undertaking it when not called for, does not cause him any concern whatsoever. The next few days as to charges against the demonstrators, you can bet he will make examples of them to ensure people will think twice about further demonstrations. Welcome to dictatorship 'Thaksinocracy'. You wanted it, you got it.

There will be another protest, doesn't matter which color is in power, This is Thailand.

But this has proven that trying to do a rational peaceful protest is a waste of time, and the "opposition", who ever they are will relize that not to bother unless they are going to be ruth less and out of control and terrorize the cities people. They know what they are up against with the current Gov now, and how far they were scared by the peacfull rally.

It was a welcoming back to Thai politics !!!! Steet Style. coffee1.gif

I really am surprised how people are willing to die for these color rallies. bah.gif

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Not that it counts for that much, though I suppose it counts for something, is the fact that the leaders of the U.S. and China decided to visibly pay a visit to Thailand at this time. I'm sure both have run the numbers and accept that 10 million can never defeat the majority, and moreover, continual coups no longer lead to a partner you can rely on. They will simply move on to more stable partners in the region if Thailand lacks stability. I don't think the "coup model" works anymore for Thailand...but, I could be wrong.

I suspect these recent visits were a signal: "Thailand, get your sh*t together, under whichever billionaire and his clan, and let's get on with business."

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General Boonlert must be suffering from his active duty days where he was use to soldiers asking "How High?" when he told them to jump. I guess now as retired military officer, the general has found out dealing with civilians, going up against the govt, etc., that just barking orders and making threats doesn't work like when he was on active duty. He needs to learn that if he is serious about his cause (good or bad) it's going to take continued and repeated efforts....won't happen overnight....with gains measured in baby steps versus giant leaps.. But it appears the general is the type that if it don't come easy and fast then it's not worth fighting for...probably best in this case because the general seems pretty autocratic.

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Those in power actually have a duty to protect the public at large and based on how things have gone in 06, 08, and 2010, I would say barricades and nipping this in bud real quickly was about the mist prudent thing anyone has done in Thailand in a long time.

"Nipping in the bud" a protest only hours old before people have even be allowed to assemble and before anything has actually happened is not prudent it is anti-democratic, anti-free speech and dictatorial, and will only in the long term harden resolve for the next "get-together" that they will no doubt organise.

I appreciate with the recent history of protest related problems, and with some of the idiotic things being called for yesterday, like a coup, there was a desire to not allow the same escalation as we have seen in the past, but you have to balance those concerns with allowing democracy to function, and part of democracy functioning is allowing protest. Otherwise Thailand just becomes another Myanmar.

The government needs to find a way of persuading people that they can have their say, they can let off steam, but they have to stay within the law, and ultimately, they have to go home and wait until elections when everyone will have a chance to have their say, not just a minority of people on the streets of Bangkok. Of course how exactly the government does this is the tricky part, as they themselves not much more than two years ago were involved in doing the exact opposite of what they now preach.

Nah, they could have easily had a peaceful protest and I am sure police would have stood back. The cops were not the ones cutting the barb wire to get to the other side of thr barriers or to over take the protesters.

Nevertheless, No, Thailand does not need any more of the bi-annual mob rules coup style government overthrow demonstrations. Pretty much abused the right.

These demonstrations are not democratic. They are designed for one purpose, overthrow PM. Stop being dishonest and have the balls and integrity to call it what it is. At least you or they would be respectable then.

This starting a bunch of clashes, calling for a coup then playing victim and crying no democracy when broken up is laughable.

These protester thugs need to chill out, be adults and figure out a way to win at the polls and keep their butts at home in the couch.

It is not like the current PM is commiting human rights atrocities or doing anything really bad. Calling for a coup or saying she must die is beyond reasonable and beyond free speech.

Edited by ttelise
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maybe next time, people should protest for general elections if they have a probelm with this government.

no problem with that whatsoever, whether i agree with their reasoning or not.

this group was just a ridiculous joke from the beginning.

The same old bla bla, so what you are saying is: corruption, nepotism etc is OK because they are elected?

Edited by Nickymaster
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I can't believe so many people in this forum take part in the Tom and Jerry politics in this country, and actually defend one side over the other. Way to join the mass psychosis.

Good point!

It's all about winning or losing here. Not many seem to care whether or not a party is corrupt and rotten to the bone. WE accept that as long as OUR side wins. We are just a bunch of hooligans. (I am serous. not being sarcastic)

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Boo Hoo the Thai elite, yellow shirts failed. Lets feel sorry for the rich and powerful of Thailand who are no longer in control and able to rape the country of it's wealth. There are others with thier snouts in thier yellow bowl and they don't like it.

Change the yellow to red and come next election or sooner it will make perfect sense.

Red, Yellow, blue or green it doesn't matter in Thai Politics they are all in it for the personal rewards and the pig troth.

This is how I see Thai Politics..

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maybe next time, people should protest for general elections if they have a probelm with this government.

no problem with that whatsoever, whether i agree with their reasoning or not.

this group was just a ridiculous joke from the beginning.

And what would that help?

General election: These with the most money buy premiership which is Thaksin. Or if the people are so fed up that even vote buying doesn't help anymore, they get a coalition of Democrats + the smaller corrupt parties. That has shown to be very inefficient and also corrupt.

Before election there must be laws and structures that prevent vote buying and punish corruption. But corrupt parties wouldn't make such laws. And there is no hope that a honest party would emerge from somewhere.

So it can't be solved by general elections.

Looking at Thailands history it seems it can't be solved by a coup or charter change (Thailand tried that often enough).

So what is the solution?? I don't know.....

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If Boonlert had called his rally one against corruption, left the politics out of it, he may have had more support. Unlike the reds 2010 protest, the govt way outmaneuvered the General. Thanks goodness he never had to meet an enemy at war!!! Blocked participants, had barricades in place way before they turned up and had a show of force by police the dems could never arrange. Crushed prior to birth. The reds and the Thaksin faction are in power and they will hang on to it to milk Thailand as long as they can by any means possible. The spin doctors like Chalerm pre-empting violence and then no doubt undertaking it when not called for, does not cause him any concern whatsoever. The next few days as to charges against the demonstrators, you can bet he will make examples of them to ensure people will think twice about further demonstrations. Welcome to dictatorship 'Thaksinocracy'. You wanted it, you got it.

Asiawatcher, are you seriously suggesting that the Thai people would be better off living under General Looney's fascist dictatorship? So you don't like this government, fine, try to knock some sense into that spineless bunch of wimps in the Democratic Party. If they were to shed their Bangkok-centric, elite, hi-so image and try to appeal to everyone in Thailand, maybe they just might win the next election.

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Boo Hoo the Thai elite, yellow shirts failed. Lets feel sorry for the rich and powerful of Thailand who are no longer in control and able to rape the country of it's wealth. There are others with their snouts in their yellow bowl and they don't like it.

It seems you condone the raping of Thailand , providing you like or agree with the rapist. That is what you mean isn't? given the tone and context of the sentences prior to when you say "there are others with their snouts in the ..bowl" . With "snouts in the bowl" being your metaphor for raping.

Or is snouts in the bowl a metphor for hungry pigs - which is jolly disrespectful of you to call Yingluck a pig..

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Boo Hoo the Thai elite, yellow shirts failed. Lets feel sorry for the rich and powerful of Thailand who are no longer in control and able to rape the country of it's wealth. There are others with their snouts in their yellow bowl and they don't like it.

Shinawatra clan is the poor and without power?

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The army must be well pleased this particular general is retired. No clue at all on how to organise and capitulates at the first opposition.

should have asked Chamlöng and other yellow shirts for advise.

Or General Sae Daeng and other red shirts for advice.


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If Boonlert had called his rally one against corruption, left the politics out of it, he may have had more support. Unlike the reds 2010 protest, the govt way outmaneuvered the General. Thanks goodness he never had to meet an enemy at war!!! Blocked participants, had barricades in place way before they turned up and had a show of force by police the dems could never arrange. Crushed prior to birth. The reds and the Thaksin faction are in power and they will hang on to it to milk Thailand as long as they can by any means possible. The spin doctors like Chalerm pre-empting violence and then no doubt undertaking it when not called for, does not cause him any concern whatsoever. The next few days as to charges against the demonstrators, you can bet he will make examples of them to ensure people will think twice about further demonstrations. Welcome to dictatorship 'Thaksinocracy'. You wanted it, you got it.

Corruption was exactly the theme of this rally. The people had a well-advertised chance to show what they thought about this government and its handling of Thaksin (presumable his name is linked to corruption in most people's minds), Thailand and all else it is responsible for. The resulting attendance did not produce a crowd big enough to sustain a rally for more than one day. Feeling lonely yet? Move on, I say.

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Pitak Siam lost to common sense and democracy !

For quite some time already a growing number of us are saying that the posters mentioned above ^^ and those who support them are getting increasingly out of touch with the feelings of the large majority of the Thai population.

You are absolutely right G.

The above mentioned posters and many many more are so out of touch with majority of Thai's. I mean near 70%, a vast majority believe corruption and cronyism is good and is accepted as normal in a Thai democracy. Why on earth would anybody want other than a self serving government?

Obviously it baffles you and myself and the vast majority of Thai's, why these TVF posters cant get on board with this sound democracy.

The deems are no different, don't try and make out it's just this government

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Nah, they could have easily had a peaceful protest and I am sure police would have stood back.

Not allowing people miles away to even get to Bangkok, much less get to the protest site, is not my definition of "standing back".

These demonstrations are not democratic. They are designed for one purpose, overthrow PM. Stop being dishonest and have the balls and integrity to call it what it is. At least you or they would be respectable then.

Can you stop with the personal comments about my integrity, my honesty and my respectability please?

Calling for a coup is a stupid thing to do. As other have said, not only stupid but also self-defeating, because i think saying something like that will have put a lot of people off who otherwise might have supported them. The government should be happy that the protest leaders weren't saying something more sensible, and should, within reason, have given them the rope they needed to hang themselves. Suppressing them so quickly within hours was unnecessary and also self defeating, because doing so will likely lead to escalation as both sides become more hardened and more extreme in their actions.

Anyone who was calling for any sort of violence needs to be arrested, just as anyone out and about in public and calling for violence would be. That's the way you deal with it.

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"we lost to evil " says a fascist who was playing and singing to right wing tunes on stage yesterday which were popular among his kind while the massacres of students in 1976 where going on! Cheering protesters on to confront police and hoping for a bloodbath so his army pals could step in!

The sooner this old guard with their outdated thinking dissapears the better!

Thailand lost nothing yesterday – Thailand only won!

You're right, yesterday was a big victory for Thailand and democracy .

We should thank Pitak Siam for organizing this protest, showing to the world how completely out of touch these ideas of violence and military coup are with the general population.

It should be also a great wake up call for the democrats. If they want to come back to power,it has to be through the ballot box. Yesterday, by a large majority, the general population rallied behind the elected government against the threat of fascism and an other military coup. It's also a clear personal defeat for Abhisit, who failed (again) to understand what the Thai want

and what they are not ready to accept. Yesterday's fiasco is also a clear call for Abhisit resignation.

While i am glad this fascist has been exposed for what he is, a fool of the highest order, a dangerous fool, but still a fool I can't see what he had to do with Abhisit. PS, while attracting some PAD support, would have been no friends of the democrats. Fascists are a whole different breed of political animal, generally rabid and dangerous to all. Stop linking Abhisit with them please.

If one needs an additional example, while a few Democrat MP's were associated to varying degrees with PAD, there have been no Democrat MP's similarly associated with Pitak Siam.

To attempt to link Abhisit/Dems to the Pitak Siam is inaccurate.

It should be also a great wake up call for the democrats. If they want to come back to power,it has to be through the ballot box

is out of place when discussing a group that doesn't want a ballot box.


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Boo Hoo the Thai elite, yellow shirts failed. Lets feel sorry for the rich and powerful of Thailand who are no longer in control and able to rape the country of it's wealth. There are others with their snouts in their yellow bowl and they don't like it.

It seems you condone the raping of Thailand , providing you like or agree with the rapist. That is what you mean isn't? given the tone and context of the sentences prior to when you say "there are others with their snouts in the ..bowl" . With "snouts in the bowl" being your metaphor for raping.

Or is snouts in the bowl a metphor for hungry pigs - which is jolly disrespectful of you to call Yingluck a pig..

What I mean is, it doesn't matter which colour is in power and they have thier snouts in the bowl and the other side wants it now. In Thai politics they do not seem to want to wait thier turn to feed from the troth but want to get into it now. I wasn't condoning anything just speaking of the obvious which we farangs can do nothing about. No side is any better than the other.

Edited by chooka
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A total of 117 protesters - 94 men and 23 women - were being detained at the Border Patrol Police Region 1 headquarters in Pathum Thani yesterday, according to Pol Lt-General Nares Nanthachot, commander of Police Region 1.

Will the government provide bail for these obviously political prisoners, or just let them go to save money and show some real reconciliation spirit ?

Assaulting a police officer is not a political prisoner. More victim card stuff. Too funny.

He was being sarcastic regarding similarly imprisoned Red Shirts, and then were subsequently bailed at taxpayers expense from a government fund in "the spirit of reconciliation. He was sarcastically suggesting that to save the governement money, to just let them go.

As sarcasm, I don't believe he is in favor of that suggestion.

Assaulting people is indeed criminal... curious given that the much bigger assault resulting in injuries to police (in the hundreds) in 2007 has yet to be pursued fully. One of the defendents being a PTP MP might play a part.


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"we lost to evil " says a fascist who was playing and singing to right wing tunes on stage yesterday which were popular among his kind while the massacres of students in 1976 where going on! Cheering protesters on to confront police and hoping for a bloodbath so his army pals could step in!

The sooner this old guard with their outdated thinking dissapears the better!

Thailand lost nothing yesterday – Thailand only won!

You're right, yesterday was a big victory for Thailand and democracy .

We should thank Pitak Siam for organizing this protest, showing to the world how completely out of touch these ideas of violence and military coup are with the general population.

It should be also a great wake up call for the democrats. If they want to come back to power,it has to be through the ballot box. Yesterday, by a large majority, the general population rallied behind the elected government against the threat of fascism and an other military coup. It's also a clear personal defeat for Abhisit, who failed (again) to understand what the Thai want

and what they are not ready to accept. Yesterday's fiasco is also a clear call for Abhisit resignation.

While i am glad this fascist has been exposed for what he is, a fool of the highest order, a dangerous fool, but still a fool I can't see what he had to do with Abhisit. PS, while attracting some PAD support, would have been no friends of the democrats. Fascists are a whole different breed of political animal, generally rabid and dangerous to all. Stop linking Abhisit with them please.

If one needs an additional example, while a few Democrat MP's were associated to varying degrees with PAD, there have been no Democrat MP's similarly associated with Pitak Siam.

To attempt to link Abhisit/Dems to the Pitak Siam is inaccurate.

It should be also a great wake up call for the democrats. If they want to come back to power,it has to be through the ballot box

is out of place when discussing a group that doesn't want a ballot box.


Abhisit is the leader of the opposition party and as such a potential future PM of the country.

He needs to be proactive and let the people know where he politically stands and not just lurk in the background.

If he does not denounce yesterdays protest then he will be associated to it.

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Boo Hoo the Thai elite, yellow shirts failed. Lets feel sorry for the rich and powerful of Thailand who are no longer in control and able to rape the country of it's wealth. There are others with their snouts in their yellow bowl and they don't like it.

It seems you condone the raping of Thailand , providing you like or agree with the rapist. That is what you mean isn't? given the tone and context of the sentences prior to when you say "there are others with their snouts in the ..bowl" . With "snouts in the bowl" being your metaphor for raping.

Or is snouts in the bowl a metphor for hungry pigs - which is jolly disrespectful of you to call Yingluck a pig..

What I mean is, it doesn't matter which colour is in power and they have thier snouts in the bowl and the other side wants it now. In Thai politics they do not seem to want to wait thier turn to feed from the troth but want to get into it now. I wasn't condoning anything just speaking of the obvious which we farangs can do nothing about. No side is any better than the other.

Agreed and thanks

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Pitak Siam lost to common sense and democracy !

For quite some time already a growing number of us are saying that the posters mentioned above ^^ and those who support them are getting increasingly out of touch with the feelings of the large majority of the Thai population.

You are absolutely right G.

The above mentioned posters and many many more are so out of touch with majority of Thai's. I mean near 70%, a vast majority believe corruption and cronyism is good and is accepted as normal in a Thai democracy. Why on earth would anybody want other than a self serving government?

Obviously it baffles you and myself and the vast majority of Thai's, why these TVF posters cant get on board with this sound democracy.

The deems are no different, don't try and make out it's just this government

The PTP has tried as hard as it can to identify corruption in the Dem administration. They made lots of noise that faded away as proof couldn't be found. Pure muckraking. Imagine that they had to go back 25 years to a supposed incorrect form allowing Abhisit to teach as his military conscription and that will set you straight.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Thaivisa Connect App

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