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Gramoxone Water Ratio


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Does anyone know the gramoxone to water ratio to kill general weeds?

I know how dangerous Gramoxone can be but I see locals applying what appears to be way to high a ratio.

I ask as I have a man spraying the stuff for me tomorrow and I cant read whats written on the bottle and am not sure this guy can actually read either.

I think I read somewhere 100 parts water to 1 part gramoxone making a 1 litre bottle mix with 100 litres water??

I know it varies on what you want to kill.

Mine is mainly grass.


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Google it? 1 - 2% dilution.

The guy won't have anything to measure with him. You will have problems finding a measuring cylinder anywhere. You will hear 'little; little'. In my home country Gramaxone (Paraquat) is banned. So if the guy doesn't turn up with 1.protective clothing and mask and 2, Knowledge and the capability of measuring the dosage, don't employ him. This action will exclude almost everyone in Thailand.

The much maligned Roundup, Glyphosat, needs longer to work but is in comparison is much less dangerous and more efficient. I refuse to use stuff they sell here that has been banned in Europe for 20 years, and I think we Farangs should spread the word.

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From Khonwan's cassava spreadsheet....

1.5 litres paraquet to 200 litres water

ie 150ml in 20 litre sprayer.

I saw locals spray paraquet on mainly grass, grass died back, but 2 or 3 weeks later you wouldn't know that it had been sprayed because the grass just grew again.

Of course it may be different at this time of year as there is no rain.

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Thanks for all the replies, I too prefer Round up BUT need a fast result even though I know it wont last.

I used to sell this stuff in the UK years ago, everyone had to sign a poisons register then, I know how dangerous it can be. I am supplying him with all the equipment.

The l;ast idiots who did it............turned up in flip flops and the the kids arrived and followed them around barefoot..............I was flabbergasted to say the least.

Stupidity know no bounds here

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Thanks for all the replies, I too prefer Round up BUT need a fast result even though I know it wont last.

I used to sell this stuff in the UK years ago, everyone had to sign a poisons register then, I know how dangerous it can be. I am supplying him with all the equipment.

The l;ast idiots who did it............turned up in flip flops and the the kids arrived and followed them around barefoot..............I was flabbergasted to say the least.

Stupidity know no bounds here

I worked on the site where Paraquat and Reglone were produced in Huddersfield UK.

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I also found the label if you want it . This is one of the first ones on Google but there are more labels and MSDS available there too.


Paraquat , Triquat and /or Gramoxone or whatever name is marketed under has different applications to Glysophate . It will not kill non green woody plants (in Theory it will not damage trees ) and it will kill some herbaceous plants that Glysophate only burns off. That is why it was so popular in orchards and nurseries many years ago. It can be useful if it used intelligently and with the highest level of safety precautions including being aware of spray drift into non target areas. I would not advocate non-trained personnel to use it at any time but in Thailand everybody can do it without any attention being paid to the safety,environmental, legal and civil consequences.

Incidentally you will find herbicides work best when the correct application rates are used. Extra chemical will often work in reverse and apart from additional cost ,the desired target kill will not occur and the area will need spraying again . The chemical companies haven't spent massive amount of money and time in field tests ,in conjunction with the strict guidelines of Environmental Protection agencies, just to have a untrained labourer interpret the dosage and environmental conditions contrary to the label.

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The Thai mentality is more is better We were informed by one of my ladies friends that we were stingy when we sprayed our rubber tree area because we only wanted to use the recommended dose. I found this unbelievable after myself working in the tree industry for more then 30 years, but the ratio he wanted to use was ridiculous and wastefull when the recommended dose is there for a reason.

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I find that my local Thai villagers’ comprehension of written instructions is very poor hence they simply follow what others do. They compound this by being reluctant to accept educated advice (whether from a Thai or farang, though especially from the latter).



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Applying Round up (Glyphoshate) on anything about to seed is a waste of time, i.e grasses and perennial weeds... It's best to cut back any perennial weed first and allow a few days for new green growth.... then apply... (no residual effect in soil, so it will only work on green growth, that is sprayed ) ....

It takes at least seven to ten days to work and kill the roots. ... the seeds will pop before the plants are dead!..... So cycle starts again...sad.png

People just never seem to understand this (not just Thai's) ...

Gramoxone, will kill annual weeds very quickly, but one needs to understand the difference of what plants are Annual and what are perennial weeds (i.e. most grasses....but other weeds too ) ...... yes I am surprised it is available here, there is no antidote!

Xen's post was very good... thumbsup.gif

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Applying Round up (Glyphoshate) on anything about to seed is a waste of time, i.e grasses and perennial weeds... It's best to cut back any perennial weed first and allow a few days for new green growth.... then apply... (no residual effect in soil, so it will only work on green growth, that is sprayed ) ....

It takes at least seven to ten days to work and kill the roots. ... the seeds will pop before the plants are dead!..... So cycle starts again...sad.png

People just never seem to understand this (not just Thai's) ...

Gramoxone, will kill annual weeds very quickly, but one needs to understand the difference of what plants are Annual and what are perennial weeds (i.e. most grasses....but other weeds too ) ...... yes I am surprised it is available here, there is no antidote!

Xen's post was very good... thumbsup.gif

I cut the grass then give it a week or so to re grow before spraying so I get nice new green growth, as soon as the wind drops Ill be attacking it

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