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Where are you seeing these? Ducks look like Whistling D. But this species is not, as far as I know seen in Thailand

The pics are taken close to KY national park in Nakhon Nayok. The ducks are fairly common here. Here's a clearer shot.


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Where are you seeing these? Ducks look like Whistling D. But this species is not, as far as I know seen in Thailand
The pics are taken close to KY national park in Nakhon Nayok. The ducks are fairly common here. Here's a clearer shot.

Nice Lesser Whistling Duck. I was thrown by the apparent white rump in the flight shots which would point to Wandering Whistling Duck - as found in Australia. The Darter is a very rare sight. Well spotted.

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Not a photo but a request since you guys can probably help. I have broken my birding bins and need a new pair! Anyone know any good online(Thai) sources? I live on route 21 about 12 clicks north of Phetchabun City but don't know any optics shops there.


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Bird of prey, can anyone identify it? Thanks.


Thanks, any idea how common they are? This is the first one I've seen.

A fairly common, certainly not rare, sight in Thailand . . . obviously you've an increased chance of seeing one around larger bodies of water. Also they're not resident, but visitors . . . so numbers fluctuate. Where did you see that one?

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Very common bird in Thailand

Was that photo take in Thailand ?

It is a Pelican (spot billed?) and according to the book I have they are only a winter visitor that have only been recorded in the central plain area and eastern seaboard.

never seen one myself.

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^^^ FG...Zoo's & Game reserves are great places for animal photography!

Saves driving & hiking in rather dangerous territory in the hopes of perhaps

...even a blurry shot at best. The Blether had some nice tiger pix on the Nature

thread if I remember correctly.

Patient model...Nice pic!

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