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Miraculous Cure For Hiv "reported" By Chiang Mai School - Praise The Lord


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Some good news for a change, apparently.

On the June page of this year's Grace International School calendar (scan attached here) they report a teenage girl being cured of HIV by giving her life to god. Now, it seems to me that god is being a bit greedy by demanding her life, but great to hear about this truly miraculous cure. I wonder if this is reported anywhere in the medical press? cheesy.gif

Are people really allowed to print such blatant untruths? Would this be acceptable in the land of the brave, or are they just trying it on in Thailand? Surely this is false advertising on behalf of God - whoever she is sad.png


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I don't think any of us here know enough to say one way or the other.


Well the pair of you are just party poopers. coffee1.gif That was the bones of an interesting thread that you just killed.

In actual fact only last week I nearly sh*****d a ladyboy. Picked him up in a night club.

He looked like a woman; he smelled like a woman; danced like a woman and even kissed like a woman.

But as we arrived back at his apartment he reversed his car into a tight parking slot in one fluid movement...! Thats when I thought "Hang on just a minute....."

and thus I was saved of HIV

This one?


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Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that the power of prayer and giving yourself to God

can bring about miracles?

Unless maybe they understand how many of billions of other such pleas are ignored by "God" resulting in

unfathomable suffering and agonizing death for so many people, not to mention all the pleas to have the home

team win the World Cup or Super Bowl.

If there is a "God" out there who actually keeps track of these appeals it must have the compassion

of a Wall Street banker.

Well stated, L&J.

If religion is what gullible people want to believe then go for it. If it makes them feel better then it works for them.

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Well the pair of you are just party poopers. coffee1.gif That was the bones of an interesting thread that you just killed.

In actual fact only last week I nearly sh*****d a ladyboy. Picked him up in a night club.

He looked like a woman; he smelled like a woman; danced like a woman and even kissed like a woman.

But as we arrived back at his apartment he reversed his car into a tight parking slot in one fluid movement...! Thats when I thought "Hang on just a minute....."

and thus I was saved of HIV

Thanks for my morning laugh, eyecatcher. clap2.gifcheesy.gif

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Why is it so difficult for some people to accept that the power of prayer and giving yourself to God

can bring about miracles?

Unless maybe they understand how many of billions of other such pleas are ignored by "God" resulting in

unfathomable suffering and agonizing death for so many people, not to mention all the pleas to have the home

team win the World Cup or Super Bowl.

If there is a "God" out there who actually keeps track of these appeals it must have the compassion

of a Wall Street banker.

I believe it has scientifically been proven that prayer has a positive result. To what degree I don't know.

The scoffers may say it is the power of belief in the mind or it would have happened any how. They could be rite or they could be wrong. I don't know it is up to each of us to make are personal decision. For every study that says it works there is one that says it doesn't work.

I did not read the article the only thing I would say was she diagnosed by a qualified doctor.

I was going to be God then I changed my mind to many phone calls an Sunday morning.

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I don't think any of us here know enough to say one way or the other.


Well the pair of you are just party poopers. coffee1.gif That was the bones of an interesting thread that you just killed.

In actual fact only last week I nearly sh*****d a ladyboy. Picked him up in a night club.

He looked like a woman; he smelled like a woman; danced like a woman and even kissed like a woman.

But as we arrived back at his apartment he reversed his car into a tight parking slot in one fluid movement...! Thats when I thought "Hang on just a minute....."

and thus I was saved of HIV

so,it was getting it into the tight slot that gave it awaycheesy.gif

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Just took a look at the June page posted in this thread. Maybe I'm missing something here. I didn't see anything in the report about "God's greed for demanding a life". Rather, it's a story about a person who makes promises to God if he will get them out of a life-threatening situation. Has no one ever heard that before? I know all kinds of people who make huge promises to God (even if they don't believe in God) if he will only get them out of a difficult situation. Then what happens if that ACTUALLY happens? The situation gets better or a person suddenly IS free from whatever health condition, etc. and rarely do we see these people make good on their "promises". So what I saw on the June page of this calendar is a girl who made a promise and then did what she said she would do. What's the harm in that?

So what is really so offensive here that would be unacceptable in the "land of the brave" (whatever place that refers to)? Is it that a girl claims to have been HIV positive and that now she's not? Or is it that a girl claims to have been HIV positive and now she is not and that this is because of God? The original post here says that this is false advertising on behalf of God - whoever she is. I suppose it's only false advertising if She didn't do this. I don't think any of us here know enough to say one way or the other. So I guess we all get to wonder about what really happened, but it seems a bit extreme to just label this as blatant untruths without more information.

....oh BS, millions of people have HIV, to date there have been 0 documented cases of a miracle cure, through prayer, magic herbs or voodoo. This is just a very obvious religious scam to recruit more of the weak minded to superstition.

Well just to be a little more open minded on the subject you are forgetting that here is a documented case of a mirical cure. There are thousand's of them just that they are not up to your close minded beliefs on the topic.

We need that superstition what would the world have done with out it to start wars and create crusades.

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I don't think any of us here know enough to say one way or the other.


Well the pair of you are just party poopers. coffee1.gif That was the bones of an interesting thread that you just killed.

In actual fact only last week I nearly sh*****d a ladyboy. Picked him up in a night club.

He looked like a woman; he smelled like a woman; danced like a woman and even kissed like a woman.

But as we arrived back at his apartment he reversed his car into a tight parking slot in one fluid movement...! Thats when I thought "Hang on just a minute....."

and thus I was saved of HIV

What a give away! laugh.pngthumbsup.gif

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Seriously, it is extraordinary how people do scoff at others who have religion. But what do these scoffers believe in?

sometimes have no problem to believe in dark forces, satanism, astrology, ghosts, people possessed by a devil..so much manner of BS.. but yet still refuse to accept any possibility that there could be the opposing white or pure force

in life is the best lesson..that everything has its opposite, can you just believe on one side?

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I believe nothing without evidence. Theory and speculation is just that until there is evidence.

And then, after a while, new evidence appears that is stronger than the old evidence. And so my beliefs change.

The problem with religion is that it doesn't allow you to change your mind when faced with new evidence.

Thankfully the school who's calender brought about this topic provides an environment where these fools are kept from the rest of society.

Unfortunately, claims like some supposed superior being having the ability to cure HIV will mean those uneducated ones from the mountains without access to free healthcare, struck down with this disease will die young unnecessarily. Wouldn't it be better if the vast sums of money available within these religions to spend were spent on drugs helping to prevent the progress of HIV to AIDS, rather than being spent sponsoring Missionaries to go out mis-educating?

Edited by naboo
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Seriously, it is extraordinary how people do scoff at others who have religion. But what do these scoffers believe in?

sometimes have no problem to believe in dark forces, satanism, astrology, ghosts, people possessed by a devil..so much manner of BS.. but yet still refuse to accept any possibility that there could be the opposing white or pure force

in life is the best lesson..that everything has its opposite, can you just believe on one side?

...... actually the "dark forces" you mention are usually only believed in by the religious/superstitious, skeptics reject all that due to lack of proof, we do not reject the possibility, but the probability is very very low. For hellodolly, the claims made in this case are NOT documented evidence, they are (to my knowlege) undocumented claims. To call skeptics "closed minded" is obsurd, we are open to reviewing credable evedence, not wild unfounded claims. Get it?
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Seriously, it is extraordinary how people do scoff at others who have religion. But what do these scoffers believe in?

sometimes have no problem to believe in dark forces, satanism, astrology, ghosts, people possessed by a devil..so much manner of BS.. but yet still refuse to accept any possibility that there could be the opposing white or pure force

I think it's all BS mate. The jesus wheezers, the mussies and the blue suede shoes are just as deluded as the satanists and psychics.

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-snip- To call skeptics "closed minded" is obsurd, we are open to reviewing credable evedence, not wild unfounded claims. Get it?

I wonder. If there is a supernatural power, by definition would we be able to see it? We can see that which is natural, of course.

If we say that if we can't see it, it doesn't (for us) exist, is that a definition of closed minded?

If it is supernatural and we are natural, what causes us to think we could observe it?

No offense intended, but if I thought I could observe and pass judgement on everything in the universe, I would expect to be seen as arrogant.

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Seriously, it is extraordinary how people do scoff at others who have religion. But what do these scoffers believe in?

sometimes have no problem to believe in dark forces, satanism, astrology, ghosts, people possessed by a devil..so much manner of BS.. but yet still refuse to accept any possibility that there could be the opposing white or pure force

in life is the best lesson..that everything has its opposite, can you just believe on one side?

...I'm a little old for imaginary friends.

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-snip- To call skeptics "closed minded" is obsurd, we are open to reviewing credable evedence, not wild unfounded claims. Get it?

I wonder. If there is a supernatural power, by definition would we be able to see it? We can see that which is natural, of course.

If we say that if we can't see it, it doesn't (for us) exist, is that a definition of closed minded?

If it is supernatural and we are natural, what causes us to think we could observe it?

No offense intended, but if I thought I could observe and pass judgement on everything in the universe, I would expect to be seen as arrogant.

Valid questions, I feel humble that I (we) know so little, The arroganceis in those that claim to have all the answers as contained in their scriptures and fairy tales.
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Seriously, it is extraordinary how people do scoff at others who have religion. But what do these scoffers believe in?

sometimes have no problem to believe in dark forces, satanism, astrology, ghosts, people possessed by a devil..so much manner of BS.. but yet still refuse to accept any possibility that there could be the opposing white or pure force

in life is the best lesson..that everything has its opposite, can you just believe on one side?

I've never met anyone who didn't believe in god who also believed in any of what you have quoted. It's all a load of rubbish.

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People amaze me. I, and the place I stand, are less than a speck of dust in the universe. I can't begin to comprehend all that might be out there. Yet if my eyes haven't seen it, it doesn't exist?

If man could only cure the common cold or in this case HIV, I might begin to take his feelings of omniscience a tiny bit more seriously.

The only thing I can rationally say is that I don't know.

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