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A Video About Feminism


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This thread is like the poster child of Thaivisa ladies forum or something.

OP posts something about feminism and asks for women's opinions. Men answer. Men then decide the video is about sexpats in Thailand (really??) and then immediately go on the offensive against women.

No Will I did not watch the video. I don't really have an interest in women who go backwards. I don't really have an interest in a world in which women are belittled and treated like chattel.

Whats really interesting is how many of the same men who sit and gripe about women also then go on to complain about how unfairly their wives are treated by Thai laws. err, double standards anyone?

Of course, these are probably the same people who live in another country and yet complain about immigrants to their own.

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More than half a million views! It's a sophisticated argument that seems to respond to many the traditional criticisms of feminism; but it's built on a false premise and is devoid of any empirical support.

How did you get on with the nails, SBK? What's latest trend in colouring for fair-toned ladies?

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She also argues that men are reduced from 'human beings' to 'human doings' by society, whereas women have an in-built value (the womb, still powerful evolutionary speaking) men do not, and so society looks at how useful an individual man is to the community at large.

She argues against the feminist idea that women are viewed as less valuable and the male sex preferred, saying that it's the opposite- 2:50 - 3:42.

edit: I don't think girlwriteswhat would object to being called an anti-misandrist

So why are baby girls culled more often? Why is 48 % running 90% of everything ( or more..? ) Sorry I don't find her a feminist, is all.

Someone , was it you responded to my claim about the male libido precluding any kind of trust ? Presumably from effect of testosterone ( which also tends toward violent aggressive behavior. )

I agree women are instead, unpredictable, due to estrogen hormone. You bet.

Could you agree men are subject to hormonal servitude their entire lives whilst women past 50 or so, aren't?

Edited by MacChine
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Well, we can't all be online everyday, you know -houses to clean, socks a darning, men to comfort and such all.

Hah! smile.png

And Sheryl, you and I had such a nice exchange in that clinic thread last year. sad.png Really no opinion on it? I know you've stated as much twice now..

I suppose, thaivisa is not the most friendly place to discuss such ideas, especially if you are female. I do understand!

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There are definitely some men that need disposing of. In fact we aren't disposing ENOUGH of them. There's just too many people in this world.

Have you a final solution?

I don't really want to lock anyone up. Well maybe sometimes... But I do want women to have equal representation in government.

Oxford Will . you sound very smart and all, of course.. but honestly, this woman's theories have very little to offer in way of solving any inequities.

So what did you want to know?

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And yes, frankly.... maybe societies would be better off if men were culled or restrained in some way .

They do commit over 90 % of violent crimes. and they are absolutely wreaking havoc on the planet's resources.

People like you claim that feminists don't hate men, then go around making sexist generalizations like this. Females tend to carry out psychological aggression rather than physical aggression, which causes psychological harm. Likewise, your argument that "men" should be culled since they are wreaking havoc on the planet's resources seems to apply more accurately to "feminist theorists" rather than "men". The type of "feminist theorists" in university departments tend to be quite wealthy, are allowed to make sexist generalizations with no scientific evidence, and then hypocritically decry supposed "male privilege". I have no problem with calling out SPECIFIC cases of injustice, but these types of "feminist theorists" should be called out, and should seek psychological help rather than spread their poisonous views out to the world.

Regarding the claim that sexpats are "exploiting" Thai women. This is a flipping joke. Having a f-rang boyfriend (or four) is seen as a guarantee for, more or less, free money. Women here haven't been poisoned by extremist feminists' views that "men are oppressors", and are quite glad to be loyal wives - glad to cook, clean, care for the husband - assuming the husband also is loyal. Too bad extremist feminism has made many western women too mean to do this!

Also I have seen more than one case of western men coming here, falling in love with a woman, then getting royally screwed out of thousands of dollars (plus a broken heart). So much for "men are oppressors".

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