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Bodies Of British Cyclists To Be Sent To U K


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Bodies of British cyclists to be sent to UK

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- A representative appointed by the British embassy yesterday picked up the bodies of a couple killed in a road crash in Chachoengsao. The duo was on a round-the-world bicycling journey.


Peter Root and Mary Thompson, both 34-year-old British citizens, died at 1pm last Wednesday when a pickup hit them on Kabin Buri-Phanom Sarakham Road.

The pickup driver, Worapong Sangkawat, is now facing charges of reckless driving causing deaths. If convicted, he will face up to 10 years in jail and/or a maximum fine of Bt20,000.

"Their bodies will be returned to Britain," Nopparat Khonyuen, the representative, said. He spoke to reporters while contacting the Phanom Sarakham Police Station to pick up the bodies and the couple's belongings. He said the belongings would also be handed over their relatives in Britain. Among them were 13 bags, a watch, a camera, a cell phone, two computer notebooks, some foreign currency and three rings. "We are following the procedure as requested by their relatives," Nopparat said.

Police said the victims' relatives could seek compensation from the insurance company the driver had bought a policy with.


-- The Nation 2013-02-20

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20000 THB fine??? Is that how much it is for killing 2 whites now? We better be careful now!!!

It just proves that it is better to kill of the people you injure in an accident because it is a lot cheaper... He killed someone, it does not matter how it happened, he should end up in jail for a long time!

RIP to the two fine souls- I have seen their web page many times as it is one of my dreams to do what they did (on a motorcycle though).

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If the victims had been Thai, it would have been 100,000 to each family and 200,000 to the police. A few years ago, 2 children were mown down by a speeding driver. He had previously killed 9 others with his driving.

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Very sad story... imagine cycling half way round the world to die in a freak road accident.

I find the 20,000 Baht fine for reckless driving causing death (irrespective of who the victims are) outright preposterous!

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If the victims had been Thai, it would have been 100,000 to each family and 200,000 to the police. A few years ago, 2 children were mown down by a speeding driver. He had previously killed 9 others with his driving.

citation requested. At the very least need approximate locations, dates, # injured.

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Very sad.

The driver gets up to ten years or max THB20,000 fine? Wonder which he would choose given a choice!

This has been a big story on Yahoo UK where all the Sheerluck Holmes' have deduced exactly what happened. Luckily some foreign residents here have injected some sense

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20000 THB fine??? Is that how much it is for killing 2 whites now? We better be careful now!!!

It just proves that it is better to kill of the people you injure in an accident because it is a lot cheaper... He killed someone, it does not matter how it happened, he should end up in jail for a long time!

RIP to the two fine souls- I have seen their web page many times as it is one of my dreams to do what they did (on a motorcycle though).

How many people in the Western World do long time after killing somebody in an accident??? Not many; and most do no time at all, even if they were drunk at the time.

All they have to do is hire a connected lawyer and do a weep & wail in front of the judge.

No better than Thailand.


An accident is an accident. Killing somebody on purpose is a whole different thing.

Personally I find the fine of 20.000ThB low, but a prison sentence of 10 years is rather harsh. That will not solve his driving skill.

Revoking his driving license and sending him on obligated defensive driving courses might help on the other hand. At least, that's how they do it over here.

If it were my parents in their place, I would not be revengeful to the driver, but I would plead for a revision of the Thai traffic policy and driving test policy.

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If it were my parents in their place, I would not be revengeful to the driver, but I would plead for a revision of the Thai traffic policy and driving test policy.

Would achieve nothing IMO.

The arrogance and attitude of Thai motorists is the main problem which in itself is a cultural issue.

As well as addressing the cultural issues, I agree the system needs to be reformed completely; driver education, testing, law enforcement, punishments, vehicle maintenance, which is too big and complicated a task to be undertaken at this late stage, with over a million new cars on Thai roads every year.

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20000 THB fine??? Is that how much it is for killing 2 whites now? We better be careful now!!!

It just proves that it is better to kill of the people you injure in an accident because it is a lot cheaper... He killed someone, it does not matter how it happened, he should end up in jail for a long time!

RIP to the two fine souls- I have seen their web page many times as it is one of my dreams to do what they did (on a motorcycle though).

That is the Thai fine for causing a Farang to have an (accident) death. My guess is no jail time, he probably will claim they swerved in front of him, maybe apologize and pay the fine in payments.
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Been driving here for over10 years now and every trip out of the driveway is a new experience. You just have to be very careful and 100 percent alert at all times. What I've noticed over the years is that Thai drivers cannot plan ahead or foresee what is happening in front of them. There's a lot of very inexperienced drivers out there that think they are good drivers,NOT! Always look both ways even on one way streets. If the Jackass with the BMW or Benz that runs right up your butt while your passing 4semi trucks on a hill wants to pass let him first chance you get because it is better he is in front of you then behind you. Try not to give the finger to often, it might be a BIB and it would offend him and he'll shoot you. Just a few words of wisdom.

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Sorry to notice that accident. I met a few people driving with bicycles long distance in Thailand and threw Thailand,

in my more than two decades in SEA,

also two young English lads on their way from London to Australia, between Ranong and Phuket who stopped at a roadside repair shop.

Was always a nice short chat. sad.png

One more reason, why I usually be, one of the fastest on Thai roads with car and Motorbike,

at least there is only a very slim chance, I can get hit from behind! whistling.gif

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Very Sad for fellow Brits RIP and condolences to family, But some of us who have been here a while wouldnt dream of riding a bicycle outside of the Gym.

What an outlook , I have been doing about 150 k`s per week for the past 8 yrs. on the bike.

here in Chiang Saen , Ok there are crazy b`s here as there are all over the world , but i love

the ride from here to the Golden Triangle along the Mekong & god willing shall carry on.

But god bless these two people who were doing what they loved.

Condolences to their loved-ones.

May you both rest in peace.

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What an outlook , I have been doing about 150 k`s per week for the past 8 yrs. on the bike.

here in Chiang Saen , Ok there are crazy b`s here as there are all over the world ,

So its the same here, as "all over the world". Wow, a thai apologist defending thai driving skills

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20000 THB fine??? Is that how much it is for killing 2 whites now? We better be careful now!!!

It just proves that it is better to kill of the people you injure in an accident because it is a lot cheaper... He killed someone, it does not matter how it happened, he should end up in jail for a long time!

RIP to the two fine souls- I have seen their web page many times as it is one of my dreams to do what they did (on a motorcycle though).

What has killing "whites" got to do with it?

Are you suggesting that offence under Thai law differentiates between different races and/or different skin colours? crazy.gif

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