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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British


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Falkland Islanders Vote To Remain British

Falkland Islanders have voted overwhelmingly in favour of remaining a British oversees territory.

Around 92% of the islands' 1,672 eligible voters turned out to deliver a 98.8% "yes" in favour of staying an internally self-governing British territory.

Just three votes, or 0.2% of the ballot, were against the referendum, which asked: "Do you wish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?"

It was designed to send a strong message to Argentina, which earlier derided the poll as illegal.

Source: http://news.sky.com/story/1063363/falkland-islanders-vote-to-remain-british

-- SKYNews 2013-03-12

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"It was designed to send a strong message to Argentina, which earlier derided the poll as illegal."

What does Argentina think from a Democratic process? rolleyes.gif

Edited by ALFREDO
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Don't get your panties in a twist. Brazil is on Argentina's side and Brazil is a rapidly emerging superpower. I don't believe in the LONG RUN those islands will remain British. Could be 100 years though so it's a safe prediction. (We won't know.)

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I am sure the American Secretary of State will still refer to them as The Malvinas. They can happily support the democratic wish of murdering Egyptians but not self determination of the Falkland Islanders.


I read this article and not once did it say that the now former Secretary of State refer to them as The Malvinas. An unnamed Dept. Official is all I can get out of it. And why would GB want the USA nosing into their business with Argentina? Normally it is the Brits on this site who are constantly complaining about the US interferring in one thing of another. Can't have it both ways. Not quite sure about the sentance concerning the democratic wish of murdering Egyptians. The US supported a murderous dictatorship for decades in Egypt but now support of a murderous democracy is something worse?

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Hillary Clinton and Cristina Kirchner have a personal bond, I think.

When talking to Argentinians, you call the islands Las Malvinas; that is basic courtesy. That is what they call them, that is what they are called on their maps. To call them the Falklands to Argentinians face would be provocative. It would have been more diplomatic to dance around the name red herring and find a way not to mention their name at all.

Overall, this does matter to the USA. South America has rejected the USA, drifting much more towards Iran, China, and Russia. But the USA still has some influence there, and coming out boldly for England on the islands issue would make things even worse as South America is almost entirely on Argentina's side on this. I think being basically neutral is the smartest policy for the USA; sorry about that. The USA is IN the Americas, can't be helped.

Edited by Jingthing
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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

And if they invade again so will we kick their ass again its been British for 180+ years almost as long as America has been America

We might have a problem there, if the argies did invade again we wont have aircover, without aircover we would get hammered. Too many fighting men are involved in wars we cant win, that idiot in number 10 has practically neutered the military and i think we would seriously struggle to retake the islands now. Absolutely no offense to the military but their ability to do anything is now very limited.

Besides which our military has to fight not only the enemy abroad but the lib-left within, who seek to disadvantage it at every turn with ludicrous rules of engagement.

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I hope the Falklands stay British. I hate being down there on a ship, having to do patrols and sitting alongside for weeks/months but the journey down and back is brill. Some of my best runs ashore.

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It's only a matter of time. Look at a map.

Have a look at a map of the Eastern Meditteranean. As good as all of the 1,400 islands in the Aegean Sea are Greek. Some of them are under a mile from the Turkish coast.

France is scattered all around the globe, and the Netherlands to a smaller degree as well. Britain should hang on, that's valuable estate.

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The indiginous peoples of Argentina should be given a vote, asking if they think Spanish speaking Europeans should rule them

High crime rate 25% inflation, I make no wonder their government wants to keep the peoples attention elsewhere.

Argentina is unusual in S.A. in having a very small percentage of indigenous people, unless you're counting illegal Bolivian immigrants, etc.

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Don't get your panties in a twist. Brazil is on Argentina's side and Brazil is a rapidly emerging superpower. I don't believe in the LONG RUN those islands will remain British. Could be 100 years though so it's a safe prediction. (We won't know.)

Here`s another safe prediction for 100 years time,China will invade Hawaii and Alaska.Could happen as they will be the biggest Superpower by far.

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Don't get your panties in a twist. Brazil is on Argentina's side and Brazil is a rapidly emerging superpower. I don't believe in the LONG RUN those islands will remain British. Could be 100 years though so it's a safe prediction. (We won't know.)

Hopefully the Irish & Spanish won't have to wait so long ; the restitution to the rightfull owners of the northern provinces of Eire is WAY LONG OVERDUE....the UK should never have been allowed to be part of the EU due to occupation of 2 member states' territory.

The majority of the people of Nth Ireland demand to remain as part of the UK. In addition the Vast majority of the residents of Nth Ireland and very happy to remain in the UK.

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