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Do Thais Drink More Alcohol Than People In Wisconsin Usa?


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Maybe yes, maybe no, but a recent study showed the cost to Wisconsin for 'binge drinkers' came to $6.8 billion dollars in 2012. Wisconsin has about 1/12th the population of Thailand. Anyone familiar with Thailand knows that Thais drink heavily and often. If Thais drank, on average, as much as Wisconsin folks, the cost to Thailand annually would be about $81.6 billion dollars (2.2 trillion baht).

How, you may ask, does the cost get so high? It's from lost days in the workplace, lost productivity, hospital costs for the drinkers and the people they harm - via spouse beatings and road accidents. Also, expenses from higher insurance for everyone, incarcerations, lawsuits, premature deaths, liver transplants, ....the list goes on.

I've said for years that alcohol is by far the world's (and Thailand's) most harmful drug - indeed more harmful than all other recreational drugs combined. It may not be more harmful than all pharma drugs, but that's another topic. Next time your drunkard friend or family member says to you, "What's the big deal, I just want to have a few beers..." you can say, "It is a big deal, and costly too."

I don't recommend outlawing alcoholic drinks, but I would suggest doubling the costs of all alcoholic drinks, and using the added revenue to partially off-set the obscene costs that alcohol consumption saddles on regular taxpayers - particularly those who take care of themselves, and don't get drunk.

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You made one mistake in your assesment, the income earned and price levels in Wisconsin are much higher so you can't state that this would be the cost. In reality it would be a fair bit lower. Still nothing not to worry about but if you think about something make sure you got your facts straight.

I am for a liberal drug and alcohol policy as long as users pay the tab of their action. So yes a tax on now illigal drugs and make them leagal and increase alcohol taxes. Alcohol is indeed far more harmful then other drugs that are deemed illigal. However what i am stating here is a pipe dream wont happen in my lifetime.

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You made one mistake in your assesment, the income earned and price levels in Wisconsin are much higher so you can't state that this would be the cost. In reality it would be a fair bit lower. Still nothing not to worry about but if you think about something make sure you got your facts straight.

I am for a liberal drug and alcohol policy as long as users pay the tab of their action. So yes a tax on now illigal drugs and make them leagal and increase alcohol taxes. Alcohol is indeed far more harmful then other drugs that are deemed illigal. However what i am stating here is a pipe dream wont happen in my lifetime.

Yes, I thought of the differences in median income in Wis and Thailand - too late to make allowances for that in my post. Yet, astronomical costs are part of the equation in both places. One of the biggest ironies is that hemp is deemed an illegal Class-1 drug in Thailand - which can land you in jail. Yet you could smoke a garbage bin full of hemp and not get stoned. Just another example of the ridiculousness of Thai drug laws (which copy US laws).

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Binge drinking — defined as five or more alcoholic drinks in a short period of time for men, and four for women.

Is this a universal thing, or just USA?

If universal, then I believe this state must be way way waaaaay down on the list.

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I don't think Americans drink very much. Many are religious and don't drink at all. I think Thais drink much more alcohol. I'm always seeing Thais buy beer and whiskey at the stores. I never noticed people buying much alcohol when I lived in the states.

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Most of the Thais I know don't drink much, much less than the average falang.

Even those who bring their bottle of whisky with them to restaurant. They just pour two or three drops of whisky in the bottom of their glass and then fill it with soda.

Edited by JurgenG
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Alcohol is already heavily taxed in Thailand.

Not as heavily as some countries, more heavily than say the US, I believe.

Raising duties raises smuggling, and creates opportunities in organised crime. I prefer hangovers to gangsters.

People only point to the high cost of alcohol because it is the most popular and socially accepted drug. What is the cost per user?

If as many of us took heroin as alcohol, things may change.


EDIT: I think I'd rather stop drinking out of choice than bankruptcy

Edited by StreetCowboy
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OP - you seem very well versed in the cost/revenue situation.

perhaps you could outline how much drink related "costs" to the state of Wisconsin amount to over a given time period versus the revenue generated by alcohol sales.

my guess is that the costs are outweighed by the revenues, but please feel free to prove me wrong.

Edited by GooEng
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You can't calculate the costs like that.<br /><br />There might be a lot positive things as well.<br />Had a bad day, got drunk with friends vs. get lost in depressions.<br /><br />Countries with highest alcohol consumption have the strongest economic (Germany, Japan, China)<br />(But not Russia for example)<br /><br />It is for 99 % of Europeans a nice harmless drug.<br />But in Thailand I would say more people have a problem with it.

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You can't calculate the costs like that.<br /><br />There might be a lot positive things as well.<br />Had a bad day, got drunk with friends vs. get lost in depressions.<br /><br />Countries with highest alcohol consumption have the strongest economic (Germany, Japan, China)<br />(But not Russia for example)<br /><br />It is for 99 % of Europeans a nice harmless drug.<br />But in Thailand I would say more people have a problem with it.

You could fairly easily quantify the benefit from alcohol, based on how much people were willing to pay for it, unless you reckon there is some unpaid, societal benefit from me drinking...


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I don't recommend outlawing alcoholic drinks, but I would suggest doubling the costs of all alcoholic drinks, and using the added revenue to partially off-set the obscene costs that alcohol consumption saddles on regular taxpayers - particularly those who take care of themselves, and don't get drunk.

Regarding Thais who drinks excessively. Working for 10 hours a day for a couple of hundred Baht, why do you deny them to relax a bit after work with a few drinks?

It's an uneven playing field. If they went home and relaxed with a hit of pot or a hit of heroin, they could be fined and tossed in jail, and the next morning's headlines would scream "DRUG RELATED CRIME!" I've done heroin recreationally a few times, and I can tell you it's mellow and very relaxing. You never hear of a wife beating on heroin or pot, but we hear of wife beatings daily - which are alcohol fueled. The people who make drug laws don't have a clue because they don't know the effects of the drugs they criminalize. Alcohol drinkers always hide behind the excuse that they're 'casual and responsible drinkers.' We're to believe it's 'others' who are drunks. Those who do other types of recreational drugs don't have that handy excuse. If they get caught with even a smidgen of something illegal, they could be headed to long prison time.

There is a big glaring reason why alcohol is the only legal recreational drug. It's touted by a trillion dollar industry with lobbyists everywhere. Plus most legislators and judges (in Thailand, anyway) are hard drinkers. The #1 drug fighter is an alcoholic for chrissakes.

Geez, another nanny state lover. What we really need are more taxes and more regulations. NOT.

Would you recommend alcohol drinkers take responsibility for their actions? If you're a drinker and you run my insurance rates up (and costs for hospitals, law enforcement, etc) ...would you be willing to pay me directly for my added costs? Of course not. Alcohol drinkers run costs up for everyone, but take little responsibility for it. It's akin to daredevil pranksters - who jump off bridges or get stuck skiing in avalanches. Their reckless behavior runs costs (for emergency services, insurance, helicopter search and rescue, etc) up for everyone else.

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So are you saying that if more poeple invested in heroin, things would improve?

As I recall, the Chinese did not outlaw alcohol, but did outlaw opium at a time before they were in the thrall of Tsing Tao and the other breweries

Anyway, the question is - do Thais drink more than people in Wisconsin?

I have been to many states; but not Wisconsin, I did not find Americans heavy drinkers, I find Thais as heavily polarised as Americans, with heavy drinkers and teetotallers. Any comparison that I made would be skewed by the company that I kept.


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Since USA is in the discussion.

Anyone from Alaska, or at least been there a few times?

Have a look at the...............what's the political term for eskimos..........................Inuit's?

Now, there you will see some alcohol consumption.

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Wisconsin was mentioned because it was recently showcased in a PBS (US) article which mentioned them as the worst state in the US for 'binge drinking.' The starting question asks whether Thais drink more, on average, than Wisconsin people. Since it was estimated to have cost Wisconsin $6.8 billion in 2012, then Thailand with a population 12 times greater (if it had comparable driking problems) would cost a commensurate amount more.

Let's face it, there are a lot of binge drinkers in Thailand. No one knows the exact number of hard drinkers in Thailand, but the added expense to the whole country exists. What to do about it? It's an age-old question. For starters, parents could show better examples. Yet even if parents try to tell their kids not to drink (which they generally don't say), it's moot because the kids see their parents drinking hard. Society in general aggrandizes alcohol. All celebrities and all politicians do it, so kids grow up thinking its cool and the splintered wheels of a hobbled society keep trying to turn, but it's already off the tracks.

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This sounds like one of those questions those strategy consulting firms usually ask the first round interviewee.

Up there with how many McDonalds beef patties are consumed in the US on a daily basis.

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Is this topic even minutely related to Thailand? What goes on in Wisconsin would in no way even come close to what is happening in Thailand. I agree that excessive alcohol is bad for you, so are cigarettes and drugs of any sort. Actually, so is excessive amounts of food. Raising prices on goods of any sort only lines the pockets of those in power. Tax money ALWAYS filters off into the pockets of politicians. It is like the money given to churches, temples and most charities. Only a small portion filters back down to the people who need it the most.

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Is this topic even minutely related to Thailand? What goes on in Wisconsin would in no way even come close to what is happening in Thailand. I agree that excessive alcohol is bad for you, so are cigarettes and drugs of any sort. Actually, so is excessive amounts of food. Raising prices on goods of any sort only lines the pockets of those in power. Tax money ALWAYS filters off into the pockets of politicians. It is like the money given to churches, temples and most charities. Only a small portion filters back down to the people who need it the most.

I think Wisconsin was chosen as an exemplar of the West, an ordinary state perhaps well-known for its beer consumption.

We might equally have asked, do people drink more in Bridgeton or Bangkok? There, we know the answer; they drink the same, and when they go to Chiang Mai, they drink the same there.


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I think Thais drink much more alcohol. I'm always seeing Thais buy beer and whiskey at the stores.

One of the reasons you see Thai's buying beer and whisky at the stores, is because this is Thailand.

Go to UK, USA or any other country and you will notice the same phenomena, i.e. nationals buying in stores.

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