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Dutchman Beaten By Thai Teens For No Apparent Reason


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There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

Ah! My friend, are you suggesting that a gang of 6 Thai youths have an IQ above their collective shoe size? Maybe they thought he was someone else? Maybe they knew him and wanted to punish him? Maybe they were a bunch of brainless M3 students ripped of their collective faces on Ya-Ba and "357"...who cares? Now there is a group of Dutch people who will never, ever come to Thailand again!
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You are so right

It makes me wonder if most of these posters live in Thailand or have ever visited here.

If any of you do live here and speak thai just listen to what Thai's think about falang.You would be quite surprised at the hatred they have for us.So yes I think it could be a random attack by the usual pack of cowards.

I do not like walking past groups of young Thai's anymore as they are just waiting for you to turn around and look at themand that is enough in their tiny little minds to have a go.Oh and if they do get caught they just play the It was a misunderstanding card

That's a bit of an exaggeration. I first came here in 1987, spent several years living and working here (with Thais), have been spending 4-5 months a year here for the last decade, and speak/understand a reasonable amount of Thai. Sure, some Thais have a poor opinion, even hatred of farang but it is hardly a majority or even a large minority.

One thing I will grant you though is that, since 1987, the widely held favorable view that Thais had then has deteriorated due to excessive tourism and the greater ease and lower expense of travel here, allowing the more ignorant, unintelligent and culturally insensitive members of the farang world to come here. Also, it is likely that the younger generations of Thais have a more negative opinion in general that the older ones regarding the farang because their experience of them has been much worse.

Just my two cents as someone who has spent a lot of time here over the course of the last quarter of a century.

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There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

Ah! My friend, are you suggesting that a gang of 6 Thai youths have an IQ above their collective shoe size? Maybe they thought he was someone else? Maybe they knew him and wanted to punish him? Maybe they were a bunch of brainless M3 students ripped of their collective faces on Ya-Ba and "357"...who cares? Now there is a group of Dutch people who will never, ever come to Thailand again!

Can't believe it hasn't been said already, so obvious, they were the Karma Police!

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I have lived for six years in Thailand, including 4 years in a seedy part of Bangkok. I have never been in a fight, been threatened or even had a serious confrontation with anyone out here.

I can actually say that I feel much safer walking the streets of Bangkok at 4.00AM than I would feel if I was doing the same thing in my hometown in Belgium.

Funny I was just talking about this to someone yesterday, why is that people talk about how they FEEL safer here than at home as if that is actual evidence or indicative of anything other than their own perception (which may be entirely without basis in fact - if there is a basis in fact, why not provide that instead of how one "feels").

Personally, when I look at statistics, news reports and countless anecdotes of my own and others over the 31 years I've been coming here (and the 20+ living here), I believe there's a lot of violent crime in Thailand. But just like many places, the odds of being on the receiving end of it aren't necessarily that high. But how safe you FEEL is, to my mind, not a hugely reliable gauge of anything.

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As stupid as it is to say "he obviously did nothing wrong," it's just as stupid to say "he must have done something wrong..."

I just love how people bring their perceptions to an event. No one yet knows what really happened. To take sides at this point, with truly no information, is just arrogant. Because I can make up stories about why something like this would happen to prove both sides are 'justified.' As it is, one person got beat up by six people. Forgetting why, that's seems a bit, um, oh I don't know, excessive? Geez.

Spot. On.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

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Quite possibly this sort of thing will become commonplace in future

Thai men must be getting a bit pissed off that farangs are taking all their women - even though they may get them further down the line as GIKS!

Aren't most Thai men gay? I read somewhere that at least 25% of Thai men in Bangkok are gay but to me it seems to be more like 50% - in any case, this is one of the highest percentages in the world. I don't think gay men give a crap about anyone taking women, because they are not taking women away from them! Perhaps the men in question are worried that there are gay foreign men taking away their men!

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had a good friend of mine who served two tours in Vietnam. He told me if you are up against one guy, just stick to Queensberry rules for fighting.

If six guys are coming at you, you are now in a fight for your life. So act accordingly. Hint.....no rules,where teeth make a great weapon, and an eye gouge takes the fight right out of a attacker..

I suspect both you and your Vietnam vet friend base reality a little bit on Rambo/Steven Segal and similar movies. In the real world, attackers don't line up and attack one at a time and wait for the hero to dispatch them all with Asian fighting skills (perfected by the white man of course)

If you get attacked by a group, you have absolutely no chance whatsoever. The best thing you can do is run if possible, failing that, then curl up in a ball on the ground, try to protect your head with your arms the best you can and hope they get bored and go away.

As to the one on one with the "Queensbury Rules" This kind of fighting is ok when you are fighting with someone you are familiar with (maybe a regular in your local pub etc where all the patrons are farang)

If you are subjected to an unprovoked attack by one guy for no apparent reason, then Queensbury rules go out the window. If you can, you put this guy down and keep him down with whatever means possible, as quickly as possible.

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Hello hello Why so naive? Actually this ,actually that...stop all that.The real reason is this anti-Farang sentiment has been going on as long as you refused to know.Maybe where you stay you got some nice Thai pals but what about elsewhere outside your state or maybe somewhere near where you are living? I think many do know about this but just refused to take it as a fact.What about Phuket? Heard anything familiar? You might be here 10 years or 20 years,it's the same shit you will hear. So i believe this guy did nothing wrong,not every fight started with reasons and you have to see where the beat-up taken place,if it is Pathum Thani the chances is yes those kids wanted to prove something.To prove they can bully Farang too

Edited by endure
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One of the reason I choose to live in Pattaya, I have motosai taxis all around and they wouldn't let their customer (farang) get beaten up by Thai teens without at least doing something..

In Pattaya you are the source of income so kinda looked after. In pathum nowhere you are just a lost farang nobody cares about coffee1.gif

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There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

Wake up!

Some Thai teenagers will get in the right mood to beat up a foreigner.

And do it.

Just for fun.

The anti-farang mood in Thailand is growing.

And guess who is fuelling this mood?

And guess who is fuelling this mood?

You by saying that Thai teenagers beat up foreigners for fun..............(?)

i doubt thai teenagers read this site and respond to it as you seem to suggest

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I have lived for six years in Thailand, including 4 years in a seedy part of Bangkok. I have never been in a fight, been threatened or even had a serious confrontation with anyone out here.

I can actually say that I feel much safer walking the streets of Bangkok at 4.00AM than I would feel if I was doing the same thing in my hometown in Belgium.

Funny I was just talking about this to someone yesterday, why is that people talk about how they FEEL safer here than at home as if that is actual evidence or indicative of anything other than their own perception (which may be entirely without basis in fact - if there is a basis in fact, why not provide that instead of how one "feels").

Personally, when I look at statistics, news reports and countless anecdotes of my own and others over the 31 years I've been coming here (and the 20+ living here), I believe there's a lot of violent crime in Thailand. But just like many places, the odds of being on the receiving end of it aren't necessarily that high. But how safe you FEEL is, to my mind, not a hugely reliable gauge of anything.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa ap

Hmm...here's my take (although I partly agree with you):

There are areas of Sydney, Los Angeles and other cities that I lived in, or at least visited numerous times that I feel unsafe in and here are those places and the reasons why:

In Sydney, a city I have lived in for much of my life, the following areas feel unsafe to me when walking along it's streets at night (but during the day these areas feel safe): Parramatta, near the railway station. Feels perfectly safe from early morning until around 9 or 10pm after which gangs of weird people congregate and while nothing has ever happened to me there, I would not want to spend any more time than necessary there at night, particularly not on Friday or Saturday nights. On the other hand, driving past that area, as long as I don't get out of my car wouldn't make me feel particularly unsafe even late at night though there would be little reason to linger, of course.Then there's Eastlakes not far from the airport, which you would think is quite safe. I was walking through a suburban area there some years back with my friend from Vietnam when all of a sudden a gang of teenagers started hurling abuse in our direction, something to do with "stop staring..." blah, blah, blah, but fortunately nothing happened. I did tell my friend to change the side of the road we were walking on and went rather quickly towards the main road in that area, Gardeners Road just in case; once we were around the corner we were back in the clear. There are also plenty of other dangerous areas but I would never need to go to these areas at all not knowing anyone there and not being a local resident: Blacktown, Rooty Hill etc.

In Los Angeles, I remember trying to park my car in a seedy area of Hollywood, not far from Thai town when these gangsters in a suburban garden (not Thai hahaha but rather Hispanic) started looking strangely in our direction (umm, have they never seen a green car before?!) which made me uncomfortable so I parked elsewhere and that was the end of that.

In Zurich, for the first time ever I remember feeling a bit uneasy walking the relatively deserted downtown streets late at night one particular Saturday night back in the summer of 2009 on a 5 day visit to Europe. There was no particular reason for this, but I just had this weird feeling. In the suburbs of the city, I didn't have any apprehension about walking the streets late at night, but in the downtown areas something just didn't feel right - then again I'm not the best person to gauge the safety of Zurich streets given I haven't lived there for years and my visits these days are for no more than a few days every few years.

In Bangkok, I've always felt very safe; this includes outlying areas including Khlong Luang, near Thammasart and Bangkok Universities in Pathum Thani province, where I have lived in the past. However, I almost always drive to/from and within these areas so you wouldn't find me loitering around on the streets. However, I still feel that these areas are just as safe as anywhere else in Bangkok, though the difference between Pathum Thani and Sukhumvit Road/Silom/Siam/even Ratchadaphisek etc. are that obviously, Pathum Thani has far fewer foreigners and the few that you'll find are more likely to be expats rather than tourists (I don't know any tourists who've come to Thailand who know where Pathum Thani is, let alone have been there) and that those central areas are busy with people and things to do until well into the night; Pathum Thani closes down rather early by comparison although it's main highways are full of traffic day and night.

Edited by Tomtomtom69
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There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

Couldn't agree more 33 years here and never even been shouted at except here on TV LOL
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Pathumtani is usually quiet I have been living here for 20 years .... Thai teens dont fight without reason , either he did or said something wrong as apparently he was intoxicated. sometime those teen group don't need much to start a fight.

Maybe a case of mistaken identity - all farangs look the same.

Thai teens fight each other for no reason - so why not attack a farang just for fun.

They might have been intoxicated too.

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I was driving my bike completely sober to Jomtien on a Major Highway at 9 pm when a heavy downpour started..Could no longer see the road so stopped under a bridge..At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave...I saw no reason to leave until the rain let up but then was Threatened I would get the crap beat out of me If I did not go....

Provoked for absolutely No reason so I did the smart thing and pushed my bike in the rain to a small overhang until the major part of the storm had passed but I got out from under what they thought was there Bridge which was only for Thai people..

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Japanese martial arts strategy for fighting several attackers includes:

Walk Away

Run Away

Keep Things Simple

In other words, when you cannot walk away or run away, keep things simple.

Keeping things simple means keeping on the edge of the circle of attackers so you can deal with one at a time

Destroy the first and preferably weakest attacker so others may get second thought.

If possible, throw them into each other

Never get caught in the middle so you can be surrounded!

In aiki spirit,

name="EyesWideOpen" post="6215559" timestamp="1363578793"] had a good friend of mine who served two tours in Vietnam. He told me if you are up against one guy, just stick to Queensberry rules for fighting.

If six guys are coming at you, you are now in a fight for your life. So act accordingly. Hint.....no rules,where teeth make a great weapon, and an eye gouge takes the fight right out of a attacker..

japanese martial arts strategy? not really interested.

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.At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave.....

Sorry you experienced such an unfortunate and ignorant incident. Not all Thais feel that way

I think it's safe to say that in the majority, we welcome foreigners. It's more about individual behaviours rather than a blind intolerance.

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For those who say there must have been a reason have you forgotten the "Happy Slapping" craze a few years back teens were doing in the UK and USA. For those of you who don't remember, teens would physically attack vulnerable people (IE Disabled, Elderly, Women) and video it on their phones. Delinquent teens don't need a reason other than boredom to show off by attacking vulnerable people.

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.At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave.....

Sorry you experienced such an unfortunate and ignorant incident. Not all Thais feel that way

I think it's safe to say that in the majority, we welcome foreigners. It's more about individual behaviours rather than a blind intolerance.

It really is!

I've met a few buffoons in my time here but have always managed to laugh it off and most of the time it is just that- buffoonery.

Even on the rare occasion (twice I can recall) when there's been (possible) malice, I've just pissed off.

I was shocked when I read the above but am wondering if there were wires crossed somewhere given the iffy weather conditions???

It just doesn't ring right to me. I've been dragged into people's homes - total strangers - in the rain. Once in Chan, we got caught up in a flood and spent 2 nights in a house with folks we'd never seen before...

Edited by HeavyDrinker
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Pathumtani is usually quiet I have been living here for 20 years .... Thai teens dont fight without reason , either he did or said something wrong as apparently he was intoxicated. sometime those teen group don't need much to start a fight.

Thai teens don't fight without a reason, but they don't need to be much of a reason to fight? Oh the irony. Did you actually read your post before clicking on submit?

How about a group of drunk or drugged up teens out looking for trouble and found a single farang appearing to be an easy target. Seems reason enough to me unless you have a better explanation.

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lavender19, on 18 Mar 2013 - 12:37, said:

HeavyDrinker, on 18 Mar 2013 - 11:01, said:

EyesWideOpen, on 18 Mar 2013 - 10:49, said:

balo, on 18 Mar 2013 - 10:42, said:

There is more to this story , I dont believe teenagers just start beating a foreigner without a reason.

He must have done something wrong in the past....

HeavyDrinker here it is !!!!! :-)


I'm waiting for the usual suspects to say:

'well he looks like a..."

"He must be a..."

"He must have done...."


It's hard being right all the time...

You are so right

It makes me wonder if most of these posters live in Thailand or have ever visited here.

If any of you do live here and speak thai just listen to what Thai's think about falang.You would be quite surprised at the hatred they have for us.So yes I think it could be a random attack by the usual pack of cowards.

I do not like walking past groups of young Thai's anymore as they are just waiting for you to turn around and look at themand that is enough in their tiny little minds to have a go.Oh and if they do get caught they just play the It was a misunderstanding card

and are you comfortable walking past groups of youths in your own country? i suspect not.

how many times have you heard somebody elderly say they are afraid of groups of teens, its pretty universal.

quite simply put, we don't know what happened, but generally 'intoxicated foreigner' and 'no provocation' are mutually exclusive.

the 'provacation' however could have been a sawat dee kap and a wai one to many times.

we just don't know.

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I was driving my bike completely sober to Jomtien on a Major Highway at 9 pm when a heavy downpour started..Could no longer see the road so stopped under a bridge..At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave...I saw no reason to leave until the rain let up but then was Threatened I would get the crap beat out of me If I did not go....

Provoked for absolutely No reason so I did the smart thing and pushed my bike in the rain to a small overhang until the major part of the storm had passed but I got out from under what they thought was there Bridge which was only for Thai people..

No reason to be a shrinking violet... A lot of times making them laugh will get you thru it..

Just ask them if they know who Tiger Woods is? (Woods mother was Thai)

Keep insisting your Tiger Woods. The less you look like Tiger Woods then the funnier it becomes.

There a lot of ways to disarm someone psychologically. The ultimate weapon of martial arts is your brain.

-You give them your best Wai and show of respect

-You could start asking them questions. What is your name? where are you from?

-Ask them if they are okay. Do you require my help?

-Compliment them on their dress or appearance

-Make them laugh

-Fake a seizure

The options are limited only by your creativity and understanding of human nature

and meanwhile, if so inclined, they will be happily pushing your teeth farther and farther down your throat.
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I was driving my bike completely sober to Jomtien on a Major Highway at 9 pm when a heavy downpour started..Could no longer see the road so stopped under a bridge..At least 6 teenagers had also stopped under this bridge when a Thai girl walked over and said this Bridge is for Thai people Only and you need to leave...I saw no reason to leave until the rain let up but then was Threatened I would get the crap beat out of me If I did not go....

Provoked for absolutely No reason so I did the smart thing and pushed my bike in the rain to a small overhang until the major part of the storm had passed but I got out from under what they thought was there Bridge which was only for Thai people..

No reason to be a shrinking violet... A lot of times making them laugh will get you thru it..

Just ask them if they know who Tiger Woods is? (Woods mother was Thai)

Keep insisting your Tiger Woods. The less you look like Tiger Woods then the funnier it becomes.

There a lot of ways to disarm someone psychologically. The ultimate weapon of martial arts is your brain.

-You give them your best Wai and show of respect

-You could start asking them questions. What is your name? where are you from?

-Ask them if they are okay. Do you require my help?

-Compliment them on their dress or appearance

-Make them laugh

-Fake a seizure

The options are limited only by your creativity and understanding of human nature

It can also be your worst enemy

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No reason to be a shrinking violet... A lot of times making them laugh will get you thru it..

Just ask them if they know who Tiger Woods is? (Woods mother was Thai)

Keep insisting your Tiger Woods. The less you look like Tiger Woods then the funnier it becomes.

There a lot of ways to disarm someone psychologically. The ultimate weapon of martial arts is your brain.

-You give them your best Wai and show of respect

-You could start asking them questions. What is your name? where are you from?

-Ask them if they are okay. Do you require my help?

-Compliment them on their dress or appearance

-Make them laugh

-Fake a seizure

The options are limited only by your creativity and understanding of human nature

and meanwhile, if so inclined, they will be happily pushing your teeth farther and farther down your throat.

You do have to size up the situation. If they are already beating you then running or fighting would be best but until they start I have talked my way of some dire situations by having quick wits and confidence.

Maybe yes if they are determined to hurt you but you would be surprised what humanizing yourself can accomplish.. Once you demonstrate your human qualities it a lot harder for them to hurt you..

What is your solution? start swinging? or running?

If your negative and fatalistic then yeah your screwed.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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First of all we dont really know all the details here.

But IMHO this is not about Thai teenagers beating up a Dutch/farang passer by. But more teenagers beating a passer by.

Let's not oversimplify everything.

As some readers commented, I also feel much safer here in Bangkok than in my home town in Europe.

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