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I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane On 25Th April Back To England


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You are doing the right thing, I am a little senior at 38, and for me Thailand has changed, or is it me that has changed?. I now spend 6 months in the UK summer and spend winter in Thailand. I am self employed in the UK so am lucky enough to work my backside off for 6 months and when the leaves start to fall off the trees I am ready for my second home.

P.S. The UK has probably changed more sad.png

The world is now a small place, it used to take me longer to get a bus to the highlands of Scotland from my home city than a flight to Bangkok.

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Sounds like you did what I did at the same age I did. I know your feeling, I was thinking of trying Japan, Malaysia, HK or even Sri Lanka. The one thing I do not want to do is go back to England! Cant get that thinking surely you can get a tourism related job anywhere- at least go somewhere where the big tipper are (casino land USA?). Anyway, all the best to you!

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The only good thing about England is Manchester United, and the Queen .

So cant see any other reason why anyone would live there...

Bizarre...how about family and friends?

And what good is the Queen whether you live here or there, you're hardly going to take tiffin with HRM are you?

ps Man U are <deleted> ;)

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Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

Burning your passport won't make you lose citizenship and there is no such thing as statement relieving the UK from responsibility towards an individual.

Unless you have dual nationality, parting from own citizenship is not only impossible but also forbidden as you would become stateless. (Geneva convention)

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The only good thing about England is Manchester United, and the Queen .

So cant see any other reason why anyone would live there...

Bizarre...how about family and friends?

And what good is the Queen whether you live here or there, you're hardly going to take tiffin with HRM are you?

ps Man U are <deleted> wink.png

I think he was being sarcastic. He's probably a Salford Reds fan, and feeling a bit down.

A friend of mine has been posting pictures of his holiday in Minehead, and he does make England look pleasant. A couple of friends from Hong Kong have gone back to Aberdeen, and they and their kids are loving it. Personally, I miss the weather.


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Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

Being non-domiciled is only for Indian Billionaires and Tony Blair cronies like Lakshmi Mittal,Britain's richest man unfortunately.Everyone else will be liable to pay inheritance tax among others on their deaths regardless,it's something I've definitely looked into as I left England when Maggie Thatcher (R.I.P.) was in power.

I've never looked back and will certainly never go back!

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

From a financial perspective, I'd imagine that you haven't saved much if you've been in Thailand since you were 20. You're right--31 is pretty old to be starting over, but it's better late than never. Advice to any newbie wanting to settle in Thailand--have some money before you arrive because it's going to be tough trying to make it here without it.

As for your entire Thailand experience only in BKK/Pattaya/Phuket, you've managed to pick the three places I'd never consider living.

But your not between the ages of 20 -31 are you ?

No I'm not. But if I were, I'd be back in the states working my ass off and chasing American tail. Thailand is the reward after years of toiling in the rat-race.

What a bizarre statement coming from you coffee1.gif

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PS 10 years in an Asian country looks great on a resume

Depends who is reading it.

10 years in Pattaya on your resume and you will be very popular when you're applying for a job as a pimp .

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What would the naysayers have the OP do? It's not as if it's easy to find legitimate, well-paying work in Thailand.

At least back in Blighty, (dependent upon his experience) he'd be able to get a decent-paying position without having to jump through the hoops the labour laws here put in front of you.

Not saying it's gonna be a walk in the park for him but anyone with a bit of common sense who doesn't rule out anything without a company car and an expense account will be able to get sorted soon enough

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Eleven years in Thailand is NOT going to look good on your CV.

I wish you all the luck in the world on making money, you're going to need it.

Why is he going to need it ? perhaps he has a sensible head, drive, determination, if he has, he can make money.

What? Make money in the UK? The best way to do that there is to become a politician.

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Eleven years in Thailand is NOT going to look good on your CV.

I wish you all the luck in the world on making money, you're going to need it.

Why is he going to need it ? perhaps he has a sensible head, drive, determination, if he has, he can make money.

What? Make money in the UK? The best way to do that there is to become a politician.

If he can find a well paid job not in politics, then most of his earnings will go to the government to help with foreign aid and MPs expenses etc

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Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

Not a chance. People only say these things about their home country when said country is available as an escape route.

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Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

Burning your passport won't make you lose citizenship and there is no such thing as statement relieving the UK from responsibility towards an individual.

Unless you have dual nationality, parting from own citizenship is not only impossible but also forbidden as you would become stateless. (Geneva convention)

ah, I don't know. Belize seems to be giving out passports pretty easily...

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The only good thing about England is Manchester United, and the Queen .

So cant see any other reason why anyone would live there...

Bizarre...how about family and friends?

And what good is the Queen whether you live here or there, you're hardly going to take tiffin with HRM are you?

ps Man U are <deleted> wink.png

I think he was being sarcastic. He's probably a Salford Reds fan, and feeling a bit down.

A friend of mine has been posting pictures of his holiday in Minehead, and he does make England look pleasant. A couple of friends from Hong Kong have gone back to Aberdeen, and they and their kids are loving it. Personally, I miss the weather.


The jammy get's going to be there for the World Cup, as well. I was fantasising about going to the Scotland USA game at Barton on Irwell, and stopping at the Lord Rodney for a pint on the way, or maybe into town for a skinful of Boddies.*


* Scene: a party at 25 Cromwell Street

D'ye have any beer, Fred?

Theur's Boddies in the kitchen and Tennants under the stair

Edited by StreetCowboy
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Negative posts about life in the UK would have a bit more veracity if the people making them attached a photo of their UK passport being burned and confirmation back from the UK government that their sworn statement relieving the UK of any future responsibility towards the expat had been received and logged for future referernce.

Burning your passport won't make you lose citizenship and there is no such thing as statement relieving the UK from responsibility towards an individual.

Unless you have dual nationality, parting from own citizenship is not only impossible but also forbidden as you would become stateless. (Geneva convention)

ah, I don't know. Belize seems to be giving out passports pretty easily...

Last I heard Belize wants a hefty "honorarium" in order to secure a Belizean passport these days. Uruguay seems to be the latest hot tip for getting citizenship.

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Thanks guys .. Well i've been here since i was 20 and will be 31 in may it comes a time in life where you just get fed up of a place plus all the bs what comes with it i have also lived in Bangkok / Pattaya / Phuket .. just tired these days .. plus i'm not getting any younger ...

Your 31, not 81. When your 81, then you say I'm not getting any younger. Until then your still younger.

Good luck anyway!

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I split my time between the two now Thailand and Uk.

Same feelings as Op the BS drove me nuts with business, easy to deal with balance in my life now however.

In the Uk everyone likes to moan it seems to me.Its not that bad, more multicultural then it was and certainly cold.

It all depends on your own circumstance and attitude.

Anyhow good luck worlds a big place and you can always move back or somewhere else.

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Seems many people have same feelings as op including myself, came here age 31 hit 40 this year and have decided to go back to london this year thailand has become pretty annoying for me and the fun seems to have gone probably split my time between uk and thailand for a while and see how things work out.

things go from there

Sent from my GT-P7500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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