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45 Year Old Vs 25 Year Old

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Having scanned page 1 and seeing no serious answers, I give up on Pages 2 & 3... my wife & I have the same age difference as the OP and we have no problems. It just doesn't come up as an issue. We are a bit older than the 2 in this story. Naturally, the older you get, the less the age difference matters. 50 & 70? No big deal (though we're not that old yet!)

What do we have in common, you might ask? As long as we steer clear of cultural issues (her love of k-pop, my love of football), beyond that we never lack for things to talk about or enjoy together. We have been together for 7 years, married for 5, lived together in BKK, Japan, Hawaii, California during that time. We are just as happy together now as we were 7 years ago, probably more so cuz her English is now virtually perfect and we know each other so well. Her one big concern is my longevity, so she dotes on me to keep me healthy. I'm ok with that. I like being cared for (or perhaps I should say, cared about), something that was lacking in my ex-wife.

Edited by USNret
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Anyway don't take advise from the jealous? foreigners who always try to project the norms and values of their homecountry on Thailand and who refuse to accept that things are very different in Asia. The idea having a wife 3 years younger then me would make me vomit, no need such an old bicycle. A lot of Thai girls prefer a matured gentleman instead of a immature young boy, they feel more secure and it gives them status. I know a guy he 62 she 19 and they are a happy couple, the first year there were some intercultural potholes in the road but now they look fine together.

It just depends on both of you how you are, if you have faith in eachother and if you have reasons to thinks it's gonna work out and not just another sweet illusion cuz this is the land of sweet illusions where everything works out different from what you expect.

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age gap is not a problem at all, as long you are a good provider, love ? no way here in LOS, just trade offs ! and there is nothing wrong about it, as long respect on both sides is involved !

never get married, always rent never own, easier and cheaper like why buy a cow when there are glasses of milk everywhere, you have to feed the cow 24/7, but you can put the half full glass of milk in the fridge, it will last until the next day, cows are getting older and not giving anymore milk at a certain age, still have to feed them, then where you will get the milk, buy another cow ? or go to the supermarket ( papaya ) ? just don't wake up one morning and the sweet dreams had turned in a nightmare and it was your fault, because of Lovecheesy.gif and you didn't knew the rule of engagement ? its a battle out there, learn the rules or sh.t hits the fanhit-the-fan.gif after that you will live the real farang life likeburp.gif in the land of $$$$$$$, or go home with the tail between your legs and lost face, because you lost most of it , for what you were working your whole life crying.gif but, not so bad you were 'ein guter samariter' who created wealth in a third world country, Thailand, good for you, but the best will be everyone of your family, friends and the whole planet would say " We told you so"sorry.gif

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I'm always reluctant to jump into this topic because I am a living stereotype - 68 year old man with a 33 year old TGF. I know, what could we possibly have in common and she must be figuring out how to get my money or hasten my demise.

However, like most things in life, it's not quite what it seems. She is a great looking lady, very petite , sweet and funny, never married and with no children (and doesn't want children). Her family are reasonably prosperous rice farmers with lots of land and a decent life. My lady has her own apartment in Bangkok while we live most of the year at my place in Phuket.

We have no plans to get married. We like our life just the way it is - fairly low key but lots of laughs everyday. I'm fortunate to be fit and healthy, financially OK, run most mornings, do my exercises, watch the Lakers and pursue my other interests while she goes to school everyday to improve her English, does her homework, prepares ridiculously delicious meals, and watches TH TV. She will go to culinary school in the fall.

We like to go out once a week to shoot some pool, have dinner at a nice restaurant and maybe hit the clubs.

Of course, I look after her financial needs which aren't onerous and she certainly looks after me. Is it love? Don't know, don't care. It certainly is enough affection to meet our respective needs. She knows I'm not a good long term prospect because of my age but doesn't seem to care.

Anyway, is this a success story? You be the judge but not every example of old dude - young lady is so fraught with danger. I think the age factor can be a real issue in many but not all relationships. If you're fortunate enough to find the right lady, life can be very good, as it can be anywhere in the world. After three plus years in TH, even my 34 year old daughter is cool with my situation as long as she doesn't have to call my GF "Mom".

that's my way, better than assistant living in the us, great post and 100% real,

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It's possible unless she's wearing Hello Kitty toddler hairclips.

(I'm 48, my fiancée is 26, we are the perfect couple, both tingtong outside and serious inside)

'A young wife - a long life'

another one who lives in lalala land, perfect couple ? for vacation 2 out of 12 months, may be ! you are a rubberdick, learn your lesson, just have some, better more than less, funcheesy.gif

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ok guys and girls, I have to share that little story

ThaiLady, back than she was 36, now 39, good, good, good looking, smart, 70% English, older farang, from seattle,US 68, now 71, in love, 555

Lady got in 2 1/2 years: new car Toyota pick up, scooter ( in her name ) farm and house, new build and established for organic food (in her name)

golf lessons and complete golf outfit, purses, cloths the whole nine yards, he was in LOS 3 times three month at the time, total 9 months, they broke up, total expenses for him included travel, farm, house, car, scooter, golf and so on 4,5 million bath, but everything in her name, now she is asking me, marry her to get her a visa for US live 1/2 year in florida and 1/2 year in Thailand, or may be full time in Thailand and spend money wisely, so it will last for long time, so I asked her about the ex, the answer was " he got good 5 month out of it " I sell the farm, the car and the scooter", I said I buy car and scooter, cash in US$, she said you are my husband you give me money for all of it farm house, car and scooter, I said : ok. no problem, lots of $$$$$ buffalo, what else ? she said : I like have cottage with pool, I said: no problem 3 bdr, 2 btr, 1 bar she said, nonono 5 bdr, 4 btr, no bar, I said : next, no bar no honey or is it money

I am not sorry about the guy who lost 150 K out of his retirement fund, I hope he will learn, everything has a price tag

play the game, its vegas baby

that's about age gap and love

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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

sorry, I am not a sex tourist at all, the question is : why a woman is dating a man , who is double her age or better as old as her father ! Do YOU have a answer ?thumbsup.gif

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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

sorry, I am not a sex tourist at all, the question is : why a woman is dating a man , who is double her age or better as old as her father ! Do YOU have a answer ?

Probably for the very same reasons that a women dates any man.

Why do some women date far younger men,some even young enough to be their son?.

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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

sorry, I am not a sex tourist at all, the question is : why a woman is dating a man , who is double her age or better as old as her father ! Do YOU have a answer ?thumbsup.gif

Just found this thread and I'd like to add a little comment.

One of my best friends in Denmark was 25 years older than his wife (a German lady). They have been married for 30 years. He isn't rich but they are happy and have a wonderful family.

Many people ask why she married a man twice her age and her only answer was "love". He always says she keeps him young. Now he 75 and she is 50 so the difference doesn't seem to be so noticeable.

To the Op I'd say go for it and be happy.

Edited by petedk
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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

sorry, I am not a sex tourist at all, the question is : why a woman is dating a man , who is double her age or better as old as her father ! Do YOU have a answer ?

Probably for the very same reasons that a women dates any man.

Why do some women date far younger men,some even young enough to be their son?.

cougar dating, because the girls are missing something, are in menopause with heat flashes all over and want to feel young again for some moments, its just the word which starts with s,,

and it is not sugar, or may be it isclap2.gif everything else is about the size, no not this one, it is the size of the walletgiggle.gif even with the older gals they want to have cheap retirement, toocheesy.gif

and a slim wallet can not provide it

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falang 1969 : around the block ? legos sounds right, probably duplo legos< the bells are ringgggggggggging, turn your hearing aid on 555

Reading your posts I get the feeling your a sex tourist,and if you are,then in your eyes you are problem correct in everything you say.

sorry, I am not a sex tourist at all, the question is : why a woman is dating a man , who is double her age or better as old as her father ! Do YOU have a answer ?thumbsup.gif

Just found this thread and I'd like to add a little comment.

One of my best friends in Denmark was 25 years older than his wife (a German lady). They have been married for 30 years. He isn't rich but they are happy and have a wonderful family.

Many people ask why she married a man twice her age and her only answer was "love". He always says she keeps him young. Now he 75 and she is 50 so the difference doesn't seem to be so noticeable.

To the Op I'd say go for it and be happy.

lets get the numbers right : he was 45 dane, she was 20 german, he from kopenhagen, she from erfurt ( looks to me like H and P ) 30 years of marriage now 75 yo dane and 50 yo german woman, now the age difference not so noticeable, either he got botox

and she got the opposite wrinkleox, or it is just magic, may be the water, that's the best post I ever read, Denmark is were we should go, there is the magic " quelle der jugend oder jungbrunnen" for males and the fountain of aging for women , I just love TV and it doesn't mean televisioncheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif rotfalmao , to the op have fun and go for itthumbsup.gif

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The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

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Most foreigners meet girls in bars, probably the worse place and you will meet the dregs of society there.

Can a 45/25 year relationship work? Works for me. She is 23 and she's been with me for 6 years. I would consider her having a Thai middle class way about her, but her family isn't rich. Modern thinking, educated, logically thinks things through like a farang (which IMHO means it's an education thing rather than cultural), intelligent, clever. She hates corruption and doesn't like Thai men because they control you.

Why does she like me? Some women prefer experienced mature men rather than stupid inexperienced young men. An older man can be much more interesting to be with.

Then there is the economic angle: women from poor countries are interested in long term security; both emotionally and financial. It also happens in the west too. I always tell her she doesn't need to stay with me; it's her choice; I can take care myself as my Thai is pretty OK :rolleyes:

Will it last? Well it's lasted so far. She has been to my home country, and she sees the benefits and likes it. Stable country where the average Joe gets more from the government than in Thailand. Thai society benefits the rich/powerful.

Before you shoot me down I have 20 years Thai experience!

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Most foreigners meet girls in bars, probably the worse place and you will meet the dregs of society there.

Can a 45/25 year relationship work? Works for me. She is 23 and she's been with me for 6 years. I would consider her having a Thai middle class way about her, but her family isn't rich. Modern thinking, educated, logically thinks things through like a farang (which IMHO means it's an education thing rather than cultural), intelligent, clever. She hates corruption and doesn't like Thai men because they control you.

Why does she like me? Some women prefer experienced mature men rather than stupid inexperienced young men. An older man can be much more interesting to be with.

Then there is the economic angle: women from poor countries are interested in long term security; both emotionally and financial. It also happens in the west too. I always tell her she doesn't need to stay with me; it's her choice; I can take care myself as my Thai is pretty OK :rolleyes:

Will it last? Well it's lasted so far. She has been to my home country, and she sees the benefits and likes it. Stable country where the average Joe gets more from the government than in Thailand. Thai society benefits the rich/powerful.

Before you shoot me down I have 20 years Thai experience!

A year or two ago there was a similar thread here on TV ,were a chap, I think Australian wrote in to say his grandparents had a age difference of about 30 yrs.Again money was't the glue that kept them together,seemingly it was due to them enjoying a loving relationship.

Having said that,it's only fair to say that of the many relationships here in Thailand, both with a large age difference,and those with just a couple of years in between are based on financial reasons.but not all.

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Deesamui I like your comment. Have you never heard of the Danish snaps "Akvavit"? Water of life. Maybe it works.

I mean when he was 45 and she was 20 people probably noticed the age difference much more. At 75 yes he looks young and fit (Ok not a 40 year
old but 60-65). They are still happy together.

I remember I met another couple when I was younger. The girl was English and about 20 and her boyfriend a Dane was 40. They also got on well together.

I married a woman of the same age as me but divorced after 15 years. Now been with a Thai lady for 15 years who is the same age as me and we
are really happy together.

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ok guys and girls, I have to share that little story

ThaiLady, back than she was 36, now 39, good, good, good looking, smart, 70% English, older farang, from seattle,US 68, now 71, in love, 555

Lady got in 2 1/2 years: new car Toyota pick up, scooter ( in her name ) farm and house, new build and established for organic food (in her name)

golf lessons and complete golf outfit, purses, cloths the whole nine yards, he was in LOS 3 times three month at the time, total 9 months, they broke up, total expenses for him included travel, farm, house, car, scooter, golf and so on 4,5 million bath, but everything in her name, now she is asking me, marry her to get her a visa for US live 1/2 year in florida and 1/2 year in Thailand, or may be full time in Thailand and spend money wisely, so it will last for long time, so I asked her about the ex, the answer was " he got good 5 month out of it " I sell the farm, the car and the scooter", I said I buy car and scooter, cash in US$, she said you are my husband you give me money for all of it farm house, car and scooter, I said : ok. no problem, lots of $$$$$ buffalo, what else ? she said : I like have cottage with pool, I said: no problem 3 bdr, 2 btr, 1 bar she said, nonono 5 bdr, 4 btr, no bar, I said : next, no bar no honey or is it money

I am not sorry about the guy who lost 150 K out of his retirement fund, I hope he will learn, everything has a price tag

play the game, its vegas baby

that's about age gap and love

Yeah yeah, we have all heard this story 1000x....she was 36? Never married? No kids? Spoke 70% English? Sounds like an 'experienced' woman!

As for the bloke....just a muppet!

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The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

I guess you have been fleeced before? You have actually read some of the posts on here? Many posters have had successful relationships with younger girls. Remember, we are not talking about some 24 year old hooker/bar girl whose job is to fleece as many gullible falang as possible. As for unattractive, yeah whatever, I don't do mingers, never have and never will....but then again, I am relatively good looking and have a nice personality!

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We need to distinguish between the two sorts of 24 year old.....

There is the 24 year old who works in a bar and has now been 'adopted' by the bar scene...her aim in life is to fleece as many Falang as possible and maybe one day, 'catch a good one', in the words of a bar girl. These relationships can work, I had one for 5 years, and no, I was not part time living here but with her 95% of that time....but generally they have 'luggage' having been married/kids etc. How many bar girls have ex-Thai BF's and a kid in the background somewhere? I would guess a high percentage from the bar girls I know/have known as friends.

Then you have the 'normal' girl from a modest background, got an education, got a normal job and is looking for security, a family possibly, a trustworthy partner etc....she sees guys her own age as immature and cheat and &lt;deleted&gt; around. She then meets a Falang who is not a whoremonger, sitting at a bar in his Singha T-Shirt, getting rat-arsed...and thinks to herself why not?

The girl in question has never dated a Falang before, never even seen a girly bar....had a Thai BF 3 years ago....oh yeah, he cheated and f..ked off! She just goes to work, comes home, sends a bit to Mom and Dad, relatively little spare time....maybe, now one can see the attraction of a relationship with an older (Falang) man and is possibly a better option than being some older Thai guys Mia Noi?

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The skeptic in me says this relationship is ripe for a good fleecing. Firstly, you met online. Hmmm. And then she says "age doesn't matter." Double, hmmm. Oh, and the classic farang-hunter line, "no like Thai men." Slam dunk. A Thai girl that says everything she thinks you want to hear. And why would she do that? Hmmm. The only possibility that this girl is genuine is if she is hideously unattractive. If that be the case, then there's hope.

I guess you have been fleeced before? You have actually read some of the posts on here? Many posters have had successful relationships with younger girls. Remember, we are not talking about some 24 year old hooker/bar girl whose job is to fleece as many gullible falang as possible. As for unattractive, yeah whatever, I don't do mingers, never have and never will....but then again, I am relatively good looking and have a nice personality!

Yet another example of a guy who starts a thread, purporting to get others opinions, and then getting upset when someone actually does offer an opinion. So you're only interested in positive comments, those that support your relationship? Ok then, you and your teeruk will be just fine. Age doesn't matter. Heck, you can be 80 and she's cool with that. She's not interested in your money. She prefers farangs, but you're the only farang that she knows. And she's not even interested in having a relationship with someone that she can actually communicate with. Feel better now?

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