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The Thai Mirage - I Met A Thai Girl That Was Working In Ferangland.


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Don't sign your name to anything on the internet, chances are you will come to regret it at some point for a variety of reasons. Especially a bunch of sophomoric comments about debauchery in the third world. You'd be amazed how things can show up in google search.

Edited by farang000999
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I didn't, That is a quote by will durant. I thought it might come across like that, oops! Banzai, I haven't worked it out, I have very 2 very different perspectives on it, theres a million other perspectives nothing like mine, but this one is mine.

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Middle class? What jobs would they be then?

I think the majority if people in the UK are working class aren't they?

Working in an office or being a civil servant doesn't make you middle class.

I think people's perception if what middle class is not correct.

I am a plumber, working class but live in a house worth half a million Gbp.

A bank manager who works and lives in a flat is also working class,

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We drive all around bangkok suburbs going to different places at night and I haven't seen any bargirls or scrupulous looking massage parlours anywhere.

So you are suggesting the "entertainment industry" has only been put in place in Thailand to cater to farangs/tourists only and it doesnt exist outside this areas ?...my my...one could suggest the "Local entertainment" industry catering to Thai's is far bigger...one has to only drive down a certain road in BKK and see the numerous up market "entertainment establishments"..some of which were/are owned by Thai politians..these places most certainly were not established for the tourist market...

I believe most thais will only speak english given proper motivation, they just don't if they didn't have to. Some of her uni friends speak almost fluent educated english and still they won't speak english with me.

I believe most Thai's cant speak English, so no amount of proper motivation will get them to.....as to your last statement..how do you know they speak almost fluent English if they will not speak to you in English ?...

they reason they are not even trying to speak English in the conversation is that they assume you speak no Thai ?...and they dont want you to know what they are talking about...or they are just out and out rude..

Having been working here almost 12 years with an MNC, I have yet to meet a Thai who speaks "almost fluent educated English", very good English most certainly, lots of them but almost "fluent educated English"..no, of course we may define differently what constitutes "educated fluent English"

Me thinks its you seeing a mirage..

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Yes, for sure, there is interest in arguably more "worthy" matters like business, politics, current affairs and the arts etc in our homelands but that's the case here too. If it wasn't, why would there be TV channels devoted to those topics on Thai TV? Ok, perhaps the quality isn't up to Western standards but don't we all cringe with embarrassment and shake our heads at the glaring inaccuracies when reading or watching Western-produced articles and documentaries about Thailand?

I'm certainly not an apologist or a defender of the realm but, frankly, I think one of the most prevalent mirages is that which sees some develop the sense that Western societies are innately superior to Thailand's when, if you look closely, there are so many similarities.

I think most western articles are extremely kind to Thailand.

It is actually far worse then most stories portray.

Which of us doesn't know of a mysterious balcony fall, or a hit-and-run, or a hotel death that happened to a foreigner.

Yet back in your home countries, not so much I think.

Not to mention prostitution on almost every road or government corruption 'in-your-face' at every level.

But back to the OP with all his respectable uni-female friends, hasn't he noticed about 20% of uni girls appear to have a 'side-line'?

I wish I could meet other Thais that speak fluent English, I've only found two so far, and one really couldn't be classed fluent.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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I won't introduce myself, theres no need. you will probably know me, not personally but you will know me.

So you're that guy from Hangover II. rolleyes.gif

So the girl he talks about is either his wife, or the chick with the dick?


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I think most western articles are extremely kind to Thailand.

It is actually far worse then most stories portray.

Which of us doesn't know of a mysterious balcony fall, or a hit-and-run, or a hotel death that happened to a foreigner.

Yet back in your home countries, not so much I think.

Not to mention prostitution on almost every road or government corruption 'in-your-face' at every level.

But back to the OP with all his respectable uni-female friends, hasn't he noticed about 20% of uni girls appear to have a 'side-line'?

I wish I could meet other Thais that speak fluent English, I've only found two so far, and one really couldn't be classed fluent.

Regardless - whether you believe these articles are kind or unkind - the point about inaccuracies remains valid?

Can't agree with you that the examples of foul play you allude to aren't farily commonplace in the West. Foreign students being mugged, stabbed and even killed are a rare occurence in the West but not unheard of.

Many foreigners who meet with their end in Thailand often have themselves, excessive drinking and poor life choices to blame for what befalls them and to think otherwise is foolish.

Prostitution on almost every road?? Do you even live in Thailand?

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Prostitution on almost every road?? Do you even live in Thailand?

You have already posted where you live, so hard for you to claim it isn't happening on your road, and on a massive scale.

I live in a quiet Thai only moobaan, house next door but one, owned by a karaoke manageress, and all her girls seem to sleep there (off and on).

Small sample, but I'm sure everyone that can understand Thai will know of a few workers in their road.

Prostitution is a massive problem in Thailand, but everyone chooses to sweep it under the carpet.

Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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There is no real Thailand or unreal Thailand.

Nice one. I get so tired of people claiming Pattaya, Phuket or Sukhumvit or where is not "real Thailand"; for better or worse they are all Thailand just as the other 90% of Thailand that is quite different is also real Thailand.

And you are also correct that it comes down to one's lifestyle choices: I remember that this first became so apparent to me about 20 years ago when I was still living in Pattaya years ago but I all but completely gave up the partying lifestyle and lived in my quiet suburban home with ordinary middle class Thai neighbors - nothing tawdry or unThai about it...

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Prostitution on almost every road?? Do you even live in Thailand?

You have already posted where you live, so hard for you to claim it isn't happening on your road, and on a massive scale.

I live in a quiet Thai only moobaan, house next door but one, owned by a karaoke manageress, and all her girls seem to sleep there (off and on).

Small sample, but I'm sure everyone that can understand Thai will know of a few workers in their road.

Prostitution is a massive problem in Thailand, but everyone chooses to sweep it under the carpet.

Yes I have posted where I live and, yes, it's hardly difficult to find around here but I'm open-minded enough to know that prostitution is not available on almost every road in Thailand.

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So you are suggesting the "entertainment industry" has only been put in place in Thailand to cater to farangs/tourists only and it doesnt exist outside this areas ?...my my...one could suggest the "Local entertainment" industry catering to Thai's is far bigger...one has to only drive down a certain road in BKK and see the numerous up market "entertainment establishments"..some of which were/are owned by Thai politians..these places most certainly were not established for the tourist market...

I believe most Thai's cant speak English, so no amount of proper motivation will get them to.....as to your last statement..how do you know they speak almost fluent English if they will not speak to you in English ?...

they reason they are not even trying to speak English in the conversation is that they assume you speak no Thai ?...and they dont want you to know what they are talking about...or they are just out and out rude..

Having been working here almost 12 years with an MNC, I have yet to meet a Thai who speaks "almost fluent educated English", very good English most certainly, lots of them but almost "fluent educated English"..no, of course we may define differently what constitutes "educated fluent English"

Me thinks its you seeing a mirage..

* One could suggest it and one be entirely correct. It is a simple fact - not a criticism in my mind - that probably about 90% of the sex industry caters to Thais and a large portion of that is upmarket. If you add drinking establishments and such that have virtually zero Farang customers and never will? A massive number, far greater than any than are patronized exclusively by Farangs.

* I've been here for decades and have or have had as Thai friends, colleagues, neighbors, and romantic partners people from "all walks of life" and all socio-economic backgrounds but mostly university educated and many post graduate. From that, and the countless encounters I've had in any number of working situations or as a customer or guest in various businesses, I am convinced that it is in fact very few Thais who are "near fluent in English" and relatively few that speak English very well. Again, this is not a criticism - I know why this is the case and I am not implying anything about Thais by saying it - it is just a fact.

Your post pretty much nailed it.

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Prostitution on almost every road?? Do you even live in Thailand?

You have already posted where you live, so hard for you to claim it isn't happening on your road, and on a massive scale.

I live in a quiet Thai only moobaan, house next door but one, owned by a karaoke manageress, and all her girls seem to sleep there (off and on).

Small sample, but I'm sure everyone that can understand Thai will know of a few workers in their road.

Prostitution is a massive problem in Thailand, but everyone chooses to sweep it under the carpet.

Yes I have posted where I live and, yes, it's hardly difficult to find around here but I'm open-minded enough to know that prostitution is not available on almost every road in Thailand.

As recognized by people who studied the sex industry in Thailand (as I used to be) including many Thai scholars, research has shown what is in fact apparent to any one observant enough and who knows Thai society well enough - that prostitution comes Ina wide variety of forms and is available at wide variety of venues. Karaoke longer, barber shops, restaurants, tea shops, and more are all examples of places other than the many brothels, massage parlors or bars that offer commercial sex.

Chula did a great study many years ago - I have it on paper in a box somewhere, I've tried to find it online before but couldn't - that indicated that in any given place in Bangkok, commercial sex was available within a kilometer and that upcountry it wasn't much different (obviously distances could be greater for someone living in very remote spots).

Almost every road? IF that's an exaggeration, it's not by all that much.

And as in my previous post I will add - this is not intended as a criticism, just a statement of facts as I know them. (I personally don't see prostitution as necessarily problem per se; I won't take time qualify that as it would be way off topic - and take too much work).

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My impression, from 'hanging' with Thais, is that often they themselves step out into that mirage temporarily.

And a lot of the Thais that provide that mirage you used to live in, leave those normal suburbs when they go to work to do just that.

But of course, in a land of 60+ million, they are not all in the same service industry.

Of all the thai guys i have met in 10 years or so, maybe one out of 10 was not into such mirage.

But yes, take that away and it is very similar to normal everyday farang live (just to abbreviate).

Which is boring, hence what a lot of foreigners come for/do here, which I don't consider bad.

By the way, I don't indulge in that, which is why I find life in Thailand almost as dull and boring as where I come from (but I stay here for work and future career opps).

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