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Let's Be Honest - It Was *never* The Temples ....

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After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come


Who are all those guys sitting in bars on Loi Kroh Road and in massage parlors and brothels all over the city? Thank Buddha that Chiang Mai is not pure and proper as some would like. biggrin.png

Guys drinking beer in bars does not put a place in the same league as Pattaya and Phuket.

Nor does massage parlors. The point is: CM is not a sex tourist haven by any stretch.

Chiang Mai is infinitely more classy and civilized than the squalorous P & P.

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So comical... and pathetic.

So many farang sex tourists and resident expats who've obviously encountered only

two things worth remembering (for them) in Thailand -- hookers and temples.

After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come

here. Chiang Mai has everything a civilized bloke could want, yes, even temples.

Chaing Mai is a total bore.

To the poster that stated, Thailand has it all, Cambodia only Angkor Wat. Eastern Cambodia quite interesting, especially many yrars ago. Phnom Penh was also an absolutely lovely town until 1996. But Cambodia has its share of issues. Still, it eas crazy exotic.

Angkor Wat - you guys simply do not know the experience. Cost was minimal, no crowds even on weekends, no wood walkeays to clutter your photos, you could hang out, string a hammock, burn a few reefers and just lounge all day listening to the birds. Best of all, much of the best bas reliefs and sculpture has been stolen or ruined by exposure. I have photos of tjings that do not now exist.

Many of the temples are reaching tipping points where the entire exoerience is downgraded because the temple is so ruined. Years ago I knew so much about those temples I could be a guide.

I've been to the Bagan temple complex four or five times as well.

I've visited nearly every important temple from Bali to India (excluding deep South).

Yeah, I love temples. I love History - I majored in it in school. So to people that roll their eyes, scoff..just a bunch of plebs.

So please sit on your bar stool on Soi 4, visit the grand palace with your rental, take a bunch of photos and tell everyone back home what a traveler you are. Leave the real adventuring to adventurers.

Chiang MaI is a total bore?

So that's why is has millions of happy visitors every year.

Pray tell what planet are you from?

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And excepting those:

  • who are Gay
  • who are already married/in a relationship
  • Are women who like men
  • Who find it an affordable relaxing place to live
  • who enjoy Thai culture
  • Don't suffer from involuntary celebacy outside of Thailand.

I think you may have hit Mr Worldwide's problem firmly on his empty head!

If you revisit my original post, I said 'major factor in my decision-making', and suddenly that has me humping someone's leg on Soi 4 at 2am ? If poontang was my only interest, I would go to PP - been there, and it just doesnt compare to Thailand, IMO. Kinda bizarre that as soon as I nominate a preference for Malaysia as a retirement destination in the SE Asia forum, I have people telling me that it's 'xxxx' and they would never consider a 'Muslim country', but mention Thai women as a major drawcard for LOS and suddenly I'm surrounded by the kind of purity and chastity that would make the prophet very proud indeed. blink.png

Clearly, I'm the only member of AK who likes the fact that he can fly to a country where the women actually smile - regardless of the underlying motive for said smile. Somewhere in the mad daily rush to nominate another downside to life in Thailand, I have to wonder if a few of the cynics have forgotten what put them on the plane in the first place - my *guess* is that there was a woman somewhere in that heady mix.

Edited by metisdead
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Always said, take away the women, aircon, western toilets and tissue paper and 50% gone in a month. Other 35% to follow.

To put it in perspective - most people would not want to live in ANY country that took away all the women, aircon, western toilets and tissue paper.

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I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women.

In your college days (if you went to college), where would you prefer to go: the local bar with all the idiot males, or the college bar where the clientele were members of the opposite sex?

There should be no shame in aiming for a place for good looking women. There is a reason why I will stand in a longer line at a grocery store to chat with a pretty cashier than go in the shorter line with the short, squat hag ringing me up.

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I'm a newbie here and this is my first post, so bare with me if I ramble on a bit.

I originaly planned to settle in the Philippines. When I visited there 12 years ago I saw it as a better place to be than Thailand. Costs were a little lower and everyone has a pretty good understanding of English.

I was being a bit of a player and had been chatting with a Thai woman and a Filipina for about 6 years now. I decided to go to the Philippines and if things didn't work out as expected, come to Thailand. Thats basicaly what ended up happening.

The Philippines has changed a lot over the past 12 years and so have the people. The women I went to meet was lovely. Not a stunner, but I've had my fill of stunners over the years and that's not what I need at my time of life. But, her, her family and her friends jsut seemed to want to take money from me. It was a shock, even though I was there for 6 weeks 12 years ago with a previouse GF, things had changed so much.

After 5 days I decided that Thailand was the place for me and I'm so glad that I did. Again, the woman I am with isn't a stunner, but she is a fantastic person for me to be with and she seems to feel the same about me. She lets me share her home, even when she goes to work. I've been introduced to all of the family and friends. I know it's not the money, as I've now run out my meagre monthly allowance until the end of the month and she is paying for my keep.

Saying all the above, I've had an interest in Buddhism for a long time now, having lost my faith in Christianity for a number of reasons. So being here I can also learn about Buddhism and visit many wonderful temples.

So for me: women first, temples second.

Ramble over.

" so bare with me"

Actually I'd prefer to remain dressed, so I hope you'll bear with me.

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I'm a newbie here and this is my first post, so bare with me if I ramble on a bit.

I originaly planned to settle in the Philippines. When I visited there 12 years ago I saw it as a better place to be than Thailand. Costs were a little lower and everyone has a pretty good understanding of English.

I was being a bit of a player and had been chatting with a Thai woman and a Filipina for about 6 years now. I decided to go to the Philippines and if things didn't work out as expected, come to Thailand. Thats basicaly what ended up happening.

The Philippines has changed a lot over the past 12 years and so have the people. The women I went to meet was lovely. Not a stunner, but I've had my fill of stunners over the years and that's not what I need at my time of life. But, her, her family and her friends jsut seemed to want to take money from me. It was a shock, even though I was there for 6 weeks 12 years ago with a previouse GF, things had changed so much.

After 5 days I decided that Thailand was the place for me and I'm so glad that I did. Again, the woman I am with isn't a stunner, but she is a fantastic person for me to be with and she seems to feel the same about me. She lets me share her home, even when she goes to work. I've been introduced to all of the family and friends. I know it's not the money, as I've now run out my meagre monthly allowance until the end of the month and she is paying for my keep.

Saying all the above, I've had an interest in Buddhism for a long time now, having lost my faith in Christianity for a number of reasons. So being here I can also learn about Buddhism and visit many wonderful temples.

So for me: women first, temples second.

Ramble over.

" so bare with me"

Actually I'd prefer to remain dressed, so I hope you'll bear with me.

So long as the bear doesn't get hungry.

I'll happily beer with you though.

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After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come


Who are all those guys sitting in bars on Loi Kroh Road and in massage parlors and brothels all over the city? Thank Buddha that Chiang Mai is not pure and proper as some would like. :D

And until recently CM had abnormally high HIV rates, for decades.

Then there are the fires/smoke....and they complain about a bit of haze in bkk.

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After 26 years in farangland and 26 years in Asia, I chose Chiang Mai for retirement.

Best place I've ever lived, and one reason I like it -- sex tourists generally don't come


Who are all those guys sitting in bars on Loi Kroh Road and in massage parlors and brothels all over the city? Thank Buddha that Chiang Mai is not pure and proper as some would like. biggrin.png

And until recently CM had abnormally high HIV rates, for decades.

Then there are the fires/smoke....and they complain about a bit of haze in bkk.

It's amazing what folks will complain about.

I knew a bloke who found a $100 bill and complained that it was dirty and wrinkled.

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And excepting those:

  • who are Gay
  • who are already married/in a relationship
  • Are women who like men
  • Who find it an affordable relaxing place to live
  • who enjoy Thai culture

  • Don't suffer from involuntary celebacy outside of Thailand.

I think you may have hit Mr Worldwide's problem firmly on his empty head!

If you revisit my original post, I said 'major factor in my decision-making', and suddenly that has me humping someone's leg on Soi 4 at 2am ? If poontang was my only interest, I would go to PP - been there, and it just doesnt compare to Thailand, IMO. Kinda bizarre that as soon as I nominate a preference for Malaysia as a retirement destination in the SE Asia forum, I have people telling me that it's 'shit' and they would never consider a 'Muslim country', but mention Thai women as a major drawcard for LOS and suddenly I'm surrounded by the kind of purity and chastity that would make the prophet very proud indeed. :blink:

Clearly, I'm the only member of AK who likes the fact that he can fly to a country where the women actually smile - regardless of the underlying motive for said smile. Somewhere in the mad daily rush to nominate another downside to life in Thailand, I have to wonder if a few of the cynics have forgotten what put them on the plane in the first place - my *guess* is that there was a woman somewhere in that heady mix.

No argument from me, I'd far rather be in Malaysia and evrn Indonesia than the Philippines. I've never found Islam getting in the way of my game. In Malaysia, women are far more friendly (and Indo) because there is no stigma being seen with you because: sheis not considered a tart automatically, Malaysia is quite multicultural and any guy with money and likes Malaysia is a "catch".

Don't especially find the women as pretty as the Thai though.

Might even have a long shot at a Chinese beauty. Of course, if you are willing to go to Indo and do the takeawy deal, tons of Chinese stunners to choose from.

No problem with Malaysia here - Saya tidak masala dengan Malaysia disini!

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"I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women."

Like HK, ShangHai.

But Chiang Mai? Really? You think?

There are plenty of nice girls, and healthy girls, smart girls, and cute girls.

But since I have been in Chiang Mai, to tell the truth, I just have not yet seen any good looking women.

I think you gotta go to HK for that, or maybe ShangHai.

Sorry to tell the truth here, but it really is true.

You all have Google Images available, and this CM question is not a fact of life that you do not know, or can prove to yourselves with minimal effort at your computer keyboards in privacy.


So Sorry

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"I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women."

Like HK, ShangHai.

But Chiang Mai? Really? You think?

There are plenty of nice girls, and healthy girls, smart girls, and cute girls.

But since I have been in Chiang Mai, to tell the truth, I just have not yet seen any good looking women.

I think you gotta go to HK for that, or maybe ShangHai.

Sorry to tell the truth here, but it really is true.

You all have Google Images available, and this CM question is not a fact of life that you do not know, or can prove to yourselves with minimal effort at your computer keyboards in privacy.


So Sorry

Perhaps they see you first. smile.png

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"I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women."

Like HK, ShangHai.

But Chiang Mai? Really? You think?

There are plenty of nice girls, and healthy girls, smart girls, and cute girls.

But since I have been in Chiang Mai, to tell the truth, I just have not yet seen any good looking women.

I think you gotta go to HK for that, or maybe ShangHai.

Sorry to tell the truth here, but it really is true.

You all have Google Images available, and this CM question is not a fact of life that you do not know, or can prove to yourselves with minimal effort at your computer keyboards in privacy.


So Sorry

Since I live in Chiang Mai full time, I'm wondering if you have ever lived here.

Go to any shopping mall and prepare to have your eyes shocked by the stunners.

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Thanks BradinAsia.

Will do, this should be no difficult chore.

If I get carried away with this assignment, then do I have to report back here to debrief?

Or may I debrief elsewhere?

(Maybe this humor belongs in the sick jokes forum?)

Edited by OldChinaHam
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Need I go on?

I have been to Hong Kong

If I am in Chiang Mai

Then maybe it really IS the temples.

Nuff Said.

Sorry, I just discovered that one of these girls may be a ringer from North Korea.

Named Kim, I think.

Edited by OldChinaHam
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In Hong Kong, when I call for a glass of water to be sent to my room at any decent hotel, the service girls all look just about like this but they are not quite as tall.

Seriously, the HK women are seriously beautiful, and the working girls in offices in HK are also stunning.

Go check it out for yourself.

I will be in the CM grocery store.

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Thanks BradinAsia.

Will do, this should be no difficult chore.

If I get carried away with this assignment, then do I have to report back here to debrief?

Or may I debrief elsewhere?

(Maybe this humor belongs in the sick jokes forum?)


Being shocked by stunners is a sick joke?

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"I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women."


Like HK, ShangHai.

But Chiang Mai?  Really?  You think?

There are plenty of nice girls, and healthy girls, smart girls, and cute girls.

But since I have been in Chiang Mai, to tell the truth, I just have not yet seen any good looking women.

I think you gotta go to HK for that, or maybe ShangHai.

Sorry to tell the truth here, but it really is true. 

You all have Google Images available, and this CM question is not a fact of life that you do not know, or can prove to yourselves with minimal effort at your computer keyboards in privacy.



So Sorry

Funfon, is that you?
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"I still don't think there's anything wrong with going to places where there are good looking women."

Like HK, ShangHai.

But Chiang Mai? Really? You think?

There are plenty of nice girls, and healthy girls, smart girls, and cute girls.

But since I have been in Chiang Mai, to tell the truth, I just have not yet seen any good looking women.

I think you gotta go to HK for that, or maybe ShangHai.

Sorry to tell the truth here, but it really is true.

You all have Google Images available, and this CM question is not a fact of life that you do not know, or can prove to yourselves with minimal effort at your computer keyboards in privacy.


So Sorry

Funfon, is that you?

"Funfon, is that you?"

Were you expecting Bob Dylan?

No, .. We have been expecting you....

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Hard to answer someone who has made up everyones mind for them based on your own reasons for going.

The friends that I have darn...

None of them come here for reasons other than women...

But they also talk about the food, beaches and all...

But next time I see them, I will ask what it is to them that is paramount....

Some how I don't think you count a monk as one of your friends.

I never met a monk I didn't like. This could be because I've never met a monk. Should I hang at the temples a bit more?

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