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Farang Prices In Thailand


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In thai constitution, i thing Art. 15 is written that it is not allowed to make any difference between people, because of race, sex, color nd so on, if it is against the constitution it is 100% against law, same thing happend in europe also, many years ago, special in czech, poland, all eastern countrys, after 1990, I want to see if you would go to german zoo, or french museum, or english galery and they would have prices for foreigners and for locals. everybody would shout for police and court!! everybody, but here in thailand you think is ok? why? if I go to cinema and it cost 1 ticket + 1 coke and 1 popcorn more than 300 Baht and this is the minimum daily salery in thailand, a mosty the average salery in thailand, So why you not pay more for go to cinema? lets say 600 bath because thai peopel have less money! or why ou not pay 3000 bath for internet at home? or for you monthly telefon bill? if you buy a product and going to a park is a product than it must be same price for everybody, or you will be forced to pay also for food, doctor, drink, school, travel.

Or if you go to a bar and the bargirl tells you, you are farang so you have to pay 5000 baht but if you would be a thai man I would charge only 300 baht because they are so poor biggrin.pngbiggrin.png

and in the USA if I would have to pay more because I am not US citizen, I would be very happy, because I woudl fly home as a very rich man, easy to get get money out of this company, charging 2 differen prices never word, never works and will never work.

And i a country where you have to pay 3 times more for a car but anyway the streets are full and the bars and restaurants, there is also money to pay to go in a park. I live in Chiang mai but here are more iphones and ipads than in every town in czech republic, may be because they not have to pay real prices

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In thai constitution, i thing Art. 15 is written that it is not allowed to make any difference between people, because of race, sex, color nd so on, if it is against the constitution it is 100% against law, same thing happend in europe also, many years ago, special in czech, poland, all eastern countrys, after 1990, I want to see if you would go to german zoo, or french museum, or english galery and they would have prices for foreigners and for locals. everybody would shout for police and court!! everybody, but here in thailand you think is ok?


Yes. The fact that Thailand completely ignores its own laws, the fact that some many "politically correct" restrictions don't apply here is exactly what many of us love about the country.

If all the world was the same there would be no reason to travel.

I'm not saying I actually pay the extra pricing, but not going to bother making a fuss about the fact that they try to get more. I see it as a "newbie tax", after one year here my cost of living was half of what it was when I arrived, the following year half again, the savings only slowed down after about year 5, when I'd gotten to the point that I was getting many things for much cheaper than most Thais, just because I don't care about face, happy to bargain hard, put time and energy into saving money where it will make a difference in my lifestyle.

The kind of things people are complaining about wrt this topic aren't important enough to worry about.

Learn to relax and enjoy life a bit and you'll enjoy your time here much more.

And don't think the Thais are actually going to change something as a result of foreigners making a fuss about it, no matter how many jump up and down and shout or sign online petitions or whatever.

If our embassies could be convinced to apply pressure that might be difference, but good luck with that as well laugh.png

You're just tilting at windmills.

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Why oh why do you foreign folks come to Thailand for? They have prices and they put it on the merchadise for you to see. Why complain? Go to a different store and buy? Or sleep? Why complain how Thais are ripping you off? You foreigners are the reason Thailand is like it is anyways. You have created a tourism monster and the thai people want to capitalize off that while your in town, why not? Your breathing their air, drinking their waters, attending their functions, buying from their businesses, dating and marring or fukking their women. So why can't they charge alittle tax for foreigners? Not to mention its NOT every single place that does this.

If you don't like it.. Guess what, Cambodia is right across the boarder.

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@cuban, actually it shows the complete opposite.

Dual pricing is used all over the world and for various reasons. Indeed travelling in New Zealand recently I saw the exact same thing at a river speedboat attraction, and then again all the way down that tourist strip.

Locals get a discount because they are bringing the foreigner to the attraction, because it's their country and should be entitled to some benefit as a local and a promoter of the attraction, and because they (logically, living on the spot) could not otherwise afford to go often or at all.

I can't say this is true of every situation where a westerner might be charged more, but in this case it is entirely understandable and simply good marketing for the business.

I suspect that the OP is a troll but if not, then my advice is to stop whinging and give your kids a good time, whether you take them to this venue or not. Trying to read between the lines, I am supposing that they don't come here that often.

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You have to look at it from another perspective unless you want your kids to think dad is a stingy old git. smile.png

Accept farang pay the going rate, Thais (who earn substantially less) get a discount.

Edited by bigbamboo
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lot ot talk not much action

tell your friends to fax complain every day as i do and all my local and visiting friends

Location : 1600 New Phetchaburi Rd.,

Makkasan, Ratchathevi, Bangkok 10400

Call Center : 1672

Tel. : (66)2 250 5500

Fax : (66)2 253 7440

E-mail : [email protected]




A for effort, just realize that the tourism agencies here don't have that much clout even if they wanted to take a position supported by a tiny and insignificant group of people that don't vote against what would be a huge and outraged majority of actual Thai citizens who if they became aware of the issue would probably demand that even resident foreigners pay the tourist prices. . .

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If I go to the zoo, Nong Nooch Botanical Garden, the Crocodile Farm and nearly all similar places here in Pattaya I get the Thai price. Same experience in Chiang Mai. And if I go to Koh Samet I only pay 40 baht...the Thai price. I simply flash my Thai driver's license. When I was living in the St. Louis Metro East just 10 miles from St. Louis on the Illinois side of the river and would go to Shaw's Botanical Garden I'd have to pay the out of state price which was significantly lower than Missouri residents got in for. When I lived near Springfield, Illinois I could not use the Springfield public library for free because I lived outside Springfield. When I lived in the St. Louis Metro East I could take out books and movies on dvd all day long from the Collinsville public library because I was a resident of Collinsville, Illinois. When I go one block up the street from my condo I will usually pay between 105 and 120 baht for my lunch, and and this includes my girlfriend's as well. I'm getting the Thai price. Most of the clientele there is Thai but there are a few Westerners who frequent the place, but most tourists never go and for that matter most residents in my condo building won't either. I think it's because most tourists and for that matter a lot of expats don't have a lot of things figured out yet.

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Went to Night Safari with wife and grandson, and ticket seller charged me Thai prices. I asked her and she told me because I was speaking Thai to my grandson and considered me to be Thai.

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This one wasn't much really but I've had the double pricing a few times too. I don't agree on it out of principle. Imagine if we charged tourists here an extra £10 to see local attractions? Don't know how they get away with it the.

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attachicon.gifImageUploadedByTapatalk 21368993198.227519.jpg

This one wasn't much really but I've had the double pricing a few times too. I don't agree on it out of principle. Imagine if we charged tourists here an extra £10 to see local attractions? Don't know how they get away with it the.

As many of us have pointed out, the same things happen in our home countries. When I lived in Lake Tahoe I could ski for $10 dollars a day, visitors paid $60! When I lived in Florida I could get into Disney World for $20 less then non-residents. As I said in earlier in this thread, it's illegal to discriminate against race, creed or religion. But not residency, which is exactly that they are doing in Thailand, evidenced by multiple people saying they get the Thai price simply by showing their Thai ID...

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Thailand is a poorer country than most farang countries- makes 100% sense that they would try to charge extra for tourists. Getting boycotted by a handful of stingy/miserly farang tourists is going to have zero impact.

If you are happy being discriminated against and ripped off, that's fine,but don't berate people who do not agree with you,and have the right to vote with their feet,and spend their money as they see fit,and many will do.

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I have a retirement visa and Thai DL. I refuse to pay more than Thais or the posted price. When I get the farang price thrown at me I just laugh, pay the Thai price and go.

Maybe my "one person" boycott isnt going to break their ripping people off, but theyre not going to charge me farang price and pocket the difference.

The gf always goes ahead and gets the Thai price and comes and gets me.

I've taught her to always negotiate where they have jacked up prices in tourist places. P

The barber sitting there with no customers. I asked for a haircut and he said 100 baht. The posted price was 50. I laughed and told him he makes no money, had he just gave me a hair cut for 50, I probably would have tipped him 30-50 baht. What an idiot.

Got the haircut for 40 near the gf village, gave the guy 50 baht tip and go there every month.

Reminds me of the Bars/Restaurants,during quiet periods,jacking up prices to compensate for lack of customers.

Just been looking above at some comments on higher prices for Farangs! and some people don't get it,customers do not belong or are owed loyalty to any businesses,Bars Restaurants,Tours,Sightseeing,or any other Tourist Attraction. The Tourist does not depend on your business,your business depends on them,drive them away by dual price fixing,and they can walk, and probably never to be seen again, Just like your myopic Barber.

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I live here and so we had visitors who wanted to see the zoo in chiangmai plus "panda's" and the then newly open walk through fish tank well we got to the tellers friends paid over 400 bahts each (panda's you pay near by their enclosure) me i showed my Thai driving permit and charged as a local even when we went down to Bangkok and the grand palace complex flashed my driving permit the staff smiled and paid as a local this has been the case now for some years my permit started in 2543 and is due to expire in 2559 so quite a few issued to me 1 yr then 1 yr then 3yrs then 3 yr then in 2553 issued till 2559 why no idea but to cut down on entry fees its been useful.

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Someone I know that is a physician emailed a major BKK hospital asking the price for a fairly simple in-office procedure. The hospital replied with a standard form letter quotinga price for a completely different procedure, as a matter of fact a surgical procedure done under general anesthesia in an operating room. The guy was astounded as the "doctor" no less did not care or take a moment to read and think about the request. So far a quote for the wrong procedure, although the procedure they quoted was more than 100,000 baht.

After the guy inquired why they did that, they sent a quote for the correct procedure although amazingly charge 30,000 baht for the operating room not even typically used for this "office procedure". In addition the price was the same as it would be in the country with the most expensive health care, US. Again, double pricing, and they dont even have the foresight to think the person inquiring (doctor) will know about realistic pricing.

It is mind boggling indeed. Wealthy Thai's pay a much lower price.

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However you dress this up, the perception amongst some non-Thais is that they are being ripped off for being non-Thais; especially with the difference in pricing being, in this case, 5 fold.

The size of the price difference is what pisses people off.

Back in the dim and distant, in the UK my local record shop (yeah vinyl) used to give a discount for locals of 10%. Didn't notice any fuss.

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I live here. If I have to pay tourist price I don't go. After living here for some time, my perception of what is "cheap" has changed from what it was when I lived in the west and I will not pay the outrageously high prices tourists are asked to pay

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For the record, I don't have a problem with double pricing, so long as it is on a local residents / out of state or country basis. For the most part in Thailand it effectively works that way but the times it doesn't makes this issue get up everyone's nose.

Having said that, I don't see too many here protesting against the visa fee's Thai's must pay to visit the west, where most foreign nationalities get to turn up for nothing. Nor do I see the whine about the fee's international students must pay when they study in the west, well above and beyond what locals pay.

So long as economics exists, sellers will always want to charge more to the people who can afford these things. It is a basic concept in economics, one which is taught in first year economics. So long as it isn't based on race or creed, I've got no problem with it.

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So are you going to sit down with your kids to explain to them the deal why they can not go to the theme park in CM?

My 12-year-old Thai stepson fully understood "the deal" why he could not go to Mini Siam in Pattaya. He couldn't go in unaccompanied, I was being charged farang rate. I'm sure the OP's kids will too if properly explained. Edited by Keesters
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The problem is we come from countries where charging foreigners more for things would be seen as discrimination and get you thrown in jail.

What a load of crap this is. Pretty much every country/municipalities that cater to a large tourist population will have local and tourist prices for a great many things. Whether it's national parks, golf courses, hotels, universities....even some restaurants, locals will pay less in many cases. Heck, NY cabbies have been ripping off Japanese tourists forever.

As have been suggested, if you can prove residency in Thailand, more often than not, you can get the local prices. But no one is going to jail over this, in Thailand or anywhere else in the west.

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That's a shame that the fella's kids are missing out because of his principles.


What's your point SC - leave your kids with memories of visiting second rate tourist attractions at the expense of not leaving them with a memory of their father's principles?! Edited by GuestHouse
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Thailand is far from the only country who has a double pricing system.

Back in 1998, when I visited Universal Studio´s in Los Angeles USA, I had to pay 4 times as much, as my local friend had to pay.

Edited by Xonax
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I won't go either, but I don't think that it violates the law in Thailand. The Thai government does it too. As to why expats put up with it, they don't have much choice other than to avoid places that charge more for foreigners.

Better to stick with 7/11 stores, but not in Jomtien. Even there the girls will shortchange you, not much, 1 or 2 baht, but always will. If you demand your change, no more LOS for you. Must be a genetic corruption.

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So are you going to sit down with your kids to explain to them the deal why they can not go to the theme park in CM?

Well I certainly would,in fact at other attractions in Thailand,that is precisely what I have done. My children are being brought up to

Be Thais, but I try and explain to them that not everything in Thailand is perfect.

It may also have missed some people's attention, but not all Thai's are poor, there are now many we'll off Thai's , many are more affluent than the majority of ex- pats. Although this depends to a great extent in what part of the country you live in.

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Thailand is far from the only country who has a double pricing system.

Back in 1998, when I visited Universal Studio´s in Los Angeles USA, I had to pay 4 times as much, as my local friend had to pay.

By local do you mean he lives locally or that he is a US citizen.

I know many theme parks charge differing prices but usually for people that live in that area, it isn't based on nationality.

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