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Dog-Meat Mafia: Inside Thailand's Smuggling Trade


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Maybe once they have rounded up the scummy dogs on the sois, as some have suggested, they can round up the scummy farangs. There are many mangy dogs I would rather sit and have a pint with than some of the farangs I have met here.


Thanks to The Nation

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Please remove me from mailing list. I tried to click on a link to remove but couldn't seem to do it.

I don't live there anymore, thankfully, and I don't want to listen to what evil the Thai's are up to this week.

I shouldn't click on the link, I know, I take the blame for that.

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Please remove me from mailing list. I tried to click on a link to remove but couldn't seem to do it.

I don't live there anymore, thankfully, and I don't want to listen to what evil the Thai's are up to this week.

I shouldn't click on the link, I know, I take the blame for that.

click on the spam if that does not work let us know or go feed the dogs

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They could gladly come to Hua Hin and clean out all the Soi dogs around my house. It's so bad some times I have to carry a stick walking down the road.

Oh no....I can hear the bleeding hearts already. coffee1.gif

If you think its bad in Hau Hin.....Try Pattaya.....Strays and their shit everywhere....sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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Maybe once they have rounded up the scummy dogs on the sois, as some have suggested, they can round up the scummy farangs. There are many mangy dogs I would rather sit and have a pint with than some of the farangs I have met here.

It was because they had to sit and drink with mangy dogs at home that many farangs come to live in Thailand in the first place. wink.png

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Please remove me from mailing list. I tried to click on a link to remove but couldn't seem to do it.

I don't live there anymore, thankfully, and I don't want to listen to what evil the Thai's are up to this week.

I shouldn't click on the link, I know, I take the blame for that.

Thanks tool

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They could gladly come to Hua Hin and clean out all the Soi dogs around my house. It's so bad some times I have to carry a stick walking down the road.

Oh no....I can hear the bleeding hearts already. coffee1.gif

If you think its bad in Hau Hin.....Try Pattaya.....Strays and their shit everywhere....sad.pngsad.pngsad.pngbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

Yes, but what about the dogs there?rolleyes.gif

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They could gladly come to Hua Hin and clean out all the Soi dogs around my house. It's so bad some times I have to carry a stick walking down the road.

Oh no....I can hear the bleeding hearts already. coffee1.gif

And that is why you suite living in third country, I perfer liquidate uncivil people than a dog. More benefits with a dog than some dirty old ..... :-)

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I am personally not against eating dog. What has the poor cow, the pig done wrong? Is my favourite question in that context. From what I am told, in Vietnam they elevate dogs specifically for meat, these dogs get special food and are being kept correctly. There are even hi-price restaurants specializing on dog meat. But these are stray dogs from the street, full of disease, that nobody in his right mind would want to eat. Why is everything in Thailand always so low? Viets are proud and can become rather aggressive too if their rules are violated. Here you pay your way out of everything. Is that what Buddhism does to the morality of people, as opposed to Communism...?

If they actually would stick to their Buddhist beliefs and principles or come close then there would be higher ethics but somewhere down the road reading the lines got a little fuzzy.

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I am personally not against eating dog. What has the poor cow, the pig done wrong? Is my favourite question in that context. From what I am told, in Vietnam they elevate dogs specifically for meat, these dogs get special food and are being kept correctly. There are even hi-price restaurants specializing on dog meat. But these are stray dogs from the street, full of disease, that nobody in his right mind would want to eat. Why is everything in Thailand always so low? Viets are proud and can become rather aggressive too if their rules are violated. Here you pay your way out of everything. Is that what Buddhism does to the morality of people, as opposed to Communism...?

From my experience Communism does nothing for morality either. Did you see the tragic story in Beijing of the young 3 year old girl who got run over by a car and 15 people walked around her as she lay crying and bleeding in the road? She got run over for a second time and sadly died,, totally avoidable and terribly tragic. One of the interviewed locals said "we have all lost our moral compass". In my experience of living and working in China for some years communism teaches you to keep yourself to yourself and not get involved in anything that doesn't concern you. I think Thai people treat each other and foreigners with respect (if you show them appropriate courtesy as a guest) and they have a clear moral standing, it's simply that there are poor people in this developing country and when money is tight people come first.

I take it you have never traveled to Cuba, or are you simply extrapolating Chinese sensibilities to political ideology. And of course we would not want to start talking about the capitalist morality found in the USA where fundamentalist capitalism (AKA cowboy capitalism, AKA vulture capitalism) holds sway and where the profits of the very, very few are protected against the basic needs of the many. But of course those needs, you know, food, medical care, etc, are now categorized as "entitlements", as if they are perks for the privileged. So please, although one can find communism in places where morality may be in question, one can also find equally disturbing questions of morality in bastions of capitalism.

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I am personally not against eating dog. What has the poor cow, the pig done wrong? Is my favourite question in that context. From what I am told, in Vietnam they elevate dogs specifically for meat, these dogs get special food and are being kept correctly. There are even hi-price restaurants specializing on dog meat. But these are stray dogs from the street, full of disease, that nobody in his right mind would want to eat. Why is everything in Thailand always so low? Viets are proud and can become rather aggressive too if their rules are violated. Here you pay your way out of everything. Is that what Buddhism does to the morality of people, as opposed to Communism...?

From my experience Communism does nothing for morality either. Did you see the tragic story in Beijing of the young 3 year old girl who got run over by a car and 15 people walked around her as she lay crying and bleeding in the road? She got run over for a second time and sadly died,, totally avoidable and terribly tragic. One of the interviewed locals said "we have all lost our moral compass". In my experience of living and working in China for some years communism teaches you to keep yourself to yourself and not get involved in anything that doesn't concern you. I think Thai people treat each other and foreigners with respect (if you show them appropriate courtesy as a guest) and they have a clear moral standing, it's simply that there are poor people in this developing country and when money is tight people come first.

I take it you have never traveled to Cuba, or are you simply extrapolating Chinese sensibilities to political ideology. And of course we would not want to start talking about the capitalist morality found in the USA where fundamentalist capitalism (AKA cowboy capitalism, AKA vulture capitalism) holds sway and where the profits of the very, very few are protected against the basic needs of the many. But of course those needs, you know, food, medical care, etc, are now categorized as "entitlements", as if they are perks for the privileged. So please, although one can find communism in places where morality may be in question, one can also find equally disturbing questions of morality in bastions of capitalism.

Also, China isn't communist any more.

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Stealing family pets is just too scummy for words.


They are not stealing 'family pets'. they are stealing STRAY ANIMALS.

How is this anything different to the millions of Cows and Sheep, Chickens and Pigs that have their lives taken from them so that meat-eating humans (such as yourself) can enjoy the flesh of a dead being?

think about what is happening here.

and think about what is on your dinner plate tonight.

You cant call it bad to eat a dog, yet its ok to eat a sheep, cow, chicken and pig.

enjoy your slaughtered meal tonight.

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it does not stop with dogs, maybe some tourist should see this side of thailand ,then maybe it will be stopped ,but only maybe


How is this anything different to the millions of Cows and Sheep, Chickens and Pigs that have their lives taken from them so that meat-eating humans (such as yourself) can enjoy the flesh of a dead being?

think about what is happening here.

and think about what is on your dinner plate tonight.

You cant call it bad to eat a dog, yet its ok to eat a sheep, cow, chicken and pig.

enjoy your slaughtered meal tonight.

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Let's be honest do you really think Thais give a xxxx about dogs being butchered, especially when they can make money. Considering that the Thais will even stoop as low as using endangered animals to make money they certainly won't care about dogs lives if there's coin to be made.

Endangered Animals Being Exploited in Thai Tourism

I have met many priceless caring, loving Thais, that have dogs and take very good care of them (MANY)

how can you call any human (thai or not thai) caring and loving towards animals if they purchase a cow or sheep or chicken that has been painfully killed for the sake of their hunger for blood and dead animal???? !!!!!

anyone that calls themselves an animal lover and eats meat is a hypocritical liar. (nothing less).

no doubt, people will try to say how is "normal" to eat chicken, cow and sheep. But "Normal" doesnt mean that its right !!

How is this anything different to the millions of Cows and Sheep, Chickens and Pigs that have their lives taken from them so that meat-eating humans (such as yourself) can enjoy the flesh of a dead being?

think about what is happening here.

and think about what is on your dinner plate tonight.

You cant call it bad to eat a dog, yet its ok to eat a sheep, cow, chicken and pig.

enjoy your slaughtered meal tonight.

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Welcome in the Buddhist world were all animals are treated as dirt. You just have to look at the transport of live-stock like pigs and cows and one can only come to the conclusion that Karma needs a lot of catching up to do.

The funniest one is that Buddhist Monks eat meat!!!

One of the MAIN lessons in Buddhism is to NOT HARM ANY LIVING THING!!

so what do all the monks do? they eat meat!!! THIS IS THE WORST KIND OF HARM TO ANY LIVING THING!!!


The monks usually give a crappy answer about how they didnt do the killing themselves!!

so its like 'knowingly' accepting stolen money !!

no respect at all there.

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I am personally not against eating dog. What has the poor cow, the pig done wrong? Is my favourite question in that context. From what I am told, in Vietnam they elevate dogs specifically for meat, these dogs get special food and are being kept correctly. There are even hi-price restaurants specializing on dog meat. But these are stray dogs from the street, full of disease, that nobody in his right mind would want to eat. Why is everything in Thailand always so low? Viets are proud and can become rather aggressive too if their rules are violated. Here you pay your way out of everything. Is that what Buddhism does to the morality of people, as opposed to Communism...?

From my experience Communism does nothing for morality either. Did you see the tragic story in Beijing of the young 3 year old girl who got run over by a car and 15 people walked around her as she lay crying and bleeding in the road? She got run over for a second time and sadly died,, totally avoidable and terribly tragic. One of the interviewed locals said "we have all lost our moral compass". In my experience of living and working in China for some years communism teaches you to keep yourself to yourself and not get involved in anything that doesn't concern you. I think Thai people treat each other and foreigners with respect (if you show them appropriate courtesy as a guest) and they have a clear moral standing, it's simply that there are poor people in this developing country and when money is tight people come first.

I take it you have never traveled to Cuba, or are you simply extrapolating Chinese sensibilities to political ideology. And of course we would not want to start talking about the capitalist morality found in the USA where fundamentalist capitalism (AKA cowboy capitalism, AKA vulture capitalism) holds sway and where the profits of the very, very few are protected against the basic needs of the many. But of course those needs, you know, food, medical care, etc, are now categorized as "entitlements", as if they are perks for the privileged. So please, although one can find communism in places where morality may be in question, one can also find equally disturbing questions of morality in bastions of capitalism.

Also, China isn't communist any more.


And what should we call the form of government then?

Here's a definition from Wiki., fairly straightforward.

The PRC is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, with its seat of government in the capital city of Beijing.

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If you want this horrible cruelty stopped you can start by donating to these guys..


Would that be the horrible crime of eating the dogs or the even more horrible crime of the Thai people letting them breed rampantly, adoring the cuteness of the new puppy before abandoning it to wander full of scabies , ticks, mange, etc or to the temples where most of these mange festering dogs end up?.......still breeding!!!

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I wish these dog trucks could come to Pattaya and clear out the sois and vacant lots that have these barking pests. They would make millions 'cuz there are so many stray dogs here (not counting the two legged ones)

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If you want this problem to stop you could educate Thai's about spay and neutering.

The only issue I have with this practice is if the dogs suffer, whether in transportation of while being killed. Otherwise, good riddance!

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