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Things That Grate On You In Pattaya....


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Bangkok drivers. Every time they come down its like they are the only ones on the road.

Ladyboys who try to grab you when you walk past and ask if i want a girl. Sure i want a girl, but one without balls

Certain groups of people from certain regions who walk around holding hands(no i am not jealous :))

Some staff at 7-11 and Family Mart, the store is empty and yet they still make you wait.

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Not much ever grates on me. I'm a pretty easy going guy. I really only ever visit Pattaya because I have a few Thai friends that live there, so I like to visit them. The place has REALLY developed over the years. I have seen many improvements in the city itself. The people don't grate on me. Most everybody is there to have a good time, and it really is a collection of many different cultures (Euro, Russian, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, North American).

I think what grates on me the most would be the way over the top "Hey sexy man", "Handsome man" and how the girls sometimes will not let go of you as you are walking somewhere. Sure, it's fun when you're in the mood for it, but when you're just trying to walk to 7/11, go to a restaurant, or just want to sit and enjoy a beer....it's a bit unnecessary. I like when the ladies come up to you at the bar and say hello and the standard 3 questions (name, come from, have lady), but some of those ladies just go way over the top, and then pretend to be legitimately offended if you don't answer something correctly.

I don't really have a solution to this. I realize there is no set time for the "Hey sexy man" schtick.

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Not much ever grates on me. I'm a pretty easy going guy. I really only ever visit Pattaya because I have a few Thai friends that live there, so I like to visit them. The place has REALLY developed over the years. I have seen many improvements in the city itself. The people don't grate on me. Most everybody is there to have a good time, and it really is a collection of many different cultures (Euro, Russian, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, North American).

I think what grates on me the most would be the way over the top "Hey sexy man", "Handsome man" and how the girls sometimes will not let go of you as you are walking somewhere. Sure, it's fun when you're in the mood for it, but when you're just trying to walk to 7/11, go to a restaurant, or just want to sit and enjoy a beer....it's a bit unnecessary. I like when the ladies come up to you at the bar and say hello and the standard 3 questions (name, come from, have lady), but some of those ladies just go way over the top, and then pretend to be legitimately offended if you don't answer something correctly.

I don't really have a solution to this. I realize there is no set time for the "Hey sexy man" schtick.

Let me help you out with the answers to the question

1. Whats your name?

Answer: Somchai

2. Where you come from?

Answer: Mama & Papa

3. Have Lady?

Answer: When?

If they worth it, they will hang around, but usually just walk away. Funny enough they always remember you and often scream when driving past something like "Somchai..... from Mama/Papa"

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Not much ever grates on me. I'm a pretty easy going guy. I really only ever visit Pattaya because I have a few Thai friends that live there, so I like to visit them. The place has REALLY developed over the years. I have seen many improvements in the city itself. The people don't grate on me. Most everybody is there to have a good time, and it really is a collection of many different cultures (Euro, Russian, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, North American).

I think what grates on me the most would be the way over the top "Hey sexy man", "Handsome man" and how the girls sometimes will not let go of you as you are walking somewhere. Sure, it's fun when you're in the mood for it, but when you're just trying to walk to 7/11, go to a restaurant, or just want to sit and enjoy a beer....it's a bit unnecessary. I like when the ladies come up to you at the bar and say hello and the standard 3 questions (name, come from, have lady), but some of those ladies just go way over the top, and then pretend to be legitimately offended if you don't answer something correctly.

I don't really have a solution to this. I realize there is no set time for the "Hey sexy man" schtick.

Let me help you out with the answers to the question

1. Whats your name?

Answer: Somchai

2. Where you come from?

Answer: Mama & Papa

3. Have Lady?

Answer: When?

If they worth it, they will hang around, but usually just walk away. Funny enough they always remember you and often scream when driving past something like "Somchai..... from Mama/Papa"

Why bother answering if you're not interested, just wave your hand as if there was an annoying fly around or give them a nice fake smile rolleyes.gif

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Not much ever grates on me. I'm a pretty easy going guy. I really only ever visit Pattaya because I have a few Thai friends that live there, so I like to visit them. The place has REALLY developed over the years. I have seen many improvements in the city itself. The people don't grate on me. Most everybody is there to have a good time, and it really is a collection of many different cultures (Euro, Russian, Arabic, South Asian, East Asian, North American).

I think what grates on me the most would be the way over the top "Hey sexy man", "Handsome man" and how the girls sometimes will not let go of you as you are walking somewhere. Sure, it's fun when you're in the mood for it, but when you're just trying to walk to 7/11, go to a restaurant, or just want to sit and enjoy a beer....it's a bit unnecessary. I like when the ladies come up to you at the bar and say hello and the standard 3 questions (name, come from, have lady), but some of those ladies just go way over the top, and then pretend to be legitimately offended if you don't answer something correctly.

I don't really have a solution to this. I realize there is no set time for the "Hey sexy man" schtick.

Let me help you out with the answers to the question

1. Whats your name?

Answer: Somchai

2. Where you come from?

Answer: Mama & Papa

3. Have Lady?

Answer: When?

If they worth it, they will hang around, but usually just walk away. Funny enough they always remember you and often scream when driving past something like "Somchai..... from Mama/Papa"

Why bother answering if you're not interested, just wave your hand as if there was an annoying fly around or give them a nice fake smile rolleyes.gif

Because i do not treat people like flies.

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I'm very polite but only with people who don't act like I owe them something, nothing worse than the LB's, fat old ladies &co who think because you are farang they are allowed to grab you, waste your time and then ask for something.

Anyways I don't go to beer bars and avoid them like the plague coffee1.gif

Edited by yoslim
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when you see a vacant chair at Starbucks, rush inside to order a coffee, but while you order your drink, some <deleted> with bottle of water that he has bought from 711 has taken that seat, and you stand there like a fool not knowing where to go w your coffee cos its in a mug, not in paper cup to go, and you realize you not gonna have a pleasant time watching trannys working

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The things that really annoys me:

Is how many beautiful women there are

Waking up to the sun every morning

The food is too cheap

The people are always smiling

Everyone is really friendly

How convenient the place is for a your needs

Shall I go on....

The place is great... Stop moaning

Have not been to Pattaya yet? Or sex starved holiday maker?

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The OP has raised a couple of my '<deleted>?' moments, although they don't seem Pattaya-specific.

I mean do people really leave the condo at 8 o'clock at night for a night on the piss and stick the sunglasses on the top of the head? I mean why? They are SUNGLASSES for f*cks sakes!!! Maybe they are a hair accessory these days but the dude has a shaved <deleted>' head!!!

The blinged out farang Fortuner with aircon running flat out, window down with the flick, flick, flick of the cigarette. Cooling the whole town dude?

Now my other favourite gripes. The stopped shopping cart at the supermarket, casually angle-parked right in the middle of the aisle while the shopper buggers around in the freezer or picks out their veggies. Or letting the kids push the loaded cart... really???!!! You can't drive worth a sh!t so how you reckon the kids can do any better?

The pensioner with a thing for ping pong balls in gogo bars. Honestly sir, that's just NOT cool. Especially the third and fourth basket full.

There must be an honorable mention for the perpetual queue jumper. I mean, I am about 2 meters tall and around 100 kilos. Whenever did THAT make me invisible???

The 5PM traffic crawl where the cute dolly on the step-through in front of you is suddenly overwhelmed with the need to stop and eat THOSE noodles, the ones RIGHT THERE beside her... and stops the bike and steps away, oblivious to the blocked traffic.

Back in the supermarket, there's the 'express lane - 10 items max' abusers. The ones that quickly empty all 42 items onto the desk and push the empty cart through while the check-out girl is still giving the previous customer his change. Or the variation when there's a special on (for example) fish sauce so the load up a cart with 100 bottles and then have all the family, mum, dad, kids, auntie and granny all take turns to get their MORE THAN 10 bottles each through the checkout.

OK, so some of you are appeasers and accept that this is normal for the place you chose to live. But be honest and tell us what really makes you grind your teeth, spit the dummy or throw the toys out of the pram.

I mean do people really leave the condo at 8 o'clock at night for a

night on the piss and stick the sunglasses on the top of the head?

Yes they do, they are referred to as antipodeans, or Ozzys to you and me, although my Ozzy friends refer to them as, bogans, thats, pikey or chavs to you and me.

Take a careful look to see which side of the head the "sunnies" are on, front of forehead tilted upwards, or back of head, or even worse, a hat on the head with the sunnies place on top of the hat.

Get with it, its all the rage in Wonga Wonga.

Ok, Ok, I have stopped laughing now.

My Ozzie mate would never go out at night without the sunnies on his head.

I always say "I am no expert, but I don't think the sun will shine tonight".

Oh dear, that post has made my day..... love it

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drivers take note:

You mean they're not just for going straight through intersections? ohmy.png

no that's a different switch

this one is used for going straight through intersections

its sometimes accompanied by maniacal flashing of the vehicles headlights by the driver

both seem to be a warning to tell you that i am coming through regardless of you or any other traffic and that you must get out of my way to avoid an accident

despite their size ,buses seem to use this signalling sequence the most

the drivers must think that you can't see a 50 foot long double decker bearing down on you at 120KPH but you will see his lights when flashed enough


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The things that really annoys me:

Is how many beautiful women there are

Waking up to the sun every morning

The food is too cheap

The people are always smiling

Everyone is really friendly

How convenient the place is for a your needs

Shall I go on....

The place is great... Stop moaning

Have not been to Pattaya yet? Or sex starved holiday maker?


Married to Thai lady and have a child.

Currently in Pattaya

Bored of people finding faults in the place.

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