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Woolwich Attack: ' Soldier Beheaded' By Ranting Fanatics On Busy London Street


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Another view to balance those given by Chouderay.

I'm no fan, but this message is certainly fast becoming a hit with British people.


Watching this has filled me with sadness.

Trepidation for me.

If responsible political leaders and the community at large does not take on this issue, then groups like the EDL will exploit it.

Exactly and that's why I highlighted it. Whilst the government doesn't act, these groups will gain in strength very fast!

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A rather informative and relevant post has had a large portion of its content removed due to fair use. If the poster has a link to the article, I am sure there are a lot of people who would benefit from reading it.

Sorry for that.

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Another view to balance those given by Chouderay.

I'm no fan, but this message is certainly fast becoming a hit with British people.


Watching this has filled me with sadness.

Trepidation for me.

If responsible political leaders and the community at large does not take on this issue, then groups like the EDL will exploit it.

Exactly and that's why I highlighted it. Whilst the government doesn't act, these groups will gain in strength very fast!

He's right about the police. I do know people who have gone to make complaints to the police about harrasment from muslims, in Dewsbury. The police response? "Please, don't cause a fuss." I'm not talking about youths but older people 40's and 50's

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Excellent words by Putin

Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special

privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud

they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America,

England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.

I hope we never get to a point where our political leaders and society espouse the Putin doctrine. The former KGB director persecuted Christians, Jews and other minority groups. The Soviet Union savagely discriminated against these groups. Christians were not allowed to worship and imprisoned if they were caught. Jews were singled out by having Jew stamped on their identity papers and denied jobs. Anyone that dissented with the status quo was sent to a gulag.

One should be careful when embracing the views of a crypto fascist. Whatever the failings are of the UK on its approach to domestic agitaters, I will take the UK response over the tyranny of Putin's Russia. The UK will sort this out. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but I have faith that spirit and values of the British shall persevere against those that seek to sow evil and violence. The UK has been around for a long time and it shall not be brought down by this foreign pestilence. Have faith and do not succumb to those who would trade in British decency and rule of law for tyranny.

Point taken. However there are a lot of posters on this thread who have said they are either not convinced the UK will sort it out, or they are sick and tired of waiting for some decisive action that is unrestrained by political correctness.

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Excellent words by Putin

Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special

privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud

they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America,

England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.

I hope we never get to a point where our political leaders and society espouse the Putin doctrine. The former KGB director persecuted Christians, Jews and other minority groups. The Soviet Union savagely discriminated against these groups. Christians were not allowed to worship and imprisoned if they were caught. Jews were singled out by having Jew stamped on their identity papers and denied jobs. Anyone that dissented with the status quo was sent to a gulag.

One should be careful when embracing the views of a crypto fascist. Whatever the failings are of the UK on its approach to domestic agitaters, I will take the UK response over the tyranny of Putin's Russia. The UK will sort this out. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but I have faith that spirit and values of the British shall persevere against those that seek to sow evil and violence. The UK has been around for a long time and it shall not be brought down by this foreign pestilence. Have faith and do not succumb to those who would trade in British decency and rule of law for tyranny.

Well said

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At the end of the day when history repeats itself, everyone will have to decide which side of the fence their on.

All those in the middle will get caught in the crossfire!

Who remembers this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1326063/After-1700-years-Buddhas-fall-to-Taliban-dynamite.html

The way the world religions are panning out it's going to be Muslims against everyone else.

The peaceful Mullahs and clerics need to toughen up and kick out the fanatics before it's too late(or is it too late already!)

RIP Lee Rigby


Twin Buddhas.

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I've just been watching Dateline London. One of the muslin correspondents made 2 good points.

1 Islam needs to detoxify itself.

2 Islam needs to stop in it's attempt to forcibly convert the world.

Good Morning London!

It's Sunday. I'm sitting on my verandah in the land of smiles. The only bell I can hear is the one hanging round the neck of the buffalo walking past.

Good Luck.

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A rather informative and relevant post has had a large portion of its content removed due to fair use. If the poster has a link to the article, I am sure there are a lot of people who would benefit from reading it.

Sorry for that.

Link below with a translation of the article that some will find "beneficial".


Edited by simple1
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I left Portugal in April 1974, The Bloodless Revolution, wouldn't surprise me if it happened in England.The Military got sick of the Government Ignoring The Peoples Wishes.coffee1.gif

British governments only listen to the people every 4 years or so, and that's only for a few weeks.

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A rather informative and relevant post has had a large portion of its content removed due to fair use. If the poster has a link to the article, I am sure there are a lot of people who would benefit from reading it.

Sorry for that.

I would think that the following is the article Robby Nz was refering to.


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I've just been watching Dateline London. One of the muslin correspondents made 2 good points.

1 Islam needs to detoxify itself.

2 Islam needs to stop in it's attempt to forcibly convert the world.

3/ Islam needs to give people the right to abandon their religion

4/ Islam needs to accept that the sensibilities of others are as important as their own

The chances of any of the above are about as high as me finding a tap-dancing dodo.

The other muslim correspondent said "I can't understand how Choudary was not arrested 2 days ago." He's not alone there. Neither can any right minded person.

PS +1 what GK posted. Run out of likes again lol.

Edited by Mosha
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And some posters here need to stop waffling about KGB, Hitler, throwing Christians to Lions, and Holey Joe's who fell of their Potty years ago, and remember You British are Feeding and Housing for Free Islamics who hate you ,and your Governments ignoring its Silent Majority, and listening to Militants more than their own people.

I agree England it rumored Prince Charlie is Muslims may be it true and explanes what England is doing

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Steely Dan,

If true, this will please the Jewish population as well as the Muslim as the methods of conscious slaughter and blood draining in Kosher and Halal are identical.

No they are not. kosher slaughtering practices are dictated by the biblical commandment that the killing must be done with respect and compassion and that the animal must not suffer. In any case, the attempt to bring Jews and kosher slaughtering into the discussion is another cheap attempt to take the thread off course. Again and again, whenever a specific fact that discomforts jihadi supporters and apologists, these folks quickly try to switch over to referencing Jews or Christians or some other subject.

Religious zealots of the Jewish or Christian faith in the UK are not the ones blowing up trains or attacking people in the streets. The fact of the matter is that the UK is a Christian country. Most religious groups that have immigrated understand that and behave accordingly. One doesn't see Hindus, Jews , Mormons, Druids, Wiccans, or adherents of the flying Spaghetti Monster undertaking acts of terror, unless one considers the heavy curry that the Hindu Temples give the homeless for free is an act of terror. The worst that I have seen the Sally Anne do is to sing off key.

So true, GK. But it's not just in the UK. The entire World has to endure the barbarity of "The Religion of Peace", just look at the ghastly beheadings and butchery carried out by them in Thailand's South. Targeting teachers in particular, because, just as that mob in Nigeria know, education and knowledge are the true enemies of blind obediance, intolerance and subjugation, i.e. Islam.

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Excellent words by Putin

Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special

privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud

they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America,

England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.

I hope we never get to a point where our political leaders and society espouse the Putin doctrine. The former KGB director persecuted Christians, Jews and other minority groups. The Soviet Union savagely discriminated against these groups. Christians were not allowed to worship and imprisoned if they were caught. Jews were singled out by having Jew stamped on their identity papers and denied jobs. Anyone that dissented with the status quo was sent to a gulag.

One should be careful when embracing the views of a crypto fascist. Whatever the failings are of the UK on its approach to domestic agitaters, I will take the UK response over the tyranny of Putin's Russia. The UK will sort this out. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but I have faith that spirit and values of the British shall persevere against those that seek to sow evil and violence. The UK has been around for a long time and it shall not be brought down by this foreign pestilence. Have faith and do not succumb to those who would trade in British decency and rule of law for tyranny.

You can disagree with 99% of what someone stands for, and agree on just 1% and still work with them on that 1%.

Russia has been very cooperative in helping track these people down because we share that one problem. Should we kick them to the curb on this one issue?

Russia will get the job done. Will the West?

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Excellent words by PutinRussia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special

privileges, or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud

they yell 'discrimination'. We better learn from the suicides of America,

England, Holland and France, if we are to survive as a nation.

I hope we never get to a point where our political leaders and society espouse the Putin doctrine. The former KGB director persecuted Christians, Jews and other minority groups. The Soviet Union savagely discriminated against these groups. Christians were not allowed to worship and imprisoned if they were caught. Jews were singled out by having Jew stamped on their identity papers and denied jobs. Anyone that dissented with the status quo was sent to a gulag.

One should be careful when embracing the views of a crypto fascist. Whatever the failings are of the UK on its approach to domestic agitaters, I will take the UK response over the tyranny of Putin's Russia. The UK will sort this out. Perhaps not as fast as we would like, but I have faith that spirit and values of the British shall persevere against those that seek to sow evil and violence. The UK has been around for a long time and it shall not be brought down by this foreign pestilence. Have faith and do not succumb to those who would trade in British decency and rule of law for tyranny.

Point taken. However there are a lot of posters on this thread who have said they are either not convinced the UK will sort it out, or they are sick and tired of waiting for some decisive action that is unrestrained by political correctness.

70 years ago, it took awhile before the UK woke up to thugs across the channel. Back then, there were appeasers, sympathizers, cowards, apologists and people living in denial that resisted taking a stand. However, when the time came, the lion roared. The UK is dealing with the same situation now. Jihadists keep pulling on the lion's tail and they will eventually get bitten. It is difficult to take on an enemy that hides in the general population, but it will be done. Have faith in the democratic institutions of the UK. To abandon British values of democracy, and the rule of law tempered by compassion, dare I say for a secular agnostic like me, a cornerstone of Christian beliefs, is to give in to the jihadists and their enablers.

And if an official from the British Government told the little old lady in handcuffs, don't worry darling we are going to take out the real enemy she would probably still say, go back to your own country.

Yes, it is difficult to take on an enemy that hides in the general population.

Good Morning VietNam.

Good luck.

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A rather informative and relevant post has had a large portion of its content removed due to fair use. If the poster has a link to the article, I am sure there are a lot of people who would benefit from reading it.

Sorry for that.

I would think that the following is the article Robby Nz was refering to.


Article includes the British Nobel Prize winner Sir Peter Medawar as a Muslim.He wasn't - had a British mother and a Lebanese Christian father

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The police are arresting people for making anti muslim tweets and FB posts. Why not get some balance and lock up the radicals preaching hate against non believers?

The police are afraid to arrest muslims easy to arrest Englishman what a great country

If they start arresting muslims instead of 85 yr old english women there would be rioting in the streets and claims of racism and religious vilification.

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The police are arresting people for making anti muslim tweets and FB posts. Why not get some balance and lock up the radicals preaching hate against non believers?

The police are afraid to arrest muslims easy to arrest Englishman what a great country
If they start arresting muslims instead of 85 yr old english women there would be rioting in the streets and claims of racism and religious vilification.

Don't worry chooka. GeriatricKid seems to be suggesting it might just be a front to keep the peace. Behind the scenes there's a British secret agent pointing his gun down the throat of a father of Islam and saying, Feeling lucky punk?

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At the end of the day when history repeats itself, everyone will have to decide which side of the fence their on.

All those in the middle will get caught in the crossfire!

Who remembers this http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/afghanistan/1326063/After-1700-years-Buddhas-fall-to-Taliban-dynamite.html

The way the world religions are panning out it's going to be Muslims against everyone else.

The peaceful Mullahs and clerics need to toughen up and kick out the fanatics before it's too late(or is it too late already!)

RIP Lee Rigby


Thanks for reminding us the total intolerance of the extreme Islamists, Chitty. By the way, did you notice that gem of Islamic double-talk by Mullah Wakil...."He said the Taliban had no intention to disrespect any other religion. "We do admit the relics were the cultural heritage of Afghanistan, but the part that contradicts our Islamic beliefs we would not like to have them any more." A wonderful example of saying one thing for public consumption, then actually doing the exact opposite. Maybe that's why so few of us have any trust in the weasel words of so-called moderate leaders.

And for those of you who may wonder why more moderate Muslims don't speak out against the evil that infests their religion, maybe this other news item might give us a clue, but rember now, this is the "Religion of Peace".....


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