Mosha Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 After 7/7 I went back, my very left wing mates were voting BNP.. I guess they just go some more votes. 1
7by7 Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Neither do the majority of Muslims! As for Christians blowing up kids; remember Warrington, for example. You quote one example of a few, YET many lives world wide are lost via a peaceful religion every day. I feel sorry for you and your perspective on stuff. I feel even more sorry for your ignorance and prejudice. Not sorry for you, your ignorance and prejudices are your problem; but sorry for everyone else. As already said, extremists, whatever their cause, feed off such ignorance and prejudice. The more people like you stir up unfounded hatred directed at all Muslims, the more the extremists like it. You are doing their work for them; shame on you. 1
Ace of Pop Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 The Doves have lost again,its now time for the Hawks.P.C Folks are resposible in part for this Mans Murder.
NoshowJones Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 This really reinforces my attitude to ALL Muslims. I believe the whole lot of them are sadistic morons who believe in a non existent god and a ancient and dead mad man. "Shit they are all like scary lunatics who have escaped from the funny farm and talking to their imaginary friends and several times a day they even get down on the floor a speak mumbo-jumbo to them selves, wow they are scary" There may be odd exceptions, but there is a silent majority. 1
Popular Post Chicog Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 transam, on 23 May 2013 - 11:41, said: So why doesn't this religion's hierarchy rein these folk in AS it is supposed to be the only religion ? The religion seems to teach folk to blow innocent kids up worldwide, so why in your opinion doesn't their teachings work ? The religion's hierarchy do not teach folk to blow innocent kids up.Evil scum like Moqtadr Al Sadr teach folk to do it. And unsurprisingly, they do not send their own flesh and blood to be martyrs. 3
mfearon74 Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 A barbaric attack by extremists who no more represent the majority of Muslims than Christian fundamentalists represent the majority of Christians or Zionists represent the majority of Jews. They are no more Muslim than the IRA were Catholic. But, it seems that not only have the morons of the EDL fallen into their trap, but several members here have as well! What trap? These savages want to stir up feelings against Muslims to such an extent that morons like the EDL attack more and more mosques and then start to attack any and all Muslims. This means that all Muslims in the west start to feel threatened and the extremists convince them to join them and be protected. Protected from hatred which the extremists, with the unwitting help of morons like the EDL, caused. The vast majority of Muslims are the same as the vast majority of Christians, Jews, Hindus etc. They just want to live in peace with their neighbours, of any or no religion, and get on with their lives. Don't fall into the extremists trap; don't do their work for them! MFearon, I am guessing you are a nice person, anti violence, anti-war, anti-terrorist acts of horror. Me too. But you cannot - absolutely cannot defend islam or muslims by saying they are "rogues and abberations". It is time for you to READ the koran. It will both educate you and horrify you. Yes the Council of Faith always come out when their militant brothers commit atrocities and say, "This is not Islam". Again - read the koran, which is the essence of islam. The koran which many not be criticised nor interpreted on pain of death. If you are a muslim - you believe in the koran. Accordingly, you must support these acts of murder and terror. ?????...think you may have got my name mixed with the wrong quote.
gabruce Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 A barbaric attack by extremists who no more represent the majority of Muslims than Christian fundamentalists represent the majority of Christians or Zionists represent the majority of Jews. They are no more Muslim than the IRA were Catholic. But, it seems that not only have the morons of the EDL fallen into their trap, but several members here have as well! What trap? These savages want to stir up feelings against Muslims to such an extent that morons like the EDL attack more and more mosques and then start to attack any and all Muslims. This means that all Muslims in the west start to feel threatened and the extremists convince them to join them and be protected. Protected from hatred which the extremists, with the unwitting help of morons like the EDL, caused. The vast majority of Muslims are the same as the vast majority of Christians, Jews, Hindus etc. They just want to live in peace with their neighbours, of any or no religion, and get on with their lives. Don't fall into the extremists trap; don't do their work for them! Correct the vast majority of muslims are not terrorists but the vast majority of terrorists are muslims. It's an interesting assertion. Even more interesting, is that according to the FBI, more terrorist attacks in the USA are done by Jewish terrorists (~7%+) than Islamic terrorists (~6%+). (stats for 2012) That statistic doesn't talk about number of people however, and it's possible that Islamic terrorists work in larger groups. I was surprised by the stats, and then realized my expectations were colored by the media reports - I've never heard of a jewish terrorist attack in the USA. To be clear, I believe that all of these people are wrong.
Popular Post transam Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 Neither do the majority of Muslims! As for Christians blowing up kids; remember Warrington, for example. You quote one example of a few, YET many lives world wide are lost via a peaceful religion every day. I feel sorry for you and your perspective on stuff. I feel even more sorry for your ignorance and prejudice. Not sorry for you, your ignorance and prejudices are your problem; but sorry for everyone else. As already said, extremists, whatever their cause, feed off such ignorance and prejudice. The more people like you stir up unfounded hatred directed at all Muslims, the more the extremists like it. You are doing their work for them; shame on you. You just wait till it perhaps affects you and yours. An unarmed guy has his head removed cos of a religion. 6
bangon04 Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 I The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam," the Press Association reported. That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood. Christians have done more than their fair share of genocide over the years. Were the Crusades founded in Christian belief? Hopefully we will all grow out of it eventually....
transam Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 I The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam," the Press Association reported. That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood. Christians have done more than their fair share of genocide over the years. Were the Crusades founded in Christian belief? Hopefully we will all grow out of it eventually.... After a thousand years some don't. 1
Steely Dan Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 @Transam - your post #44 Their is not a central body within Islam, e.g. The Pope, that represents the Islam faith. However, if you are interested I have posted below a URL that provides examples of Islamic leaders who have spoken out against terrorism by Islamic extremists. As far as I am aware their is only one body that has legitimacy to represent the Muslim nations, the OIC, and from their website: To cooperate in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, organised crime, illicit drug trafficking, corruption, money laundering and human trafficking. It's the Islamic schools of jurisprudence that speak for Islam. Islam recognizes no nation other than it's own global caliphate so the OIC is a bit of a red herring. Alas Islamic jurisprudence is to be very generous in a pre-enlightenment stage of development, and certainly incompatible with the universal declaration of human rights, not to mention peaceful coexistence within a democracy. 1
lee b Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 They should let the EDL in hospital at visiting time ! 2
7by7 Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Transam, a friend of mine was blown up by the IRA in Guildford in 1974; I would have been too had I not been late. Do I hate Catholics because of it? No, I was raised one myself! Do I hate all the Irish because of it? No. The Provos don't represent the majority of Irish people. Do I hate all Muslims because a small minority of Muslims are terrorists? No; that would be as stupid as hating Catholics and Irish because I was nearly blown up by the IRA! Your ignorance and prejudice only serves the extremists' purpose; shame on you. 1
Popular Post skippybangkok Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics... Sadly it is supported by moderates quietly. I lived in Malaysia, spoke Malay well, spent alot of times in Kampungs, and its clear it gets a quiet thumbs up. Time for the west not to be so politically correct and see it for what it is, 15
lemoncake Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Lemoncake, What does 'Islamic' look like? It's a religion for god's sake, and anybody can be a follower, black, white, or in between. The horse has bolted in the UK, and they're in, courtesy of the politically correct morons in successive governments. A similar thing is happening in Australia, but the idiots running this country don't have the balls to admit, as Cameron did, that multiculturalism has failed. What a shame the cops didn't kill them because summary execution is the only thing good enough, and all they understand. It meant to say Islamist , I thought I already made it clear. Looking Islam makes no sense, and I already explained that even using pictures
Popular Post Soutpeel Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 I The Muslim Council of Britain called the attack "a truly barbaric act that has no basis in Islam," the Press Association reported. That's why the two murderers were shouting Allahu Akbar. It's strange how such violent acts have apparently no basis in Islam, yet this seems to be misunderstood worldwide on a daily basis. I wonder why no other religion seems to be so misunderstood. Christians have done more than their fair share of genocide over the years. Were the Crusades founded in Christian belief? Hopefully we will all grow out of it eventually.... After a thousand years some don't. I think large numbers of people are getting fed up with the muslim faith in the UK, always bleating on about discrimination/freedom of religion every time they cant get their own way and what has happened today could just light the tinder box, one would expect over the next few days to see "retaliation" attacks on mosques etc.... It really a pity the UK did away with the death beheading would be preferable for these pair of barbarians, preferably carried out as a public spectacle in the center on London and televised for the word to see but one can only hope the prison they end up has a few Christian Ex-soldiers who are guests of HM... I say in this case use sharia law in the UK.. 4
Popular Post Ulysses G. Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics... Sadly it is supported by moderates quietly. I fear that there may be a lot of truth to this statement. How many "regular" Muslims are cheering on the terrorists outside of the public eye in the mosques and madrassas? 9
Loptr Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 If you invite these people to live in your country, you have to expect this kind of thing. It has been suggested that the perps are Somalis (or alternatively Nigerians); that wouldn't be surprising, because almost 2% of the Somali nation now lives in the UK, with 70,000 of them in London alone. Parts of South London have been turned into a little Mogadishu, with Somali gangs and Nigerian gangs fighting with knives and guns over drug territories. So the UK Government cannot wring its hands and say "How terrible" because it is the Government that has created the conditions which made this sickening incident inevitable. Nor would the Government be guiltless if some British version of Anders Breivik were to surface and start to take measures into his own hands. British born, of Nigerian background, converted to islam, drank the koolaid and decided to hack an innocent bystander to death. There is no way to defend against attacks like this. Watch for more martyrs to follow suit. First the Boston bombing, now this, I see a trend forming. Independent, random acts of terror in the heart of the west. It was one thing when suicide bombers and victims were only images on the television in a far away land. It appears to be morphing into a more up-close and personal experience for westerners. 1
Popular Post Baerboxer Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 Transam, a friend of mine was blown up by the IRA in Guildford in 1974; I would have been too had I not been late. Do I hate Catholics because of it? No, I was raised one myself! Do I hate all the Irish because of it? No. The Provos don't represent the majority of Irish people. Do I hate all Muslims because a small minority of Muslims are terrorists? No; that would be as stupid as hating Catholics and Irish because I was nearly blown up by the IRA! Your ignorance and prejudice only serves the extremists' purpose; shame on you. Wise words. Unfortunately people react to violent babaric attrocities like this, in exactly the way the terrorists want them too. Stirring up more trouble by inciting more hatred is their objective. The IRA were not fighting to promote chatholicism but orginally to gain independence from British rule. The provisional IRA sought to remove British rule from Nothern Ireland, and strangely received help from Muslim countries (Gadaafi's Libya and the Palestinians). The Muslim terrorists believe they are fighting a holy war and fighting for Islam not one particular country. This makes them very different. I know many Muslims and have lived in Muslim countries. The vast majority I've met are decent law abiding people who want the best for their families and respect everyone, regardless of religion or ethnic origin. Attacking these people drives them into the arms of the terrorists who will gladly manipulate them. The Boston bombings, now this, cause people to react and label all Muslims the same, which is not only not true, but actually what the terrorist leaders want. Punish the guilty but do not hold people guilty because of their political and religious views, or ethnic origin. 3
transam Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Transam, a friend of mine was blown up by the IRA in Guildford in 1974; I would have been too had I not been late. Do I hate Catholics because of it? No, I was raised one myself! Do I hate all the Irish because of it? No. The Provos don't represent the majority of Irish people. Do I hate all Muslims because a small minority of Muslims are terrorists? No; that would be as stupid as hating Catholics and Irish because I was nearly blown up by the IRA! Your ignorance and prejudice only serves the extremists' purpose; shame on you. Wise words. Unfortunately people react to violent babaric attrocities like this, in exactly the way the terrorists want them too. Stirring up more trouble by inciting more hatred is their objective. The IRA were not fighting to promote chatholicism but orginally to gain independence from British rule. The provisional IRA sought to remove British rule from Nothern Ireland, and strangely received help from Muslim countries (Gadaafi's Libya and the Palestinians). The Muslim terrorists believe they are fighting a holy war and fighting for Islam not one particular country. This makes them very different. I know many Muslims and have lived in Muslim countries. The vast majority I've met are decent law abiding people who want the best for their families and respect everyone, regardless of religion or ethnic origin. Attacking these people drives them into the arms of the terrorists who will gladly manipulate them. The Boston bombings, now this, cause people to react and label all Muslims the same, which is not only not true, but actually what the terrorist leaders want. Punish the guilty but do not hold people guilty because of their political and religious views, or ethnic origin. BUT, the religious hierarchy do nothing. Yes/No. World wide the hierarchy do nothing. WHY. ???? 2
Popular Post Mosha Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 If this attack had been the other way round, What do you think would be going on in places like Dewsbury and Batley and Bradford? 6
sustento Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Transam, a friend of mine was blown up by the IRA in Guildford in 1974; I would have been too had I not been late. Do I hate Catholics because of it? No, I was raised one myself! Do I hate all the Irish because of it? No. The Provos don't represent the majority of Irish people. Do I hate all Muslims because a small minority of Muslims are terrorists? No; that would be as stupid as hating Catholics and Irish because I was nearly blown up by the IRA! Your ignorance and prejudice only serves the extremists' purpose; shame on you. Wise words. Unfortunately people react to violent babaric attrocities like this, in exactly the way the terrorists want them too. Stirring up more trouble by inciting more hatred is their objective. The IRA were not fighting to promote chatholicism but orginally to gain independence from British rule. The provisional IRA sought to remove British rule from Nothern Ireland, and strangely received help from Muslim countries (Gadaafi's Libya and the Palestinians). The Muslim terrorists believe they are fighting a holy war and fighting for Islam not one particular country. This makes them very different. I know many Muslims and have lived in Muslim countries. The vast majority I've met are decent law abiding people who want the best for their families and respect everyone, regardless of religion or ethnic origin. Attacking these people drives them into the arms of the terrorists who will gladly manipulate them. The Boston bombings, now this, cause people to react and label all Muslims the same, which is not only not true, but actually what the terrorist leaders want. Punish the guilty but do not hold people guilty because of their political and religious views, or ethnic origin. BUT, the religious hierarchy do nothing. Yes/No. World wide the hierarchy do nothing. WHY. ???? Because Islam doesn't have a hierarchy. They have no Pope or Archbishop of Canterbury.
7by7 Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 As all ready said, but ignored by Transam, Muslim leaders and representative organisations have been very vocal in condemning this attack; as they were after the 7/7 attacks. But, as is right and proper, they leave the question of guilt and punishment of the individuals concerned to the courts. What would you, Transam, prefer them to do instead?
Popular Post Jingthing Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 This video is very relevant to the debate here. Basically is there something different about MODERN Islam when it comes to these kinds of terrorist events. I agree with Bill Maher. You can do a Book of Mormon comedy show and Mormon's don't start murderous riots. You cannot do a Book of the Islamic Prophet comedy show without triggering bloodbaths in multiple countries. 3
Mur Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 I regard myself as very liberal but I do worry about the muslim faith. I dont believe they believe in democracy only in the word of God and for many that comes from a version of the koran that saudi arabia has been flooding the world with for years and it is my understanding that this version is not quite as benign as the original and possibly allows for or even promotes discrimination and worse against non muslims. I believe that rightly or wrongly muslims will/must stick together against all others when the times get hard/violent and the ideal result for them obviously would be a world governed by muslim beliefs. Given that the numbers are increasing far more than any other group it is only a matter of time before there are enough to elect muslim candidates (in western democracys) When that time comes I'll be wanting to be elsewhere tho in the country I live in at the ends of the earth that should be a very long time away. Not so for the tolerant UK and other European countries I would guess
Baerboxer Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 If you invite these people to live in your country, you have to expect this kind of thing. It has been suggested that the perps are Somalis (or alternatively Nigerians); that wouldn't be surprising, because almost 2% of the Somali nation now lives in the UK, with 70,000 of them in London alone. Parts of South London have been turned into a little Mogadishu, with Somali gangs and Nigerian gangs fighting with knives and guns over drug territories. So the UK Government cannot wring its hands and say "How terrible" because it is the Government that has created the conditions which made this sickening incident inevitable. Nor would the Government be guiltless if some British version of Anders Breivik were to surface and start to take measures into his own hands. British born, of Nigerian background, converted to islam, drank the koolaid and decided to hack an innocent bystander to death. There is no way to defend against attacks like this. Watch for more martyrs to follow suit. First the Boston bombing, now this, I see a trend forming. Independent, random acts of terror in the heart of the west. It was one thing when suicide bombers and victims were only images on the television in a far away land. It appears to be morphing into a more up-close and personal experience for westerners. Thanks for posting this and including the link. It makes disturbing reading. Sadly, if there are more attacks like this in the US and UK then there could very well be a backlash against all Muslims which is what the terrorists want.
Popular Post Steely Dan Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 sadly islam is painted and tainted by the brush wielded by these type of fanatics... Sadly it is supported by moderates quietly. I fear that there may be a lot of truth to this statement. How many "regular" Muslims are cheering on the terrorists outside of the public eye in the mosques and madrassas? A poll found 20% of British Muslims sympathized with the 7/7 bombers, so based on a UK population of 3 million that would represent 600,000. Problems, the authorities are scared out of their wits by the size of them, hence the institutionalized denial. 7
Popular Post Steely Dan Posted May 23, 2013 Popular Post Posted May 23, 2013 If this attack had been the other way round, What do you think would be going on in places like Dewsbury and Batley and Bradford? The same as is happening in Stockholm right now. 3
transam Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 As all ready said, but ignored by Transam, Muslim leaders and representative organisations have been very vocal in condemning this attack; as they were after the 7/7 attacks. But, as is right and proper, they leave the question of guilt and punishment of the individuals concerned to the courts. What would you, Transam, prefer them to do instead? I would prefer religious folk to follow the teachings that their masses follow. I never see a religious guy on tele condemning anything these murdering folk do 24/7.
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