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More Luxury Cars Seized

Lite Beer

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Reasonable taxation and all the trouble is solved!

Actually, the Thais considerable it reasonable. In lieu of paying an EU type tax rate, consumers of high ticket item goods that do not benefit the national economy pay higher taxes.

And as one way of spreading the wealth across all sectors of society.

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The cars were smuggled out of a Bonded warehouse and duty free area !!,

who left the door open, again

Regards Worgeordie

maybe they were "just singing in the rain"

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Clearly someone that provided paperwork for these cars was doing so beyond their ability to pay off the higher powers, normal service will be resumed when the money gets back into the hands of those that can stop these periodic "investigations".

When paid off and their ability to control these imports face will be saved and the rich can once more drive imports at a tax reduced price.

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Clearly someone that provided paperwork for these cars was doing so beyond their ability to pay off the higher powers, normal service will be resumed when the money gets back into the hands of those that can stop these periodic "investigations".

When paid off and their ability to control these imports face will be saved and the rich can once more drive imports at a tax reduced price.

There are lots of newcomers recently into this business. It's hard enough to be a professional reputable grey importer, without every tom, dick and harry importing also.

Obviously the corruption got so big even the old grey importers have got pissed off at losing business.

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I hope my neighbour who has 2 red plate Lamborghinis has paid full price. I mean really, 2? Either he is a dealer or a massive show off. Does hage trouble with the speed bumps though lol

Instead of a massive show off, he might as well be very successful in his business, a super cars' lover... and a very nice guy.

Since he is your neighbor you might want to know him a bit more...

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First off, there is no way on god's green earth the DSI is going to grab a Lambo from a politician, a hiso, or a top mafia guy. They have grabbed a few dealer cars to make everyone scared, then time to rake in the tea money. No different than the Thai police doing a raid on a couple of bars in an area, thus forcing other owners to pay higher tea money out of fear. I love this place !!!!! Wait ......for.......the.......fade away.......

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What we need here is a 2 column matrix.

Perpetrator's name in the first column and political party in the other (Maybe position in party for a 3rd column).

That would probably clear up a lot of the confusion.

Whenever I read about crackdowns in Asia, I always wonder about the real motives.

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when do they start the same for big motorcycles ?

Bye bye harley's,......Burgman's........

Some of them drive arround with a tax reciept of 9000 bht ? (200% inport tax ?)

all fraud ....kick it out ....confiscate ....

Thailand is not the free country anny more ,beware .

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First off, there is no way on god's green earth the DSI is going to grab a Lambo from a politician, a hiso, or a top mafia guy. They have grabbed a few dealer cars to make everyone scared, then time to rake in the tea money. No different than the Thai police doing a raid on a couple of bars in an area, thus forcing other owners to pay higher tea money out of fear. I love this place !!!!! Wait ......for.......the.......fade away.......


Just get the inciter-general to order another round of protests at the CC & the media will soon forget the car scams.

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where do the cars ,go next

Once the case is close, they will auction it.

They will auction it extremely quietly with only the original owner told about the auction for about 10% of the proper tax bill (cash only)

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where do the cars ,go next

Once the case is close, they will auction it.

They will auction it extremely quietly with only the original owner told about the auction for about 10% of the proper tax bill (cash only)

I have been told many years ago by a bike importer that it works that way for luxury cars with the Hi-So. He gave me the example of someone who imported a 20 Million Jaguar, let it confiscate by Customs, then buy it at a fraction of the import tax at the privately held auction.

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Reasonable taxation and all the trouble is solved!

Actually, the Thais considerable it reasonable. In lieu of paying an EU type tax rate, consumers of high ticket item goods that do not benefit the national economy pay higher taxes.

Except of course it seems they don't.

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This is certainly becoming a hot topic but I question where it will go, where it can go because to afford these cars you have to be " somebody " or at least well connected.

Will this degenerate to a DSI farce where the cars are impounded but most of those connected to them exonerated for some reason or another ? They may be allowed to pay all the relevant taxes and fees but would probably be offended if asked to do so as it would be loss of face as it suggests wrongdoing. I cannot see a procession of politicians, their, relatives, government officials etc. actually having to face criminal charges.

" I cannot see a procession of politicians, their, relatives, government officials etc. actually having to face criminal charges."

I hope to see it, more likely on a related issue - where did the money come from to pay for these vehicles.

Oh yeah, I'll not hold my breath on that one Ozmick.. blink.png

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Did I not read somewhere that the normal commission for a Govt. contract is 20-30% of the project value, so someone is pocketing some serious cash. Not much wonder people want to get into politics.

With all the humongous Govt. projects ongoing for flood prevention etc... perhaps the bent politicians are taking payment in luxury cars so as to avoid the $$$$$ ending up in their bank accounts....55555

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