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Ecuador 'analysing' Snowden asylum request: FM


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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice. ermm.gif

Snowden should maybe take this deal?

"On Monday, Putin said Snowden could only be granted asylum by Moscow if he agreed to stop actions that could harm the United States."

I do not know what kind of life it would be but watching the lock on real reporting in the US regarding this story & general lack

of support, I almost feel Snowden wasted his time trying to alert a country of couch surfing useful idiots.

There appears more outrage amongst citizens of countries like Germany than back home in the USA which professes to live to protect their Constitutional rights

& beseeches other countries to live by such lofty standards they themselves no longer really protect/possess or allow.

Much of the information regarding the abuse of US citizens rights are now in the hands of two large media outlets if I recall correctly.

I believe it is the Guardian & the Washington Post. We know now it was a wasted effort to expect the controlled US media

to release any unapproved by TPTB news to the US citizens. So forget the Washington Post

That leaves the Guardian

Let them put out what they see fit & that would not be Snowden doing anything further so abiding by Putins rules?

Really what more can Snowden do?

More importantly what will others in the future not do after seeing what it results in

when you point out that a government has gone wild & treats their employers as if they are spies & terrorist until proven innocent.

Other than that? Sad day for the USA IMHO

Ironically enough the 4th of July in the USA "Independence Day" just ended

Unless something major changes in the US in regards to what the employers/citizens will allow their employees to

do to them & the citizens of the world then there is really not much left to say is there?

Edited by mania
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German Social Democrat chairman Sigmar Gabriel: "The first step has to be that public prosecutors travel to Moscow to depose Mr. Snowden as a witness. If they come away with the impression that he is a reliable witness, then admitting him to the witness protection program must be considered."


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Edited by Publicus
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The worst aspect of Snowden having NSA classified documents and materials is that they reveal how NSA gets its information on terrorists and governments abroad that are hostile towards the U.S.

The Simple Reason Edward Snowden's Leaks Are So Damaging To America's Snooping

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/how-snowdens-leaks-hurt-america-2013-7#ixzz2Y8pvFh3F


anyone who has to protect confidentiality of communications or of data already knew before the "revelations" what was going on. one can piece it together very easily from information that is readily available.

the serious terrorists did that too, therefore the results in terms of countering professional terrorists are so dismal. Oh sure, they catch sometimes some Yussuf and Ahmed with their home-built bomb. but the pros can't be stopped by big brother.

everyone are playing dummies - the Europeans are playing outrage at their trade delegation being spied on, and the other statements of shock are equally insincere.

the real damage that is done is the erosion of trust the citizens put into their government and the damage to democracy.

There hasn't been a successful terrorist attack against the United States from outside of the United States since 9/11. That's a credit to our government which is very important to U.S. citizens in the United States, from coast to coast and from border to border. You make the serious error of dismissing the fact as if it were insignificant and trivial.

We in the vast political center-middle of the U.S. body politic are working to balance a serious matter our founders had no conception of in 1776, and that Americans couldn't conceive occurring until the horrific shock of 9/11. There's a balance to be struck, found, attained. Those who generally don't like balance have their own problems and should not try to inflict those problems on the rest of us.

There's a new balance to be defined between security and liberty, a balance that serves each consistently with the Constitution. Most of us are seeking the new balance. Others can't see the realities of the present and foreseeable future, except to envisage the long train of possible horrors that doesn't necessarily exist in realizing the appropriate balance.

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There hasn't been a successful terrorist attack against the United States from outside of the United States since 9/11. That's a credit to our government which is very important to U.S. citizens in the United States, from coast to coast and from border to border. You make the serious error of dismissing the fact as if it were insignificant and trivial.

the information about how many attacks plotted by serious terrorists were successfully warded off by using decisive information being supplied only from PRISM would be a more relevant figure.

I believe NSA officials want to release such a figure soon, right?

If such number is not released, what does it mean? Is there any reason not to illustrate the usefulness and legitimity of PRISM by releasing such a number? ... wait and see!!!

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There hasn't been a successful terrorist attack against the United States from outside of the United States since 9/11. That's a credit to our government which is very important to U.S. citizens in the United States, from coast to coast and from border to border. You make the serious error of dismissing the fact as if it were insignificant and trivial.

the information about how many attacks plotted by serious terrorists were successfully warded off by using decisive information being supplied only from PRISM would be a more relevant figure.

I believe NSA officials want to release such a figure soon, right?

If such number is not released, what does it mean? Is there any reason not to illustrate the usefulness and legitimity of PRISM by releasing such a number? ... wait and see!!!

Wait and see is the best you can do, offer, present? You don't even know. Almost everything the right complains of comes from the long train of possible horrors, which does not necessarily exist. Be careful of self-fulfilling prophecies.

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Good god man, You do have the research gene in you. Impressive! wai.gif

why don't you also link to reports about how the US did misuse intel and gave it to US companies in order to win international bids? your posts are one-sided, no balance.

Might i suggest you do your own research....... just a thought.whistling.gif

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The difference is that France, Germany et al. don't spend all their time telling the rest of the world how wonderful and democratic they are and how everyone else should follow their example.

Thats the difference?

We're in a war. I dont think we give a hoot what people think at the moment. We're trying to prevent attacks on US soil. Thats enough for us to focus on.

Speaking of getting others to follow their examples,

ask the Greeks and the Cypriots what they think of the Germans.whistling.gif

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Edit: I thought to non-relevant complaint was about me lol

Have we resorted to tattle telling? So we've regressed from secondary school to primary school?

Next we'll be trying to climb back into the womb.blink.png

PS, You dont need it, but you can purge any of my post anytime. I'm not that attached to any of them.

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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice.

Edward Snowden should find another country to seek refuge in, a senior Russian official has said, signalling Moscow's growing impatience over the former US spy agency contractor's stay at a Moscow airport.

Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Moscow also has made clear that Snowden is an increasingly unwelcome guest because the longer he stays, the greater the risk of the diplomatic standoff causing lasting damage to relations with Washington.

"He needs to choose a place to go," Mr Ryabkov said.

I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Edited by F430murci
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You are expected to post in a civilized manner and to treat other posters with a modicum of respect. You do not have to agree with anyone. You have the right to express your own opinion on the topic.

The public warning was to let people know that the thread is straying off topic. There are two topics roughly about the same situation, this one however, is more about the asylum claim.

You may not paste in a foreign language and you may not post links to non-English language sources.

Now, please stay on the topic of the thread and be civil to one another.

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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice.

Edward Snowden should find another country to seek refuge in, a senior Russian official has said, signalling Moscow's growing impatience over the former US spy agency contractor's stay at a Moscow airport.

Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Moscow also has made clear that Snowden is an increasingly unwelcome guest because the longer he stays, the greater the risk of the diplomatic standoff causing lasting damage to relations with Washington.

"He needs to choose a place to go," Mr Ryabkov said.

I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Russia said he could have asylum as long as he stopped leaking info. Snowden considered it unreasonable and withdrew his request.

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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice.

Edward Snowden should find another country to seek refuge in, a senior Russian official has said, signalling Moscow's growing impatience over the former US spy agency contractor's stay at a Moscow airport.

Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Moscow also has made clear that Snowden is an increasingly unwelcome guest because the longer he stays, the greater the risk of the diplomatic standoff causing lasting damage to relations with Washington.

"He needs to choose a place to go," Mr Ryabkov said.

I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Russia said he could have asylum as long as he stopped leaking info. Snowden considered it unreasonable and withdrew his request.

Many of us caught that package deal offered by Putin's underlings sometime a weekend or so ago. I don't think Putin ever liked the idea - it's been noted Putin himself was a loyal national security apparatchik of the Soviet empire and should be expected to have contempt of an Edward Snowden regardless of his nationality and of how much good stuff they got out of him, his documents and laptops/memory sticks or whatever.

I'm sure the statement I quote from Reuters, that Russia wants Snowden to go somewhere, includes asylum - which Snowden has withdrawn from Russia - any possibility of Russian citizenship, and any possibility of Russian issued travel papers. Putin at this point is beginning to be concerned Snowden at the airport or in Russia itself is posing a real risk of long term damage to Moscow Washington relations.

Putin's original idea to accept Snowden from Hong Kong has begun to look like a stinker of a thought, even to Putin himself. I think Putin wants Snowden's current patron, the Wikileaks people, out of sight and out of mind also, blabbers that they are too.

Snowden's beginning to look like Yuri Zhivago during his wilderness period.

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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice.

Edward Snowden should find another country to seek refuge in, a senior Russian official has said, signalling Moscow's growing impatience over the former US spy agency contractor's stay at a Moscow airport.

Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Moscow also has made clear that Snowden is an increasingly unwelcome guest because the longer he stays, the greater the risk of the diplomatic standoff causing lasting damage to relations with Washington.

"He needs to choose a place to go," Mr Ryabkov said.

I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Russia said he could have asylum as long as he stopped leaking info. Snowden considered it unreasonable and withdrew his request.

Ah yes. you are correct. the no application as oppsed to withdrew applicatiin kind of threw me in my morning stupor.

Nevertheless, according to whom? Maybe Russia withdrew it for him. Snowden apparently has not made any first person announcements to that effect. Not to Greenwald, not to his dad and questionable whether he has actually communicated with anyone from Wiki since arriving to Russia.

I have a distinct feeling Snowden would perhaps like to be anywhere, even inside mothet Russia, if he is truly stuck in limbo at the airport. You cannot really buy into what Putin puts into the press. Russians don't as they know better.

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Meanwhile, according to Reuters, Russia is growing impatient over Snowden's stay in a Moscow airport and officials have urged him to leave. To which I would add that maybe Russia can equip Snowden to set up a tent on the Artic ice.

Edward Snowden should find another country to seek refuge in, a senior Russian official has said, signalling Moscow's growing impatience over the former US spy agency contractor's stay at a Moscow airport.

Deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Russia had received no request for political asylum from Snowden and he had to solve his problems himself after 11 days in the transit area of Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport.

Moscow also has made clear that Snowden is an increasingly unwelcome guest because the longer he stays, the greater the risk of the diplomatic standoff causing lasting damage to relations with Washington.

"He needs to choose a place to go," Mr Ryabkov said.

I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Russia said he could have asylum as long as he stopped leaking info. Snowden considered it unreasonable and withdrew his request.

Many of us caught that package deal offered by Putin's underlings sometime a weekend or so ago. I don't think Putin ever liked the idea - it's been noted Putin himself was a loyal national security apparatchik of the Soviet empire and should be expected to have contempt of an Edward Snowden regardless of his nationality and of how much good stuff they got out of him, his documents and laptops/memory sticks or whatever.

I'm sure the statement I quote from Reuters, that Russia wants Snowden to go somewhere, includes asylum - which Snowden has withdrawn from Russia - any possibility of Russian citizenship, and any possibility of Russian issued travel papers. Putin at this point is beginning to be concerned Snowden at the airport or in Russia itself is posing a real risk of long term damage to Moscow Washington relations.

Putin's original idea to accept Snowden from Hong Kong has begun to look like a stinker of a thought, even to Putin himself. I think Putin wants Snowden's current patron, the Wikileaks people, out of sight and out of mind also, blabbers that they are too.

Snowden's beginning to look like Yuri Zhivago during his wilderness period.

It's not even that complicated. What would you expect Putin to say when someone like Snowden with a crap load of NSA data in his possession says can I come to Russia? Of course, but as I have said since day one they will send him packing as soon as they are done with him.

The don't tell us anything NSA related and you can remain story is so Putin. I laugh that anyone actually tries to believe that one!

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Yes I bet he now wishes he had agreed to the conditions. But you are right, who knows, we are getting everything second and third hand.

Russia still has a tight grip on certain things including media spin on certain political matters.

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I thought Russia was on the long list of countries Wiki or Assange said Snowden applied to for Asylum. Is Russia now done with him and simply putting Russian spin on situation or is Wiki FOS and Russia telling truth?

Russia said he could have asylum as long as he stopped leaking info. Snowden considered it unreasonable and withdrew his request.

It's not even that complicated. What would you expect Putin to say when someone like Snowden with a crap load of NSA data in his possession says can I come to Russia? Of course, but as I have said since day one they will send him packing as soon as they are done with him.

The don't tell us anything NSA related and you can remain story is so Putin. I laugh that anyone actually tries to believe that one!

If I understand you correctly, I'd point out I said Putin's underlings came up with the bargain deal that turned out to be a non-starter once it got to Putin's level. We all know Putin will dump Snowden as soon as the goons are through getting all he has from him, same as the Boyz in Beijing did. The Boyz In Beijing are much more efficient than the Russians in making something happen - Snowden was in Hong Kong one day, gone the next. In Russia, Snowden has been smelling like a dead fish for going on two weeks now.

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I have to admit, Beijing is looking smarter and smarter the longer this thing plays out.

HK is still on the US sh*tlist, but not nearly as bad as it could have been.

The notion looked fun when it started, but if you cant thow the deadfish out,

it gets old quick!

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Venezuelan leader offers Snowden 'humanitarian asylum'

CARACAS — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro offered to give "humanitarian asylum" to US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, who is waiting in a Moscow airport for a nation to give him sanctuary.

Earlier Friday in Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega said his government was willing to give asylum to the US fugitive "if circumstances permit it", offering a glimmer of hope to Snowden, who has been in limbo at Moscow's international airport since June 23.


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Venezuelan leader offers Snowden 'humanitarian asylum'

CARACAS — Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro offered to give "humanitarian asylum" to US intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, who is waiting in a Moscow airport for a nation to give him sanctuary.

Earlier Friday in Nicaragua, President Daniel Ortega said his government was willing to give asylum to the US fugitive "if circumstances permit it", offering a glimmer of hope to Snowden, who has been in limbo at Moscow's international airport since June 23.


So how does he get there ? Who provides the transport and what kind of transport? A military flight?

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