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I signed up with True Internet service, contracting for 13mps out of their various packages. I was surprised to get 1.5mps to 2.8mps so called their service. They came out, did some checking, and told me that there was 13mps getting through their cable into the building so perhaps the line inside the building was bad. I had the building manager change the line into my apartment and that jumped the speed up to 9.5. Good, but not the 13mps for which I had contracted.

So I called the support line again, and again they sent a tech to my house to check. (They really did give me excellent service, by the way, coming out within 24 hours of my call.) With the rep watching, I fired up my computer, ran the speed test. (http://www.speedtest.net/ ) Sure enough, it showed 9.7. Then the tech rep hooked up my computer via cable rather than wi-fi and we re--ran the test. 11.3mps. Hmmmmmm. The the techie said 'turn off anti-virus.' I did, and re-ran the speed test. 12.6mps. Hmmmm.. Then he said 'turn off firewall program. I did, and re-ran the test. 13.2mps.

The company was providing everything I'd contracted for. The problems were all on my side of the fence. I have some very powerful anti-virus protection and firewall that will stop a tank, and between those and the buildings old wires, I was losing a lot of internet speed. If I want to keep 13mps downstream flow,and still keep my computer secure, I'm going to have to upgrade my contract. The fault was mine, not the providers... I learned something today.

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Thank you for posting this. I learnt something from it.

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw



I think the problems with internet are within the computer and software more often than most people are willing to admit. It's much easier to blame the isp.


I can understand the problems you might be having in a multi-unit building's cabling with who knows how many connections between you and the fiber. But the other problems you mentioned puzzle me. In 6 years of listening to problems at the computer club I have never heard of a single case where the firewall or antivirus interferred with download speeds.

I have the TOT fiber 15Mbps program and run Norton for both the firewall and anti-virus and Webroot anti-virus. My programs will only stop a download if they do not like the type of file (e.g., *.exe) being download. Most files are downloaded and then scanned.

I do not know if this makes a difference (or if it would make a difference in your case) but I bridged the True modem/router and bought my own router. My PC is cable connected to the router. I frequently get 20Mps or more in download speed tests from the US or Europe. Rarely do I ever get less than 15Mbps. Performance is so satisfactory that I seldom test.

My wireless device gets a 130Mbps connection to the router (not from out on the web, just down from the router) on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

Now I am in a single family home and the fiber to copper coming into the house connection is right in front of the house so I do not have to compete with any other damand on that line.

All this probably does nothing to help. It is more of a plea for more info as this is a new subject for me: potential download interference from firewalls and antivirus programs.


Interesting. I'm going to test this out later today when I have some free time. Thanks for sharing.

how could you possibly have free time you seem live on that computer I wish that gag would work on your posts as well

Interesting. I'm going to test this out later today when I have some free time. Thanks for sharing.

how could you possibly have free time you seem live on that computer I wish that gag would work on your posts as well

Good contribution to the thread.

There is an ignore option if required.


I can understand the problems you might be having in a multi-unit building's cabling with who knows how many connections between you and the fiber. But the other problems you mentioned puzzle me. In 6 years of listening to problems at the computer club I have never heard of a single case where the firewall or antivirus interferred with download speeds.

I have the TOT fiber 15Mbps program and run Norton for both the firewall and anti-virus and Webroot anti-virus. My programs will only stop a download if they do not like the type of file (e.g., *.exe) being download. Most files are downloaded and then scanned.

I do not know if this makes a difference (or if it would make a difference in your case) but I bridged the True modem/router and bought my own router. My PC is cable connected to the router. I frequently get 20Mps or more in download speed tests from the US or Europe. Rarely do I ever get less than 15Mbps. Performance is so satisfactory that I seldom test.

My wireless device gets a 130Mbps connection to the router (not from out on the web, just down from the router) on both 2.4GHz and 5GHz.

Now I am in a single family home and the fiber to copper coming into the house connection is right in front of the house so I do not have to compete with any other damand on that line.

All this probably does nothing to help. It is more of a plea for more info as this is a new subject for me: potential download interference from firewalls and antivirus programs.

Firewall and anti-virus are not the same. An anti-virus program might download a file then scan it. A firewall stops something from coming into or out of the computer...... I think!

When you run your speed tests to the US, it is very important that you check the ping time. Some speed tests, if accessed enough from Thailand, will have their pages cached at a server in Thailand and the speed, of course, would show faster. To get a true download speed you must be sure the download is actually coming from the location you are trying to test. It could very well be that you are getting those speeds. I have never used fiber optic anywhere so I'm not sure. Just that it can be deceptive readings. Many people on forums blame the isp's for "playing" the system. I personally think it is more the server caching that makes the difference rather than the isp trying to play with the speeds. You can clear the internet cache on your own computer, but you cannot, that I know of, clear the server cache.



True was by far the best internet quality I have had in Chiang Mai - unfortunately about 4 years ago I moved a little out of the city where True was not available and it has been very average since with both TOT and 3BB =/


Interesting. I'm going to test this out later today when I have some free time. Thanks for sharing.

how could you possibly have free time you seem live on that computer I wish that gag would work on your posts as well

laugh.png "Free time" means when my torrents are finished and I feel OK about shutting off all my protection. Got about 5 more hours.


This is interesting to me. I keep saying I'm going to get a dedicated line but it's hard to justify the extra money each month.

I've got 1.5mbs and for most of the time it's OK. But for the rest of the time..........

Having started off very early in the game with a ridiculously slow modem, I have this compulsion. I really don't NEED it, but feel almost compelled to have it - will it ever end?

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma Gandhi


Just shows that there are a couple of megs of unwanted pings and port scans etc on the line. Wish they could filter them out. My router logs are always full of attacks.

Keep safe use good router firewall and keep the antivirus safe.

As this is Thailand may be best to put a condom on the router too. smile.png


I'm afraid I'm a bit spoiled. I moved here from a Japanese server with fiber optic line getting 55mps on an average day. As much as 68mps and as little as 45mps when it was at a busy time. Moving back to LOS I knew I was going to take a hit, and was pleasantly surprise to discover that I actually could get a fast connection if I really needed it. I still have nightmares about waiting for Hotmail to load at Internet cafes running 1440 dial-up modems on Koh Phangan back in the 90's.

I opted for the 13mps package as a starter, just to see if I could get away with it. If I can run at 10mps with my antii-virus and fire wall running, and have enough speed for what we need to do, I'll be a happy camper. If not, I'll just have to upgrade the contract with True. There seems to be a lot of wiggle room available.

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