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Bangkok university makes students wear anti-cheating helmet during mid-term exams


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How stupid can you get.

Space the bleeding desks out, <deleted>

I'm not going to disagree on the absurdity of these things, but take a look at the typically overcrowded classroom in the picture and tell me how they're going to make more space between desks. Did you notice that the desks going along the wall are actually touching the wall?

I think it's the overcrowding that makes cheating easy for Thai students (and classes inefficient).

Besides, is this fair? The student's parents, grandparents, great grandparents, great great grandparents....and so on got through their schooling by cheating unchallenged, so why should the rules change now?

There is a lack of intelligence among even the best educated people in this country.

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Whoever came up with this idea is probably patting themselves on the back but they are fools if they think copying is the only way students cheat. Copying is just the most obvious way.

If they are caught cheating then what happens? Nothing. w00t.gif

If you have a Farang teacher who does not know much Thai, then the students just ask each other for the answers. I know from experience from when I was a teacher.

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Whoever came up with this idea is probably patting themselves on the back but they are fools if they think copying is the only way students cheat. Copying is just the most obvious way.

If they are caught cheating then what happens? Nothing. w00t.gif

I had students, mostly male, who handed me blank sheets of paper after an exam, and I will bet when their education was finished, they still graduated.

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Why would you bother trying to prevent one student who does not know the answers (example: Who was Hitler?), from the other students who don't know the answers?

There is always a very few students who do know the answers, and some teachers who are non Thai speaking Farangs.

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How unbelievably absurd. It looks like one of those riddles where you try to guess what's going on...or maybe a 'think up a caption for the photo' contest. If this is the best they can do to combat cheating then just screw it and go to open book exams.

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Well hmmmm I was invited to be an invigilator at a school that will remain nameless a few years back and I wish these were in place then. I often think about that experience and wonder with the smart phone technology now one almost needs 1:1 student /invigilator ratio these days . There were 4 of us and we were rather busy.

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They are seated too close to each other.

This photo should highlight the inadequacy of space even in institutes of higher learning. How much more inadequate are space in general schools?

And this government wants to borrow Bt20 trillions on vague water management projects but not a satang to improve and expand on educational facilities.

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How stupid can you get.

Space the bleeding desks out, <deleted>

I agree but by looking at that room, it is over packed with students (which is an every day occurrence in schools here), there is no way to spread them out any more.

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The device, which resembles horse blinders made out of computer paper, was unofficially unveiled on an alumni Facebook page.

Some of these students didn't feel a difference, as they always have to act like they wear horse blinders and their lectures horse shoes.-w00t.gif

Edited by sirchai
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How stupid can you get.

Space the bleeding desks out, <deleted>

I agree but by looking at that room, it is over packed with students (which is an every day occurrence in schools here), there is no way to spread them out any more.

Then have even rows do Exam A and odd rows do Exam B, as they did in my high school some times. Those things are demeaning to the students and speak very ill of the quality of teaching in that institution.

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