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Anyone Had These Symptoms Recently?


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Feeling of disorientation, sharply rising fever to about 102F (39.1C) for about 12 hours and slowly diminishing over the next 24, slight nausea and a blinding headache for about the same period and then recovery over the next day. There are no other obvious symptoms of any kind. Three out of four of my family have has this in the past week. Is there something going around?

Got to crawl back to a dark air conditioned room.....sad.png

Edited by Greenside
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We've had it - only rearrange the adj. to - blinding nausea and slight headache.

Something going round I think.

Only me got the nausea which I know is from infection in the sinuses which drains to the stomach (had it before! - got sensitive stomach).

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Different ppl. in my household have different degrees of these symptoms, no fever but all sinus oriented. I think that the nights are cooler and we are more into the full rainy season might have something to do with it but also seems to be like a mold/fungus thing too.

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Posted Yesterday, 18:24

Different ppl. in my household have different degrees of these symptoms, no fever but all sinus oriented. I think that the nights are cooler and we are more into the full rainy season might have something to do with it but also seems to be like a mold/fungus thing too.

That is a good point. I just started a thread (link http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/661652-best-quality-paint-store-in-cm/ ) looking for a quality paint source in CM as we had to cover all our concrete (driveway and more) with tile as the fungal growth this year was taking over all the concrete. If you notice some green fungus growing either on interior walls or outdoor concrete mix a water/bleach solution and spray the affected areas. It will likely take a few applications (1-2 x a day for 3 days???) as my understanding is the fungas roots penetrate pretty deep.

We have to keep our closet doors open an inch or so, as if the air does not circulate the clothes get musty, and an expensive leather jacket went mouldy last year. No problems once we kept the closet doors ajar a bit. I cleaned up the jacket with a vinegar/water mix and hung it outside in the sun for a while. (Sun clears up fungas). Check your closets as your clothes may be carrying some fungas???

In Canada I owned a Century Home (+100 years old) and I had some fungas issues on inside walls (closet corners) which cleared up by 1/ increase air circulation to that area 2/ repeated spraying of a water/bleach solution to the affected spots. I use approx 1 part bleach with 6 parts water which I think is pretty strong.


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Everyone who contracts Flu or other similar symptoms should use the Onion trick; believe me it works. Take an Onion and cut off the top and bottom and place it in a jar or pot with no lid in the lounge, or even better in the bedroom of a sick person overnight. Onions absorb all the bacteria in the room and will go black....but you and your family will not contract any bugs that are around and if you are already sick you will be feeling a lot better reasonably fast.

Try it and you will be impressed but; do not cook or use the Onion in the kitchen later !

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Im going thru a similar episode at the moment. Had hay fever like sinus about a week ago but anti-histamine cleared that out. Now have slight headache, nausea and a bit of a runny bum. Not good but hopefully will clear up within the next few day. Must be something going around.... no moulds of fungus around the house but everywhere is fairly damp due to the rain.

I always try and stay healthy with good personal hygiene but some airbourne bug you just gotta hope your immune system can beat.

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Lots of Dengue this year but I'm by no means a doctor.

Get them checked out at the clinic.

If your bones are aching as well it could be dengue. But to be asking Thai Visa instead of a doctor is another disease in itself. No known cure either.

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^^^ Try cleaning then soaking the ac filters in a mix of water and chlorine (haiter) for a minimum of 20 minutes. Rinse, dry, replace; repeat often.

Carry a small bottle of chlorine when travelling to do the same to the hotel ac filters in the sink, while bathing. Too bad one cannot do the same to the bus ac filters - check all the coughing and sore throats upon reaching your destination. You may have to clean your office ac filters to be safe. - Legionnaires' disease; google it.

Good Luck....thumbsup.gif

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Everyone who contracts Flu or other similar symptoms should use the Onion trick; believe me it works. Take an Onion and cut off the top and bottom and place it in a jar or pot with no lid in the lounge, or even better in the bedroom of a sick person overnight. Onions absorb all the bacteria in the room and will go black....but you and your family will not contract any bugs that are around and if you are already sick you will be feeling a lot better reasonably fast.

Try it and you will be impressed but; do not cook or use the Onion in the kitchen later !

I can't believe this myth is still doing the rounds...


tl;dr:urban legend

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No sudden onset of high-fever = no Dengue. No dramatic cycle of falling count of red-blood-cell platelets for several days following onset = no Dengue.

There is no such thing as a "mild case" of Dengue. There are four strains of it, and having one strain does not, necessarily, immunize you against the others. There is no scientifically validated "cure" for Dengue, no "remedy," no vaccine (although vaccines are being developed). All treatments are palliative; even blood transfusions, if required in extremis, are simply to keep the meat-package going.

However, individual's symptoms do vary: I've had Dengue twice; neither time did I have either rash, or extreme joint-pain (whence the old British colonial name for Dengue, "Breakbone Fever"), which are common symptoms. I consider myself very fortunate to have not required hospitalization, both times, and to have never developed the potentially fatal hemorrhagic complication.

And, of course, your age, and general health, will influence the severity of Dengue: the very young, very old, and people who are cancer survivors, for example, are likely to have a rougher time, and be more at risk of serious complications.

Dehydration is a serious danger during Dengue's extreme risk period of the first week after symptom onset. Fortunately, there are doctors here who can perform IV rehydration in their clinics, without the expense of hospitalization.

from my running nose, and itchy eyes, to your ears, ~o:37;

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No sudden onset of high-fever = no Dengue. No dramatic cycle of falling count of red-blood-cell platelets for several days following onset = no Dengue.

There is no such thing as a "mild case" of Dengue. There are four strains of it, and having one strain does not, necessarily, immunize you against the others. There is no scientifically validated "cure" for Dengue, no "remedy," no vaccine (although vaccines are being developed). All treatments are palliative; even blood transfusions, if required in extremis, are simply to keep the meat-package going.

However, individual's symptoms do vary: I've had Dengue twice; neither time did I have either rash, or extreme joint-pain (whence the old British colonial name for Dengue, "Breakbone Fever"), which are common symptoms. I consider myself very fortunate to have not required hospitalization, both times, and to have never developed the potentially fatal hemorrhagic complication.

And, of course, your age, and general health, will influence the severity of Dengue: the very young, very old, and people who are cancer survivors, for example, are likely to have a rougher time, and be more at risk of serious complications.

Dehydration is a serious danger during Dengue's extreme risk period of the first week after symptom onset. Fortunately, there are doctors here who can perform IV rehydration in their clinics, without the expense of hospitalization.

from my running nose, and itchy eyes, to your ears, ~o:37;

I've had 3 mates all hospitalised here with dengue in recent months. All thirty somethings and all very fit.

There symptoms did not come on all of a sudden as you say but over a few days. And they all had joint pain.

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Thanks for the responses. It's not Dengue with a certainty of better than 95% according to the tests, but my symptoms developed further and, after three days of being unable to eat or sleep, I got an IV yesterday with some kind of magic cocktail which has improved things a lot - fixed the pain (for now at least) and allowed me to eat something. Still no diagnosis yet but we're going to work through it until I find out.

Why ask us when you should be asking a doctor???????????

Of course I asked the doctor.

He couldn't think of anything going the rounds but when I suggested it could be something previously affecting only grouchy old expats who sit in front of screens day and night trying to think up witty, apostrophe free, easy-to-spell posts to fire at the latest innocent Chiang Mai Newbie, he thought I might be on to something. I don't know anyone like that so I thought I'd post here.

PS: He did suggest that it could be related to MQMS (Multiple Question Mark Syndrome) but I told him that it's just another urban myth.

Edited by Greenside
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Everyone who contracts Flu or other similar symptoms should use the Onion trick; believe me it works. Take an Onion and cut off the top and bottom and place it in a jar or pot with no lid in the lounge, or even better in the bedroom of a sick person overnight. Onions absorb all the bacteria in the room and will go black....but you and your family will not contract any bugs that are around and if you are already sick you will be feeling a lot better reasonably fast.

Try it and you will be impressed but; do not cook or use the Onion in the kitchen later !

I think a Budda amulet will work just as well. whistling.gif

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Thanks for the responses. It's not Dengue with a certainty of better than 95% according to the tests, but my symptoms developed further and, after three days of being unable to eat or sleep, I got an IV yesterday with some kind of magic cocktail which has improved things a lot - fixed the pain (for now at least) and allowed me to eat something. Still no diagnosis yet but we're going to work through it until I find out.

Sawasdee Khrup, Khun Greenside,

I am happy to hear you do not have Dengue ! But, of course, sorry to hear of what you are going through.

I'm going to have to go the doctor; never in this meat-package's life has it had "fits" of severe rhinitis, and itchy-eyes, like this, for days, and OTC anti-histamines are not clearing it up. This body has never had hay-fever, or an allergic reaction. But, the meat has no other symptoms: <deleted> ?

My head feels like an over-stuffed watermelon, although I admit to never having seen an overstuffed watermelon (rotten watermelons I have seen), even though I used to pick watermelons in Florida in the summer, as a boy (nasty work !).

grouchy old expats who sit in front of screens day and night trying to think

That does remind me of someone inside here.


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Everyone who contracts Flu or other similar symptoms should use the Onion trick; believe me it works. Take an Onion and cut off the top and bottom and place it in a jar or pot with no lid in the lounge, or even better in the bedroom of a sick person overnight. Onions absorb all the bacteria in the room and will go black....but you and your family will not contract any bugs that are around and if you are already sick you will be feeling a lot better reasonably fast.

Try it and you will be impressed but; do not cook or use the Onion in the kitchen later !

the flu is a virus, not bacteria.
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