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Thai Transport Minister gives State Railway 1 month to improve


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Actually, it would seem to me that those particular goals are reachable within a month. There are plenty of Thai police around to police the stations. How hard is it to clean up a restroom? And much of the lateness of trains, in my experience, seemed to be due more to not getting started on time.

Will it happen? Probably not. But it is attainable.

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Gives then one month, or else.... what? a rebuke?

Perhaps the Transport Minister should roll up his sleeves, and do as Jimmy Carter or Clinton did when they were US presidents. Go to the places he administers, walk up to offices, walk around railroad stations and yards. As much as possible, talk with everyone involved: station bosses, crew, drivers, maintenance guys, railroad users. Get in the thick of it, and find out what's really going on, and continually seek solutions and improvements.

Instead, he'll do what his political bosses, Yingluck and Thaksin do: Go shopping, go play golf, avoid uncomfortable meetings, and every so often get their secretaries to issue some nice-sounding directive, with no follow up.

I guess you do not read the Bangkok Post this guy has been riding buses, and trains in fact the 3rd class train to Surin. He appears to be doing his job much better than most ministry leaders

I saw the photo published of him in a bus. Everything looked spit-polished, the ceiling was buffed to reflect like a mirror, there were no passengers standing, - obviously, very well orchestrated. There were probably cops at every intersection, stopping traffic to enable the bus to cruise on through smoothly. I'd imagine if he boarded a train, it would be the same prepared scenario, with everyone for a mile around knowing in advance, and spiffying things up accordingly.

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is all the same buses taxis coaches boats,when u get on board you may not get off alive....standards mean nothing when we have human erorr,look at the train incedent in india ,a speed train smokes a group of people walking on the track.....trains dont stop on a dime,i drove a freight train for 33 years in canada,in the early days we just worked until we droped now we have standards we must comply with,rest rules,mandatory drug tests,superior rail and trach beds....this is all about money ...when you cut corners,you make a profit....''

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Another headline grabbing but total impracticable statement from a politician. One month to put right decades of wrongs but a cabinet minister has spoken so I'm sure it will happen.

So TV has been reporting on this guy for the last 3-4 months. Every naysayer posts their negative drivel. HE'S doing things and I think he's shaming his peers by taking actions..., though limited..., and in effect saying they need to do more.

A tip of my hat to Chatchart. Baby steps but he's doing things.

Like when he waited for an hour or so for a bus to Don Muang which never came,He then proceed to call his driver and private limosine which promptly picked him up to take him.And never offered the 3 ppl that were in the pic with him a lift lol.Thats what i called baby steps

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and in one month pigs will fly, policemen won't take bribes, hookers won't charge, and politicians won't lie

I can believe all of that except the bit about politicians and lies,

and the bit about policemen not taking bribes,

and the bit about hookers is a bit iffy

OK pigs will fly.


Edited by billd766
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Another headline grabbing but total impracticable statement from a politician. One month to put right decades of wrongs but a cabinet minister has spoken so I'm sure it will happen.

So TV has been reporting on this guy for the last 3-4 months. Every naysayer posts their negative drivel. HE'S doing things and I think he's shaming his peers by taking actions..., though limited..., and in effect saying they need to do more.

A tip of my hat to Chatchart. Baby steps but he's doing things.

Saying things is one thing.

Doing things and achieving results is another.

Can you please give any examples of his success.

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Actually, it would seem to me that those particular goals are reachable within a month. There are plenty of Thai police around to police the stations. How hard is it to clean up a restroom? And much of the lateness of trains, in my experience, seemed to be due more to not getting started on time.

Will it happen? Probably not. But it is attainable.

I know what you mean but to my mind it's not that easy. It will take an army of cleaners to cover every station in Thailand and while it may be easy to clean a toilet keeping it that way is a different story as so many of the public aren't toilet trained so within no time of having been cleaned it will be as bad as ever.

I doubt there are enough railway police in the country to cover every station to to enforce no drunkenness, however that may be defined, move on people with no tickets who must be suspected of loitering for the purpose of theft, stop vendors boarding the trains and everything else.

The minister got his headline and I'll bet we hear no more of this, certain;y no follow up report in a month.

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For all the skeptics, lets see what happens. The SRT is a Jurassic organization which no government has dared touch for generations. At worst this is a cheap publicity stunt in which case nothing ventured nothing gained, on the other hand even a small improvement will be a major boost for the current government in the eyes of people who use the service regularly. No lose situation really for them. More clever politics.

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3 full scale, carriages off the tracks, derailments on a single line, in one month and the response equals, "I'll give you one month to improve the bathroom service, and remove drunks and thieves from the stations, or else! clap2.gif

And what has been the previous response to accidents from any Government? or is this the first rail accidents Thailand has ever experienced? Surely some comment even if its just lip service is better than nothing?

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Where do they find these people, that throw out a "fix it" time, which is less than the time it will take to get a budget to follow recommended procedures, which must come via input from a crediable source.

There must be someone within this government who has had experience in the repair of a system/device and thus would know that repair takes longer than making a run down to the local merchant and having a new one delivered.

Are these clowns so full of themselves that they think their instructions carry the authority of the almighty? Maybe the answer to that question is also being played out by the Senate in Bangkok and Dubai.

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Where do they find these people, that throw out a "fix it" time, which is less than the time it will take to get a budget to follow recommended procedures, which must come via input from a crediable source.

There must be someone within this government who has had experience in the repair of a system/device and thus would know that repair takes longer than making a run down to the local merchant and having a new one delivered.

Are these clowns so full of themselves that they think their instructions carry the authority of the almighty? Maybe the answer to that question is also being played out by the Senate in Bangkok and Dubai.

]I have no idea where they find them, but i would at least expect them to be able to read an comprehend an article which seems to be beyond you. If you stop getting excited about Thaksin and read the article, it quite clearly says 'IMPROVE' within one month, which i imagine is very achievable. Small steps and all that. What your talking about fixing and delivery times is beyond me. I know you want to get a dig in at the Governement and Thaksin in every post, but try reading the article first.

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No one said anything about righting glaring wrongs or achieving any specific measurable goals. They're only supposed to 'improve'. A month is plenty of time to 'improve' something vaguely related to service/safety. A "No drunks, thieves or dirty restrooms allowed" sign would fill the requirement quite nicely.

Edited by marell
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At last i can rest assured that my next trip up North will not result in carnage.

Maybe Thailand should look to India for inspiration on how to run a railway system albiet inherited from the British.


A railway system inherited from the British????? OH DEAR.

Quite, which country invented railways, hint ... an island-nation off the coast of mainland-Europe, which went on to finance and build them across the planet ! whistling.gif

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OK, I accept I was wrong in using the 'fix it' term. To improve service in a month as well as recommending free rest room access, and get rid of eye sores, could and would be doable, if others agree. Safety is another matter as it is not cosmetic.so there might be a few widgets, gagets,repair parts etc required.

Yes, I do criticize this government as they seem to be more concerned with covering the real problems with a coat of watered down paint than going to the root of the problem and doing a compatent fix/repair.

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At last i can rest assured that my next trip up North will not result in carnage.

Maybe Thailand should look to India for inspiration on how to run a railway system albiet inherited from the British.


A railway system inherited from the British????? OH DEAR.

Probably like every rail system on the planet. It seems the Brits do have habit of inventing things which the rest of the world seems to adopt. Ah, the heavy mantle of leadership!!

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At last i can rest assured that my next trip up North will not result in carnage.

Maybe Thailand should look to India for inspiration on how to run a railway system albiet inherited from the British.





all this year

And a nice timeline here from 2011 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/india/7897662/India-train-crash-timeline-of-deadly-railway-accidents.html

Perhaps India was not such a good example.

The Burmese railway was also inherited from the British. Beautiful station buildings, appalling track and rolling stock. Any railway gets a bit dangerous when they have little or no maintenance over a 50 year period.

This minister is asking for minor, easily achieved and almost cost-free improvements to be made initially. Better than coming up with the idea of a 500mph hover train to be built within 6 months.

Seems extraordinarily sensible really.

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Where can I see the number of deaths per year on Thai trains?

I ride the train all the time, even the free 3rd class. No, its not first world class, a bit dirty, and with the number of people getting on and off the free train, almost always late. The drunks can be a problem, I haven't seen or heard of thief. But I do see improvements. They are just finishing ripping out and replacing the ties and rails on the Korat to Nong Khai line. Now faster and smoother. More can and should be done--- or it can do as Mexico has done and do away with most of the passenger trains all together.

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Where can I see the number of deaths per year on Thai trains?

I ride the train all the time, even the free 3rd class. No, its not first world class, a bit dirty, and with the number of people getting on and off the free train, almost always late. The drunks can be a problem, I haven't seen or heard of thief. But I do see improvements. They are just finishing ripping out and replacing the ties and rails on the Korat to Nong Khai line. Now faster and smoother. More can and should be done--- or it can do as Mexico has done and do away with most of the passenger trains all together.

Positive comments like this are not popular on TVF, and good to hear some type if "improvement' is being made for regular users.

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I would rather pay 5 baht to use the restroom then have the train derail. Might want to spend some of that bathroom baht on fixing the train tracks.....and just maybe fix the existing infrastructure before spending big baht on bullet trains.

My two satang which won't change a thing.

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Good luck with that. We'll be talking about the same thing and new accidents 5 years from now, with zero changes made.

As I am interested in Railways after working in the industry for quite a long time, I did some checking around between Korat and Udon.

The line has been upgraded very well with new rails and sleepers.

Very well done actually.

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