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Warning to Thai tourism sector: Unfriendly staff, poor services hit competitiveness


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"Other issues that foreign visitors are worried about include political stability, travellers' safety, integrated service facilities and Internet services. Cultural tourism should be promoted as foreign visitors appreciate Thai culture and tradition, the centre said."

---Not to mention kidnapping, extortion, robbery, murder, train derailments, floods, poisonings in hotels, and being massacred on the roads.

Forgot; falling off balcony ..... If you get into an argument make sure it's on the ground floor and not on the street.

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My experience with customer service in the Thai hotel industry is abysmal. I will qualify this by saying that I spent most of my life in Hawaii working with unions that represented hotel workers. As such, I am very familiar with the standards for customer service expected by the major hotel chains in the US. To put it bluntly, there is no comparison between the levels of service in the US and in Thailand. I will never forget an incident in 1999 when I checked into a four star hotel on Sukhumvit. Upon checking into the room, I went to drink a class of water. One of the glasses was broken. I immediately called housekeeping and asked for the glass to be replaced. No one ever came. When I went to check-out, the hotel clerk wanted to charge me 100 baht for the broken glass! But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, the US hospitality industry is a leader in service. However, there are major destinations in the USA such as LA & NYC where even a 3* Thai hotel looks like heaven compared to higher end US hotels. I could go on about the filth levels and obnoxious rude staff at major US hotel chains in NYC, but what's the point? A crappy hotel in NYC can get $300 night. A basic Thai hotel in BKK will charge $50. And yet that Thai hotel will usually deliver a superior guest experience. I have stayed in Honolulu at a major chain. Rate was $350 a night. Nasty experience. I stayed in a low end chain hotel in Krabi a few months ago, no comparison. Krabi was a better experience, even in busy season.

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My experience with customer service in the Thai hotel industry is abysmal. I will qualify this by saying that I spent most of my life in Hawaii working with unions that represented hotel workers. As such, I am very familiar with the standards for customer service expected by the major hotel chains in the US. To put it bluntly, there is no comparison between the levels of service in the US and in Thailand. I will never forget an incident in 1999 when I checked into a four star hotel on Sukhumvit. Upon checking into the room, I went to drink a class of water. One of the glasses was broken. I immediately called housekeeping and asked for the glass to be replaced. No one ever came. When I went to check-out, the hotel clerk wanted to charge me 100 baht for the broken glass! But this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, the US hospitality industry is a leader in service. However, there are major destinations in the USA such as LA & NYC where even a 3* Thai hotel looks like heaven compared to higher end US hotels. I could go on about the filth levels and obnoxious rude staff at major US hotel chains in NYC, but what's the point? A crappy hotel in NYC can get $300 night. A basic Thai hotel in BKK will charge $50. And yet that Thai hotel will usually deliver a superior guest experience. I have stayed in Honolulu at a major chain. Rate was $350 a night. Nasty experience. I stayed in a low end chain hotel in Krabi a few months ago, no comparison. Krabi was a better experience, even in busy season.

I guess we exist in separate realities. Another experience about two years ago in the 'highest end' hotel in Mae Sot. I was using my laptop when I noticed stinging sensations on my legs. They stings were from ant bites. I called the front desk and asked to change rooms. Instead, they sent a housekeeping staff to my room and sprayed insecticide in the room while I was in the room! Incredible. When I complained further, I was finally able to change rooms. Some people are allergic to such bites and can go into anaphylactic shock. If I were in Hawaii, I would have had my room changed and I would have been 'comped' for my stay. I could go on and on. The food and beverage service is lacking as well. You seem to equate relative levels of price for service expectations. I don't think I can agree. Find it hard to believe about your experience in Hawaii as well.

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Saying that service standards in the west are better than here in thailand... Funniest thing I've heard for a while...

On a like-for-like basis, service standards in 5 star hotels in Thailand are well in front of those in Farangland. The funny thing is, the majority of these hotel management companies are based in farangland...

On a like-for-like basis, the service that I've received here is much better than in farangland. Sure, you get the odd lapse in brand standards, like the Four Seasons Bangkok not giving me a kerbside check in and having to wait in line to check in instead of doing those formalities in the room, such is life when has these first world problems. But there's a warmer sense of welcome here than in farangland.

Sure, your mileage will vary and if you're staying at the Nana Hotel you can't expect the red carpet treatment (you might, if you're unlucky, get another kind of red carpet treatment whistling.gif )

But overall, you're not going to get the eye rolling or trumped up excuses that you'll get in farangland.

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Tourism Authority Of Thailand, With your 6 billion bht budget per year surely your not happy with the report.

Instead of spending vast amounts of that budget on MAD ideas re encouraging tourism--sales in shopping malls, Cat shopping bags, High end Chinese tourists, Your meeting places for there dreamed up Ideas are at many high end spa's and resorts, your budget is fantastic, easy to spend ??? I could do what you are doing BUT if I run your FRANCHISE I would address the real issues that have been pointed out a million times, TAKE CARE of ALL your tourists.

This warning should be directed for TAT. You have the power, WORK for your money and address the issues.

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I guess we exist in separate realities. Another experience about two years ago in the 'highest end' hotel in Mae Sot. I was using my laptop when I noticed stinging sensations on my legs. They stings were from ant bites. I called the front desk and asked to change rooms. Instead, they sent a housekeeping staff to my room and sprayed insecticide in the room while I was in the room! Incredible. When I complained further, I was finally able to change rooms. Some people are allergic to such bites and can go into anaphylactic shock. If I were in Hawaii, I would have had my room changed and I would have been 'comped' for my stay. I could go on and on. The food and beverage service is lacking as well. You seem to equate relative levels of price for service expectations. I don't think I can agree. Find it hard to believe about your experience in Hawaii as well.

You're comparing Mae Sot to Hawaii, guava and pomelo.


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I've already noticed lots of Philipino service staff in resorts in Phuket recently. They just have better English skills and work ethic.

How do they manage work permits for service work? I thought it was a protected industry...for Thais only.

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Thailand has the most resilient tourism industry in the world today.

If one tenth the incidents that happen here in LOS happened in Australia we would be hauled before international courts and heavily penalised by Korean 'ban the moon' boss of UN and others.

Thailand's tourism industry will continue to grow regardless of the slow/useless hotel service and no matter how many people are murdered ,drugged ,kidnapped,disappear,crippled ,scammed,ripped-off ,filthy beaches or even bankrupted.

Where else in the world can you get a hotel with pool + a drinking session + girl = about 70 dollars ? Not even in the Phillipines. ( not necessarily a girl either, tens of thousands of men and some women come here for the Issan boys).

Thailand is strategically placed in Asia with a major int airport and one smaller in Phuket.

Farangs arent coming here in as big numbers but that will change with the UK pound and euro climbing the ladder. Thai's are chasing the Chinese,Ruskie,Indian an Nth Asian markets now.

The Thais love us for it !.......... huge money. Their major industry for sure.

I visited guests at two 4 star hotels recently. Staff took 45 minutes to bring whisky glasses even though i had ordered wine glasses.

The other hotel took about 30 minutes to serve one person but not the other. Nothing, probably because i ordered a glass of iced water. No money in that ! ...f##k 'im.

Service used to be good here but they get rid of the 'old staff' and bring in pretty young faces. no experience.

interesting you say that despite all the downsides of coming to Thailand (which there are many) tourism will still grow because it is cheap for hotels, booze and hookers. i think there is probably some truth in that but it is not the direction Thailand really want to be heading. This road does not attract middle class families with kids or wealthy people looking for a luxury vacation. All it will attract longer term is low spending power drinkers and perverts,, not exactly a reputation to be proud of.

Now that I am living and working in Thailand would i heartily recommend it to folks back home as the number 1 or even 2 holiday destination in Asia? No, is the simple answer, unless it was for a group of guys wanting a destination for a dirty stag weekend.

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I've already noticed lots of Philipino service staff in resorts in Phuket recently. They just have better English skills and work ethic.

I've known business owners in Cambodia and Vietnam who say the same thing. There is an element of nationalism that needs to be mentioned also. A lot of Thais dislike having to cater to foreigners and specifically Westerners in their own country. This isn't specific to Thailand by any means, but there is a lot of anti-foreign rhetoric drummed up by media outlets and the government -- much more than your average foriegner is aware of.

Many Thais, but certainly not all, find it hard it seems to give the same treatment to foreigners that they give to their own fellow countrymen.

Thankfully not all.

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I guess we exist in separate realities. Another experience about two years ago in the 'highest end' hotel in Mae Sot. I was using my laptop when I noticed stinging sensations on my legs. They stings were from ant bites. I called the front desk and asked to change rooms. Instead, they sent a housekeeping staff to my room and sprayed insecticide in the room while I was in the room! Incredible. When I complained further, I was finally able to change rooms. Some people are allergic to such bites and can go into anaphylactic shock. If I were in Hawaii, I would have had my room changed and I would have been 'comped' for my stay. I could go on and on. The food and beverage service is lacking as well. You seem to equate relative levels of price for service expectations. I don't think I can agree. Find it hard to believe about your experience in Hawaii as well.

You're comparing Mae Sot to Hawaii, guava and pomelo.


Yeah, I guess you are right. It was ok to for the hotel staff to come and gas me in my room. I few more sprays and I would have been in the dumpster with the other guests who complained about service! And this was at a hotel chain that does business throughout the country! And I guess you know what they call 'guavas' in Thai. Not sure about pomelos!

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Thailand has the most resilient tourism industry in the world today.

If one tenth the incidents that happen here in LOS happened in Australia we would be hauled before international courts and heavily penalised by Korean 'ban the moon' boss of UN and others.

Thailand's tourism industry will continue to grow regardless of the slow/useless hotel service and no matter how many people are murdered ,drugged ,kidnapped,disappear,crippled ,scammed,ripped-off ,filthy beaches or even bankrupted.

Where else in the world can you get a hotel with pool + a drinking session + girl = about 70 dollars ? Not even in the Phillipines. ( not necessarily a girl either, tens of thousands of men and some women come here for the Issan boys).

Thailand is strategically placed in Asia with a major int airport and one smaller in Phuket.

Farangs arent coming here in as big numbers but that will change with the UK pound and euro climbing the ladder. Thai's are chasing the Chinese,Ruskie,Indian an Nth Asian markets now.

The Thais love us for it !.......... huge money. Their major industry for sure.

I visited guests at two 4 star hotels recently. Staff took 45 minutes to bring whisky glasses even though i had ordered wine glasses.

The other hotel took about 30 minutes to serve one person but not the other. Nothing, probably because i ordered a glass of iced water. No money in that ! ...f##k 'im.

Service used to be good here but they get rid of the 'old staff' and bring in pretty young faces. no experience.

I'm guessing you are Thai.

Yeah I think this person is someone called Fon. How's the holiday husband business going?

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I am always amazed and counfounded when I read that tourists "appreciate the Thai culture and traditions".

What are these exactly. There is more culture in a yogurt and I fail to see what traditions they feel are laudable.

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Yeah, I guess you are right. It was ok to for the hotel staff to come and gas me in my room. I few more sprays and I would have been in the dumpster with the other guests who complained about service! And this was at a hotel chain that does business throughout the country! And I guess you know what they call 'guavas' in Thai. Not sure about pomelos!

No need to agree and then justifying your agreement by disagreeing...

I'm not sure of the hotel chain you're referring to, and I'm guessing that due to "name and shame" laws here you can't reveal the name.

So lets do it the way a certain former DPM solves cases here.

The hotel has the first letter C?

If so, hardly a shining example of hospitality, no matter what they claim!

As for farang and guava, pomelo translates to sôm oh in thai. I hope that doesn't offend you :P

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there are two reasons why malaysia gets more arrivals than thai

1. they have the biggest low cost airline in the region.

2. to get from singapore, also a big airline hub, to thailand you need to go through malaysia ditto overland from indonesia. and then they have to go back to reconnect.

3. possibly also malaysias visas are more comprehensively available than thailand. malaysia allows many middle eastern countries that thailand visa harasses, eg iran.

only mad dogs would prefer malaysia over thailand and most who know that just transit malaysia on their way to thailand thus raising malaysias arrivals stats


if the criteria were tourist days then the media number of days a tourist stayed would be much higher for thailand for sure. eg. how many retirees has malaysia compared to thailand or singapore for instance?

Edited by john baah jumper
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Customer Service in Thailand in all areas is and always has been DREADFUl - this doesn't actually represent a change - rather a lack of it - as more and more people come to Thailand it just becomes more and more evident.

Other surrounding countries are leaving Thailand behind on this.

It seems that slowly some people are begging to cotton on to the fact that Thailand's policies of "grab the money and run" and "shitting in one's own nest" are coming home to roost.....if you'll pardon the plethora of metaphors

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