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English tourist stabbed in the neck by drunken Thai man in South Pattaya

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Before the xenophobia posts start would just like to say 'Passers-by assisted the injured man' I'm guessing that some of these people were Thai so all faith is not lost yetw00t.gif

As for officer Somchai Dimwit, not quite sure what he thinks about those pesky foreigners.

Your to late see post 9 the xenophobia is already here.

I believe you are correct there were Thai passerby who helped. But the news is from a biased source so of course they are not going to mention that.

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Last week a pack of katoeys beat a farang to death in soi 8 in broad day light apparently after giving the finger to a one of the katoeys as he walked by.

Post a link to this

Agreed. Pls provide link


Thanks for that link. But still no link to any media source. Surely one of the rags in Pattaya who love reporting these type of incidents, would have printed a story whistling.gif


Sometimes its best just to keep your comments to yourself when dealing with Thai's. Admonishing a drunk thai in public will end up bad. best to smile and walk away, without a piece of metal sticking out of your body.

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Before the xenophobia posts start would just like to say 'Passers-by assisted the injured man' I'm guessing that some of these people were Thai so all faith is not lost yetw00t.gif alt=w00t.gif>

As for officer Somchai Dimwit, not quite sure what he thinks about those pesky foreigners.

Sorry but I lost all faith in Thai's quite a few years back. It is the most vicious and racist nation I have ever been to (I have spent several months in 25 countries from the US to the middle east, Europe and a year in India as well as living in SE Asia for the past 12 years). I am sure there must be some good Thai's but from my personal experiences over the past decade they are few and far between.

I regularly warn friends not to travel to Thailand, come to Cambodia instead, the hospitality here is amazing and the smiles are far more genuine.

Sadly my instant reaction to meeting any Thai now is one of complete distrust.

I agree, so sorry.

Started out in Thailand 8 years ago.,

Took me five years to get disgusted with most Thai.

Wanted to do my part in the country, not any more.

I am here, eyes open if I night go somewhere else.


Look at the policeman giving him a cuddle. <deleted>.

What a shock for this couple, I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Strickleton. wai.gif

are those two related ????

the look alot alike

......I dare say most (all?) Thais seem related...that is part of the problem....

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I lived most of my life in the states. I feel significantly safer living in Thailand. When I see a group of Thai teens i don't think about walking around them. The fact is in 5 years here I've never been robbed, or threatened. On the other hand i don't hang out in Pattaya. If you come to the Bronx and bump into the wrong local you will be stabbed also. So yes sucks for the guy. No Thailand is far from the most dangerous place out there.

The Bronx is not advertised as a Tourist resort. Walking street is the strip of Pattaya the absolute heart of tourism in Thailand. Tourists should be protected there for moral reasons and then of course as an advertisement for this very safe tourist country.

The copper in the pic looks like he feels sorry that the Thai went a little over the top after a lao kaow too many!! Pretty sick picture as it shows to what extent we will be protected. This is happening more often there is more racism here than before I have been here 16 yrs and see a significant change in the last couple of years, but then the policeman in the pic obviously feels the same so it can only get worse.

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I think TOT should start a campaign for tourists to every other part of Thailand than Pattaya and Phuket. It is not only Thais doing it tourists it is also tourist doing it to tourists. Of course it is not as if the English speaking papers are biased in favor of the tourists.


Start forwarding news like this to all major news portals, CNN, BBC, MSN, Fox etc. A guy from the "kidnapping by police" thread had the right idea.

Imagine if a news editor receives in his/her inbox 20 reports of beatings, stabbings, murders of foreigners in Thailand, all happening in one week's time span.

There is nothing that will prompt a call to action by Thais more than loss of face and/or GDP.


Look at the policeman giving him a cuddle. <deleted>.

What a shock for this couple, I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Strickleton. wai.gif

Out on bail soon never to be seen again.


Yes could have happened in other countries; however, it happened here- in The Land of Smiles, where the locals are supposedly "Non-confrontational..."

What DOES happen in most western countires is that the agressor is brought to justice and receives punishment in proportion to the crime.

Kudos to the locals that gave assistance to the injured tourist.

Yeah sure it could happen in other countries also, and then in those other countries you also see the policeman giving him a "well done mate, you show these unwelcomed farangs" comforting hug.

What a disgrace to even show this

<deleted>, his intent was to kill and this cop is giving him a hug???

Well let's also hope that he was not giving him a comforting hug in front of the victims wife. That would be liking laughing an spitting in her face. Generally all these people are in the same room.


Brit, Pattaya again!

Yes Brit Pattaya again walking with his wife and a drunken Thai bumped into HIM and the Thai demanded an apology did not get it, quite rightly so the Brit got stabbed in the neck. The next one will be Russian Pattaya, Indian Pattaya, or maybe Arab Pattaya.

The one common denominator is Thai/Pattaya

And the picture sums it up, sorry you stabbed an innocent man in your drunken state but never mind.


Look at the policeman giving him a cuddle. <deleted>.

What a shock for this couple, I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Strickleton. wai.gif

Looks like he is propping him up for the photo ! Don't see much sign of life in those eyes ?

Agree, shocking for the couple and hope the guy makes a quick recovery.

Could happen anywhere smile.png

Possibly comforting him or looking to get lucky. Yes, could be knifed by a Thai anywhere.


Not a responsible photoshoot! how insensitive for the copper to put his arms around the thai man, as if they were buddies, in a situation like this.. I know thai policeman love having their picture taken... but please have a thought for the farang lady, who was obviously sitting nearby


WOW!! Is that a record?? Only 22 minutes for the "could happen anywhere" comment........clap2.gifclap2.gif

Well done Sir coffee1.gif

And do you think I was

1) being serious

2) taking the psis

3) none of the above

Some ppl need to relax a little :) oh look there is that little smiley face again, maybe I actually mean that ?

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Before the xenophobia posts start would just like to say 'Passers-by assisted the injured man' I'm guessing that some of these people were Thai so all faith is not lost yetw00t.gif alt=w00t.gif>

As for officer Somchai Dimwit, not quite sure what he thinks about those pesky foreigners.

Sorry but I lost all faith in Thai's quite a few years back. It is the most vicious and racist nation I have ever been to (I have spent several months in 25 countries from the US to the middle east, Europe and a year in India as well as living in SE Asia for the past 12 years). I am sure there must be some good Thai's but from my personal experiences over the past decade they are few and far between.

I regularly warn friends not to travel to Thailand, come to Cambodia instead, the hospitality here is amazing and the smiles are far more genuine.

Sadly my instant reaction to meeting any Thai now is one of complete distrust.

Wait and see how much they like Western foreigners when their average wage exceeds USD 2 a day and when 50% of their GDP doesn't consist of foreign aid.

Funny, my experience of Thais, from landlords to tradesmen to household staff has been just the opposite.

The attacker was drunk, caught by locals, and has already been charged with attempted murder. What more do you want?

..a conviction perhaps?

You want everything don't you. The Farangs will go home and case finalised.


But they can not get rid of all the wild dogs because we are buddhists. Seems falungs are ok. They bless their homes, cars and businesses with a convoy of monks etc, but few follow the rules of buddhism. I guess as some will say, so I will say it first, like the Italian mafia going to church ( but they did mainly kill other mafia )

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Yes could have happened in other countries; however, it happened here- in The Land of Smiles, where the locals are supposedly "Non-confrontational..."

What DOES happen in most western countires is that the agressor is brought to justice and receives punishment in proportion to the crime.

Kudos to the locals that gave assistance to the injured tourist.

I am also one of the "could happen everywhere" type of guys... and I will tell you what I think when I see these reports:

First, Western newspapers tend not to report every single incident of that type, therefore the awareness that these incidents happen everywhere is much lower. The same is true with suicides. Western newspapers almost by strict policy do NOT report suicides, therefore we just don't know how many happen (might find yearly statistics)

Second, since Thai newspapers "personalize" those stories with pictures, names and nationality, the messages cross over much per personal than if it would just say "man stabbed in neck by drunken man". This makes the "identification" with the victim much higher and maybe the comments more bitter and sad.

Most of the people who come to Pattay on a regular basis (like me) or live here (like some of you) have never encountered any such incidents... so how can you say that this is so specific to Thailand / Pattaya? Just because the newspaper in the West do NOT report on the same level? is it not a question of perception raised by the reporting in the newspapers?


Yes could have happened in other countries; however, it happened here- in The Land of Smiles, where the locals are supposedly "Non-confrontational..."

What DOES happen in most western countires is that the agressor is brought to justice and receives punishment in proportion to the crime.

Kudos to the locals that gave assistance to the injured tourist.

I am also one of the "could happen everywhere" type of guys... and I will tell you what I think when I see these reports:

First, Western newspapers tend not to report every single incident of that type, therefore the awareness that these incidents happen everywhere is much lower. The same is true with suicides. Western newspapers almost by strict policy do NOT report suicides, therefore we just don't know how many happen (might find yearly statistics)

Second, since Thai newspapers "personalize" those stories with pictures, names and nationality, the messages cross over much per personal than if it would just say "man stabbed in neck by drunken man". This makes the "identification" with the victim much higher and maybe the comments more bitter and sad.

Most of the people who come to Pattay on a regular basis (like me) or live here (like some of you) have never encountered any such incidents... so how can you say that this is so specific to Thailand / Pattaya? Just because the newspaper in the West do NOT report on the same level? is it not a question of perception raised by the reporting in the newspapers?

Actually I have to disagree with you. If a tourist/s are beaten, murdered, raped or blown up in the countries they are visiting it generally makes the news.

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tsk,tsk, tsk, Chooka.

You must be new in Thailand.

If that English couple didn't went to Thailand in the first place, nothing of this would have happened.

So, the English couple is in fault and they will have to pay lots of money to the Thai bloke (and the Police) for not apoligizing.

Rule 1 for every tourist in Thailand.

I hope you're joking. What would be the charge for? Not apologizing after bumping into each other? Would they construe that as a form of assault?

And seriously, it's like every day I get a TV email with some old farang getting murdered and usually in Pattaya. There must be a powderkeg under Thailand but more specfically Pattaya waiting to explode, maybe the old farangs need to form like a mutual defense group or have some sort of contingency plan. Certainly a very despised segment in Thailand it seems. And too old to learn a language generally so they just bark back English which makes Thais more angry and further skews lots of their impressions of foreigners.

Does anyone know if the Thai requested the apology in Thai or English?


The country is going to the shit and there are many Thais who also see their country going downhill rapidly. They are a very stupid race who do not realize that tourism is their livelihood. Where would millions of Thais be without the tourism $. Without tourism the country will end up in civil war with millions killed. Surrounding countries will sit back and laugh at these arrogant, ignorant people. The wealthy will have moved to Western Countries well before this all happens and sit back and look at the destruction. See how close l am in 10 years time

You are not going to havr to wait 10 years. ASEAN 2015 . Including the free movement of labor across borders could put millions of Thais out of work.


'Hey Doris heres one on Teletext...two weeks by the sea in the worlds biggest bar fuelled brothel, its got murderous traffic and even more so locals. Apparently low level crime is de riguer and law enforcement can be bought or bought off. All this topped off with a cornucopia of international deviants, criminals, and drunken Slavics, whats not to like'

' Sounds perfect dear, should I pack the 4mm Kevlar or the 10mm? '


Drunken Slavics? Deviants? Criminals? Don't know what"crowd" you are referring to, but the people I have met have generally been pretty friendly. In fact, I chatted with two chaps from India last night and one from Japan. We exchanged travel experiences and some light banter. Much enjoyed the conversation and even living here, I never get tired of meeting new people and sharing.

I use precautions when out and about and try to be aware of my surroundings.


As for all this BS about Thailand, there is a knife attack in UK every four minutes. I am pretty sure most of the 'victims' are British. You really think Thailand is that much worse?

Funny how I have lived here (Phuket) for 5 years, never been stabbed, never been beaten up, never been chased by crazy moped driver.

I am not saying this guy did anything wrong at all and I wish him a speedy recovery, but stop all this BS that Thailand is SOOOOO dangerous. I still think you are just as likely to find trouble in UK - either because you are drunk and not making the best decisions or you are just unlucky and in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stephen Lawerence mean anything to you lot??? 17 years later and the police still cant bring themselves to admit how wrong they got it.


You are a lot lot more likely to find trouble in the UK than Thailand, how many people, tourists or resident can go out and know when to stop drinking, very few I'll bet. Just do not get drunk and mind your own business, and you will be as safe here as in almost any country in the world.


Before the xenophobia posts start would just like to say 'Passers-by assisted the injured man' I'm guessing that some of these people were Thai so all faith is not lost yetw00t.gif alt=w00t.gif>

As for officer Somchai Dimwit, not quite sure what he thinks about those pesky foreigners.

Sorry but I lost all faith in Thai's quite a few years back. It is the most vicious and racist nation I have ever been to (I have spent several months in 25 countries from the US to the middle east, Europe and a year in India as well as living in SE Asia for the past 12 years). I am sure there must be some good Thai's but from my personal experiences over the past decade they are few and far between.

I regularly warn friends not to travel to Thailand, come to Cambodia instead, the hospitality here is amazing and the smiles are far more genuine.

Sadly my instant reaction to meeting any Thai now is one of complete distrust.

Wait and see how much they like Western foreigners when their average wage exceeds USD 2 a day and when 50% of their GDP doesn't consist of foreign aid.

Funny, my experience of Thais, from landlords to tradesmen to household staff has been just the opposite.

The attacker was drunk, caught by locals, and has already been charged with attempted murder. What more do you want?

..a conviction perhaps?

Maybe wait more than one day or should the suspect been lynched right there on the spot?

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Look at the policeman giving him a cuddle. <deleted>.

What a shock for this couple, I wish you a speedy recovery Mr Strickleton. wai.gif

Looks like he is propping him up for the photo ! Don't see much sign of life in those eyes ?

Agree, shocking for the couple and hope the guy makes a quick recovery.

Could happen anywhere smile.png

it could happen in....Cornwall??

try again, you're not too convincing.

Highly unlikely it would happen in Cornwall. I will pop out to St Ives later today, and see what's happening.

The Saffron cake in Cornwall though, is far better than those Saffron tinted glasses

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They used to say Glasgow was so dangerous at night even the dogs went around in pairs.... but Pattaya makes Glasgow look like Eastbourne.

What rubbish, I feel a lot safer in Pattaya than when I was in Glasgow.

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