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British Tourist Arrested For Theft In Pattaya

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Just another typical Brit in Thailand.

No, the typical Brit is a lot more likely to be a drunk than a thief.

Indeed there are a lot of British visitors who sadly seem to drink to excess. But "typical" - don't think so. It's like saying typical Irish are fighting drunks (several of my Irish friends don't drink alcohol) or that typical Scots are mean (probably the most hospitable part of the UK).

I see lots of "quality" tourists these days, pissed and dressed really smart. Go to certain resorts in EU - Spanish and Greek Islands. Certain resorts attract a certain type of person. Pattaya - a haven for those seeking cheap booze and women. Hardly surprising they get some kleptos, druggies, steroid addicts and thugs in the mix is it?

And, they come from lots of countries. But, not typical of their country (hopefully).

Very sensible post, but I still think there are far more drunks in the UK that thieves, except maybe for the "rte Honorable" MPs.

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Hardly a story worth headlines. The Thai media demonizing foreigners will only encourage violence against foreigners whether they are gainfully employed in Thailand and contributing to the economy or here just as tourists. Dangerous times. Dangerous times.

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From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

We are hated for shop lifting ? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

Nah, only the English, not the rest of the true Brits in Scotland, Ireland and Wales.w00t.gif


Go easy on the Brits, hard times back in the old country. Poor SOB had to come to Thailand for basic amenities.

Basic amenities like beer and bar girls? tongue.png

And FWIW, I don't think the Brits that hang around drunk in Pattaya and Phuket are typical of Brits. I also don't think that Brits are hated all over the world.

Well I'm not hated, oooooooooh forgot, my wife's son. whistling.gif .....................laugh.png


So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....

And you are from.....................? ............coffee1.gif ...............smile.png

Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

Do not Skite ,Maybe there are many crazy Norwegian drunks here, hey ?? whistling.gif


Flame removed also quoted reply

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Yep, and another one bites the dust.

Giving us farangs the name and tag we deserve, thnx mate!!!!

Except he's not farang but khon dam. Still don't let knowledge of Thailand get in the way of ignorance.DOH


Although the point is the same, I thought I was replying to someone else who mentioned returning to his "scum environment", or some similar bigotry .


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

I wouldn't worry, two sentences is about his limit.

Agreed, also his picture looks like an artists impression of a wanted sex offender.... Look at Rolf Harris...I'm just saying!


The law is the law no matter what country you are in stealing is a crime, where some countries have very harsh penalties. Having no money for food and stealing food to survive is totally different that stealing clothes; thus he knew what he was doing and should be treated in that context.


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

There are % of persons of a multitude of countries that are disliked for different reasons.

There are some objectionable beer swillers/Brits in tourist destinations, sorry to say, but other countries have the same problem.

I had experience of 5 star + hotel in London and the USA citizens were the ones that stole from the hotel most, but that didn't make them hated worldwide.

Some people are born Magpies.

"Some people are born Magpies"

Hope that's not a reference to Geordies. I know many can be rough around the edges, but they are normally better than robbing in Big C.



How does petty theft from a Supermarket make it into the press.

When i was 7 i used to steal parachute soldiers from a shop by throwing them out the shop window to a mate who caught them sailing to the ground, i'd be famous for my crimes if i grew up in Pattaya.

You might be famous anyway when your mate has only 30 days to live.


How does petty theft from a Supermarket make it into the press.

When i was 7 i used to steal parachute soldiers from a shop by throwing them out the shop window to a mate who caught them sailing to the ground, i'd be famous for my crimes if i grew up in Pattaya.

I have never seen a toy shop on a second or third floor.


Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

That's about 75% of the Norwegians that I have met

Agreed! I'd say it's even a higher percentage. Crazy's already very serious. But crazy and drunk pretty much sucks.Don't bash on Vikings though.

The drunk and crazy ones are the nicest ones that I know. Very good natured people with alcohol consumed


So not only Russians are doing simple thefts in Pattaya , the Brits are doing it too, good to know....

And you are from.....................? ............coffee1.gif ...............smile.png

Norway , everyone is rich there so I doubt you wll find a Norwegian doing this unless he is crazy and drunk.

And you think the Brits and the Russians who steal are not crazy or drunk? I worked in Oslo for a while so don't try and tell me there are no thieves there, BUT in all these cases it is not representative of the population. I am a Brit and they should lock him up for a while and ship him back home, shameful to be stealing (and such trivial things) at his age. I wonder how useful those crappy sandals and mars bars will appear when he is staring at a prison wall..


I will open by saying some of my best friends are Britz but an Irish politician I believe Parnell in the House of Commons over 100 years ago stated "The English have angered half the world and annoyed the rest." Or words to that effect.

No wonder he said that, the English had been persecuting the Irish for 800 years.

Jeez, one who believes what a neo-terrorist anti-British parliamentarian said over 100 years ago (do you think he might have been biased) and one whose still living in the past. Eire has been independent a long time. If you want to learn try researching how the various European powers treated their colonies. You might learn something if you open your mind. (Clue - Congo/Belgians; Indo-China-France).

Criminals and Kleptos exist in all countries. Some quiet wealthy people seem to want to steal from shops, their employers. or the state. It's a human phenomenon not aligned to a particular country or race.

Parnell's great-grandmother, belonged to the Tudor family so had a distant relationship with the British Royal Family


How does petty theft from a Supermarket make it into the press.

When i was 7 i used to steal parachute soldiers from a shop by throwing them out the shop window to a mate who caught them sailing to the ground, i'd be famous for my crimes if i grew up in Pattaya.

I have never seen a toy shop on a second or third floor.

Hamleys in London UK



He may not necessarily be poor or needy. He looks pensionable age and will therefore be receiving a state pension from GBR which is a reaonable week's

wage in the LOS. He has brought disrepute on to his fellow countryman here in the LOS and should be totally ashamed of his actions if, as it appears, he has really pinched this stuff.


Many of these despates will do anything to stay in Thailand, beg, steal and borrow.

Total losers, probably hasn`t the money to pay a fine or pay his fare to go back home.

Just another incident that helps tighten up the rules even more for the expats living here.

Why not just put these people on a boat, point them west and let them get on with it?


Not too long ago the story about the homeless foreigners in LOS and now more and more shoplifters. And guys doing serious crime. Weird is that shoplifters usually get a harder sentence than killers do.

This guy is a tourist, not an expat. Might brought his "fetish" to Thailand.-wai.gif


From one Brit to Another- Hope you get what coming to you. Its no wonder we are hated all over the world.

You been "all over the world" and checked this then? Or just sounding off?

I will open by saying some of my best friends are Britz but an Irish politician I believe Parnell in the House of Commons over 100 years ago stated "The English have angered half the world and annoyed the rest." Or words to that effect.


Folk with sticky fingers in their own country will do it anywhere if they think they are safe from capture or the risk is OK. This plumb came unstuck. facepalm.gif

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I had a Norwegian next door to me back in Australia for 11 years. He was drunk 90% of the time and crazy for the other 10.


I had a Norwegian next door to me back in Australia for 11 years. He was drunk 90% of the time and crazy for the other 10.

Yes but he was not a simple shoplifter like the Brits and Russians....

Drunkeness and craziness is a sport for rich people in Norway. We blame the government high taxes on alcohol .


Petty theft like this can also be a psychological problem. Quite frequently people arrested for shoplifting in the UK are not people who are poor or who actually need the items they steal. There have even in the past been some high profile celebs caught. It quite possibly the adrenaline rush of doing something dangerous that causes people who would not ordinarily commit crimes to do so. To a lesser extend we mostly all do this kind of thing - how many of us never break a speed limit or jump a red light just as it changes? There is rarely any "need" for us to do these things, we just follow an instinct to do so.

I have no idea whether this person was stealing because he needed the items or because of some disorder like this but being a tourist in Thailand, given his age and the cost of actually getting there, it would seem pretty unlikely that he is destitute (not impossible but unlikely). Compared to crimes committed against tourists, that we read about all the time on here, this is pretty small stuff. Since it is unlikely that he would have been allowed into Thailand as a visitor without a return ticket then fine him and send him home. If he doesnt have the funds then get the UK embassy to fund his travel home and they can collect it from him when he gets back.

I am astounded by the people on here who want to send someone to jail for such a trivial matter - how would they feel if the next time they broke the speed limit they were thrown into jail for a week?

I do hate these "staged" pictures of people "pointing" to their guilt BEFORE they have been convicted of any crime. It is one thing for the press to photograph someone accused of a crime (though I dont agree even those should be published until someone is convicted) but in my view morally wrong for a police force to create a photograph that is contrived to look like an admission of guilt.

So if someone steals something from you, you will buy them a beer and apologize to them for their affliction ?..Gawd 'elp us. rolleyes.gif

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