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Uthai Thani woman murdered for debts


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Uthai Thani woman murdered for debts
By Coconuts Bangkok


UTHAI THANI: -- A woman was gunned down in Uthai Thani's Thap Than district on Sunday in a murder police believe is linked to her debts.

The bullet-riddled body of Pankreu Padsri, 45, was found next to her motorcycle on the road.

According to an initial probe, Pankreu made a living buying bai pratuan from farmers at discounted prices.

A bai pratuan is a document farmers receive after they sell their rice under the government mortgage scheme.

The paper is then exchanged for cash at the state-owned Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives.

The victim alledgedly borrowed millions of baht from a local politician to buy bai pratuan, but failed to pay back the debt after receiving money from the bank, police said.

read more: http://m.bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/09/09/uthai-thani-woman-murdered-debts

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-09-09

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By killing that poor woman he ain't going to get his money back.

So i am thinking maybe he just wanted to set an example. Failed with that too because people will not stop borrowing money from douches like this. And often they are not going to be able to pay it back.

I will never understand how the brain of a douche works.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

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By killing that poor woman he ain't going to get his money back.

So i am thinking maybe he just wanted to set an example. Failed with that too because people will not stop borrowing money from douches like this. And often they are not going to be able to pay it back.

I will never understand how the brain of a douche works.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

If I had borrowed money from "THE DOUCHE" I'm pretty sure I would make certain my repayments were up to date now.

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I don't quite understand this scheme. She is paying the farmer's less than the face value for the 'bai pratuan'? Is that because the farmers have to wait for payment from the government? The 'bai pratuan' are not issued to a specific individual like a check? If it is legal to buy the 'bai pratuan', why would someone need a middle (wo)man to accomplish the scheme? It seems like there is a lot more involved in this story.

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That's dumb. Killing someone who owes you millions. Should just torture her to pay it back.

Threats and tortures sometimes work, but then you have a "live" victim who can retaliate or bring a lawsuit against a dishonest money lender. If you look at the big picture, a money lender can intimidate many, many people into paying by being ruthless (killing) just one client, who is making his business look weak. Its an organized crime tactic....and a reputation can make it easier to collect from the remainder.. Police may even be paid off as well. You seen all the movies too...

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By killing that poor woman he ain't going to get his money back.

So i am thinking maybe he just wanted to set an example. Failed with that too because people will not stop borrowing money from douches like this. And often they are not going to be able to pay it back.

I will never understand how the brain of a douche works.

Sent from one of my devices using the internet

The debt may be transfered to the family and I am sure any other individual who has borrowed money is fully up to date on repayment.

People in that business are ruthless but not usually stupid.

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They already know who the money lender is "borrowed from a local politician " So why is he not being at least questioned

usual stuff here in Thailand

...he's not being questioned because he's local and a politician...xwhistling.gif.pagespeed.ic.YFbFEjGiN5.w alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18>

I lived in Thap Than village last year and some local politician came to my house and wish me welcome to the village and offered me all kind of help if I had any problems what so ever, wouldn't surprise me if he is behind this hit coffee1.gif

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Too many thoughts going on in my head here.

Did she have a reputation? Why did the politician lend if he even had a seed of a doubt; knowing his propensity for being a bit too high strung with debt collections?

I have been gullible before with teary-eyed Thais with believeable sob stories. Upon receiving their money, I have never received back one satang. Indeed; the long, drawn out process of even getting them to pay back anything is so nauseating that I, myself, have wished the very worst upon their worthless lives. Listening to their excuses and on and on and on makes the entire affair one nauseating experience.

So, I guess I will have to say that she got what she had coming simply based on the fact that she was dealing with people who do this sort of thing if they get screwed out of their business faith in said deceased. Of course, she could have gone to SCB, but I am certain she would not have qualified.

This story reminds me of the noodle-stall lady about the same age who got the crap beaten out of her for not paying back lended monies that she used to purchase lottery tickets. The boys showed up and took their pound of flesh in spite of the lack of a penny.

Do I think this is a bit extreme? Yes! But I am certain that the lender has gone though this often, and to the point that he can tell a bad egg when he begins seeing the beginning signs of procrastination. Do I think that he gave her every chance to pay back and even work out something? Yes! I do. Thais of this caliber do not resort to this sort of thing without going through some sort of reasonable due process. I believe that. I really do.

At the end of the day, I think this whole matter should be dropped. Justice has been served; a form of justice that that community understands and plays by the rules set forth therein.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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I don't quite understand this scheme. She is paying the farmer's less than the face value for the 'bai pratuan'? Is that because the farmers have to wait for payment from the government? The 'bai pratuan' are not issued to a specific individual like a check? If it is legal to buy the 'bai pratuan', why would someone need a middle (wo)man to accomplish the scheme? It seems like there is a lot more involved in this story.

Isn't this why the farmers just love the government's rice pledging scheme? Built in Thainess....

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They already know who the money lender is "borrowed from a local politician " So why is he not being at least questioned

usual stuff here in Thailand

Is it legal to lend money unless you're registered like a bank? I know money lending happens but if it's not legal does that mean the politician was breaking the law?

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  • 2 weeks later...

That's dumb. Killing someone who owes you millions. Should just torture her to pay it back.

Threats and tortures sometimes work, but then you have a "live" victim who can retaliate or bring a lawsuit against a dishonest money lender. If you look at the big picture, a money lender can intimidate many, many people into paying by being ruthless (killing) just one client, who is making his business look weak. Its an organized crime tactic....and a reputation can make it easier to collect from the remainder.. Police may even be paid off as well. You seen all the movies too...

the police paid off Sir ? are you suggesting that it is not only the politicians who are dishonest.

A case for a Lese Majeste 15 years in the pokey.

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