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Koran burning pastor Terry Jones arrested in Florida


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Koran burning pastor Terry Jones arrested in Florida

TAMPA, FL: -- A controversial Florida pastor was arrested Wednesday before he planned to burn almost 3,000 copies of the Koran on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, US media reported.

Terry Jones, 61, was detained in the town of Mulberry, near Tampa, and faces charges of transporting fuel illegally and openly carrying a firearm, the Orlando Sentinel said.

Deputies said Jones was riding in a pickup truck that was towing a trailer carrying a large barbecue-like grill filled with kerosene-soaked Korans. He also had extra bottles of the fuel inside the truck bed, the Sentinel reported.

Jones's planned public burning of the Muslim holy book came with tensions high in the Middle East, and with possible international military action in Syria still on the table having been touted by US President Barack Obama.

According to Jones's website, he had plans to burn 2,998 Korans in the Tampa Bay area on Wednesday, in recognition of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Jones was arrested alongside Associate Pastor Marvin Sapp minutes before the scheduled burning, the Sentinel said.

Full story: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_09_12/Koran-burning-pastor-Terry-Jones-arrested-in-Florida-8216/

-- THE VOICE OF RUSSIA 2013-09-12

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A pastor with a firearm, didn't he understand the "you shall not kill" part of the 10 commandments?

I think there are many more things this moron don't understand. I could've live with the outcome if anyone would have thrown a cigarette bud in his Papamobil.

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They don't mind burning Christian churches in Syria ,and kill Christians to boot , destroy Hindu temples in India ,blow up Buddha's in Afganistan and on and on ,so what's a few petrol soaked corans?

It's ok to put statues of the Christ in piss bottles ,or literally eat the heart of their enemies .

I think we need to desensitize all those soooo touchy people ohhh so sensitive

We(Infidels) are being provoked on a daily basis IE : The million muslim march on Dc

It's ok if we take abuse but not ok to dish it back ..come on people!

When and where will political correctness end

which world do you live ? burning Christian churches? who is supplying the matches ? destroying Hindu temples ? wake up , its a Hindu majority. Muslims are being slaughtered in India, Sri Lanka, Burma , Naple, and al around the world , stop talking rubbish

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If he is a man of such strong convictions, then he should do the burning in the Middle East where it would have an even more profound impact.

This may be perhaps the only post of yours, that I am aware of, that I could agree with.

Yep. That would be an opperchoonity for the locals to get involved in a whole new way Jed. Boy howdy.

Spelling error - OMG :(

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They don't mind burning Christian churches in Syria ,and kill Christians to boot , destroy Hindu temples in India ,blow up Buddha's in Afganistan and on and on ,so what's a few petrol soaked corans?

It's ok to put statues of the Christ in piss bottles ,or literally eat the heart of their enemies .

I think we need to desensitize all those soooo touchy people ohhh so sensitive

We(Infidels) are being provoked on a daily basis IE : The million muslim march on Dc

It's ok if we take abuse but not ok to dish it back ..come on people!

When and where will political correctness end

which world do you live ? burning Christian churches? who is supplying the matches ? destroying Hindu temples ? wake up , its a Hindu majority. Muslims are being slaughtered in India, Sri Lanka, Burma , Naple, and al around the world , stop talking rubbish

They don't kill many in Burma. They just send em to Thailand to work on fishing boats.

Boy howdy.

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very stupid ..... specially as there were many muslims who died in the twin tower too.

About 30 approximately, or 0.10% of the total victims.


Ummm no something's wrong here....wait a minute let me get the big calculator out ....and....wait....ummm....it is telling me 1%....<deleted>?....is this thing working?

Wow if that's right then that really changes everything, doesn't it?

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Although one would assume that this Christian preacher wants us to believe that he is performing in the name of Christ, I can not imagine Jesus driving that pick up, preparing to set those books on fire.

Terry Jones's behavior is disgraceful.

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Oh the irony. You're allowed to burn the national flag in the USA but not some book.

Because we are afraid of them that's why .and our " Leaders" mot likely are profiteering from the Arab oil flow and selling us all to the highest bidder .See the muslim in chief sitting in the White Mosq" in DC .

If we showed some teeth each time there's a flag burning maybe we would get some respect,coz at the end of the day that is what it is about !

Finally a little bit of teeth is shown with the Million bikers event what a surprise !

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