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My thai gf is obsessed with her mobile phone and its annoying me


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It usually only happens when the guy isn't interesting enough and there are not many common interests. That is what you get if you go for looks only.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

2nd that!

My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department. Thus, I suppose I must persist with the relationship and accept that there are pro’s and con’s to all relationships. Its just hard because I know that I'm a perfect person and all that...

You forgot to add her mental age. Chronological age only keeps you out of jail or classifies you as a wierdo.

Remember Rocky 1? Watch this to get a grasp on the concept of having relations to a Thai girl aged in her 20's.

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Perhaps you should be a little more mature yourself and look beyond the 'My gf is aged in her early 20’s and is a solid 8 out of 10 in the looks and body department.'

My TGF is aware that I would regard her playing with her phone while we were out at a restaurant together as offensive and respects me enough not to do it.

You will be telling us next you bought her the phone!

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I once had a young gf who spent half of her day on her iPhone. I really did not mind too much until I started to notice that her messages were coming in English.... Flirting with other guys and old bfs. She said she was not doing anything wrong. Needless to say that that relationship did not last. She just did not get it ! Other girls I date also spend lots of time on their phones but so do I . I am now on my iPhone writing this. I do however get a little pissed when I am with old friends who I have not seen for a long time and they spend most of their time on their phones. Total lack of respect is what first comes to mind but I think it also goes much deeper in some cases. I think it is more a matter of poor social skills. I believe people who spend a lot of time on computers will also spend a lot of time on their cell phones.

one additional thing ... Anyone who does not have a smart phone and is commenting about this subject really should try using one before speaking as they don't know all the benefits with having all your social networks and Internet at your finger tips 24/7.

When I am out with my friends I try to stay off my phone just out of respect for them... I wish other people would do same.

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Look at this from her point of view...

She is in her early 20s and good-looking. You are most likely minimum double her age and properly not a solid 8 out of 10.

Then turn it around and think back to when you were in your early 20s. Imagine yourself sitting at a bar, looking great and next to you there is an old ugly horny woman, who could easily be your mother - maybe even your grandmother. Imagine her wrinkled face, her fat floppy body, her black teeth, her drooling mouth and her horny eyes following every move you make...

Would you want to talk with her? - or would you prefer to talk with your friends on the phone to avoid puking?

You are buying this girl and paying her to have sex with you. If you want deep conversations and someone to really like you, then find someone your own age and looks, who actually thinks you are an interesting person. Good luck with that!

Edited by khunpa
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Look at this from her point of view...

She is in her early 20s and good-looking. You are most likely minimum double her age and properly not a solid 8 out of 10.

Then turn it around and think back to when you were in your early 20s. Imagine yourself sitting at a bar, looking great and next to you there is an old ugly horny woman, who could easily be your mother - maybe even your grandmother. Imagine her wrinkled face, her fat floppy body, her black teeth, her drooling mouth and her horny eyes following every move you make...

Would you want to talk with her? - or would you prefer to talk with your friends on the phone to avoid puking?

You are buying this girl and paying her to have sex with you. If you want deep conversations and someone to really like you, then find someone your own age and looks, who actually thinks you are an interesting person. Good luck with that!

wait a minute!!!!

I remember when I was a young guy looking at some of those older ladies and thinking I would like to get some of that :))))

there are some hot older ladies as well as hot older guys. Someone who was hot when they were young will stay hot for many years as long as they take care of themselves. Ugly people are always ugly.

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Look at this from her point of view...

She is in her early 20s and good-looking. You are most likely minimum double her age and properly not a solid 8 out of 10.

Then turn it around and think back to when you were in your early 20s. Imagine yourself sitting at a bar, looking great and next to you there is an old ugly horny woman, who could easily be your mother - maybe even your grandmother. Imagine her wrinkled face, her fat floppy body, her black teeth, her drooling mouth and her horny eyes following every move you make...

Would you want to talk with her? - or would you prefer to talk with your friends on the phone to avoid puking?

You are buying this girl and paying her to have sex with you. If you want deep conversations and someone to really like you, then find someone your own age and looks, who actually thinks you are an interesting person. Good luck with that!

wait a minute!!!!

I remember when I was a young guy looking at some of those older ladies and thinking I would like to get some of that smile.png)))

there are some hot older ladies as well as hot older guys. Someone who was hot when they were young will stay hot for many years as long as they take care of themselves. Ugly people are always ugly.

Hmmm... considering if I should make a Go-Go with "hot" women only over 50 years old. Might be a market for it.

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It seems your only really interested in her body, not her mind. If it was of such importance to you, you would have tried to be more talkative. But it's OK she is only really interested in your money, so don't worry about it too much.

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I think searching the Internet, playing games and chatting on your smart phone is basically the same if not better than spending countless hours glued to your TV. I for one don't watch TV very much so I spend more time online.

The problem I think is when you ignore everything else and only engage in online activities.

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We live in the age of Smart Phones and Dumb People

Most of them don't know what 15% of a hundred is - try asking the next ten people that if you don't believe me

Yesterday I was in Rimping in Chiang Mai. I bought some stuff and my bill was 147 Baht. I paid with 207 Baht. The girl literally freaked out and insisted she give me change for 200 because the cash register had already calculated change from 200. I said "give me 60 Baht change. I don't want coins." She freaked out so bad and was so nervous that she had to call someone over to help her with the transaction. The guy that came was no brighter than her. He didn't understand what I wanted either and told me I could not pay like that because "they check every hour." They??? Amazing. Stupid!

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In the early days of our courtship, I gently mentioned a couple of times whilst we were out at restaurants that I would rather enjoy her company more, than just listening to her talking to her loads of Friends. I also mentioned that meals under those circumstances were a bit lonely and perhaps it was not worth the while/effort on my part to go to restaurants with her. The obsessive phoning not only stopped, but if anyone phoned her whilst we were dining, she would politely ask them to phone her back later......JOB DONE wai2.gif

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It usually only happens when the guy isn't interesting enough and there are not many common interests. That is what you get if you go for looks only.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Guess what poster - she is not really your girlfriend, if she can't get off her phone long enough to pay attention to you, then you are not 'interesting' enough for her - I would move on because you can't win................plenty of fish in this sea.thumbsup.gif.pagespeed.ce.dtxKiAJ9C7.gif

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I wonder how many of these questions on Thaivisa are because of actual relationship issues or simply because the asker does not recognize the kind of 'relationship' he is in.

I think so many problems would not happen if some people just were honest about their gik/mia noi/sugarbabe relationship status and didn't assume it to be otherwise.

Just be happy you're banging young p*ssy and don't make it lose your common sense.

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Actually I'm back home in Ireland for a while at the moment and nearly cycled over(at 48MPH!)a girl who stopped abruptly in the middle of the road to answer a text this morning,

I had no room to manoeuver around her either due to a van behind me and taxi on the opposite side... if I didn't have hydraulic disc brakes and hadn't been keeping an eye on her anyway(she seemed oblivious so I was already slowing down a little)I would have flattened her,and both of us would have been in turn hit by either of the 2 vehicles...so it's not ONLY in Thailand,but the Thai girls ARE particularly into their phones,mine usually has something more interesting on her mind though :)

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I think that you two don't really have that much in common, maybe there is also a language barrier? Is that from day one you are together? Or is it new behaviour? You are only talking about her looks, what about her personality? Do you know her a little bit? I mean, do you know what she likes (outside the bedroom) what moves her, what makes her smile, laugh, cry, sad, what gets her excited? Any idea? Find out what she would like to do together with you. Gym? Daily Jogging or other sports? Weekend trips, games, you should find an activity where you both get closer, can exchange thoughts, ideas, dreams... the future... what so ever...You should try to get to learn her better, if she gets the feeling that you have a deeper interest in her than just her just her looks, the sex and that she is Thai... you may see what a change it makes and that she will loose interest in her phone...

Why are you with her, because she is a solid 8 from the outside??? What would you like her to do instead of the mobile addiction (no bedroom stories please) ;-)

Nice logical and reasonable response however in my experience (can speak/read/write thai) have lectured doctorate level students and grads at top bkk universities; a tiny % of society, perhaps a fraction of 1 % is comparable to lets say a japanese female uni grad. Very few thais have more than superficial interests/ intellectual curiosity,not to mention hobbies, sports, analytical thinking, outside the box thinking.

Exception I have found usually have exceptional parents and or exposure studying in other countries or are aberrations. The masses seem in a zombie like state.

I guess the OP could try to develop a keen interest in Lakorn TV as that may be the only thing that will remove her eyes from the mobile.

I will never forget one date I had (in the days before I knew better) with a bona-fide uni grad working for a european company. At dinner she spent 75% of the time chatting up personal friends without regard or even awareness that it was inappropriate if not very rude.

Although I may see many nice looking females it doesn't phase me because the chances of intellectual and emotional capability are slim to almost none. It is not nor ever has been a female disneyland IMO.

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If all the girls you are meeting ignore you over their phone constantly then the problem is most likely with you.

Yes Thai girls are obsessed with their phones but they forget about it if they enjoy your company and respect you enough not to be so rude.

If they don't make any effort to talk, don't pay attention to your requests to put the phone away and continually ignore you then you're wasting your time as this girl is not interested in you and obviously interested in something else.....perhaps money?

Either learn to be more interesting, man up a little and tell them to stop being rude and using the phone, find one with common interests that you can talk to or when they start playing with phones and chatting to other people be aloof and start doing the same, wander off and chat to other people in the bar or at the table next to you in the restaurant, make phone calls, get mates to call you...don't just sit their like a loser and let them get away with it.

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Sounds common, my TGF is forever checking sms, line, whatsup, and if shes home laptop is on checking facebook or house plans..

Younger girls seem more glued but pervious TGF was early fortys and couldn't get her off her ipad and most of the time in the one thai website.

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I like watching whole families out for a meal and all of them are just gawking at their phones with almost zero conversation at the table..............what a xxxxxx up world eh??

Edited by metisdead
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It usually only happens when the guy isn't interesting enough and there are not many common interests. That is what you get if you go for looks only.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Quite true. It should be clear to the OP that his GF is bored-to-tears being with him. Her phone is her only escape.

Her phone is her only escape....beware, maybe not the only one whistling.gif

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