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Promenada Mall Hours Of Operation


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Now I know nothing about the marketting strategy inside a mall, but surely, it cant be good business for the exact same retailers to be quite literally next door to each other?!

Your right & I noticed the same while there a few days ago.

Competing aside, mall design is usually such that it forces the buyers to walk from one end to the other

to see two similar item stores. That way they may get some impulse buying out of the customers.

As it stands now even the other end near Fuji has shoe stores right next to each other same as you describe

about the coffee shops & pharmacies.

Rather poor planning I think on Mall managements side & does not as you say help the retailers at all.

Edited by meechai
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Went over to Promenada Mall this afternoon, to visit the Cinema Complex, and feared that parking might be a problem. Sad to report, (for the Mall) no problem at all. Both the parking zones and the Mall virtually deserted. Ghost town! I am advised by my partner that everyone is flooding to Central Festival, or even still going to Airport Plaza , in preference to Promenada.

As feared earlier in this thread, the lack of thought which has gone into this new mall, and the poor distribution of retail outlets (Rimping apart) and seeing how empty the place was today suggests Promenada has a real problem. Also, this is before yet another large Mall (Maya) opens soon.

If you look around Promenada, from a retail perspective, there are really only three reasons to go there, Rimping, Uniqlo, and The Cinema. Festival has a bigger Uniqlo, a better Cinema, and the big Supermarket which is at least as good as if not better than the Rimping in Promenada.

The Dutch guy who is in charge at Promenada is a very very nice guy, but I fear he has a massive logistical problem on his hands. Sorry to have to say that.

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I get it. I understand the placement and location of big box stores as well as shopper traffic flow. However I for one very much enjoy Promanade. It's esthetics are superior and pleasing to the eye. Yes both sides of the argument can be debated. I just hope the property owners don't sell out, as they likely will, and allow available sq footage to be consumed with night bazar cart trash.

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Well, 10 out of 10 for perseverence, but if I wanted to eat out, the last place I would go would be a shopping mall. Why not try a real restaurant located in its own property?

I like the fact that it's easy to park there, with the rain it's nice to have the covered parking.

I'll bite, which real restaurant would you go to? With parking for a car 9as it's usually pouring the motor bike is a bit risky) that is.

The city & surrounding areas are full of them. Buy an umbrella to walk from the car? Plenty of restaurants provide staff with umbrellas.

I think the question to ask is how long will Promenada stay in business? Look at the instant success of Festival: 95% open, doing a roaring trade from day 1. Promenada? Dead from the neck up. It'll get worse once Maya is open. I'm glad that I'm not an investor!

Recommendation? Avoid!

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I kind of think of the Promenada as a indoor restaurant place now with a good selection

They have Fuji's which has always been a favorite of the wife & I

They have Dukes for when I want a burger

They have a very nice food court which has this one counter that has

a great pork steak with peppercorn sauce,fries & steamed veggies 89 baht...really good!

I don't do much shopping wise but I like Sports World & bought many things from them in KSK often

They have great sales on running shoes etc.

Also that new Uniglo has some decent clothes at a good price.

Parking is easy & as others said it is pleasantly designed.

Really pretty at night now with their Xmas decorations outside

Airport is my choice if I need stores like Robinsons as well as many choices of

smaller specialty shops

They also have Uniglo now & Fuji's of course smile.png As well as a good food court in the basement

Festival ? I don't know, parking was easy but that rectangle shape

is noisy & I was not so impressed by the stores & of course no Fuji smile.png

Will give it another try I'm sure but neither the wife or I really cared for it.

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Well, 10 out of 10 for perseverence, but if I wanted to eat out, the last place I would go would be a shopping mall. Why not try a real restaurant located in its own property?

I like the fact that it's easy to park there, with the rain it's nice to have the covered parking.

I'll bite, which real restaurant would you go to? With parking for a car 9as it's usually pouring the motor bike is a bit risky) that is.

I think the question to ask is how long will Promenada stay in business? Look at the instant success of Festival: 95% open, doing a roaring trade from day 1. Promenada? Dead from the neck up. It'll get worse once Maya is open. I'm glad that I'm not an investor!

Recommendation? Avoid!

More less what posters were trying to say on the threads in post 37. It was not rocket science then and it is not rocket science now.

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Interesting thread. I had been wondering who bought the fresh cherries on sale in Rimping Promenada (air-freighted from Chile and 1,200 baht a kilo).

I have been to KSK, Festival and Promenada in the last few weeks at various times. KSK was always busy, Festival quite busy and Promenada was empty. Like at 4pm, my wife and I were the only customers on the top level at Promenada - I felt sorry for the very bored-looking store staff that I saw.

I appreciate things take a time to settle in, but Promenada looks too much like someone's vanity project.

Edited by BenCM
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How can Promenada hope to succeed as a "restaurant" mall if it closes at 9 pm? I've heard many people say they've been "locked in" at Promenada even at great pain since they also lock their toilets at 9 pm. They've had great difficulty leaving. Not a place I want to go to for dinner.

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Was at Festival today to see the movie the Hobbit in 4D for an anniversary celebration. Good movie but the 4D sucks the 3d was good.

Went to the Sizzler and won't be going back again. As for the Mall I have been through it a couple of times and am not that impressed. Then again I am not a big fan of Japanese food. It basically is laid out like the Promenade. All the electronics here all the food here all the clothes here and so forth. Just more of them. Only went once in a vehicle second day it was open. Parked 100 feet away from the entrance. I think people will tire of it and it will settle down to a slow business rate. It is really just a big noisy building. How ever the escalators are laid out nicely not that much walking around to get to the next one going up. Did not see an elevator there but I am sure they have them. So far I think the food store is better than the Rimping at the Promenada but truth is my eyes aren't that good for that Rimping.

I have been to the airport in the last week and I really don't think either one of those new malls hurt them in the least. Possibly in the theater section.The Central Festival is certainly aimed at the Thai market and Japanese food lovers. Lots of places with signs in Thai only. I couldn't believe it the Sizzler had a sign in there window all in Thai promoting a discount card. Just goes to show you who they are trying to attract.

Going to have to look over the links Khwaibah showed.

I remember the posters just raving about how great it was going to have a mall out there. Maybe my memory is getting hazy. Seems to me the Mall was promising a lot of high end stores also. Well they did get a nice theater and a Dukes.

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