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Farang guy got beaten up for not paying Tuk Tuk fare


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Bare in mind that a lot of tuk tuk drivers are drunk during their working hours and the vast amount of motor fumes they inhale must inhibit their reasoning skills. I actually only had one trip with a tuk tuk driver arranged as a "tour" the first time I went to Thailand many years ago. He tried the usual shit of trying to take me into sponsored tailor shops and a massage parlor but I was not interested in that so he took me around to various attractions in BKK and then we stopped at a bar and had a few drinks, pretty good day actually. Most tuk tuk drivers seem come across as nobs though sadly.

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Bare in mind that a lot of tuk tuk drivers are drunk during their working hours and the vast amount of motor fumes they inhale must inhibit their reasoning skills. I actually only had one trip with a tuk tuk driver arranged as a "tour" the first time I went to Thailand many years ago. He tried the usual shit of trying to take me into sponsored tailor shops and a massage parlor but I was not interested in that so he took me around to various attractions in BKK and then we stopped at a bar and had a few drinks, pretty good day actually. Most tuk tuk drivers seem come across as nobs though sadly.

Oh, then it is al-right then.

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I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

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You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

If you do not speak Spanish, you will have the same problems there, or even more than western foreigners in Thailand. Most of them here have problems because cannot communicate well with Thai people or not understand how they deal in business. It is a big Chinese population in Thailand. Ask any Chinese living here about life in Thailand...not a western farang...You will get totally different input...

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You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

Yeah, they're pussies, never fight fair. always 5-8 to one at least. Look at them they're so frail like girls they could barely defend themselves otherwise.

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You know, for years I planned on retiring in Thailand, I am presently living in China, but after continuing to read countless reports of violence towards foreigners, I have changed my mind. I would rather live some place that if I have to fight, it's at least one on one, and the general feeling I get from this forum, is that Thais hate foreigners.

I am looking at retiring in Panama instead. Thailand sounds like a dangerous place to live.

If you do not speak Spanish, you will have the same problems there, or even more than western foreigners in Thailand. Most of them here have problems because cannot communicate well with Thai people or not understand how they deal in business. It is a big Chinese population in Thailand. Ask any Chinese living here about life in Thailand...not a western farang...You will get totally different input...

How is the food. And the chicks?

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Good Thai Fun Stuff , like channel 7 on TV .

It is best to fix a price with the Tuk Tuk driver before hand . Once in Bangkok a Tuk Tuk driver offered me a lift to go to a shop quoting bt20 , I accepted , he then took me to another shop a short distance away . I asked him how much and he replied " It's up to you ". I gave him bt50 , which he accepted . Later in the day I saw him looking very dejected and he didn't recognise me when I walked past close by him . I thought afterwards that perhaps I'd given him too little . It is much better to make them name the price . I live in Thailand , but I guess he may have thought I was a visitor , who might have paid more generously than the correct amount .

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I truly feel that the Thai's (particularly the guys) hold a deep seated envy or resentment towards Westerners for having, coming from or being "more" than them. Another topic entirely of course. But were this to all come out into the open (in a non violent way) or if they were to grow up a bit and look at this question from a mature standpoint, they'd see things a bit more clearly.

I think that's the same in any country that has a large tourist industry and a low wage economy. Tourists flock in and are all relatively wealthy compared to the locals. Many are here for what to them is cheap booze and nice weather. They're on holiday and so dress casually, (some very!), relax and enjoy themselves. Locals assume this must be how they always behave because they have plenty of money. Resentment builds. Used to see a lot of this type of behaviour in Spain, the Greek Islands and Italy when their tourists industries were expanding in the 70's and 80's. The "quaint" polite local behaviour to tourists changed to a more aggressive tolerance aimed purely at getting the money from them. A lot is a direct response to the behaviour of the tourists.

In Asia this is exaggerated further by the phenomenon of older foreign men coming and taking much younger wives, gfs or frequenting the sex industry. Many don't like this and again see it as a demonstration of wealth.

Thailand is not a highly dangerous place. If you argue with locals when you don't understand the norms or speak the language, become aggressive or abusive, then you'll get trouble. Same in most countries. There are places to avoid and known and well publicized scams to be wary of.

Thais are a proud people and see an attack by a foreigner as an attack against all Thais - so they will pile in to defend "their honour".

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