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PM Yingluck orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces


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Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces


BANGKOK: -- A priority list of flood-relief provisions was issued yesterday by Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to immediately tackle the problems faced by flood-affected residents, via a network of local administrative bodies under Interior Ministry supervision.

The eight provisions, implemented on the direct orders of the prime minister, are divided into immediate and post-flood action, including the prevention of flooding in key areas not yet inundated. Other areas to be dealt with include the repairing of roads and damaged public property, the inspection of flood-caused damage, security for people in flood shelters, post-flood medical treatment, and the prevention of water-borne diseases.

Yingluck, who as defence minister is head of the Defence Relief Operations Centre, has also signed an order to activate a large number of military-owned water pumps and other pieces of flood-prevention equipment to be used in flood drainage operations in Chachoengsao, now heavily submerged.

The pumps are also being used in eastern and western Bangkok to drain away shallow floodwater.

After two days of heavy rain brought by Storm Nari, Chachoengsao is now severely flooded. Residents living along the swelling Bang Pakong River have either been evacuated or moved to the second floors of their properties. The situation could worsen during the peak high tides on November 6-8, as the province is near the Bang Pakong Estuary.

The national flood update said yesterday that a total of 22 provinces have now been flooded, covering 4,109 villagers in 93 districts. Meanwhile floodwater in another 24 provinces is dissipating.

The flood-caused casualties reached 61 yesterday with a total of 674,952 people in more than 236,757 households affected by the national disaster. Bangkok Governor Sukhumbhand Paribatra said water gates run by the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, especially those located in the suburbs, would remain closed for the time being to curtail flooding in the capital.

However, they would later be opened to help ease flooding in neighbouring provinces, including Chachoengsao, he said.

Kabin Buri district in Prachin Buri - the first province to suffer from this year's floods on September 17 - is still heavily inundated, with average floodwater levels recorded at 1 metre. Three other districts have also recorded average floodwater levels at 80 centimetres.

Meanwhile, the Chao Phraya River in Ayutthaya has swelled another 5cm, but has not yet reached a critical level.

Seven of Ayutthaya's 16 districts have been declared disaster zones, entitling them to a portion of the Bt40-million emergency-relief budget.

-- The Nation 2013-10-18

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Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces

You, yes you, go there and look like you are doing something useful, don't use the word panic and leave my name or anyone with the same family name out of it....... and if in doubt blame the governor.

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"Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces"

Do they really need to be told, when they can see villagers floating past the window on old truck tyres?

If she'd told them two months ago to take immediate action to mitigate the potential effects of upcoming floods, that might have been more sensible.

The stupidity of this woman deserves a category of its own.

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Why does she not try doing a King Canute, failing that they could

build dyke's with bags of rice,that would kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

I hope they are prepared in Bangkok, as its never stop raining for

2 days up here in the North.

This happens every year,from the year dot. the early settlers knew

how to deal with it, build canals,the current Govt. does not have a

clue,just saying Bangkok WILL NOT flood is not good enough.

regards Worgeordie

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

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The som-tam lady, fount of knowledge on all things Thai, tells me that a government-minister & DPM whose initial is 'P', has plans to line-up jet-aircraft along-the-border, so that their engines blow the storm-clouds back to wherever they came from.

But I fear she may be jesting, like that politician who proposed using boat-engines moored to river-banks, to speed-up or hold-back the flow of rivers-in-flood ? rolleyes.gif

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Tell me my friend what would you do? but you need first to see that you are trying to get a country of CORRUPT (terrorists) officials from the highest levels to the just out of school interne to do their jobs instead of milking as much as they can get, next try getting the BIB's to do their job and stop extorting money from the people,

So you think any and all prior Thai governments are now absolved for their pizz poor performance?

whom is 100% accountable is those pizz and moan then sit back and do nothing about it, so now please get a grip,

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Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces......

She orders ????

First, she should be able to consult with specialists and to understand a bit what they are talking about. First tough task for her already here. Then analyse the situation, then to understand how it happened, and to understand what to do, and then co-operate with all involved levels (Nation, Province, district, etc...) and then, .....no need to order anything, as actions would be carried already

She orders....cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces......

She orders ????

First, she should be able to consult with specialists and to understand a bit what they are talking about. First tough task for her already here. Then analyse the situation, then to understand how it happened, and to understand what to do, and then co-operate with all involved levels (Nation, Province, district, etc...) and then, .....no need to order anything, as actions would be carried already

She orders....cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Hey man, she can order. Every heard of mulberry boots and expensive items online?!

With lots of practice, she can now even manage to order from a MENU (yeah, read!) food that is about an estimated 200,000 baht per meal. Genius stuff!

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Please show me when prior Governments made promises of no more flooding and pocketed 350 Billion Baht into the bargain.

When you can do that, you may have some credibility and I may listen to you.

Yes, 2 years and sweet FA, at least sweet FA for the common folk.

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Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Please show me when prior Governments made promises of no more flooding and pocketed 350 Billion Baht into the bargain.

When you can do that, you may have some credibility and I may listen to you.

Yes, 2 years and sweet FA, at least sweet FA for the common folk.

Twice now I have asked you, do any prior government have any accountability on the flooding issue? and twice you side step the question, you'd make a great politician Thaddeuswhistling.gif

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Prime minister orders officials to take immediate action in flood-affected provinces......

She orders ????

First, she should be able to consult with specialists and to understand a bit what they are talking about. First tough task for her already here. Then analyse the situation, then to understand how it happened, and to understand what to do, and then co-operate with all involved levels (Nation, Province, district, etc...) and then, .....no need to order anything, as actions would be carried already

She orders....cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

Unfortunately, there ARE no water specialists in Thailand, only cronies who abuse their status and power to backstab the communities and suck their tax money dry. wai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gifwai2.gif

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The fact of the matter is, the flooding was expected and they had 2 years since the last major one to prepare. What did they do? NOTHING. Now that the flooding has become severe, airhead here orders officials to 'take immediate action'. So yes, she's to blame because it's not like the floods were unexpected. Everyone expected it back but they spent the 2 years enriching themselves instead of doing something concrete.

Geez you guy's make me laugh, she is to blame for this and for that and oh oh oh and she was the unknown gunman on the grassy Knoll, and the taking of Jimmy Hoffa, and hmmm what else??? oh yes climate change and anything else we can think of...

Thailand is a seasonal flood zone, much like India, Bangladesh, China, Was Thailand flooded during the Dem's leadership? or for any other time of another political party time?

Fixing the flooding issues will take a number of years to right, how long has she been PM?

Grow up and try being proactive instead of being reactive.

Please get a grip, YS didn't promise to shoot JFK, sort out the US Unions and fix everything that Al Gore says we are responsible for.

But she did promise no more flooding in Thailand, 350 Billion Baht had/has been allocated/spent/disappeared..... and the effective result is, more flooding.

For that, she is 100% accountable.

Really, 2 years in the job and it her fault, NOT the other governments before???

Please show me when prior Governments made promises of no more flooding and pocketed 350 Billion Baht into the bargain.

When you can do that, you may have some credibility and I may listen to you.

Yes, 2 years and sweet FA, at least sweet FA for the common folk.

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