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Some foreigners need to have some pride in their appearance when being at Chiang Mai Immigration.


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I hope this thread does not change the way we hit immigration in Bangkok. The OP is absolutely right but while I'm waiting the only diversion is to watch the show. It's as if Stevie Wonder dresses these guys. No one would believe without seeing it with their own eyes, a visit to a government office looks more like the homeless waiting for their welfare check.

I was in Phnom Penh where a friend dressed exactly like Captain Jack Sparrow said he was on his way to the Thai Embassy to get a business visa. I told him that he would not be able to get the visa dressed as a pirate. He went and was quickly denied. Sent away with no explanation. Hilarious!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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I actually chose the moniker just to get under pretentious people's skins.

It worked.

The truth is that posts like this are usually written by English "Teachers" who can't choose what they wear day in, day out, and have to be forced into cheap, nasty nylon shirts by their wives every morning.

They tend to have a hugely over-inflated sense of self importance too, and feel those of us with proper jobs or rightly retired after a life's work, who make our own dress codes should suffer too.

If I'm taking the wife out for a nosh up and a dirty weekend at a nice hotel for a special occasion, I'll get suited and booted. I won't change my attire because of the self-imagined importance of some jumped up no-mark who probably won't even be here this time next year.

That;s cracking speculation, bytheway. I reckon it'll be Steve Ganson.
What'll he be wearing?

Probably full evening dress in finest Polyester.,..hair stood on end due to all the static....

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I actually chose the moniker just to get under pretentious people's skins.

It worked.

The truth is that posts like this are usually written by English "Teachers" who can't choose what they wear day in, day out, and have to be forced into cheap, nasty nylon shirts by their wives every morning.

They tend to have a hugely over-inflated sense of self importance too, and feel those of us with proper jobs or rightly retired after a life's work, who make our own dress codes should suffer too.

If I'm taking the wife out for a nosh up and a dirty weekend at a nice hotel for a special occasion, I'll get suited and booted. I won't change my attire because of the self-imagined importance of some jumped up no-mark who probably won't even be here this time next year.

The man who claimed people don't make assumptions just suddenly made some massive and fairly detailed assumptions of his own.

dam_n these nylon shirts and my teaching job. I've been unmasked by the late Bernard Manning.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well pick my assumptions apart as I have yours...

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Please..... have some pride in your actions, clothing appearance & personal hygiene to understand that YOU are representing ALL foreigners to the Thai people when you are in country

Says who? I represent no one bar myself nor do I require anyone to represent me.

Daft post.

No that is not true. If you look white and long nose like me, and say you are always drunk, automatically white skin and long nose will be known as drunk people. Someone who only knows your example of white and long nose will think all are that way.

If I am neat and nice someone who knows me, will look at you and think you are similar.

That might be racist, positive or negative and not fair but it is a fact. You represent other people who look similar.

If there would people who color their hair green, and they are very gentle to help elderly people and there is another group who color their hairs red and are hooligans.

People would learn what to expect from green haired and red haired people. Someone who naturally has red hair would automatically considered as hooligan.

As I told it is not fair

Where have I said "I'm always drunk?"

Come on! If you can teach it, learn to read it....

What will hold you in better stead here is learning a bit of the lingo, have time to talk to folks, don't think you're important because someone said 'teachers have a high standing in the Thai psyche" nor think you're a pillar of the community, an example of ll that is great to these Thais, as Tee Rak straightens your polyester tie...

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I'm all in favour of the ones that dress like slobs arriving at immigration that way thinking that folks don't make snap judgements based on appearance. The more difficult the authorities make it for them, the sooner they will get pissed off and move on! I look on it as a national beautification program.

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It is true that clothes maketh the man

What a load of nonsense...

The attitude maketh the man....

and the way these people dress and conduct themselves

Blah de blah etc...

What i don't get is how does the way a total stranger dresses or "conducts themselves' affect the way Thai people look at you?

I'd say you're more concerned with the way you dress or conduct yourself than how the dress or conduct of others may affect you...

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I was in Phnom Penh where a friend dressed exactly like Captain Jack Sparrow said he was on his way to the Thai Embassy to get a business visa. I told him that he would not be able to get the visa dressed as a pirate. He went and was quickly denied. Sent away with no explanation. Hilarious!

He seems to have gotten one somewhere. I have spotted him several times in Chiang Mai recently - unless there are two guys running around SEA dressed as pirates.

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Im sorry but my dress up clothes consist of a clean pair of jeans minus any holes . A clean tee shirt plenty of deoderant and flip flops . I wear that to immigration I also wear it if I go to our consulate .... But I ll agree I have seen some creatures in both places ...... I think the main thing is take a bath before you go ! Bath not baht although I think both will do about the same in both places......

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Im sorry but my dress up clothes consist of a clean pair of jeans minus any holes . A clean tee shirt plenty of deoderant and flip flops . I wear that to immigration I also wear it if I go to our consulate .... But I ll agree I have seen some creatures in both places ...... I think the main thing is take a bath before you go ! Bath not baht although I think both will do about the same in both places......

sounds good

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Agree with the post.

We are guests in this country and should represent ourselves appropriately. Clearly the eponymous 'HeavyDrinker' is doing his best to uphold stereotypes so the rest of need to work harder to counter this.

A government building deserves your respect in any country.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Counter what exactly?

Posts like this irk as they are full of some misplaced sense of self-importance.

Do you really think the Thais go about their day-to-day lives making rash judgements on a billion people on my (or your) appearance and internet handle?

Of course they do.

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Would it be OK if I just had pride in my intellect, my tremendous sense of humour, and the benefit of being born in the greatest nation on earth?

Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP

Chinese, I presume?

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I will have you know I always turn up at immigration looking sharp sporting my finest flip flops and chang vest.

Don't forget to have a hooker in toe in case translation is needed, lol. :)

I got a translation done once in the ground floor restrooms at Chaeng Wattana. She was a cunning linguist.

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Would it be OK if I just had pride in my intellect, my tremendous sense of humour, and the benefit of being born in the greatest nation on earth?

Has anyone got any actual evidence that people get turned away at immigration

a) because they do not look smart

cool.png because they do not take pride in looking smart?

Perhaps the immigration officers are not as prejudiced by first appearances as is the OP

Personally, I believe the locals think all of us are nuts, a breed apart.

At times I'm inclined to agree :)

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When I used to have to extend in Nong Khai one middle aged bloke rolled up in a denim shirt undone to the waist revealing his not inconsiderable gut. It looked as if it had last seen an iron at about the time that Hitlers panzers rolled into Poland. He presented his visa application which consisted of a visa application form and......well, that's it. He then started "<deleted> this" and "<deleted> that" when he surprisingly didn't get his extension.

I'm no fan of immigration, after all they're not on my Christmas card list, but even I managed to elicit some sympathy at some of the dross they have to deal with.

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Oh dear! Yet another poster, who it appears has nothing better to do then to worry about what other people are wearing.

Its time to climb down from the dizzy heights that you are experiencing and concentrate more on what you do then concerning yourself about others.

I don't usually agree with the over the top flaming that can happen in these posts from time to time but your response opens yourself up to be absolute smashed or maybe that's your agenda. Your just looking for the response?

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I think, that some Thais think, that all Westerners are and look as described above.

Just in the same way as some foreigners think, that all Thai women are like bargirls.[/

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it's a duck"

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Oh dear! Yet another poster, who it appears has nothing better to do then to worry about what other people are wearing.

Its time to climb down from the dizzy heights that you are experiencing and concentrate more on what you do then concerning yourself about others.

I don't usually agree with the over the top flaming that can happen in these posts from time to time but your response opens yourself up to be absolute smashed or maybe that's your agenda. Your just looking for the response?


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It's rather sad when the best dressed are the Mormons.

I recall in the Philippines no flip flops and you must wear trousers.

When I lived in Bangkok I used to do my 90 day report in Phahonyothin - no shorts or flip flops allowed - don't see that it's a big deal to turn up tidy at immigration. I used to like going there, as it was quiet, and easy and the staff were polite - totally different to the old immigration in Suan Phlu which was like a zoo.

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