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What have you ever achieved here in Thailand?

Darren McKenzie

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Not too long ago Thailand, a member of SEATO, asked the UK and US and Australia for help against the Communist insurgency that was sweeping across South East Asia at the time. The UK, US and Australia came to Thailand and helped and so did I. Millions were killed in South East Asia. Not in Thailand.

I came and built roads and airports and provided infrastructure and security for Thailand from the forces that were trying to do the same thing that was happening in the rest of South East Asia.

Today, I drive on the roads that I built and fly out of airports that I constructed and interact with Thai people that would have been dead if I had not come to Thailand. I’m not alone or unusual. I know a couple of thousand people living in Thailand today that can say the same thing. And of course there are thousands who served and protected Thailand that have now returned home when their time to serve had ended.

I realize many on this site don't know of the UK, US and Australian involvement in the defense of Thailand in the 1960's and 1970's. Anyone who has any questions can get most of the information by searching the SEATO treaty.

Thanks for sharing.

Very interesting.

All the best to you.

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Well.... if the affect you have on another's life for the better is an achievement then the biggest achievement I have ever had either here in Thailand or anywhere for that matter ...is that

.I changed the life of my wife and her children.........for the better

Before I met my wife I think she had a typical lower class lifestyle .....single mother worked 14 hours a day (double shifts)....basicly doing what she needed to do to survive not having the time to properly raise her children (kinda was left to the neighbors)....Then I came along (now I'm not saying she's lucky that I came along ....although she tells me she was......as I was the lucky one to meet her as she is the most wonderful women I have ever met). Well.... now she has time to spend with the children to mold their view of life....to direct them....ie to nurture them.

the kids before rebellious, rough, and somewhat lost ......now they are independent, refined, and have direction ......(can't say it was all me ....but I like to think I was a part of it..)..

AND that's my greatest achievement

Edited by beachproperty
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I came and built roads and airports and provided infrastructure and security for Thailand from the forces that were trying to do the same thing that was happening in the rest of South East Asia.

Today, I drive on the roads that I built and fly out of airports that I constructed and interact with Thai people that would have been dead if I had not come to Thailand.


wai.gif But they still won't let you buy a square talang wah of land!

Yup true. I seem to remember one fellow that got The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and then got kicked out of the country, Funny that eh?

$39 on ebay. biggrin.pnghttp://www.ebay.com/itm/THAILAND-MEDAL-MOST-EXALTED-ORDER-WHITE-ELEPHANT-FIFTH-CLASS-GENTLEMAN-/110976307945?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d6b412e9

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A legacy.


Odd link to promote.

The first page alone shows three banned members and some barely-sane weirdo who's recently changed his avatar in "rememberance" of a 360 pound sex tourist who's just been given the boot.

I think it's quite an even link actually.

Like any OP, you can't control the members who post there ... tis not I who ban members.

Is it a crime to change one's Avatar ... I've changed mine ... you yours.

One of the Joys, for me of Thailand, is the relative freedom of choice.

My choices, your choices ... and the other members choices.

I reckon most of the Members on Thai Visa are good blokes ... just some you have to dig a little deeper with some then others.

How you view other members probably says more about you then them ... rolleyes.gif


True, deep, profound...

This can be taken much further: all observations reflect the observer, not the observed.

In the context of this site, comments about the locals say nothing about the Thais, and everything about the poster.

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When I was little and running on the race track at school, I always stopped and waited for all the other kids so we could run together even though I knew (and everybody else knew) that I could run much faster than all of them! I pretended to read slowly so I could "wait" for everyone else who couldn't read as fast as I could! When my friends were short I pretended that I was short too and if my friend was sad I pretended to be unhappy. I could go on and on about all the ways I have limited myself, my whole life, by "waiting" for people. And the only thing that I've ever received in return is people thinking that they are faster than me, people thinking that they can make me feel bad about myself just because I let them and people thinking that I have to do whatever they say I should do.

I'm not waiting for anybody, anymore! I'm going to run as fast as I can, fly as high as I can, I am going to soar and if you want you can come with me! But I'm not waiting for you anymore.

Seems to me that the egocentric view of, dwelling on what we achieved, is a road block on the actions of what we should achieve and do now.....ie stop thinking about what you did (and patting yourself on the back) get out there and DO something NOW....change the world ....make it a better place to live for the future generations.

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Outstanding thought/comment my friend. I'm a newbie but my feelings and actions are those of yours. You are absolutely spot on. Lets all of us make a difference. That's what I came here to do plus all the other pleasant offerings this land has. It is always well received and appreciated. It is heart warming to see there are some fine individuals on this forum. There are also some very depressed people ( of their own making ) on this website. Thank you for the uplifting post. I know I am not alone. I see others here of the same kind. NAMAST'E

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My greatest achievement is realising that there is nothing to achieve. Realising that there is no where to go, no better place to be, no life that will happen some day when I have x, y and z. No happiness just around the next corner if I could just...

Letting go of the grasping and the striving and realising that seizing the moment and living in the present without fearing the future or regretting the past is where happiness resides.

if you have achieved all that, your journey is almost done!!

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Great question. Are you writing a book? You should with the comments herein. As for me....

I have learned patients... found that pulling my hair out was far too painful.

I have learned compliance... found that fighting the lack of firm logic shown by authorities in this country required too much booze to wash down.

I have learned money can buy you happiness... if you know where to shop and even though it might be fleeting, it is most times worth the ride or the walk of shame as circumstances require.

I have learned compassion... not only by deed but by the smiles shown to me wherever I have traveled in the Kingdom regardless of the amount I have just spent.

I have learned a form of equality... that we are all the same really; people are people the world over and sometimes there is no explaining why any of us do things the way we do.

I have learned to be engaging... we all want to know about each other.

I have learned to be a better sharer... sort of needs no further explanation, The police love to share... well.. the money in our pockets anyway and it seems to work and keep us out of the local jail.

I learned that life can be easier... nothing here cannot be done if you are willing to part with a extra few baht (like in Spain and Greece in the 60's & 70's).

I have learned the size 'XL' does not mean the same as elsewhere... 'XL' for the Asian is a Large for us from the West. So I have now become an 'XXL' to my horror!

I have learned to be grateful... for what we do have and from where we come from originally.

I have learned that bus travel (okay so 1st class or VIP) is not as bad as it sounds as long as you keep your seat belt on and are ready for the bus to flip.

I have learned all about Visas On Arrival... enough said!

I have learned the ease of things... you can cross the border as many times as you want on that Visa Run with little or no difficulty.

I have learned about form filling out... I now know my Passport and Thai visa numbers by heart.

I have learned that Mae Sot is a rather nice place to live... except for the fact of my present neighbors who drive me nuts (see my post elsewhere in this forum).

I have learned to be a better driver... keeping a far greater watchful eye of the idiot with Thai plates in front of me in the over loaded pick up with cargo and 4 people in the back doing whatever they want on the road.

I have learned (on the same theme as above) more driving rules.... the yellow line down the middle of the road is just a suggestion and that bigger does mean they have the right of way.

I have learned all about my digestive track... be careful what you eat and that Imodium really does work.

I have learned you can put ice in a beer... though why is a mystery as the bottle was already cold enough.. but what is up with the addition of a straw?

I have learned reliance... on the fact that anything can be fixed with a screw driver and a roll of Duck Tape and a Bungie Cord.

I have learned that grounding the electric system in a house is just a theory... I was shocked by my kettle and the experience was shall I say... interesting (?).

I have learned to not doubt myself so much... no one might listen, but in the end I was right after all.

I have learned that Honda Wave (or similar) is really a small truck... it can carry 5 people, a small dog, 2 days worth of groceries, and suitcase and can tow 4 times it own weight. Which is far more than your average Honda Prius Car.

I have learned that "today" means today... unlike in the West when "today" could mean in a couple of weeks.

I have learned that nothing is really impossible... again if you are willing to part with a few extra baht or a promise of a beer.

I have learned not to question everything in public... better to keep things to yourself for safety.

I have learned that the Russian are on the move again... ... into Pattaya for sure.

I have learned that stuff made in China is not always worth the money... built to standards only someone from China can explain.

I have learned to accept mysteries... The Thais even have no real idea why things work the way that they do in this country, let alone you and I.

I have learned that being alone is not as bad as it once sounded... it is now a choice rather than an expectation.

I have learned that all is possible... it just require you to do what you want and not hurt anyone doing it and the usual extra Tea Money.

I have learned to actually throw away my butts into garbage cans rather than just onto the street... or face the 2000bht fine in Bangkok.

I have learned that ATM's really are our best friends... enough said on that one.

But most importantly, I have learned that happiness is possible and alive and well here in the Kingdom of Thailand!

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I came and built roads and airports and provided infrastructure and security for Thailand from the forces that were trying to do the same thing that was happening in the rest of South East Asia.

Today, I drive on the roads that I built and fly out of airports that I constructed and interact with Thai people that would have been dead if I had not come to Thailand.


wai.gif But they still won't let you buy a square talang wah of land!

Yup true. I seem to remember one fellow that got The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and then got kicked out of the country, Funny that eh?

$39 on ebay. biggrin.pnghttp://www.ebay.com/itm/THAILAND-MEDAL-MOST-EXALTED-ORDER-WHITE-ELEPHANT-FIFTH-CLASS-GENTLEMAN-/110976307945?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d6b412e9

That's an answercheesy.gif How on earth did you found such a link biggrin.png

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Outstanding thought/comment my friend. I'm a newbie but my feelings and actions are those of yours. You are absolutely spot on. Lets all of us make a difference. That's what I came here to do plus all the other pleasant offerings this land has. It is always well received and appreciated. It is heart warming to see there are some fine individuals on this forum. There are also some very depressed people ( of their own making ) on this website. Thank you for the uplifting post. I know I am not alone. I see others here of the same kind. NAMAST'E

Yes, she's a remarkable author, C Joybell, check out her website for other stuff she's written.


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When I was back home in Scotland, I went about with the attitude anyone who provokes or abuses me in any way, whether it is a man, woman, child or OAP, then I will retaliate in some way, and very often did. Here in Thailand, because of the non confrontational and decency of maybe around 95% of Thai people. My attitude has been changed completely.

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It's a church in the US - I kid you not. Dixon, Illinois - isnt that part of the Bible Belt ? Seems to be below the belt, if you ask me wink.png


mr worldwide

I have actually seen this church as I lived in Marion illinios for 2 years.

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Raised >1,000,000 baht for Banglamung Home for Boys doing mini concerts. Sent my ex to Chula grad school. Gave other gf a business so she could have a life (short, dark, 6th grade Isaan.... lots of strikes against her). Kept part of my sanity. Learned decent level of Thai. Does not killing anyone qualify?

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It's a church in the US - I kid you not. Dixon, Illinois - isnt that part of the Bible Belt ? Seems to be below the belt, if you ask me wink.png


mr worldwide

I have actually seen this church as I lived in Marion illinios for 2 years.

Well done, Kev, although I cant say I'd be keen to spend 2 years :

- above the snow line

- in tornado alley

- near Ted Nugent and other Michiganiacs


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I came and built roads and airports and provided infrastructure and security for Thailand from the forces that were trying to do the same thing that was happening in the rest of South East Asia.

Today, I drive on the roads that I built and fly out of airports that I constructed and interact with Thai people that would have been dead if I had not come to Thailand.


wai.gif But they still won't let you buy a square talang wah of land!

Yup true. I seem to remember one fellow that got The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and then got kicked out of the country, Funny that eh?

$39 on ebay. biggrin.pnghttp://www.ebay.com/itm/THAILAND-MEDAL-MOST-EXALTED-ORDER-WHITE-ELEPHANT-FIFTH-CLASS-GENTLEMAN-/110976307945?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d6b412e9

Still for sale ....

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Yup true. I seem to remember one fellow that got The Most Exalted Order of the White Elephant and then got kicked out of the country, Funny that eh?

$39 on ebay. biggrin.pnghttp://www.ebay.com/itm/THAILAND-MEDAL-MOST-EXALTED-ORDER-WHITE-ELEPHANT-FIFTH-CLASS-GENTLEMAN-/110976307945?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item19d6b412e9

Still for sale ....

The price of any medal, any country on ebay is about $39 Think a bit, Thailand.....Real medal?????


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