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Security guard jailed for life in Glasgow for brutally murdering a Thai


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Security guard jailed for life after bludgeoning Thai conference delegate to death with fire extinguisher
By Jessica Best

Clive Carter was told he must spend at least 20 years behind bars for killing Khanokporn Satjawat in the "senseless attack"

GLASGOW: -- A security guard has been jailed for life after brutally murdering a Thai conference delegate by bludgeoning her with a fire extinguisher.

Clive Carter, 35, was ordered to spend at least 20 years behind bars after being convicted of killing 42-year-old Khanokporn Satjawat in Glasgow on November 12 last year.

Ms Satjawat had been attending a conference at the city's SECC complex when she was subjected to Carter's "senseless attack".

Carter had admitted killing the Thai national but denied murder. A jury found him guilty of the crime after a trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

Passing sentence on the same day, judge Lord Matthews said: "Khanokporn Satjawat was a hard-working, well-educated and dedicated lady who came to this country to participate in a conference whose purpose was the alleviation of suffering and the saving of lives.

Full story: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/security-guard-jailed-life-after-2655003

-- Mirror 2013-10-31

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The Scottish Daily Record has followed this story for the past year. It would

appear that Carter had been provoking other women at the hotel where he

worked and had attended and dropped anger management classes. Seems

the system failed to protect this poor Thai lady, but at least justice was served

within a year of the murder. Sad story.

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Background information on the case.

Murder accused Clive Carter kept fire extinguisher photo

Clive Carter has admitted killing Khanokporn Satjawat

A security guard charged with murdering a woman with a fire extinguisher had a picture of such a device on his home computer, a murder trial has been told.

The High Court in Glasgow heard the image on Clive Carter's computer was identified as a fire extinguisher at the city's SECC main building.

Carter, 35, denies murdering 42-year-old Khanokporn Satjawat, from Thailand, at the Clyde Auditorium last November.

He has admitted killing her while suffering diminished responsibility.

Mrs Satjawat died while attending a conference for HIV drug therapy at the Clyde Auditorium, which is part of the SECC complex.

Stephen Kerr, 34, a labourer at the SECC, told the jury that he was asked by police to identify a photograph found on Carter's computer.

He told prosecutor John Scullion: "It was a fire extinguisher from the main building at the SECC."

The jury was shown other pictures taken from Carter's computer which appeared to show him in uniform in the gents' toilets which were identified as being at the complex.

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That could be an example for Thailand when they prosecute murder cases ... that's what you get if you kill someone .... no possibility to flee abroad , to hide or to be bailed.

Ironic what you are writing look at "Mick the poms" case. But I agree this case was handled ok, unfortunately he will be out in 10 with the same issues he's having now.

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That could be an example for Thailand when they prosecute murder cases ... that's what you get if you kill someone .... no possibility to flee abroad , to hide or to be bailed.

Ironic what you are writing look at "Mick the poms" case. But I agree this case was handled ok, unfortunately he will be out in 10 with the same issues he's having now.

F.Y.I. HH62:- "Clive Carter was told he must spend at least 20 years behind bars for killing Khanokporn Satjawat in the "senseless attack"

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The fat Bast-rd will be out before the twenty years is up. Unless hopefully, some prison justice will see he never gets out alive.

And why you think that would happen. The prisons are full of people who committed similar crimes.

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The fat Bast-rd will be out before the twenty years is up. Unless hopefully, some prison justice will see he never gets out alive.

He was sentenced to life with a 20 year minimum, it would be unusual for him to be considered for early release until after he had served 20 years.

No problem with him not getting out alive though.

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The fat Bast-rd will be out before the twenty years is up. Unless hopefully, some prison justice will see he never gets out alive.

And why you think that would happen. The prisons are full of people who committed similar crimes.

I don't neccessary think it will happen, I hope it will happen. There are also lots of people in prison who did not commit similar crimes.

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That could be an example for Thailand when they prosecute murder cases ... that's what you get if you kill someone .... no possibility to flee abroad , to hide or to be bailed.

I was waiting for that, didn't think it would come that fast: when does the Thailand bashing start?biggrin.png

True, as a low-life security guard you will get prosecuted in the UK. If you are a bank manager and lose Millions of Pounds; drive thousands into ruin, and have the tax payer bail out the bank, you get a golden handshake. Just saying.......

I think that you should address your angst towards banking executives. Bank managers are very small fry and are hurting as much as their customers.

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He doesn't seem to have had one; or isn't saying.

from the BBC

He denied murder and claimed he killed the Thai woman while suffering from diminished responsibility.......

.........In evidence, Carter claimed to have no memory of the killing or alleged attempts to cover it up.

He said his next memory after talking to Ms Satjawat was of eating sandwiches for his lunch.

His lawyers, who urged the jury to find him guilty of culpable homicide, also claimed he had a personality disorder which diminished his ability to control his actions.

But jurors rejected this and found him guilty of murder after just over three hours of deliberation.

The jury heard that Carter had major issues with anger management.

His GP sent him to counselling, but he stopped going after two sessions because the counsellor annoyed him.

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What was his motive in killing her?

Being Scottish I have been following this story since it broke late last year.

The Glasgow Daily Record ran numerous articles on Carter and it detailed

a lot of 'weird' stuff about him. His computer screensaver was a picture of

the fire extinguisher that he used to kill the Thai lady. He had attempted to

strangle his own wife previously and a police report had been filed detailing

the event. His wife said he was prone to 'tantrums' if he didn't get his own way.

A witness in the High Court case said that a week before the murder he had

tried to get into her room . . . . . and so on and so on.

As I said in post 2 it would appear that the system failed this poor lady by not

identifying a nutter and doing something with him. If he's in the Bar-L now he will

get what's due, don't worry about that.

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The fat Bast-rd will be out before the twenty years is up. Unless hopefully, some prison justice will see he never gets out alive.

Despite all the problems western countries are having with immigrants, many are imprisoned and are useful in cases like these.

It won't be too long before fat boy learns a new meaning for "makin' bacon."

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