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Introduce speed camera's across all busy roads in LOS


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I read with interest:


Finally Thailand is catching up with the rest of the world.

Please tell me that decision makers will install several speed camera's on the BKK to Hua Hin route and the BKK to Pats. Lets put an end to the rogue mini van drivers. It would be excellent for the bosses of these driving companies to receive monetary fines from their dodgy drivers. More importantly it could result in safer roads for us all.

Where would you like speed camera's installed?

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You will notice, if you drive around Thailand long enough, that the police rarely stop a speeding mini-bus. A lot of the companies pay into a fund to stop this happening.

I often drove the g/f pick-up from Nakhonsawan to Cambodia through speed traps with many a mini-bus doing 110 KPH or more (in a 90 zone) not being stopped, but the cars were. I cannot see speed cameras being an option as that has a great possibility of decreasing the funds the BiB receive.

There are already speed cameras in operation in certain areas of BKK. I was stopped in the early hours on a quiet stretch of motorway, showed the photo and speed. I paid the fine and was on my way.

Whenever the then g/f received a speeding ticket - from the BiB hidden somewhere along the roadside with a speed camera - she would get in touch with the police and tell them she had no money to pay. She never heard back demanding payment.

I am not sure speed cameras are the way forward, to be honest.

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Just another source of income, but like many in bkk, they will pay someones relative an excessive amount to buy them, install them but they will turn out to either mysteriously not work at crucial moments or in fact jat a later time turn out to be just dummy cameras and naturally no one will know how that possibly happened.

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Where would you like speed camera's installed?

Can't print that answer without violating forum rules.

Is that because the locations would be in Thai Script?

That would only allowed in the Thai Language Forum ... biggrin.png

Er, no. The sun shines on Thai script.

But I think you are giving me a go ….

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They already use them, I received a fixed penalty 500 Baht fine through the post with a nice picture of my car and 135 Km/h printed by the side of it. It was taken on the BKK-Pattaya highway (Highway 17 I think) Of interest also on the picture were the cameras settings and it was set to trigger at 132 Km/h. No argument from me as the picture was correct, paid the fine, received a receipt and end of story, now I keep to 130.

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Speed kills... it is one of the biggest killers on Thailands roads.There is a reason behind why we no longer call traffic crashes accidents. It’s because these events are rarely the result of a pure accident. The majority of serious collisions have a causal factor that was avoidable.....SPEED...... Maybe it will take a few years for the people to realize they cannot speed. I just hope the government dont follow the way the Australian government operates their cameras.Motorists to travel at a safe speed, that is, within the limits and the road conditions.


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They already use them, I received a fixed penalty 500 Baht fine through the post with a nice picture of my car and 135 Km/h printed by the side of it. It was taken on the BKK-Pattaya highway (Highway 17 I think) Of interest also on the picture were the cameras settings and it was set to trigger at 132 Km/h. No argument from me as the picture was correct, paid the fine, received a receipt and end of story, now I keep to 130.

Just looking at one gotten by my wife's sister, clocked at 124 near Pakchong Kao Yai, but this was in a 90 zone. Yeah, those cameras are going in everywhere now. However, I'm looking at that document now, and I don't see any "trigger setting" as you stated. Where did you get that figure of "set to trigger at 132?"

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Speed kills... it is one of the biggest killers on Thailands roads.There is a reason behind why we no longer call traffic crashes  accidents. It’s because these events are rarely the result of a pure accident. The majority of serious collisions have a causal factor that was avoidable.....SPEED......      Maybe it will take a few years for the people to realize they cannot speed. I just hope the government dont follow the way the Australian government operates their cameras.Motorists to travel at a safe speed, that is, within the limits and the road conditions.




Speed does NOT kill. Otherwise the autobahn would have a 60 km speed limit. A person's inability to handle a vehicle kills, Not every person has the same ability, some more able than others. It is this lack of ability on the part do some who create the necessity of sped limits for all. It is NOT the speed that kills, it is the person doing the speeding.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Speed kills... it is one of the biggest killers on Thailands roads.There is a reason behind why we no longer call traffic crashes accidents. It’s because these events are rarely the result of a pure accident. The majority of serious collisions have a causal factor that was avoidable.....SPEED...... Maybe it will take a few years for the people to realize they cannot speed. I just hope the government dont follow the way the Australian government operates their cameras.Motorists to travel at a safe speed, that is, within the limits and the road conditions.


Speed does NOT kill. Otherwise the autobahn would have a 60 km speed limit. A person's inability to handle a vehicle kills, Not every person has the same ability, some more able than others. It is this lack of ability on the part do some who create the necessity of sped limits for all. It is NOT the speed that kills, it is the person doing the speeding.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I agree with you. cheers

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They already use them, I received a fixed penalty 500 Baht fine through the post with a nice picture of my car and 135 Km/h printed by the side of it. It was taken on the BKK-Pattaya highway (Highway 17 I think) Of interest also on the picture were the cameras settings and it was set to trigger at 132 Km/h. No argument from me as the picture was correct, paid the fine, received a receipt and end of story, now I keep to 130.

Just looking at one gotten by my wife's sister, clocked at 124 near Pakchong Kao Yai, but this was in a 90 zone. Yeah, those cameras are going in everywhere now. However, I'm looking at that document now, and I don't see any "trigger setting" as you stated. Where did you get that figure of "set to trigger at 132?"

I no longer have the pic as it was part of the return slip for the payment of the fine but it was in text on the picture. I think my partner posted a copy on FB so I will see if I can retrieve it. I must admit I was surprised to see it printed there. Not sure if they use the same system as the UK which allows for a tolerance of 10% to allow for the inaccuracy of car spedos

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They already use them, I received a fixed penalty 500 Baht fine through the post with a nice picture of my car and 135 Km/h printed by the side of it. It was taken on the BKK-Pattaya highway (Highway 17 I think) Of interest also on the picture were the cameras settings and it was set to trigger at 132 Km/h. No argument from me as the picture was correct, paid the fine, received a receipt and end of story, now I keep to 130.

Just looking at one gotten by my wife's sister, clocked at 124 near Pakchong Kao Yai, but this was in a 90 zone. Yeah, those cameras are going in everywhere now. However, I'm looking at that document now, and I don't see any "trigger setting" as you stated. Where did you get that figure of "set to trigger at 132?"

I no longer have the pic as it was part of the return slip for the payment of the fine but it was in text on the picture. I think my partner posted a copy on FB so I will see if I can retrieve it. I must admit I was surprised to see it printed there. Not sure if they use the same system as the UK which allows for a tolerance of 10% to allow for the inaccuracy of car spedos

10% + 2mph.

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Speed kills... it is one of the biggest killers on Thailands roads.There is a reason behind why we no longer call traffic crashes accidents. It’s because these events are rarely the result of a pure accident. The majority of serious collisions have a causal factor that was avoidable.....SPEED...... Maybe it will take a few years for the people to realize they cannot speed. I just hope the government dont follow the way the Australian government operates their cameras.Motorists to travel at a safe speed, that is, within the limits and the road conditions.


While I don't disagree that speed kills, not sure here in Thailand its the number one. At least up here in Back of Beyond land, a combination of white whisky (and/or Yaba), driving on the wrong side of the road, massively overloaded trucks falling over, motorbikes with no lights, motorcyclists with no helmets, lack of respect for red lights (or any lights for that matter), and a host of other issues far exceed speed as a killer. Speed probably comes around 100th on my list. I would prefer the cops to start enforcing some basic road safety rather than skimming speeding fines or installing speed cams.

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