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Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.

Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG


The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.


Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG




The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?

The best thing about the internet is you can find supporting information for any side of a debate. The Mayo Clinic in USA says MSG is not harmful. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/monosodium-glutamate/AN01251

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Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.

Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG


The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?

The best thing about the internet is you can find supporting information for any side of a debate. The Mayo Clinic in USA says MSG is not harmful. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/monosodium-glutamate/AN01251

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

"The best thing about the internet is you can find supporting information for any side of a debate. The Mayo Clinic in USA says MSG is not harmful. http://www.mayoclini...utamate/AN01251"

Yes you are correct,the downside is: very little ever gets settled. And the debate goes on and on!


Do you eat sodium chloride? Is that "food"? Monosodium glutamate is just another salt, just like sodium chloride ("table salt") is. In moderation, it adds flavor to food. In excess, like anything, it's bad.

We "criminalize" MSG in English by insisting on referring to it by its chemical name. Why don't we do that with table salt? In all Asian languages, MSG has a name (not a chemical one), as do all spices.

It especially irks me to hear Westerners getting all huffy at Asian restaurants insisting that no MSG be put in their food, and then going home and eating potato chips, commercial salad dressing, virtually any commercial processed "savory" Western food, all of which have LOADS of MSG in them.

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Sealbash -- the Mayo Clinic does not say MSG is not harmful. Perhaps you should read the link you provided.

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Do you eat sodium chloride? Is that "food"? Monosodium glutamate is just another salt, just like sodium chloride ("table salt") is. In moderation, it adds flavor to food. In excess, like anything, it's bad.

We "criminalize" MSG in English by insisting on referring to it by its chemical name. Why don't we do that with table salt? In all Asian languages, MSG has a name (not a chemical one), as do all spices.

It especially irks me to hear Westerners getting all huffy at Asian restaurants insisting that no MSG be put in their food, and then going home and eating potato chips, commercial salad dressing, virtually any commercial processed "savory" Western food, all of which have LOADS of MSG in them.

Salt is food. It's a vital nutrient. Is MSG? Do we derive any nutritional benefit from it?

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Salt is a taste. So is umami which you taste via receptors for glutamate, mostly in 'salt' form of MSG.

Sodium is found naturally in plenty of foods, particularly meat so we could live without it, Umami also. But food is tastier with these additives. That's why they are added.

I think the big issue here in Thailand is not hidden MSG nor salt - it's sugar. I'll take a headache and a thirst over diabetes and obesity.

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MSG is not harmful to people.....provided these people are not allergic to it....

My Thai lady neighbour had regular headaches...

One day, she tells me she will go to the doctor, because she says she has had headaches for 4 days in a row.

I asked her what she expected the doctor to do??? Give her aspirin????

I told her to try avoiding MSG for some days, and see what happens...

Her headaches disappeared. Taking MSG again...headaches again... Told her my fee was 150 bahts for the advice... Still waiting...whistling.gif

I am not allergic to MSG, sometimes in soups, nice flavour enhancer for me....

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My Wife gets messed up by MSG - She gets the shakes and has heart palpitations...

If its in food she can tell within a couple of spoons...

Perhaps its only in strong concentrations that she can tell as I imagine MSG is in many foods in Thailand.

But to say any harm it causes is a Myth when there is significant proof to the contrary is nothing other than idiotic trolling.

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so keep on eating the garbage it must be good for you !!!! ...I stopped with this poison years ago and felt the benifit after about 2 weeks.

MSG is a chemical produced to trick the brain that bland food is good ..nothing else, why would i want my brain tricked when I can eat good healty food?






Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.

Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG


The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?

No problem for me my friend!!!

I am not eating any MSG as it is a poison, just as artificial sweeteners, HFCS, colourants, flavourings and other chemical additives are!!

Why on earth would anyone want to ingest toxic artificial substances that the body cannot metabolise?

  • Like 1

Do you eat sodium chloride? Is that "food"? Monosodium glutamate is just another salt, just like sodium chloride ("table salt") is. In moderation, it adds flavor to food. In excess, like anything, it's bad.

We "criminalize" MSG in English by insisting on referring to it by its chemical name. Why don't we do that with table salt? In all Asian languages, MSG has a name (not a chemical one), as do all spices.

It especially irks me to hear Westerners getting all huffy at Asian restaurants insisting that no MSG be put in their food, and then going home and eating potato chips, commercial salad dressing, virtually any commercial processed "savory" Western food, all of which have LOADS of MSG in them.

Salt is food. It's a vital nutrient. Is MSG? Do we derive any nutritional benefit from it?

Salt is not a food!! Neither is it a vital nutrient. It is an essential mineral.

It is needed by the body though in order to fascilitate a multitude of vital functions particularly those relating to blood health and hydration of the blood in particular to moderate blood pressure (it is an electrolyte).


One study I came across said that ingesting MSG will mask the taste of salt in foods. This means that you may be eating more regular salt in your food than you would otherwise eat if the food had no added MSG. Many people (not all) are sensitive to large amounts of salt and respond with an increase in their blood pressure. Long term uncorrected high blood pressure from any cause is a health hazard. Since we seem to be genetically predisposed to favor salty foods, this effect of masking high salt levels may also explain why MSG is a 'flavor enhancer'. By the way, one of the goals of my Uni studies was to be able to read and understand the studies published in scientific journals regarding nutritional topics. The reports on these kinds of studies in the popular press tend to gloss over weaknesses in many of the studies, they just want a catchy headline.

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I think that like anything edible, there are people who are sensitive to it and have negative reactions. I find that if I eat food with a lot of MSG which is rare, I have trouble sleeping, however, I don't order my food prepared without MSG. There are lots of people who are misinformed however who think that it causes cancer or something and must insist at restaurants that their meals be prepared without it.


OP is a bit IGNORANT like most thais or people in general...

msg's only role is to give food that has no taste (mcdonals, saucages, chinese food, etc...) some taste that people will continue to eat/buy

it has been related to BRAIN FOG

and holes in the brain mass

the food industry found this additive and since then they could sell low grade food and up it a bit with some taste & fake flavor

educate yourself before you post some trash info


One thing I can tell you for sure.

Sodium is Salt !!

A lot of readers on here on getting on a bit, and high blood pressure, liver problems are common place. Salt, or Sodium, is bad for both.

If it is defined in the packaging you should read itr and avoid it.

The problem is restaurants.

I have liver problems, and when I go into a restaurant I specificly tell them NO MSG in my food..

Whether the other chemicals in it are bad for you I dont know. Your choice.


You are 100% wrong on that score! MSG has side effects that can be harmful to you if you have a low tolerance to the stuff. MSG is a flavor enhancer and as such is in many items that we buy and consume on a daily basis. The side effects it can generate are many and they will affect people in different ways and maybe even not at all. It all depends upon the individual's system. But it FAR from being "myth"!


One thing I can tell you for sure.

Sodium is Salt !!

A lot of readers on here on getting on a bit, and high blood pressure, liver problems are common place. Salt, or Sodium, is bad for both.

If it is defined in the packaging you should read itr and avoid it.

The problem is restaurants.

I have liver problems, and when I go into a restaurant I specificly tell them NO MSG in my food..

Whether the other chemicals in it are bad for you I dont know. Your choice.

Sodium is not salt!!

Sodium is a highly reactive metal that is usually stored in oil as it will spontaneously combust if exposed to oxygen - so the one thing you "can tell us for sure" sure ISN'T what you say!!clap2.gif.

Just something that might help you by the way - you should look into taking milk thistle (ultrathistle) for your liver problems as this is better than any prescribed medication you can take (which are dangerous).

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I like MSG, but I know what it does to me later, so I usually avoid it. I can tell when I have had MSG. Serious gut cramps about 5 hours later, and a strong thirst.

A friend of mine quit MSG and her headaches disappeared. They reappear when MSG is ingested.

Obviously it effects different people in different ways. Moderation is the way to go, unless you have serious reactions.

It won't kill you.


Sealbash -- the Mayo Clinic does not say MSG is not harmful. Perhaps you should read the link you provided.

I read the link. Mayo Clinic does not say that MSG is harmful. It says some people have reactions. A few people have allergic reactions, even some women become allergic to their own progesterone giving rise to severe rashes, hives and difficulty breathings. Similarly, some people are allergic to shell fish, and nuts.

MSG is considered to be a natural food substance as it is derived from seaweed.

If you consume too much of anything you will die, even by simply drinking too much water.

Some restaurants and road side stalls put too much salt, sugar and MSG in their food and these places are too be avoided.


You are 100% wrong on that score! MSG has side effects that can be harmful to you if you have a low tolerance to the stuff. MSG is a flavor enhancer and as such is in many items that we buy and consume on a daily basis. The side effects it can generate are many and they will affect people in different ways and maybe even not at all. It all depends upon the individual's system. But it FAR from being "myth"!

Surely the key word here is 'if'. People have intolerances to a wide range of different foods but that does not necessarily make them harmful to all. Too much sugar or salt, however, and the effects are universally bad.

If you have an intolerance to MSG then avoid it, just as you would if you had a nut allergy.

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Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.

Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG


The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?

The best thing about the internet is you can find supporting information for any side of a debate. The Mayo Clinic in USA says MSG is not harmful. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/monosodium-glutamate/AN01251

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have just read this from the British medical journal.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This flavor enhancer for a variety of foods has been used for many years. Many mistakenly assume that only Asian restaurant foods contain MSG, but it is found in everything from soups, to snacks, to main courses. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that MSG is generally recognized as safe, its toxic effects have been reported for decades. Based on peer reviewed studies, there is no question that glutamic acid is neurotoxic.



Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Can't say i've ever heard of anybody getting sick from consuming MSG.

Hold on ! this link is full of websites,pointing out the Dangers of MSG


The main problem is: it's in such wide use as a food additive that it would take a lot of finding out which foods contain it,that it would be a big job to find out just how much of it we are really eating?

The best thing about the internet is you can find supporting information for any side of a debate. The Mayo Clinic in USA says MSG is not harmful. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/monosodium-glutamate/AN01251

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I have just read this from the British medical journal.

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): This flavor enhancer for a variety of foods has been used for many years. Many mistakenly assume that only Asian restaurant foods contain MSG, but it is found in everything from soups, to snacks, to main courses. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) claims that MSG is generally recognized as safe, its toxic effects have been reported for decades. Based on peer reviewed studies, there is no question that glutamic acid is neurotoxic.

I wouldn't believe a single word from any USA based agency such as the Mayo clinic, FDA and such authorities as they are in the pockets of politicians, lobbyists and ex-high level employees of both Big pharma and food (if you can call it that) manufacturers.

I tend to believe the opposite of what they say, so if they say it is safe then it is probably toxic!!

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MSG is an excito-neuro-toxin and is dangerous. I get severe headaches from MSG and for that reason rarely eat out and if I do I stress no MSG.

It might make you wonder why MSG is a vaccine ingredient and why it has so many names in order to hide it on the ingredient labels.

Learn about, it does have severe side affects. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQQGkMhjWig

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