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Just treat all snakes as dangerous and leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Most snakes go away from Humans. Most bites are accidental, mainly from standing on them, or when working or walking in jungles and in fields.

What's that in dog language?

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Just treat all snakes as dangerous and leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Most snakes go away from Humans. Most bites are accidental, mainly from standing on them, or when working or walking in jungles and in fields.

What's that in dog language?

Sorry was not aware dogs cannot read.

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Just treat all snakes as dangerous and leave them alone and they will leave you alone. Most snakes go away from Humans. Most bites are accidental, mainly from standing on them, or when working or walking in jungles and in fields.

What's that in dog language?

Sorry was not aware dogs cannot read.

OK Mr know it all ,treat all snakes as dangerous, what do you do about a dog? If it is my dog or the snake the snake gets chopped up.

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The only natural Krait's in Thailand are:

Pictured is the Branded Krait recognized by the yellow and black stripes. Dangerous but not aggressive, rather shy. lethargic during the day. Active at night and then you "may" have a problem. I've actually picked them up and sent them on their way back into the jungle several times.

And how do you know if you have a 'King Cobra" under your house? Only way to tell is if you saw the back of his head when it is "hooded" which is doubtful at best. The King Cobra and the Cobra (Monocled) are two entirely different species. The "King" is only found in Thailand, now where else, unless they are in a zoo and also in the imaginations of others. You may have a Monocled Cobra. Call the local snake rescue.

If you really want to learn about snakes, one should go to the Red Cross Snake Research Center in Bangkok and not to your local snake farm where myths are abundant. In Bangkok is where they develop and produce the newest anti-venom serums. Great place to learn the truth.

There is an old saying,"Ignorance breeds ignorance". So true, with all the snake killers posting here who haven't a clue.

The most dangerous snake in Thailand is the Monocled Cobra, followed by the Russel's Pit Viper along the Burma border, both cause more deaths in Thailand than all the others. Usually the snakes are so remotely located, that when a person gets bit, the victim can not get medical attention in time even though there is medicine for the bite. The Russel's Viper is very aggressive, will not move even when stepped on, and is active day or night. The Monocled Cobra is found in rice fields where farmers are working. Normally, they flee from humans but strike protecting their nest. They too will not back off once provoked.

I thought the king cobra was indigenous to South East Asia and India I guess I have been watching and reading unfactual documentaries and nature books .

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Ok, ok, lets get one thing strait here, If you bite it and you die, it is POISONOUS! If it bites YOU and you die, it's VENOMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

someone who cant spell "STRAIGHT" fixing the mistakes of others .......cheesy.gif

were talking here about Kraits not Kraightsfacepalm.gif

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Ok, ok, lets get one thing strait here, If you bite it and you die, it is POISONOUS! If it bites YOU and you die, it's VENOMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

someone who cant spell "STRAIGHT" fixing the mistakes of others .......cheesy.gif
were talking here about Kraits not Kraights:facepalm:

now i know why japanese women wont expletive deleted japanese men anymore ....smile.png

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And what about my snake? Is it dangerous? It still lives with us I meet it every 2 - 3 day.


Copperhead racer.

Really cool snakes and nothing to worry about. They are harmless

They use these snakes a lot at snake shows as they can be quite fiesty if cornered and strike VERY fast. They also flex out their neck and body and open their mouths to look more intimidating, just like in your photo.

I had one of these chase me across a road outside Khon Kaen. Fun little guys. They can actually grow pretty big though.

Let him live around your place and he will take care of all the nasty mice and rats. smile.png

Edited by Metapod
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And what about my snake? Is it dangerous? It still lives with us I meet it every 2 - 3 day.


if a snake looked at me like that ,it would be the end of that snake and i would have a nice new belt ......

Or...... Maybe consider growing a set and educating yourself on the local flora and fauna? Rather than kill a harmless snake out of cowardice and ignorance.

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And what about my snake? Is it dangerous? It still lives with us I meet it every 2 - 3 day.


if a snake looked at me like that ,it would be the end of that snake and i would have a nice new belt ......

Or...... Maybe consider growing a set and educating yourself on the local flora and fauna? Rather than kill a harmless snake out of cowardice and ignorance.

its not "harmless" you fool ,it just may not be posionous but a snake bite still needs medical treatment

let it play in the garden with you and your kids

i would kill an angry snake 100 times out of 100

but you in your vast intelligence and giant testicles would be going to ER to seek treatment for a snake bite cheesy.gif

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And what about my snake? Is it dangerous? It still lives with us I meet it every 2 - 3 day.


if a snake looked at me like that ,it would be the end of that snake and i would have a nice new belt ......

Or...... Maybe consider growing a set and educating yourself on the local flora and fauna? Rather than kill a harmless snake out of cowardice and ignorance.

its not "harmless" you fool ,it just may not be posionous but a snake bite still needs medical treatment

let it play in the garden with you and your kids

i would kill an angry snake 100 times out of 100

but you in your vast intelligence and giant testicles would be going to ER to seek treatment for a snake bite cheesy.gif

The only fool here is yourself. You can kill it off like a coward, sure. Just means the food source will still be there, and the potential for a deadly snake to move in rises...

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The only fool here is yourself. You can kill it off like a coward, sure. Just means the food source will still be there, and the potential for a deadly snake to move in rises...

i wouldnt have an agressive snake around the house ,thats it

i dont care if theres venom in the bite or not

i have poison for mice and rats so i dont need a snake to take care of them.......

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The only fool here is yourself. You can kill it off like a coward, sure. Just means the food source will still be there, and the potential for a deadly snake to move in rises...

i wouldnt have an agressive snake around the house ,thats it

i dont care if theres venom in the bite or not

i have poison for mice and rats so i dont need a snake to take care of them.......

Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

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The only fool here is yourself. You can kill it off like a coward, sure. Just means the food source will still be there, and the potential for a deadly snake to move in rises...

i wouldnt have an agressive snake around the house ,thats it

i dont care if theres venom in the bite or not

i have poison for mice and rats so i dont need a snake to take care of them.......

Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

theyre called vermin and pests for a reason

anyway ,when youre top of the food chain you can make decisons on what lives and what doesnt in your garden ....coffee1.gif

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Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

This is a serious question. I have a dog. The dog is trained to guard the house and the people inside. It is not a friendly little cuddly, sit on your lap, inside dog. It is a snarling, scary, rip your throat out angry animal who protects the house. The dog loves me and my wife; anyone else she would just as soon kill. She kills rats, snakes and scorpions. The dog has a family who also kills rats, and snakes and scorpions and has been doing so since before Thais arrived in Thailand. Before man wild dogs killed small mammals for food and killed snakes just because they don't like them. They don't eat them. They just kill them and leave them to rot. So, is the dog a pathetic dog?

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Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

This is a serious question. I have a dog. The dog is trained to guard the house and the people inside. It is not a friendly little cuddly, sit on your lap, inside dog. It is a snarling, scary, rip your throat out angry animal who protects the house. The dog loves me and my wife; anyone else she would just as soon kill. She kills rats, snakes and scorpions. The dog has a family who also kills rats, and snakes and scorpions and has been doing so since before Thais arrived in Thailand. Before man wild dogs killed small mammals for food and killed snakes just because they don't like them. They don't eat them. They just kill them and leave them to rot. So, is the dog a pathetic dog?

There are some wrong assumptions in this "serious" question, first being that there were wild dogs before humans, no, all dogs come from wolf stock and were selectivly bred for certain qualities. You have no way of knowing that the wild wolf did not eat snakes, logicly as snake meat is not toxic they most likely ate them. I would bet that your adorable doggie would eat snake if it was hungry enough. Is your dog "pathetic" ? I don't know, never met the beast but it's temprament will simply reflect it's genetics and training. What is pathetic is introducing poison into the food chain and killing wildlife when there are less damaging alternatives.

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Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

This is a serious question. I have a dog. The dog is trained to guard the house and the people inside. It is not a friendly little cuddly, sit on your lap, inside dog. It is a snarling, scary, rip your throat out angry animal who protects the house. The dog loves me and my wife; anyone else she would just as soon kill. She kills rats, snakes and scorpions. The dog has a family who also kills rats, and snakes and scorpions and has been doing so since before Thais arrived in Thailand. Before man wild dogs killed small mammals for food and killed snakes just because they don't like them. They don't eat them. They just kill them and leave them to rot. So, is the dog a pathetic dog?

There are some wrong assumptions in this "serious" question, first being that there were wild dogs before humans, no, all dogs come from wolf stock and were selectivly bred for certain qualities. You have no way of knowing that the wild wolf did not eat snakes, logicly as snake meat is not toxic they most likely ate them. I would bet that your adorable doggie would eat snake if it was hungry enough. Is your dog "pathetic" ? I don't know, never met the beast but it's temprament will simply reflect it's genetics and training. What is pathetic is introducing poison into the food chain and killing wildlife when there are less damaging alternatives.

I said my dogs family was in Thailand before Thai people and that is true. Dingos came from the same dogs that are in Thailand. My dog was not trained to eat snakes or kill snakes or rats. The dog likes to kill snakes and rats for fun as do most cats. They play with them before killing them.

It it natural. They don't eat snakes they eat mammals and grass. Why would a Thai dog ever be hungry there is food everywhere. My less damaging alternative is killing poisonous snakes before my dog misses a beat and gets bitten by a Malayan pit viper or any other snake that looks even remotely like a Malayan pit viper or a monocled cobra. The dog is an important part of my family and has a guard function saving humans. Dogs have had this function for thousands of years. Snakes don't.

My point was it is natural for dogs, cats and humans to kill snakes.

Some scientists question the recognition of Canis familiaris as a species separate from C. lupus. This is the ‘mainstream’ view eloquently discussed in several good books on dogs and on domestication, including Olsen’s Origins of the Domestic Dog: the Fossil Record (1985).

But here’s the news. The ‘domestic wolf’ model is actually not as firmly established as you might think, possibly wrong, and in fact arguably inferior to an alternative model of domestic dog evolution championed by a minority of canid specialists.

It’s certainly true that domestic dogs and wolves are morphologically and genetically similar, but they’re actually also notably different, and while they share behavioural traits, they also differ profoundly in some important respects.


I have a wild dog. She is a Paria Morph.

Edited by thailiketoo
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Dogs/wollves only eat mammals and grass? They sure like to feast on the cicadas when they drop from trees and seen many licking up termites in season,,, anyway your knowledge of the natural world is too limited to continue on this topic, have a nice day.

Edited by daoyai
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Dogs/wollves only eat mammals and grass? They sure like to feast on the cicadas when they drop from trees and seen many licking up termites in season,,, anyway your knowledge of the natural world is too limited to continue on this topic, have a nice day.

Obvious you don't have a guard dog. It is natural for dogs and cats to kill and play with snakes and lizards and mice/rats. They do it for the fun of watching them writhe in death and hemorrhage blood and guts.

What's the matter daoyai? Getting a little too real for you?

So what am I supposed to do? Let venomous snakes crawl around my garden and take a chance of my dog getting bit? Or me at night locking up when it's dark?

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  • 3 months later...

From the pictures I would say this is a Blue Krait. They are not very aggressive but their bite is deadly. One of my dogs insisted on playing with one and die shortly after getting bite.

Just curious what you think is "blue" about the banded krait that's pictured?

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Dogs/wollves only eat mammals and grass? They sure like to feast on the cicadas when they drop from trees and seen many licking up termites in season,,, anyway your knowledge of the natural world is too limited to continue on this topic, have a nice day.

Obvious you don't have a guard dog. It is natural for dogs and cats to kill and play with snakes and lizards and mice/rats. They do it for the fun of watching them writhe in death and hemorrhage blood and guts.

What's the matter daoyai? Getting a little too real for you?

So what am I supposed to do? Let venomous snakes crawl around my garden and take a chance of my dog getting bit? Or me at night locking up when it's dark?

"They do it for the fun of watching them writhe in death and hemorrhage blood and guts" YOU happen to know WHY these animals do what they do? lol. and he wasnt talking about venomous snakes, try reading for a change.

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

This is a serious question. I have a dog. The dog is trained to guard the house and the people inside. It is not a friendly little cuddly, sit on your lap, inside dog. It is a snarling, scary, rip your throat out angry animal who protects the house. The dog loves me and my wife; anyone else she would just as soon kill. She kills rats, snakes and scorpions. The dog has a family who also kills rats, and snakes and scorpions and has been doing so since before Thais arrived in Thailand. Before man wild dogs killed small mammals for food and killed snakes just because they don't like them. They don't eat them. They just kill them and leave them to rot. So, is the dog a pathetic dog?

So, you comparing yourself with a dog?

Let me explain the difference between a human and a dog. Brains.

...Just saying.

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Some people adapt and live in the natural environment, some declare war on it ..... kill the snakes poison anything else, pathetic human.

This is a serious question. I have a dog. The dog is trained to guard the house and the people inside. It is not a friendly little cuddly, sit on your lap, inside dog. It is a snarling, scary, rip your throat out angry animal who protects the house. The dog loves me and my wife; anyone else she would just as soon kill. She kills rats, snakes and scorpions. The dog has a family who also kills rats, and snakes and scorpions and has been doing so since before Thais arrived in Thailand. Before man wild dogs killed small mammals for food and killed snakes just because they don't like them. They don't eat them. They just kill them and leave them to rot. So, is the dog a pathetic dog?

So, you comparing yourself with a dog?

Let me explain the difference between a human and a dog. Brains.

...Just saying.

That's the theory anyway. Sometimes you have to wonder.

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The only natural Krait's in Thailand are:

Pictured is the Branded Krait recognized by the yellow and black stripes. Dangerous but not aggressive, rather shy. lethargic during the day. Active at night and then you "may" have a problem. I've actually picked them up and sent them on their way back into the jungle several times.

And how do you know if you have a 'King Cobra" under your house? Only way to tell is if you saw the back of his head when it is "hooded" which is doubtful at best. The King Cobra and the Cobra (Monocled) are two entirely different species. The "King" is only found in Thailand, now where else, unless they are in a zoo and also in the imaginations of others. You may have a Monocled Cobra. Call the local snake rescue.

If you really want to learn about snakes, one should go to the Red Cross Snake Research Center in Bangkok and not to your local snake farm where myths are abundant. In Bangkok is where they develop and produce the newest anti-venom serums. Great place to learn the truth.

There is an old saying,"Ignorance breeds ignorance". So true, with all the snake killers posting here who haven't a clue.

The most dangerous snake in Thailand is the Monocled Cobra, followed by the Russel's Pit Viper along the Burma border, both cause more deaths in Thailand than all the others. Usually the snakes are so remotely located, that when a person gets bit, the victim can not get medical attention in time even though there is medicine for the bite. The Russel's Viper is very aggressive, will not move even when stepped on, and is active day or night. The Monocled Cobra is found in rice fields where farmers are working. Normally, they flee from humans but strike protecting their nest. They too will not back off once provoked.

I thought the king cobra was indigenous to South East Asia and India I guess I have been watching and reading unfactual documentaries and nature books .

I asked the Doctor at the Red Cross Snake Farm the exact question. Based on DNA research the "King" started in Thailand and spread outward over several hundred years. The King Cobra originated in Thailand according to him and is in it's own genius. King Cobras found in other parts of SEA have a slight DNA difference. To me, a King is a King no matter where you find it, I'm not checking it for DNA either. What he is saying, any King Cobra found in Thailand, comes from the original Thailand gene pool and is not mixed with other cobras. Does that make sense?

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