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I agree that killing all snakes seems cruel.... they have as as much right to be here as any of us maybe.

But if the snake is venomous, and you have kids, perhaps best to get rid of it.

I always chase them in the direction of my neighbours who has noisy dogs!!!

Actually not true, my wife will call a dreaded Thai maid who knows no fear, and she kills all of them.

It does seem to be normal reaction for Thais to kill....even the harmless little green ones.

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So if you you are right we should send our 2-15 years out snake hunting since olny 7% of them die from snakebite right?

No, it means you should stop posting completely incorrect and made up statements on public forums that you cant back up.

Sorry to have to break it to you but i will never refraing from posting anything to satisfy your doubtfull needs.

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That looks like a Krait. Venomous.

I seriously dislike people who kills snakes.

I understand that, but if there is a danger to your pets or children, or anyone for that matter, they must be killed. The same applies to any living creature.

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Any snake especially poisonous would be killed in a heartbeat.

I just can't get comfortable knowing there is a snake a few meters from me.

In a 'me or him' situation.... It's him.

That applies to any living creature, snake, animal, insect or human.

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Anyone know how to catch a huge king cobra living under our house?

Cannot get under house to catch him, not that I would go under house to catch him.

I have caught many snakes, but never a cobra and somewhat hesitant to do so unless it feels right at the time to have a go.....glasses on etc.

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Any venemous snake capable of harming/killing a human should be killed on sight, wipe em all out !

does that hold for every organism on the planet that can harm/kill a human?

Including humans.

Some people are so ignorant of the natural history of this planet that was here long before them and is vital to maintain balances.

Funny we are are the ones not required in such balance....kind of discomforting and threatening for many.

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Kraits a non aggressive and extremelly lethal - I would not want one around. .

Outside magazine had a chilling article about a herpetologist who was bitten by a juvenile Krait on 9/11 (yep that 9/11) in Myanmar and the next 15 hours or so his co workers tried to keep him alive. can't find the link (old article) but real ugly. Hmm book about the guy is now out ... the wonders of google ... Dr. Slowinski

Don't mess around with a Krait. If you have children around and there is a Krait - kill it. Sorry snake lovers

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For those posters here that seek to save all snakes please provide your name and residential address in Thailand where we might send the various venomous snakes that pose a threat to our families and pets locally so that you may provide sanctuary and secure housing for them.

Failing that your comments are noted and should you be bitten by a snake at some point in the future we will ensure that no medical intervention results as it will be against nature's wish and your beliefs that anything other that prayer and nice thoughts would intervene with the "great plan" and your demise within it.

Happy to let "good" snakes go about their business eating vermin etc. but every "bad" snake I can identify is another local problem removed. Funny how Thais understand this and farangs with no exposure to the problem comment from the safety of their keyboards.

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Anyone know how to catch a huge king cobra living under our house?

Cannot get under house to catch him, not that I would go under house to catch him.

I have caught many snakes, but never a cobra and somewhat hesitant to do so unless it feels right at the time to have a go.....glasses on etc.

Catch it or kill it ?

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Kraits a non aggressive and extremelly lethal - I would not want one around. .

Outside magazine had a chilling article about a herpetologist who was bitten by a juvenile Krait on 9/11 (yep that 9/11) in Myanmar and the next 15 hours or so his co workers tried to keep him alive. can't find the link (old article) but real ugly. Hmm book about the guy is now out ... the wonders of google ... Dr. Slowinski

Don't mess around with a Krait. If you have children around and there is a Krait - kill it. Sorry snake lovers

We had a Krait out the front of our house months ago...guess what, it ran away, well it didn't run, but it went away.

Have not seen it again, it might be still in the jungle, but there could be dozens waiting to replace it, we live in their environment and should not be out to kill everything that lives around us.

I teach my kids this, respect and education.

most snakes and wild animals run away from you....others you have to be careful about.

If one bit one of my kids, I would not be happy for sure, but is it the animals fault or mine for not living in a high rise condo and shielding them from nature.

Last week we had in our front garden or overhead an eagle or large hawk of unidentified species, 4 hornbills, a very yellow type of parrot, a very green type of parrot, bush pheasants, finches, and several other smaller species, also an owl unseen up the back somewhere......it is tragic to kill any wildlife just because it is one species you happen to not like...it is about respect for all.

We could apply the same attitude to septics but that would be seen as cruel by most right?......I said most.

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Anyone know how to catch a huge king cobra living under our house?

Cannot get under house to catch him, not that I would go under house to catch him.

I have caught many snakes, but never a cobra and somewhat hesitant to do so unless it feels right at the time to have a go.....glasses on etc.

Catch it or kill it ?

Catch and relocate.

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The same doctor allso said that the biggest reason people die from snakebites are the shock "OMG. IM SNAKEBITTEN! NOW I DIE" lowering your imune system.

Seriously, where do people get all this <deleted> from!?

Let's make one thing clear; the reason people die from snake bites is because some snakes inject venom. There are two major types of venom: neurotoxic venoms and heamotoxic venoms, plus a small number of other disgusting venoms including venoms that breaks down tissue (necrotising venoms). The venom is the reason people die. Nothing else.

They also die from blood loss and infection after chopping their own leg trying to kill a harmless snake that keeps disease carrying rodent populations in check.

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9 out of 10 lethal snakebites are bitten children

Is this stat available somewhere? I'm not saying you are wrong, but I would be interested in where this stat came from.

Toxins are relative in effect to the body mass and allergic reactions of the victim. A one hundred kilo weightlifter is not as affected by a single beer as a midget, generally. Children are seriously endangered because of the ratio between the toxin amount and their body mass. That is why doctors proscribe lower medicine dosages, in mg per dose, than they would for adults (among several reasons I am not discussing here, for brevity's sake). The elderly are also at high risk because their organ systems are degrading as they age, and they are unable to fight the shock of toxins.

If you want to find statistics, go look for them. They are all over the web.

I generally don't kill anything I won't eat, excepting mosquitoes, flies, taxi drivers and other dangerous pests.

Edited by FangFerang
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Any venemous snake capable of harming/killing a human should be killed on sight, wipe em all out !

does that hold for every organism on the planet that can harm/kill a human?

In case you missed it, the topic is "snakes", not "every organism" , I can see where you were trying to go with that comment but its not relevant.

I dont like snakes, I have an extreme hatred and fear of them, call that whatever you want, its my opinion, my choice, my decision. End of story!

You may feel otherwise, thats your choice/opinion.

And in case YOU missed it, it wasn't a comment. It was a question. I see you are unable to answer. End of story!

Edited by AYJAYDEE
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Any venemous snake capable of harming/killing a human should be killed on sight, wipe em all out !

does that hold for every organism on the planet that can harm/kill a human?
In case you missed it, the topic is "snakes", not "every organism" , I can see where you were trying to go with that comment but its not relevant.

I dont like snakes, I have an extreme hatred and fear of them, call that whatever you want, its my opinion, my choice, my decision. End of story!

You may feel otherwise, thats your choice/opinion.

And in case YOU missed it, it wasn't a comment. It was a question. I see you are unable to answer. End of story!
Unable and unwilling are not the same, I merely did not wish to enter into debate about another issue, the issue here is snakes and your question remains irrelevant. Edited by CharlieH
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At the risk of supplying some factual data to counteract the nonsense that those with an irrational phobia of snakes are spouting, consider the following:

Traffic accidents - reported 54383 - deaths - 7784.

Dengue fever - reported 133377 - deaths - 126

Snakebite - reported 7000 - deaths - 30

It would appear that those who keep spouting "think of the children" would be better teaching their offspring good road sense rather than imparting a fear of snakes.

It is virtually impossible to avoid "traffic" of some sort unless one is a hermit.

Mosquitos likewise are impossible to avoid if you ever leave your air-conditioned condo.

If you are bitten by a snake you are either very unlucky, careless or stupid, especially as most westerners daily work does not bring them into close proximity with the preferred habitats of snakes.

The first is karma, destiny, pre-ordained or whatever you want to believe.

Carelessness can be cured by education and experience.

You can't fix stupid.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

You really think that spouting statistics is really going to influence or address someones fear or hatred of snakes?.......now that has to be amongst the most stupid

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I pick up my car or bike keys and embark upon the road I know what awaits me.

Before leaving home I use and in the side pocket of that car is a anti-mosquito DEET spray.

We teach kids and pets that roads are dangerous things.

Also snakes, scorpions and centipedes are dangerous.

Kids don't always look before putting a hand or foot where a snake happens to be, neither is the eye sight of many old folk perfect.

A snake accidentally cornered or stepped on will care NOTHING about how much good karma you have built up by doing good deeds for snake kind, if it can it will bite you.

You might enjoy the thrill of living next to a open snake farm or rabid dogs with guns but sane people endeavor to reduce risk in their immediate enviroment. If the snake you let go bites and causes the death of a child you will sleep well at night knowing that you karma was not affected?

Take some responsibility for the people around you and remove threats when found - or find a real man to help you !

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