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Why doesn't Thailand do something about all the dogs?


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and who would pay for it?

Pay for what?

sensible dog ownership?

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

killing all the strays. by definition they dont have owners
So that is a reason enough to kill? Because no owners.

Gee, why not kill all the animals and wild life, after all according to your logic none have owners.

Now that we finished talking total and utter nonsense , back to OP.

No one does anything about dogs for the same reason why no one does anything about holes in the roads , bikes riding on footpaths , little kids riding bikes, banks not having charge backs for credit cards, major utility company's not having basic options of paying by credit card and list goes on.

Either deal with it or get over it.

Or if you feel somewhat patriotic, can spend some money on curing sick ones( sometimes it only costs 10 baht) so sickness does not spread and desex a few per week or month.

Thais do kill everything, take a walk in the country a lot of the "wildlife" has gone yet they " mustn't harm a dog" huh PATHETIC, kill em all I say or send them to Vietnam where they can make use of them.

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Most Thai's don't give a flying <deleted> about dogs. Some of the one's in my old soi, the first thing they did in the morning after they got out of bed was open their gates and let their hounds (sometimes 4 in one address) out in the street. Often they would have puppies and as soon as they were old enough (what age is that in Thailand?) they too were allowed to roam. I consider myself a responsible dog owner and once went to a breeder and ordered a German Shepherd puppy for my daughter but stated to the owner I wouldn't pay and collect it till it was 8 weeks old as I thought anything before was too young to remove from it's mother. I took my three and a half year old daughter to see 'her' puppy when it was thee weeks old. The Thai breeder had sold it.

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What's so special about dogs? I have never been able to understand this.

We routinely keep farmyard animals in appalling conditions then slaughter them amidst serious trauma. We destroy wild life and the habitat of wildlife without a second thought. We 'control the numbers' of certain species in the interests of conservation. We poison vermin of all sorts.

But 'controlling' the stray dog population? It is sacrilege to suggest such a thing.

I think this says more about human psychology than it does about dogs. I hate cruelty to animals but, if claim to have compassion, we should divide it evenly between the species. And if we do, this might mean killing dogs (and possibly a few feral human beings!)

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Pay for what?

sensible dog ownership?

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

The problem of responsible pet ownership exists everywhere. I would suggest the OP and others donate to organizations like Soi Dogs if they want to contribute something to the solution of the problem other than more moaning and whining.

About 2.7 million healthy, adoptable cats and dogs—about one every 11 seconds—are put down in U.S. shelters each year. Often these animals are the offspring of cherished family pets. Spay/neuter is a proven way to reduce pet overpopulation, ensuring that every pet has a family to love them


The U.K. Ministry of Defense has recently admitted that between 2002 and 2011, it has euthanized 807 dogs used by soldiers fighting overseas. The MoD says that while efforts are made to find homes for most of its working dogs, the canines used in combat have been harder house. This led to an incredible 125 dogs being put down in 2009 alone.


Did you know that over 126,000 dogs are being picked up by Local Authorities across the UK each year? Over 30,000 homeless dogs are sent to 'rescue' every year to be rehomed, and over 7,000 of them are euthanised by Local Authorities for want of a home.

And these are just the dogs on record - many more thousands (we estimate in the tens of thousands) of dogs are being put to sleep every year simply due to lack of homes.


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They do call stray dogs with rat poison in some places.

It will kill the dog after 6-8 hour with internal bleeding.

Others support organization that will sterilize the pack like http://www.samuidog.org

Please support your local dog/cat rescue. wai.gif

Did not move to pet forum. thumbsup.gif

CULL is the word. Please do not poison any animal. It is a cruel death.

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Think the main problem with the dropping is where the OP Lives, guess anyone living in a concrete jungle will have this problem...

As for countryside and dog poop not a problem.. have 8 house dogs myself, let them out to run around the garden, go around and pick up 2 x a day, but within a very short time insects of all kinds are feeding, and if not picked up the pile has vanished within no time.

City folk maybe get rid of some of the concrete

8 dogs, good man!

Completely off topic, but that sure is a nice SM, your avatar.

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What's so special about dogs? I have never been able to understand this.

We routinely keep farmyard animals in appalling conditions then slaughter them amidst serious trauma. We destroy wild life and the habitat of wildlife without a second thought. We 'control the numbers' of certain species in the interests of conservation. We poison vermin of all sorts.

But 'controlling' the stray dog population? It is sacrilege to suggest such a thing.

I think this says more about human psychology than it does about dogs. I hate cruelty to animals but, if claim to have compassion, we should divide it evenly between the species. And if we do, this might mean killing dogs (and possibly a few feral human beings!)

A cow or rooster is not considered a companion animal. Humans have kept dogs near to them for milenia. Thats what makes them special. Could you not figure that out yourself ?

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Why don't you start doing something? Scooping up poop for a start, in the name of humanitarian concerns voluntarily. Be the CHANGE you want to see, not see what you want to CHANGE, and just talk about it. Start something and I'll participate:)

Edited by Bangkok45
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One of the reasons of course is that the Brainless section of Thai society somehow imagines that they are being virtuos to not kill dogs or mosquitoes while conveniently forgetting about all the other animals that they love to kill and eat-great Buddhists.All Chinese Buddhists are vegatarian-all Taiwanese Buddhists are vegetarian-what happened to the lower cl;ass Buddhists here and in TIbet where they somehow twist Lord Buddas AHIMSA teaching to allow themselves to eat FLESH AND Blood rather than get it in the civilised form of milk products.God help us,and to top it all off-they actually consider it virtuos to stop those great fellows who are exporting all these filthy dogs to Cambodia etc.Is there any sense at all in Thailand,but at least I like the weather.

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I try not to run over the many dogs on the street as i drive late afternoon and night,, the local boys encourage me to kill the dogs, (just run them over but i can't do it) now i understand why,,, dead dog + bottle of whisky = PARTY

I see no connection with a bottle of whiskey. Have you had too much of it?

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One of the reasons of course is that the Brainless section of Thai society somehow imagines that they are being virtuos to not kill dogs or mosquitoes while conveniently forgetting about all the other animals that they love to kill and eat-great Buddhists.All Chinese Buddhists are vegatarian-all Taiwanese Buddhists are vegetarian-what happened to the lower cl;ass Buddhists here and in TIbet where they somehow twist Lord Buddas AHIMSA teaching to allow themselves to eat FLESH AND Blood rather than get it in the civilised form of milk products.God help us,and to top it all off-they actually consider it virtuos to stop those great fellows who are exporting all these filthy dogs to Cambodia etc.Is there any sense at all in Thailand,but at least I like the weather.

Firstly, are you familiar with Theravada, Vajrayana, Mahayana, Zen and the various schools of thoughts in the Buddhist faith? Do not assumed, because it certainly make an ASS of U according to ME!

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One of the reasons of course is that the Brainless section of Thai society somehow imagines that they are being virtuos to not kill dogs or mosquitoes while conveniently forgetting about all the other animals that they love to kill and eat-great Buddhists.All Chinese Buddhists are vegatarian-all Taiwanese Buddhists are vegetarian-what happened to the lower cl;ass Buddhists here and in TIbet where they somehow twist Lord Buddas AHIMSA teaching to allow themselves to eat FLESH AND Blood rather than get it in the civilised form of milk products.God help us,and to top it all off-they actually consider it virtuos to stop those great fellows who are exporting all these filthy dogs to Cambodia etc.Is there any sense at all in Thailand,but at least I like the weather.

plenty of chinese buddhists eat meat

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and who would pay for it?

Pay for what?

sensible dog ownership?

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

killing all the strays. by definition they dont have owners
So that is a reason enough to kill? Because no owners.

Gee, why not kill all the animals and wild life, after all according to your logic none have owners.

Now that we finished talking total and utter nonsense , back to OP.

No one does anything about dogs for the same reason why no one does anything about holes in the roads , bikes riding on footpaths , little kids riding bikes, banks not having charge backs for credit cards, major utility company's not having basic options of paying by credit card and list goes on.

Either deal with it or get over it.

Or if you feel somewhat patriotic, can spend some money on curing sick ones( sometimes it only costs 10 baht) so sickness does not spread and desex a few per week or month.

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and who would pay for it?

Pay for what?

sensible dog ownership?

Sent from my phone with the app thingy.

killing all the strays. by definition they dont have owners
So that is a reason enough to kill? Because no owners.

Gee, why not kill all the animals and wild life, after all according to your logic none have owners.

Now that we finished talking total and utter nonsense , back to OP.

No one does anything about dogs for the same reason why no one does anything about holes in the roads , bikes riding on footpaths , little kids riding bikes, banks not having charge backs for credit cards, major utility company's not having basic options of paying by credit card and list goes on.

Either deal with it or get over it.

Or if you feel somewhat patriotic, can spend some money on curing sick ones( sometimes it only costs 10 baht) so sickness does not spread and desex a few per week or month.

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Im not sure whether u would state Thailand as a third world country, a backward country or a progressive country... But either way, this is what you expect to find . The people just really dont care about the pot holes, the stray dogs, the rats running around the back of street vendors and the list goes on. Lack of money, lack of education, who knows. A different culture, a different way of thinking, different food, times of eating , it all goes into one melting pot... This is thailand.

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Im not sure whether u would state Thailand as a third world country, a backward country or a progressive country... But either way, this is what you expect to find . The people just really dont care about the pot holes, the stray dogs, the rats running around the back of street vendors and the list goes on. Lack of money, lack of education, who knows. A different culture, a different way of thinking, different food, times of eating , it all goes into one melting pot... This is thailand. They dont do something about the dogs because the majority of people dont really care. They are not educated into looking after their own pets let alone the street dogs.

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Not only do these mutts spread ticks, fleas and crap everywhere, but they roam in packs attacking anyone and everything that moves, also the Thai law is you can't step over a mutt on the sidewalk, but must walk around them, meaning you have to step into busy streets.

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Not only do these mutts spread ticks, fleas and crap everywhere, but they roam in packs attacking anyone and everything that moves, also the Thai law is you can't step over a mutt on the sidewalk, but must walk around them, meaning you have to step into busy streets.

I didn't know that.blink.png

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Another DOGS! thread

Do a search. Everything that can possibly be said has been said.

Repetition is part of life. Sports, religion, politics, the weather and on and on. Lots of topics get talked about, analyzed, news featured, written about etc.

It's all food for thought...even the repeats. The alternative is only a key click away.

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