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who uses the "ignore" option ?


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Maybe it's just me, but I can figure from certain members posting style if they are the kind of people who have others on ignore.

At least three posters in this thread wouldn't need to make it public that they have others on ignore, it is obvious from their attitude.

When you have been around for more than a minute, please let us know if your opinion changes.

Will you still be able to see that post without someone quoting it ?

Yes, unless you change your posting style and become a troll. I only have 9 people ignored ... I think to a man they joined in the midst of a political crisis and posted the same crap over and over even when it was proven to be fallacious.

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Not many posters like me so I don't get the chance to use the ignore button. One very prominent poster with about the most posts asked to befriend me, I said yes, I will be happy to, never heard from him since. He must have changed his mind.

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Didnt know it was there, thanks it could be useful for some people I have seen

If you start singing I will use it.

You haven't heard me yet................laugh.png

Meet me in Chaing Mai after the Blether comes back. then maybe I'll get the chance. We could go to that place which was mentioned in the Chaing Mai forum. it's on every Tuesday night.

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Didnt know it was there, thanks it could be useful for some people I have seen

If you start singing I will use it.

You haven't heard me yet................laugh.png

Meet me in Chaing Mai after the Blether comes back. then maybe I'll get the chance. We could go to that place which was mentioned in the Chaing Mai forum. it's on every Tuesday night.

We would get thrown out when l start singing.................laugh.png

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I find this "Ignore" option incredibly interesting. Or, rather, I find the posters who uses it interesting.

Can someone explain to me what is achieved by hiding a post (compared to reading it)..?? I dont want to be a smart ass here, but have you really thought this through..? What bad things will happen if you read a post (you know it's there but you cant see the post itself)?

Are you thinking "bahahaaa, but guess what, I'M NOT READING!!!"? or are you suffering from a disease that makes it impossible for you NOT to reply? Or do you feel offended by a post on an internet forum?

Personally, I read all posts in topics I'm interested in. If someone posts some rubbish or offensive garbage (and trust me, that counts for a majority of posts here), I just...ignore it.

Isn't "ignoring someone on an internet forum" a bit like taking a shit wearing nappies, and then chuckle to yourself while leaning over to let your buddy know "haha, I know what you're thinking now when you smell it, you're thinking "did he fuc_king soil himself?". Bahahaaa, but guess what, I"M WEARING NAPPIES!!!"

Dont fool yourself by ignoring it, the shit is still there whether you admit it or not.

Edited by Forethat
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I find this "Ignore" option incredibly interesting. Or, rather, I find the posters who uses it interesting.

Can someone explain to me what is achieved by hiding a post (compared to reading it)..?? I dont want to be a smart ass here, but have you really thought this through..? What bad things will happen if you read or are unaware of it's content (you know it's there but you cant see the post itself).

Are you thinking "bahahaaa, but guess what, I'M NOT READING!!!".

Personally, I read all posts in topics I'm interested in. If someone posts some rubbish or offensive garbage (and trust me, counts for a majority of posts here), I just...ignore it.

Isn't "ignoring someone on an internet forum" a bit like taking a shit wearing nappies, and then chuckle to yourself while leaning over to let your buddy know "haha, I know what you're thinking now when you smell it, you're thinking "did he fuc_king soil himself?". Bahahaaa, but guess what, I"M WEARING NAPPIES!!!"

Dont fool yourself by ignoring it, the shit is still there whether you admit or not.

what is achieved is that folks who cannot trust themselves to not react in such a way as to get in trouble protect themselves from themselves.

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If in fact someone posts some rubbish or offensive garbage (and trust me, counts for a majority of posts here), I just...ignore it" --- and you know that the same people post the same crap continuously, with almost zero variation .

That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Edited by Forethat
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I still have the will power and self control to not read posts from those that I find irritating or foolish.

So you've built and maintain your own "Ignore" list? The forum feature simply automates your amazing "will power" and "self control".

Seriously, it used to be good when it included the ability to block avatars. I think it got a lot more use then?

Also, be careful if you add someone, and then they later become a Moderator as it is against the ToS to block messages - which is a feature within the "Manage Ignore Preferences" menu - from Moderators.

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The ignore button is a very useful tool to me, my opinion dose not follow the flow of the majority of vocal posters on the forum who complain the most about Thai's and Thailand.

I enjoy a great discussions and have greatly enjoyed locking horns with a knowledgeable poster, that believe what they post and can state and defend their opinion, those persons which I disagree with I would never consider putting on my ignore list.

What type of poster do I place on my ignore list, is the type that seem to post only to get attention, that do not attack the opinion but attack the poster, that state an opinion but are unable to defend that opinion, who seem only to post to get a reaction (response) and then hit the report button to have that response deleted.

So the best way I found in dealing with that is "do not feed the trolling post" by responding to it, any response positive or negative is feeding their need for attention.

By placing them on my ignore list, I do not see the post or read its content as I know I can not learn anything from them and have no desire to respond to anything they post and stop getting my responses deleted.

Just my opinion and reasons why I make great use of the ignore button.


Edited by kikoman
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Why would you do that and in what way does " ignore option " work, if I want to ignore I just do exactly that.smile.png

It hides their nonsensical posts and also gives the option of preventing them from PM'ing you... the latter should be default IMO. There are some sad f'kers out there who have nothing better to do than follow people around.

Nowt stranger than folk. wink.png

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who seem only to post to get a reaction (response) and then hit the report button to have that response deleted.

So what you're saying is that every time you post a nonsense invective or insult it is actually someone else's fault..?


Pity on, For-------------- skin!

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I don't have anyone on mine.

The idiots are just way too entertaining.

Idiots may be, consistently sneering snarky bastards, aren't. I'd rather not get started on their posts of perpetual venom (oh, him again dry.png) and slide on to the next post. As stated before, I don't look at who's posting before reading. Makes for a nicer browsing experience.

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That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Really? Glad you added 'not always'. I never get into dog fights on here. Nor do I ever post 'verbal excrement'.

You're going to check my profile now, aren't you laugh.png

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That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Really? Glad you added 'not always'. I never get into dog fights on here. Nor do I ever post 'verbal excrement'.

You're going to check my profile now, aren't you laugh.png

Yes, that is my opinion. Really.
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That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Really? Glad you added 'not always'. I never get into dog fights on here. Nor do I ever post 'verbal excrement'.

You're going to check my profile now, aren't you laugh.png

Yes, that is my opinion. Really.

Yes, and your entitled to it. Just as others are entitled to theirs. Its the pointless personal attacks that are off topic and unjustified, as has been said by many on this thread and indeed repeated throughout the forum that are not welcome and those who repeat that narsaccistic behaviour need to be "ignored" and thats my opinion.

Once ignored it makes the browsing and reading experience of the forum more enjoyable.

Thats probably why the people running the forum put it there to start with, but thats just a guess.

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That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Really? Glad you added 'not always'. I never get into dog fights on here. Nor do I ever post 'verbal excrement'.

You're going to check my profile now, aren't you laugh.png

Yes, that is my opinion. Really.

Yes, and your entitled to it. Just as others are entitled to theirs. Its the pointless personal attacks that are off topic and unjustified, as has been said by many on this thread and indeed repeated throughout the forum that are not welcome and those who repeat that narsaccistic behaviour need to be "ignored" and thats my opinion.

Once ignored it makes the browsing and reading experience of the forum more enjoyable.

Thats probably why the people running the forum put it there to start with, but thats just a guess.

OK Mick !! Has it ever occured to you when reading through a thread if you have so many ignored users is it still going to make sense, thats my opinion. rolleyes.gif

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That would have made sense if it wasn't for the fact that the posters who claim to have people on their ignore lists are - in my opinion - usually (not always!) the biggest contributors of verbal excrement there is.

Really? Glad you added 'not always'. I never get into dog fights on here. Nor do I ever post 'verbal excrement'.

You're going to check my profile now, aren't you laugh.png

Yes, that is my opinion. Really.

Opinions are like <deleted>, everyone has one. Now that is the only post I've ever made coming even close to verbal excrement. As you were coffee1.gif

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